
    NEW YORK - Let the couch-jumping begin: Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes are expecting a baby. Holmes' pregnancy was reported Wednesday by People magazine. The couple have been dating since April and became engaged in June.

    "Tom and Katie are very excited, and the entire family is very excited," Lee Anne DeVette, Cruise's spokeswoman, told People.

    It would be Holmes' first child. Cruise has two children, Connor, 10, and Isabella, 12, from his marriage to Nicole Kidman.

    No further details were available. Devette added that Holmes, 26, "has never felt better."

    Cruise, 43, is now shooting "Mission" Impossible 3."

he was shooting something else before Mission Impossible 3 apparently.
I doubt he's the real dad.

She was probably impregnated by an alien or some shit.
John Travolta
Or Kelly Preston.
I'd buy that for a dollar.
I wonder what he's naming the kid.

rex said:
I doubt he's the real dad.

She was probably impregnated by an alien or some shit.

if it's his then he owes nicole kidman an apology for dumping her when she told him she was pregnant by him. Watch out KAtie this man has a pattern!

I was just getting over this relationship!!!!!! Now it's back to boggle my mind again! Damn you Tom Cruise ... damn you!!!!!

Anonymous One said:
I wonder what he's naming the kid.

Tony Stark Cruise or Jerry Maguire Cruise.
How about I-was-conceived-because-daddy-was-pissed-that-Katrina-Roberts-DeLay-Sheehan-etc.-pushed-him-off-the-front-page Cruise?

rex said:

    NEW YORK - Let the couch-jumping begin: Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes are expecting a baby. Holmes' pregnancy was reported Wednesday by People magazine. The couple have been dating since April and became engaged in June.

    "Tom and Katie are very excited, and the entire family is very excited," Lee Anne DeVette, Cruise's spokeswoman, told People.

    It would be Holmes' first child. Cruise has two children, Connor, 10, and Isabella, 12, from his marriage to Nicole Kidman.

    No further details were available. Devette added that Holmes, 26, "has never felt better."

    Cruise, 43, is now shooting "Mission" Impossible 3."

I wonder who the father is.

Glacier16 said:

My reaction was more like "Ewww!"

Anonymous One said:
I wonder what he's naming the kid.

L. Ron Cruise

Xenu Cruise
Hubbard Xenu Cruise.

Dawson Pacey Holmes (you don't actually think this will last???)
Posted By: the G-man Re: Tom Cruise Katie Holmes to breed - 2005-10-08 7:14 PM
My one thought on the pregnancy: God help this woman if she gets postpartum depression.
Posted By: klinton Re: Tom Cruise Katie Holmes to breed - 2005-10-08 7:17 PM

the G-man said:
My one thought on the pregnancy: God help this woman if she gets postpartum depression.

The 'I grew up wanting to marry Tom Cruise' fairy tail is gonna come crashing down...There's a huge difference bettween stolen kisses on the red carpet and changing diapers.
Posted By: Chris Oakley Re: Tom Cruise Katie Holmes to breed - 2005-10-08 7:17 PM
My sentiments exactly.
Posted By: harleykwin Re: Tom Cruise Katie Holmes to breed - 2005-10-08 7:32 PM

the G-man said:
My one thought on the pregnancy: God help this woman if she gets postpartum depression.

Brooke Sheilds would laugh her ass off at that - and rightfully so...
Posted By: klinton Re: Tom Cruise Katie Holmes to breed - 2005-10-08 7:34 PM

harleykwin said:

the G-man said:
My one thought on the pregnancy: God help this woman if she gets postpartum depression.

Brooke Sheilds would laugh her ass off at that - and rightfully so...

Fuck...that's right...I'd forgotten about Tom's freaky ass crusade to save the world from medication by joining a cult bent on mind fuckery.

Fuck...only in America.
Posted By: harleykwin Re: Tom Cruise Katie Holmes to breed - 2005-10-08 7:40 PM
Heh, I know

I don't know what the fuck happened to Cruise, but he dun lost his mind...
How do you know he wasn't always this loony?
Posted By: Stupid Doog Re: Tom Cruise Katie Holmes to breed - 2005-10-09 12:50 AM
Scientology is the greatest money making con of the 20th century.
Posted By: reax Re: Tom Cruise Katie Holmes to breed - 2005-10-09 12:51 AM
I like Amway better.
Posted By: the G-man Re: Tom Cruise Katie Holmes to breed - 2005-11-24 7:30 PM
Tom Cruise Buys Sonogram Machine for Katie

    Tom Cruise has made an unusual purchase for his fiancee Katie Holmes — one that will let them see the development of their baby.

    "I bought a sonogram machine," Cruise says on ABC's "Barbara Walters Presents: The 10 Most Fascinating People of 2005,"

    The 43-year-old actor said the couple will do their own sonograms, which show fetus development with ultrasound waves. Cruise said he will donate the machine to a hospital after the baby is born. Sonogram machines range in cost from $25,000 to $200,000.

    Holmes' pregnancy was announced in early October. The couple, who have been dating since April, became engaged in June.

    "We are gonna get married next summer or early fall," Cruise told Walters. "We don't have a date set yet."
Posted By: Ultimate Jaburg53 Re: Tom Cruise Katie Holmes to breed - 2005-11-24 10:04 PM
"come out of the closet, Tom."
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: Tom Cruise Katie Holmes to breed - 2005-11-25 7:28 AM
He's not in there, remember?

Where's R. Kelly when you need him? He'd make Tom come out of the closet!
Posted By: Glacier16 Re: Tom Cruise Katie Holmes to breed - 2005-11-25 7:28 AM
We'll ask Travolta first!
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: Tom Cruise Katie Holmes to breed - 2005-11-25 7:29 AM
"Tom, you gotta get outta there, oh my Gahd!!!"
Posted By: Glacier16 Re: Tom Cruise Katie Holmes to breed - 2005-11-25 7:33 AM
"One... imma shoot u both
Two... imma shoot that ****
Three..................................................................................................now im in the closet too "
Posted By: PrincessElisa Re: Tom Cruise Katie Holmes to breed - 2005-11-25 7:36 AM
He bought a freakin' sonogram machine?

That is so completley pathetic.........do pregnant women WANT sonogram machines for presents???????? I think not..........shoot none of my friends do anyways...this is truly sad.

What does the guy give you that has everything? A sonogram machine........
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: Tom Cruise Katie Holmes to breed - 2005-11-25 7:38 AM

Glacier16 said:
"One... imma shoot u both
Two... imma shoot that ****
Three..................................................................................................now im in the closet too "

"And then I pull out my gun!!!"


Send the Ginger Kids in...
Posted By: Glacier16 Re: Tom Cruise Katie Holmes to breed - 2005-11-25 7:41 AM
"red power!"

Get the daywalker!
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: Tom Cruise Katie Holmes to breed - 2005-11-25 7:41 AM
"What did that kid say to you?"
Posted By: Glacier16 Re: Tom Cruise Katie Holmes to breed - 2005-11-25 7:44 AM
We'll pick up with Clyde's speech about lesbian cheerleaders after recess.
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: Tom Cruise Katie Holmes to breed - 2005-11-25 7:46 AM
"Gingers have a long and proud history! There have been many great Gingers, like..."

"Uh, Ron Howard!"

"Yeah! And...and, uh...umm..."

