Don't you guys agree?

I mean Sesame Street for years has corrupted the minds of little kids throughout the world and has never received and punishment.

What's up with that?

It's about time someone step up and kick the crap out of Big Bird and Oscar the Grouch.

Here is just a short list of some of the Muppets' crimes:

BIG BIRD - Solicitates outside of apartments, built a nest on private property.

OSCAR THE GROUCH - Resides in a trash can that is city property, goes into fits and yells at passerbys.

ELMO - Uses and sells illegal drugs.

CO0KIE MONSTER - Has repeatedly broken into Hooper's Market and stolen tons of cookies, attacked a baker carrying a batch of cookies to starving children, attacked a little girl who asked for a cookie.

There are many other crimes that I will go into later. If you see a member of Sesame Street commit a crime report it here immediatly and help build up the case against them so that Attorney General John Asscroft will be able to prosecute these puppet monsters!!

Originally posted by Marco Hunt:
Don't you guys agree?

Someone agrees with you