"Ron Howard."
Posted By: Glacier16 Re: Tom Cruise Katie Holmes to breed - 2005-11-25 7:48 AM
Make no mistake. Ginger kids are evil. You know who was ginger? Judas. And what did Judas do? Oh, he just got Jesus killed, that's all.
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: Tom Cruise Katie Holmes to breed - 2005-11-25 8:21 AM
And if you think that Gingervitis is as serious as I say, I have one thing to say...

Think again.
Posted By: Glacier16 Re: Tom Cruise Katie Holmes to breed - 2005-11-25 8:28 AM
Wait a minute, whoa, whoa! You don't actually believe this crap, do you? Dummy! Brainwashed alien souls? E-meters and thetan levels? Those people out there buy that crap and I thought you were smart enough to see what was really going on!

But you said that there were -

What's better than telling people a stupid story and having them believe you? Having them pay you for it, stupid!

But then, why me? Why do you need me to write something so badly?

Because if those people all think you're the reincarnation of L. Ron Hubbard, then they'll all buy your new writings, and you and I together will make $3,000,000!


That's how the scam works! But this is a scam on a global scale! Do you f[bleep]ing get me now?
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: Tom Cruise Katie Holmes to breed - 2005-11-25 8:31 AM
I'll sue you!!!
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: Tom Cruise Katie Holmes to breed - 2005-11-25 8:32 AM
Dear Scientologists:

Go ahead! Sue me! Sue me!!! All of you! Sue me!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


John Smith and Jane Smith
Posted By: Glacier16 Re: Tom Cruise Katie Holmes to breed - 2005-11-25 8:45 AM
What did you say to him?

I just told him I thought the Napoleon Dynamite guy is a better actor than he is.

Oh boy.
Posted By: rex Re: Tom Cruise Katie Holmes to breed - 2005-11-25 8:48 AM

Joe Mama said:
And if you think that Gingervitis is as serious as I say, I have one thing to say...

Think again.

that has to be the gayest thing you've ever posted.
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: Tom Cruise Katie Holmes to breed - 2005-11-25 8:51 AM
Which means you've masturbated to it how many times?
Posted By: the G-man Cruise Suing South Park? - 2005-12-07 9:00 PM
Julie Hilden, a FindLaw columnist, graduated from Yale Law School in 1992. She practiced First Amendment law at the D.C. law firm of Williams & Connolly from 1996-99. She tackles the question Could Tom Cruise Sue "South Park" For Suggesting He is Gay? And Even If He Could, Should He?:

    A recent episode of the television animated comedy "South Park" mocked Tom Cruise -- suggesting that he is homosexual, and lying to hide that fact. Could Cruise bring a defamation suit against the show?

    In the past, Cruise has sued those who have made the very same claim. Indeed, when Cruise was married to Nicole Kidman, the couple made a point of doing so: In 1997, Kidman told Ladies' Home Journal that when reports claimed their marriage was a sham, "[W]e are going to sue over it. It gets to a point where you have to protect your children." Now that Cruise is set to marry Katie Holmes, who's pregnant with his child, it seems unlikely that he will take a different view.

    Could Cruise successfully sue "South Park"? And more broadly, should he continue his campaign of directly combating the claim that he's homosexual, or rethink the ethics of bringing such lawsuits?

    The South Park Episode: Treading the Boundary of Parody and Satire

    The relevant "South Park" episode -- entitled "Trapped in the Closet" -- self-consciously skirts the outermost edges of the First Amendment's protection for parody. A court would probably deem it constitutionally protected, but only barely.

    Defamation requires a "statement of fact" -- and for this reason, most parody, because of its fictional nature, falls outside defamation law by definition. But this is the rare parody that, fairly read, does make a statement of fact.

    In the episode, the animated version of Cruise literally goes into a closet, and won't come out. Other characters beg him to "come out of the closet," including the animated version of his ex-wife, Nicole Kidman. The Kidman character promises Cruise that if he comes out of the closet, neither she nor "Katie" will judge him. But the Cruise character claims he isn't "in the closet," even though he plainly is.

    No one could miss that the episode's creators are taking a stance and making a statement -- that the real Cruise is gay and hiding it. The use of the euphemism "in the closet" -- used to refer to someone who is homosexual but who has not admitted his or her homosexuality to friends, family, or the public -- is transparent.

    Interestingly, the episode itself indicates that its creators know well that they may be defaming Cruise, and they know of his litigious history. The joke disclaimer preceding the episode announces that "All characters and events on this show -- even those based on real persons -- are entirely fictional." At the end of the episode, the Cruise character threatens to bring a suit (not on the gay issue, but in defense of Scientology) "in England" -- which lacks a formal equivalent of the First Amendment. And all the credits at the end use the pseudonyms "John Smith" and "Jane Smith."

    Since the episode does indeed make a "statement of fact," the parody exception to defamation law won't save "South Park." Thus, the creators' only weapon against a possible suit by Cruise is a First Amendment defense. Fortunately for them, the Supreme Court has interpreted the defense very broadly.

    The Broad First Amendment Protection for Parody and Satire

    In Campbell v. Acuff-Rose Music Inc., Justice Souter, writing for a unanimous Supreme Court, found that a 2 Live Crew song counted as parody. In so doing, Justice Souter quoted then-U.S. District Judge Pierre Leval as follows: "First Amendment protections do not apply only to those who speak clearly, whose jokes are funny, and whose parodies succeed."

    On this logic, the First Amendment gives breathing room to creative works even when they fail in their goals. Thus, here, the "South Park" episode is protected even if its literalization of the "in the closet" metaphor won't make a single viewer chuckle.

    The point is that it was at least trying to make people laugh. And probably, the very silliness of the literalization -- the fact that it was the least creative thing the creators possibly could have done -- did indeed amuse some viewers. "South Park's" appeal, after all, isn't its subtlety.

    But does it make a different that Cruise's would be a defamation case? Judge Leval originally stated this principle in the trademark context. And when Justice Souter applied this principle in the Campbell case, he did so in the copyright context

    Courts, I believe, would probably invoke the same rule in the defamation context, too, for in the end the principle is about creating a healthy margin of error for First Amendment-protected speakers and writers, and that concern is present in all these different areas of law. This is consistent with the principle the Supreme Court has frequently espoused that the First Amendment is in a "preferred position" in the legal hierarchy -- meaning that laws or government actions that infringe on free speech not likely to be upheld.

    In the defamation context, though, the rule's application -- though correct, as a matter of constitutional law -- may be especially unfortunate for the plaintiff.

    It's one thing to co-opt part of a song, or use a trademark, in a parody: Without using part of the original, the parody won't work at all; no one will know what its target is.

    But it's another thing to embed what would otherwise be a defamatory statement in a work of fiction: This is defamation in satire's clothing, and it's only in order to protect true satire that that the Constitution has been held to also protect this lesser creature.

    Generally, courts don't want to get into the business of picking out nuggets of fact from an otherwise fictional account.

    The upshot, though -- and courts know this, and accept this cost in the service of free speech -- is that parody and satire inevitably may become a refuge for rogues who seek to defame without liability. That seems to me to be just what's happening with respect to the "South Park" episode.

    Should Plaintiffs Argue that Simply Being Considered Gay Is Defamatory?

    In sum, a Cruise-versus-"South Park" suit would almost certainly be dismissed on First Amendment grounds. Moreover, such a suit -- depending on the way it was framed -- might arguably be as ethically problematic, as it is legally problematic, at least for those who believe that bias against homosexuals is wrong.

    Cruise has chosen, in the past, not only to challenge allegations that he cheated or lied to cover up his alleged homosexuality, but also to directly challenge allegations that he is gay. In 2001, Cruise's attorney Bert Fields was quoted saying to E! Online, that "[Cruise] is a great respecter of homosexual rights, but he's not gay, and he's ready to prove this in court. Tom is tired of it and it hurts his children. It's something that will be there forever. And damn it, he's going to stop it." (Emphasis added).

    If Cruise is truly a great respecter of homosexual rights, then to comport with his own ethical beliefs, he should have been more careful in crafting his past suit.

    Cruise already had a strong suit based on suggestions that he was an adulterer and a liar -- cheating on his wife and misrepresenting the character of their marriage to the public. Did he need to also directly take aim at the statement that he was gay?

    Imagine a white person in the Jim Crow South suing to counter rumors that he was hiding African-American ancestry, and the problem with such a claim becomes plain: The purpose of the claim is to restore the plaintiff to a prior, undeserved position of societal privilege, so he can avoid the maltreatment, racism -- and if he is a racist himself, the shame -- that he would otherwise suffer. The claim itself, then, rests on a malicious societal hierarchy.

    The same is arguably true of a claim by a straight person that he has been falsely labeled as gay: Such a claim takes advantage of the courts so that one person can escape bias that others unfairly suffer.

    It also caters to societal bias by saying, in effect, "Stop thinking less of me; I'm not really gay." But imagine, again, the parallel claim: "Stop thinking less of me, I'm not really African-American."

    Should Courts Stop Deeming Claims of Homosexuality Defamatory?

    Of course, not all the responsibility can be put on plaintiffs who choose to sue to combat claims that they are gay. Some must also lie on courts that continue to deem allegations of homosexuality defamatory.

    Currently, polling shows that a large percentage of the country favors gay civil unions -- as opposed to "gay marriage -- which would grant gay couples many of the same rights as married couples. Meanwhile, highly popular television shows feature positive gay themes -- such as "Will and Grace," "Dawson's Creek," "Sex and the City," and "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy." In this day and age, then, it's worth considering whether labeling people as gay really defames them, such that their reputations are truly damaged.

    Perhaps a straight person's being falsely considered gay should remain an eye-opener, and cease to be a tort. (Employment discrimination based on perceived sexual orientation, whether the perception is false or true, is -- and should be -- separately illegal in some jurisdictions.)

    In my view, a "straight-person's privilege" isn't the kind the courts should be protecting. Indeed, a friend of mine who's a practicing First Amendment lawyer believes this so strongly, he won't, as a matter of professional ethics, argue a case for libel-by-claim-of-homosexuality in court. He'd rather be on the right side of history, and decline.

    While Tom Cruise won't be able to successfully sue South Park for its satire, he may have the option to sue others who claim he is gay in the future. When he does have this opportunity, he may want to think twice -- and, at a minimum, rephrase his suit to focus on false claims that he is a liar, not false claims that he is gay.
Posted By: Chewy Walrus Re: Cruise Suing South Park? - 2005-12-07 9:29 PM
It's been established that Cruise is a humorless douchebag. This is just rehashing that fact.

*NOTE*: The content of this post was made purely in jest and all libelous or slanderous statements toward the Humorless Douchebag in question were purely fictional - be they true or not.

Thank you.

the attorneys at Dewey, Cheatum, and Howe
Posted By: Jason E. Perkins Re: Cruise Suing South Park? - 2006-02-15 1:41 AM
Reports say Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes have called it quits. More to come.
Posted By: PJP Re: Cruise Suing South Park? - 2006-02-15 1:42 AM
They don't have any movies to promote.......they will reunite during the MI3 promotions............and Cruise will make out with Ellen on her couch.
Posted By: Glacier16 Re: Cruise Suing South Park? - 2006-02-15 1:42 AM
Thank God for PJP!
Posted By: the G-man Re: Cruise Suing South Park? - 2006-02-15 1:52 AM

Wednesday said:
Reports say Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes have called it quits. More to come.

Thank god they didn't do something stupid and irresponsible like plan to bring a kid into the world first.
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: Tom Cruise Katie Holmes to breed - 2006-02-15 2:24 AM

Glacier16 said:
Make no mistake. Ginger kids are evil. You know who was ginger? Judas. And what did Judas do? Oh, he just got Jesus killed, that's all.

I have a proud heritage!
Posted By: Brian Jonopolus Re: Tom Cruise Katie Holmes to breed - 2006-02-15 9:19 AM

rex said:

Joe Mama said:
And if you think that Gingervitis is as serious as I say, I have one thing to say...

Think again.

that has to be the gayest thing you've ever posted.

But not the gayest thing I've ever posted.
Posted By: the G-man Re: Cruise and Holmes Deny Split - 2006-02-15 4:46 PM
Tom Cruise, Holmes Deny Seperation Report

    Not true. That was Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes' response Tuesday to a Valentine's Day report by Life & Style magazine claiming that the Hollywood superstar and his pregnant paramour have split up.

    "It should be known that the story is 100 percent false," Arnold Robinson, a publicist for the couple, said in a statement. "Mr. Cruise and Ms. Holmes are still engaged and are moving forward with their wedding plans, as well as planning for the arrival of their child."

    The Feb. 27 issue of the magazine, which will be on news stands Friday, says in a cover story that the public pair "plan to keep up the charade of their romance until after their baby's birth this spring."

    Holmes, 27, and Cruise, 43, have been engaged since June. They announced her pregnancy in October.

    "Despite the malicious fallacies put forth by Life & Style magazine, the couple is looking forward to a long and happy life together as a family," Robinson said.

Well, there you have it. When would a Tom Cruise publicist ever lie to the American people?
Posted By: the G-man Re: Cruise Suing South Park? - 2006-03-17 5:47 AM
Report: Blame Cruise for yanked 'South Park' repeat

    Fans of South Park were disappointed last night when a scheduled rerun of the show's infamous, Scientology-mocking "Trapped in the Closet" episode, in which Tom Cruise locks himself in new Hubbardite savior Stan's closet, was quietly yanked. The Hollywood Interrupted blog reports that a threat from Cruise himself may have been behind the episode's sudden disappearance.

    Sources from inside Paramount and South Park Studios report that parent company Viacom pulled last night's scheduled repeat of the high-rated "Trapped in the Closet" episode after the humorless Scientologist movie star Tom Cruise threatened to cancel all publicity for Mission Impossible:3 if Comedy Central aired the episode that satirizes Scientology and mocks his sexuality again.

    Not only is this the first time that the South Park creators have been officially censored in their ten hit seasons with Comedy Central, Viacom officials also reportedly ordered Matt Stone and Trey Parker not to discuss the reason why their episode was cancelled.

    The South Park boys are said to be angry, but will probably get revenge with the manner in which they deal with Scientologist Isaac Hayes' departure from the show.

    If Cruise did indeed make the threat, Viacom really should've called his bluff. Sure, Cruise might've been upset that a crudely animated version of himself was being abused on television, but those feelings would probably pass once he started to get excited about the opportunity to turn another huge publicity tour into a glorified infomercial for his wedding plans and anti-psychiatry crusade.
Posted By: The Time Trust Re: Cruise Suing South Park? - 2006-03-17 5:49 AM
Poor Tom Cruise.

Posted By: rex Re: Cruise Suing South Park? - 2006-03-17 6:21 AM
Anyone else think its about time to cancel South Park?
They are letting all the groups they make fun of push them around, and one of the main voices quit. I think its about time to end it.
Posted By: the G-man Re: Cruise Suing South Park? - 2006-03-17 6:39 AM
The new season starts next week. I'd like to see how that is before I decide.

Also, Chef is hardly a main voice. He hasn't been in that many episodes over the past few seasons, in fact.

Finally, it isn't Matt and Trey letting people push them around, its the network. According to the article Matt and Trey are pissed that Comedy Central wimped out.
Posted By: the G-man Re: Cruise Suing South Park? - 2006-03-17 9:36 PM
The attorney for South Park creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone issued this official statement late yesterday addressing the "Trapped in the Closet" episode being yanked:


    So, Scientology, you may have won THIS battle, but the million-year war for earth has just begun! Temporarily anozinizing our episode will NOT stop us from keeping Thetans forever trapped in your pitiful man-bodies. Curses and drat! You have obstructed us for now, but your feeble bid to save humanity will fail! Hail Xenu!!!

    -Trey Parker and Matt Stone, servants of the dark lord Xenu
Posted By: Stupid Doog Re: Cruise Suing South Park? - 2006-03-17 9:45 PM

I love those guys.
Posted By: Stupid Doog Re: Cruise Suing South Park? - 2006-03-17 9:47 PM
Hubbards followers are so anal about their religion. They need a sense of humor.
Posted By: Stupid Doog Re: Tom Cruise Katie Holmes to breed - 2006-03-17 9:49 PM

Brian Jonopolus said:

rex said:

Joe Mama said:
And if you think that Gingervitis is as serious as I say, I have one thing to say...

Think again.

that has to be the gayest thing you've ever posted.

But not the gayest thing I've ever posted.

The Gingervitis has eaten Carrot Tops legs!
Posted By: sweetmarlene Re: Tom Cruise Katie Holmes to breed - 2006-03-18 9:47 AM

Scroll down if you want to watch the South Park episode where they make fun of Scientology. It's hilarious!
Posted By: The Time Trust Re: Tom Cruise Katie Holmes to breed - 2006-03-18 11:19 AM
That was a good episode.
Posted By: Killconey Re: Tom Cruise Katie Holmes to breed - 2006-03-18 12:03 PM

sweetmarlene said:

Scroll down if you want to watch the South Park episode where they make fun of Scientology. It's hilarious!

Good find, honey!
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: Tom Cruise Katie Holmes to breed - 2006-03-18 10:10 PM

Killconey said:

sweetmarlene said:

Scroll down if you want to watch the South Park episode where they make fun of Scientology. It's hilarious!

Good find, honey!

Posted By: Chewy Walrus Re: Tom Cruise Katie Holmes to breed - 2006-03-18 10:13 PM
Jealous much?
Posted By: big_pimp_tim Re: Tom Cruise Katie Holmes to breed - 2006-03-18 10:15 PM
Posted By: Killconey Re: Tom Cruise Katie Holmes to breed - 2006-03-18 10:28 PM
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: Tom Cruise Katie Holmes to breed - 2006-03-18 10:48 PM

Chewy Walrus said:
Jealous much?

Could you be more specific? Jealous of whom?
Posted By: Killconey Re: Tom Cruise Katie Holmes to breed - 2006-03-18 10:49 PM
The man with Marlene's heart.
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: Tom Cruise Katie Holmes to breed - 2006-03-18 10:59 PM

Killconey said:
The man with Marlene's heart.

You tore out her heart?!?

You fucking bastard...you betrayed Kali...you betrayed Kali-Ma...
Posted By: Killconey Re: Tom Cruise Katie Holmes to breed - 2006-03-18 11:06 PM
Posted By: big_pimp_tim Re: Tom Cruise Katie Holmes to breed - 2006-03-18 11:56 PM

and there were plans in motion to split you 2 up. have you no shame
Posted By: Killconey Re: Tom Cruise Katie Holmes to breed - 2006-03-19 1:15 AM
Man with me being a bastard and her a corpse with no heart, our kids will be even more messed up then Tom and Katie's. (had to sneak back on topic before anyone noticed)
Posted By: big_pimp_tim Re: Tom Cruise Katie Holmes to breed - 2006-03-19 1:17 AM

Killconey said:
Man with me being a bastard and her a corpse with no heart, our kids will be even more messed up then Tom and Katie's. (had to sneak back on topic before anyone noticed)

iono....he is a pretty big bastard, and she has problems that having a heart can't overcome. you 2 might be ahead of that game.
Posted By: sweetmarlene Re: Tom Cruise Katie Holmes to breed - 2006-03-19 9:51 AM

big_pimp_tim said:

Killconey said:
Man with me being a bastard and her a corpse with no heart, our kids will be even more messed up then Tom and Katie's. (had to sneak back on topic before anyone noticed)

iono....he is a pretty big bastard, and she has problems that having a heart can't overcome. you 2 might be ahead of that game.

Damn right we are!!
Posted By: Killconey Re: Tom Cruise Katie Holmes to breed - 2006-03-19 9:54 AM
You can't talk. I ripped out your heart.
Posted By: big_pimp_tim Re: Tom Cruise Katie Holmes to breed - 2006-03-19 9:55 AM
her heart, not her lungs, jeez
Posted By: sweetmarlene Re: Tom Cruise Katie Holmes to breed - 2006-03-19 9:56 AM

Killconey said:
You can't talk. I ripped out your heart.

Oh. Whoops.
Posted By: Killconey Re: Tom Cruise Katie Holmes to breed - 2006-03-19 10:01 AM
Wait, you can probably type.
Posted By: big_pimp_tim Re: Tom Cruise Katie Holmes to breed - 2006-03-19 10:06 AM
Posted By: Animalman Re: Tom Cruise Katie Holmes to breed - 2006-03-19 10:07 AM
Wait, you ripped out her heart, and she didn't die?

Fucking hell, this sweetmarlene is some sort of unstoppable demon monster...hell-bent on giving me the wrong order at chicken hut.
Posted By: big_pimp_tim Re: Tom Cruise Katie Holmes to breed - 2006-03-19 10:09 AM
how will you kill her now?
Posted By: Killconey Re: Tom Cruise Katie Holmes to breed - 2006-03-19 10:09 AM
Damn. How will he kill her now?
Posted By: big_pimp_tim Re: Tom Cruise Katie Holmes to breed - 2006-03-19 10:10 AM

Killconey said:
Damn. How will he kill her now?


big_pimp_tim said:
how will you kill her now?

Posted By: Animalman Re: Tom Cruise Katie Holmes to breed - 2006-03-19 10:11 AM

big_pimp_tim said:
how will you kill her now?

It, you mean. I don't know. I may have to just be content with tracking down its fiance and convincing him to break up with it. Then at least I'll have crushed its spirit in a fashion similar to the way it crushed mine.

Problem is, I have no idea who its fiance is.
Posted By: big_pimp_tim Re: Tom Cruise Katie Holmes to breed - 2006-03-19 10:12 AM
i c said the blind man
Posted By: sweetmarlene Re: Tom Cruise Katie Holmes to breed - 2006-03-19 11:02 AM

Animalman said:
Wait, you ripped out her heart, and she didn't die?

Fucking hell, this sweetmarlene is some sort of unstoppable demon monster...hell-bent on giving me the wrong order at chicken hut.

Posted By: big_pimp_tim Re: Tom Cruise Katie Holmes to breed - 2006-03-19 11:04 AM
she is truly evil, and a kc pwn3d!!!1! machine
Posted By: Killconey Re: Tom Cruise Katie Holmes to breed - 2006-03-19 11:06 AM
Marlene's evilness should never be questioned.
Posted By: big_pimp_tim Re: Tom Cruise Katie Holmes to breed - 2006-03-19 11:17 AM
no more doubts dude, no more
Posted By: The Time Trust Re: Tom Cruise Katie Holmes to breed - 2006-03-19 1:15 PM

Is Rob Kamphausen secretly a Scientologist?
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: Tom Cruise Katie Holmes to breed - 2006-03-19 2:36 PM
a gay scientologist.
Posted By: Stupid Doog Re: Tom Cruise Katie Holmes to breed - 2006-03-19 3:25 PM
like there's any other kind!
Posted By: sneaky bunny Re: Tom Cruise Katie Holmes to breed - 2006-03-19 8:36 PM

big_pimp_tim said:

Killconey said:
Man with me being a bastard and her a corpse with no heart, our kids will be even more messed up then Tom and Katie's. (had to sneak back on topic before anyone noticed)

iono....he is a pretty big bastard, and she has problems that having a heart can't overcome. you 2 might be ahead of that game.

dude, she may have hammer-toes and be from Ohio isn't that big of a probl-- nevermind.
Posted By: sneaky bunny Re: Tom Cruise Katie Holmes to breed - 2006-03-19 8:37 PM

Killconey said:
You can't talk. I ripped out your heart.

the miracle of mecureochrome!
Posted By: the G-man Tom Cruise Less Popular Than Saddam - 2006-03-25 5:12 AM
Tom Cruise Less Popular Than Saddam

    Could actor Tom Cruise be even less popular than a mass murderer?

    Respondents in a poll said they’d rather spend the night with deposed Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein than the "Mission Impossible” star.

    Stuff Magazine asked readers who among four personalities they would least like to share a camping tent with overnight. Cruise took the prize with 41 percent, with Saddam trailing at 39 percent. Sportscaster/celebrity reporter Pat O’Brien got 15 percent and actress/comedienne Kathy Griffin, 5 percent.

    It’s been a bad few weeks for Cruise. He recently "won” an unwanted Razzie award at a ceremony acknowledging the year's worst films and stars.

    Cruise - who is engaged to pregnant actress Katie Holmes - was given the Most Tiresome Tabloid Target prize for his embarrassing behavior last year, which included the now infamous "couch jumping” incident on Oprah Winfrey’s show, proposing to Holmes at the Eiffel Tower and his gushing pregnancy announcement.
Saddam was sublime in Hot Shots 2.
And who can forget his work as "the Soup Nazi" on Seinfeld.
And let us never forget his role as Satan's gay lover in South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut.
Posted By: Killconey Re: Tom Cruise Less Popular Than Saddam - 2006-03-25 11:32 PM
He should have gotten an Oscar for that.

the G-man said:
Tom Cruise Less Popular Than Saddam

    Could actor Tom Cruise be even less popular than a mass murderer?

    Respondents in a poll said they’d rather spend the night with deposed Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein than the "Mission Impossible” star.

    Stuff Magazine asked readers who among four personalities they would least like to share a camping tent with overnight. Cruise took the prize with 41 percent, with Saddam trailing at 39 percent. Sportscaster/celebrity reporter Pat O’Brien got 15 percent and actress/comedienne Kathy Griffin, 5 percent.

    It’s been a bad few weeks for Cruise. He recently "won” an unwanted Razzie award at a ceremony acknowledging the year's worst films and stars.

    Cruise - who is engaged to pregnant actress Katie Holmes - was given the Most Tiresome Tabloid Target prize for his embarrassing behavior last year, which included the now infamous "couch jumping” incident on Oprah Winfrey’s show, proposing to Holmes at the Eiffel Tower and his gushing pregnancy announcement.

I think if Bush tortured Tom Cruise then all political sides could come together.
But he would need to pay reparations for MI:II.
Posted By: the G-man Re: Tom Cruise Less Popular Than Saddam - 2006-03-26 12:29 AM
They thought about trying that, but Cruise seemed a little...tooo....into...it...if you know what I mean.

NOTE: the above is not at all an intended as an implication that Cruise is gay. Nope. Not at all. Nosiree Bob.

Furthermore, even though Cruise is known to sue at the slightest hint that he might be gay, that fact alone is not, repeat, not why I would never make a joke that would imply Cruise is gay.

No, my steadfast refusal to imply that Cruise is gay is based fully and solely on his long history of many, many, successful heterosexual relationships.

That is all.
Posted By: the G-man Re: Tom Cruise Less Popular Than Saddam - 2006-04-19 4:28 AM
Parade: Tom Cruise Poll Was Skewed

    Parade.com recently conducted an online poll asking readers whether they thought Cruise was responsible for his disastrous public relations year of couch-jumping, sonogram machine buying and psychiatry bashing, or if it was the media's fault. Eighty-four percent of respondents said the media was to blame for his tough year and that Cruise did not bring his image problems on himself.

    But Parade magazine found these results "a little bit fishy" — and they were right.

    "We did some investigating and found out that more than 14,000 (of the 18,000-plus votes) that came in were cast from only 10 computers," Parade publicist Alexis Collado wrote in a press release. "One computer was responsible for nearly 8,400 votes alone, all blaming the media for Tom's troubles. We also discovered that at least two other machines were the sources of inordinate numbers of votes."

    Parade also speculated how the results could have come to be.

    "It seems these folks (whoever they may be) resorted to extraordinary measures to try to portray Tom in a positive light for the Parade.com survey. There is even a chance they wrote a special 'bot' program for the sole purpose of skewing the results, rather than casting the votes by hand on a computer. Sounds like a pretty devoted group of people, don't you think?"
Tom Cruise, Katie Holmes Have Baby Girl

    Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes, the high-profile pair dubbed TomKat by the media, had a baby girl Tuesday, said Cruise spokesman Arnold Robinson.

    The baby, named Suri, weighed 7 pounds, 7 ounces and measured 20 inches long, he said.

    "Both mother and daughter are doing well," Robinson said in a prepared statement.

    The name Suri has its origins in Hebrew, meaning "princess," or in Persian, meaning "red rose," the statement said.

    The baby was born in Los Angeles but the exact location was not disclosed.

    It's the first child for Holmes, 27. Cruise, 43, has an adopted daughter and son from his marriage to Nicole Kidman.

    Details surrounding the birth, which was planned under the tenets of the Church of Scientology as a silent procedure, weren't disclosed.
Lisa Marie and Nicole Kidman should write a book together about their weird exes...not that Lisa Marie is the most normal level-headed girl on the planet.
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: The next screwed up hollywood kid is here - 2006-04-23 10:43 PM
Oh, those CWAZY Scientologists!!!


TomKat’s Hebrew baby name puzzles Israelis

Cruise and Holmes' daughter named 'Suri,' meaning 'Get out of here'

JERUSALEM - Suri, the name chosen by Hollywood couple Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes for their newborn daughter, is raising more than its share of interest in Israel.

It means “get out of here” in the local language, Hebrew.

News of the naming puzzled even those Israelis who thought they had seen it all after pop diva Madonna turned the ancient Jewish mystical tradition Kabbalah into a faith for the famous.

“I really don’t know what they were thinking when they chose this name. It’s a term that denotes expulsion, like ‘Get out of here’,” said Gideon Goldenberg, a linguistics professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. “It’s pretty blunt.”

Yaron London, a cultural commentator for Israel’s Channel 10 television, had this rhetorical question for Suri’s proud parents: “Why didn’t you just go back to your ancestors’ language, and call the kid ‘Scram Cruise’?”

A Cruise family spokesman said last week that Suri has its origins in ancient Hebrew, as a variant on Sarah, the biblical matriarch. But that pronunciation is all but unknown in Israel.

There are exceptions. Jerusalem journalist Surie Ackerman said her name was a formalized version of a nickname given by fellow ultra-Orthodox Jews in her native United States.

“It sounds strange to me that a non-Jewish, Scientology baby should be called Suri,” Ackerman said, referring to the alternative church which counts Cruise among its devotees.

“But there are plenty of strange names in the world.”

And there are plenty of alternative meanings for Suri. It’s also a Nubian tribe, the word for “rose” in Persian, “sun” in Sanskrit and a term for a form of Alpaca’s wool.

So should we be calling baby Cruise "Scram", "Rose", or "Alpaca wool"? Calling her "Sun" Might give her gender issues later on, and I think she'll have enough without that one...
Posted By: rex Re: The next screwed up hollywood kid is here - 2006-06-05 10:57 PM
Service Unavailable
Posted By: rex Re: The next screwed up hollywood kid is here - 2006-06-06 1:21 AM
Its working again.
Posted By: PJP Re: The next screwed up hollywood kid is here - 2006-06-06 4:25 PM

the G-man said:
Tom Cruise, Katie Holmes Have Baby Girl

    Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes, the high-profile pair dubbed TomKat by the media, had a baby girl Tuesday, said Cruise spokesman Arnold Robinson.

    The baby, named Suri, weighed 7 pounds, 7 ounces and measured 20 inches long, he said.

    "Both mother and daughter are doing well," Robinson said in a prepared statement.

    The name Suri has its origins in Hebrew, meaning "princess," or in Persian, meaning "red rose," the statement said.

    The baby was born in Los Angeles but the exact location was not disclosed.

    It's the first child for Holmes, 27. Cruise, 43, has an adopted daughter and son from his marriage to Nicole Kidman.

    Details surrounding the birth, which was planned under the tenets of the Church of Scientology as a silent procedure, weren't disclosed.

this baby should have been born today.
brad pitt/agelina jolie auctioned off the rights to the first pics of their kid for 4.1 mil to people magazine. the money will go to charity
Shields Says Tom Cruise Apologized for Criticizing Her

    Brooke Shields says Tom Cruise has apologized for publicly criticizing her use of antidepressants after the birth of her first daughter.

    The two had a public beef last year after the "Mission: Impossible III" star, echoing the position of Scientology, said in an appearance on NBC's "Today" show that depression can be treated with exercise and vitamins rather than drugs.

    The 41-year-old actress says Cruise apologized in person Thursday. Cruise's spokesman confirmed the celebrities made up.
Thank God. This was just eating away at me the last few days. I can sleep restfully now.
Hold on!
Brooke Shields isnt a virgin?

The world has just asploded!
Posted By: the G-man Re: Tom Cruise Less Popular Than Saddam - 2006-11-19 12:11 AM
TomKat Ties the Knot

    In a fairy-tale setting fit for royalty, Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes exchanged wedding vows Saturday evening in a glowing 15th-century castle in a lakeside Italian town, his publicist said.

    VIPs arriving in limousines or vans through the castle gates included Brooke Shields, Richard Gere, Jennifer Lopez and Jim Carrey. Sky TG24 reported that Will Smith and David Beckham and his wife, Victoria, also came to the castle.

    Scientology ceremonies contain many elements of traditional weddings, including rings and vows. But they also include certain Scientology fundamentals, including vowing never to go to bed without communicating about any differences.

    A spokesman for the Church of Scientology for Rome, Fabrizio D'Agostino, said an exchange of vows with a Scientology rite was not legally recognized in Italy, and would have to be preceded or followed by a civil union.

    Bracciano Mayor Patrizia Riccioni said her office had not received a request to celebrate a civil wedding as of midday Friday.

Cruise is crazy, but he's no fool. He's marrying her in a non-binding ceremony. That means he can dump her when she sobers up and there's no community property issues.
Posted By: Jeremy Re: Tom Cruise Less Popular Than Saddam - 2006-11-19 10:42 AM
Divorce will be in six months to a year...
Posted By: the G-man Cruise 'is Christ' of Scientology - 2007-01-24 12:23 AM
Cruise 'is Christ' of Scientology

    The Mission: Impossible star has been told he has been “chosen” to spread the word of his faith throughout the world.

    And leader David Miscavige believes that in future, Cruise, 44, will be worshipped like Jesus for his work to raise awareness of the religion.

    A source close to the actor, who has risen to one of the church’s top levels, said: “Tom has been told he is Scientology’s Christ-like figure.

    “Like Christ, he’s been criticised for his views. But future generations will realise he was right.”

    Cruise joined the Church of Scientology in the ’80s. Leader L Ron Hubbard claimed humans bear traces of an ancient alien civilisation.
Posted By: Pig Iran Re: Cruise 'is Christ' of Scientology - 2007-01-24 12:28 AM
Posted By: Beardguy57 Re: Cruise 'is Christ' of Scientology - 2007-01-24 12:30 AM
Tom Cruise is NOT the new Jesus! He sucks at it, and the position is already taken.
Posted By: the G-man Re: Cruise 'is Christ' of Scientology - 2007-01-24 12:34 AM
Yes, by this guy

Posted By: Beardguy57 Re: Cruise 'is Christ' of Scientology - 2007-01-24 1:02 AM
Posted By: the G-man Re: Cruise 'is Christ' of Scientology - 2007-04-08 12:52 AM
Tom Cruise: Committing Career Suicide?

    Tom Cruise is hosting a Scientology benefit on April 19 in New York for the group’s controversial detox program for 9/11 survivors.

    The New York Fire Department does not support the program, and there is much hostile feeling toward Cruise.

    Of course, the real goal was to grab new members for Scientology. Apparently, the group had some success. According to my sources in the FDNY, several firefighters not only joined Scientology but left their families in the process.

    "They told the firefighters that they’d been unhappy in their lives before 9/11 and that they should leave," said a higher up in the department who spoke to me recently. "Cruise is responsible."

    Dubbed the "New York Rescue Workers Detoxificiation Project," the program got tax-free status, and Cruise and Scientology used a California CPA named Roland Fink, who happened to be a Scientologist, to vouch for them in writing as an "independent auditor."

    Fink, according to reports, has coincidentally made the Scientology "honor roll" twice in the last four years.

    The result, according to their federal tax filing, is the usual financial roundelay for the IRS-sanctioned religion.

    In 2004 the organization raised $1.6 million, nearly all of which went to "expenses." Of that, $880,000 went to something called Downtown PC. Another $173,300 was funneled back to Dr. Steven Lager of Williston Park, N.Y., a major Scientologist who advocates alternative methods of detoxification.

    The detox method is considered to be another name for Scientology’s "purification" program, long in existence before 9/11 and designed to "cleanse" its followers.

    How the Scientology detox program raises its money is perhaps even more interesting. As detailed on the Web site, its new fundraising initiative — launched Nov. 1 and set to conclude on May 1, 2007 — reads very much like a pyramid scheme at worst, or Amway at best.

    "To reach our goal, we are asking for your help and the help of all New Yorkers. Those who join the campaign as Participants agree to ask 25 of their family, friends and co-workers to donate $5.00 each to the project. When a donation sheet with 25 donors donating a minimum of $5 each is completed and mailed to the project, the Participant will then be entered into a drawing to win a Caribbean Dream Vacation for two to the Atlantis Hotel & Casino in the Bahamas. Participants are encouraged to complete as many donation sheets as they can — each completed sheet qualifies you for another entry in the drawing."

    According to the group’s Web site, at least two New York City firefighters joined Scientology as a result of the detox program. Both Sebastian Rapanti and Joe Higgins offer themselves as case studies for the group on the site. They also appear in pictures with actress Jenna Elfman and her husband, Bodhi Elfman, two avowed Scientologists, from a party at the group’s Hollywood headquarters, some 3,000 miles from their homes and families.

    According to The New York Times, Higgins wound up joining Scientology and becoming a paid adviser.

Posted By: Beardguy57 Re: Cruise 'is Christ' of Scientology - 2007-04-08 3:40 AM
Cruise is a major asshole. He's like the Borg... trying to assimulate more humans into his fucking collective.

And he takes it.....

In the ASS!!
Posted By: Balloon Knot Re: Cruise 'is Christ' of Scientology - 2007-04-08 7:06 AM

Beardguy57 said:
Cruise is a major asshole. He's like the Borg... trying to assimulate more humans into his fucking collective.

And he takes it.....

In the ASS!!

Rob is a Scientologist
Posted By: Beardguy57 Re: Cruise 'is Christ' of Scientology - 2007-04-08 7:08 AM
Posted By: Chant Re: Cruise 'is Christ' of Scientology - 2007-06-27 10:09 AM


Germany imposes ban on Tom Cruise

Germany has banned the makers of Tom Cruise's new movie from filming at military sites in the country because the actor is a Scientologist.

The German defence ministry said Cruise has "publicly professed to being a member of the Scientology cult".

Scientology masquerades as a religion to make money, Germany said, but leaders of the church reject this.

Cruise's producing partner Paula Wagner said the star's own convictions had no relation to the film's content.

"Personal beliefs have absolutely no bearing on the movie's plot or themes," she said.

'Heroic and principled'

Scientology has been monitored in Germany in the belief that its activities are "directed against the free democratic order" in the country.

Its status there as a commercial enterprise has prompted repeated protests from the organisation.

Cruise will play Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg in Valkyrie, leader of the 1944 plot to assassinate Adolf Hitler using a bomb hidden in a briefcase, scheduled for release next year.

German defence ministry spokesman Harald Kammerbauer said that Germany's military "has a special interest in the serious and authentic portrayal of the events of July 20, 1944 and Stauffenberg's person".

Wagner said Cruise's portrayal in the film would be as a "heroic and principled figure", while "Germany is the only place we can truly do the story justice".

"We believe the film will go a long way toward reminding the world that even within the ranks of the German military, there was real resistance to the Nazi regime," she added.

Stauffenberg's son Berthold told the Sueddeutsche Zeitung newspaper earlier this week that he objected to Cruise taking the role because of his involvement with Scientology.

"He should keep his hands off my father," Mr von Stauffenberg said.

Mr Kammerbauer, meanwhile, said that official requests for filming in the country had yet to be received.

Posted By: the G-man Re: Cruise 'is Christ' of Scientology - 2008-01-06 7:24 PM
New York Post:
  • A bombshell biography of Tom Cruise could put muckraking author Andrew Morton back in the cross-hairs of the megawatt star and Scientology bigwigs who are pilloried in the tell-all.

    "Tom Cruise: An Unauthorized Biography," by Morton - who penned a biography of Princess Diana - is due in bookstores Jan. 15. The Post obtained copies through online retailers.

    With its claims about the influence of Scientology in the star's life and loves, the book could kick up a storm of controversy with the sect.

    The book ... contains ... startling allegations, including:
    • * In 1999, Scientologists asked Cruise to take a course that would help pinpoint "those in his life who create problems and difficulties," the book says. That person, Morton claimed, was Nicole Kidman. Cruise divorced Kidman in March 2001.

      * Cruise hooked up with Spanish screen siren Penelope Cruz but, the book claims, the high-profile relationship ended after Cruz's dad - who the book claims was outspoken against the sect - had a heart attack in December 2003.

      * In 2005, weeks before Cruise first met Katie Holmes, Colombian model Sofia Vergara abruptly stopped seeing Cruise and, according to the book, "disappeared" to a secret hideaway after allegedly concluding she was being used "as a high-profile Scientology recruit who would be an alluring figurehead for a future recruitment drive in Latin America."
  • "Some sect members sincerely believed that Katie Holmes was carrying the baby who would be the vessel for L. Ron Hubbard's spirit when he returned around the galaxy," Morton writes.

    According to Scientology principles, Cruise maintained a silent household for the expectant mother, reports said. Cruise put up 6-foot boards to remind people to keep quiet and forced cleaning crews to work from midnight to 8 a.m. without speaking so as not to disturb the couple, according to the book.

    Cruise even slept in a separate wing of their LA estate, citing his snoring habit as the reason.

    Suri was born in April 2006, and a simple wedding ceremony followed.

    Morton, who devoted two years of research to the book, claimed in a Daily Mail interview that he feared the exposé would anger some Scientology devotees.

    "I've sold my flat, and I'm not telling anyone where I'm moving to," he told the newspaper. "I intend to disappear for a while."

    The book will not be published in Britain, where libel laws are notoriously celeb-friendly.
Posted By: the G-man Re: Cruise 'is Christ' of Scientology - 2008-01-07 6:55 AM
Fox News:
  • Claims that Tom Cruise is the second-in-command of the Church of Scientology and that some scientologists believe his daughter Suri is the product of a sperm donation from Scientology's late founder L. Ron Hubbard are among the explosive charges author Andrew Morton alleges in his new book, "Tom Cruise, An Unauthorized Biography,"

    The book, set for publication in the U.S. on Jan. 15, also claims that Cruise's next mission is to recruit David and Victoria Beckham into the church, and that the church threatened to blackmail Nicole Kidman by revealing details of her sex life with Cruise if she spoke out about Scientology after their divorce.
also it's very rude to jump on someone's couch like that. and it could damage the couch.
Posted By: thedoctor Re: Cruise 'is Christ' of Scientology - 2008-01-15 9:52 AM
Excerpts from Morton's book. He denounces the rumor that Cruise is gay.

  • Page 13: One of Tom's first girlfriends, Carol Trumpler, still gets "misty-eyed" when she remembers her brief dalliance with the future star: "He was a very good kisser, very much at ease with it all. But what do you know at eleven?" Sadly for Carol, Tom moved on pretty quick. "I was trying to be a good girl, and when I didn't give in to his ways he moved on."
  • Page 68: Remember the sex-on-a-train scene in Risky Business? Morton alleges that "while Tom and Rebecca [De Mornay] were nervous before playing the scene, those who snuck onto the closed set are convinced that the answer to the question of 'did they, didn't they' really get it on on camera is a firm yes."
  • Page 195: High-school girlfriend Diane Van Zoeren doesn't give any credence to the "Tom is gay" rumor: "I don't get it. I find these stories just hard to believe. We romanced in my dad's Oldsmobile doing what you are not supposed to."
  • Page 34: Nancy Armel, another high-school flame, also remembers fooling around in a parked car. She told Morton: "I was black and blue from the gearshift."
  • Page 65: Tom tried to impress Nancy by taking her to the Broadway musical La Cage aux Folles, but he "was unaware of the story line—about two gay men living together in St. Tropez." According to Nancy, "he couldn't handle it. We had to leave before the intermission. It really bothered him. He was definitely homophobic."
  • Page 195: Morton claims that "Tom was uncomfortable around gay men. Those who saw him in the company of some of Nicole [Kidman's] gay friends, who included designer John Galliano, noticed that he was awkward and ill at ease, much preferring the company of jocks who talked about football rather than fashion."

    Courtly Knight/Night Stalker
  • Page 259: Just one day after Sofía Vergara met Tom, Morton says the Colombian actress "faced a blizzard of phone calls, text messages, and e-mails." Tom also "sent her flowers, notes, and chocolates."
  • Page 263: Eventually, Sofía got freaked out by Tom's attentiveness and his faith. When Tom arranged for a trip to Clearwater, the Scientology center in Florida, she allegedly "stood him up, packing a bag and 'disappearing' for a few days." Tom, however, wouldn't let up: "For five days he left messages and texts, but she resolutely refused to return his calls."
  • Page 145: During their courtship phase, Tom sent Nicole Kidman "flowers, usually red roses, almost daily."
  • Page 157: Tom's romancing didn't stop with clichéd flora; he also had a way with words. Morton claims that "one householder in Toronto who rented her house to the Cruises was bemused to find several love notes in her sofa cushions when she moved back in. At first she thought her husband was being uncharacteristically affectionate. Then she realized they were penned by Tom."
  • Page 166: Tom was always asking, "Where is Nic?" An unnamed insider confirms that he was "a control freak, certainly. … He was always checking up on Nic especially."

    Free Katie!
  • Page 278: Allegedly, Katie signed a Scientology contract that fundamentally changed her "human rights and those of her future children, requiring that if she or any of her children were ever to suffer from mental or terminal illness, they must turn only to Scientology's treatments. She must never use psychiatric care or psychiatric drugs."
  • Page 290-291: Morton repeats the sketchy tabloid rumors that Tom "bought a fetus learning system that was strapped to Katie's stomach" and that he "fitted Katie's cell phone with a tracking device so that he would know where she was day and night."
  • Page 289: Without naming his sources, Morton spins the following yarn: "Some [Scientology] sect members sincerely believed that Katie Holmes was carrying the baby who would be the vessel for L. Ron Hubbard's spirit when he returned from his trip around the galaxy. True believers were convinced that Tom's spawn would be the reincarnation of L. Ron Hubbard. Some Sea Org fanatics even wondered if the actress had been impregnated with Hubbard's frozen sperm." How'd Katie feel about all this? Morton puts his intuitive powers to the test to produce this gem: "Katie might have felt as if she were in the middle of a real-life version of the horror movie Rosemary's Baby, in which an unsuspecting young woman is impregnated with the Devil's child."

    Operating Thetan
  • Page 109: Scriptwriter and onetime Scientologist Skip Press conjectures that Tom's first wife, Mimi Rogers, "made a play for Tom with the primary intention of bringing him into the [Scientology] cult and leapfrogging over him to an acting career."
  • Page 123: When Tom accepted an invitation to the Scientology Gold Base in the California desert, head honcho David Miscavige allegedly announced to his staff: "The most important recruit ever is in the process of being secured. His arrival will change the face of Scientology forever."
  • Page 153-154: Tom and Nicole shared a "fantasy of running through a meadow of wildflowers together." Eager to please his recruit, Miscavige "decided to make his dream come true. A team of twenty Sea Org disciples was set to work digging, hoeing, and planting wheat grass and wildflower seed near the Cruises' bungalow. Former Scientologist Maureen Bolstad recalled working until early in the morning in the mud and pouring rain." Sounds implausible, but Morton quotes another former Scientologist, Karen Pressley, as saying: "the story of the meadow for Tom and Nicole is absolutely true. I was there."
  • Page 171-172: By 1993, Morton says Tom "progressed to what Scientologists call 'the Wall of Fire,' or Operating Thetan III, where the secrets of the universe according to Hubbard [are] revealed." Allegedly, "Tom found the knowledge he had just received disturbing and alarming, as he struggled to reconcile the creationist myth with the more practical teachings contained in the lower levels of Scientology. … It was recalled that around this time relations became 'ugly' between David Miscavige and the Hollywood actor, Tom complaining that he had studied all these years and the whole faith was about space aliens."
  • Page 250: Tom's disenchantment didn't last long. Morton writes that by 2004, Tom "reached the exalted level of Operating Thetan VII, where Hubbard promised that man would become his own god." What's level VII like? According to former Scientologist Peter Alexander, "You believe that all your problems are due to these thetans. So when you come back into reality, you're like, 'Wow, this is a nice day, my dog's been killed but that doesn't matter, I realize that I am a being who has lived endlessly contacting all those long-lost body thetans. So nothing is really a problem.'"
Posted By: K-nutreturns Re: Cruise 'is Christ' of Scientology - 2008-01-15 9:57 AM
Posted By: K-nutreturns Re: Cruise 'is Christ' of Scientology - 2008-01-15 10:06 AM
 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
Tom complaining that he had studied all these years and the whole faith was about space aliens."


Posted By: K-nutreturns Re: Cruise 'is Christ' of Scientology - 2008-01-15 11:27 AM
 Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man
also it's very rude to jump on someone's couch like that. and it could damage the couch.

Posted By: PrincessElisa Re: Cruise 'is Christ' of Scientology - 2008-02-08 4:28 AM
FYI.........Extra said tonight that Tom Cruise actually dated Cher during the eighties...........FREAKINESS!
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: Cruise 'is Christ' of Scientology - 2008-02-08 4:40 AM
Posted By: the G-man Lawsuit goes after Cruise, scientology - 2008-08-05 1:25 AM
New York Daily News:

  • Tom Cruise is named in a $250 million federal lawsuit that is using the RICO statute against the Church of Scientology. Ex-Scientologist Peter Letterese, a longtime critic of the church, filed suit in Southern District Court in Florida on July 15 alleging, among other things, that members of the church harassed him after he left.

    Letterese claims a member of the church phoned his lawyer at home, and when the lawyer's wife answered, said he was her husband's homosexual lover.

    Letterese calls the church a "crime syndicate" and wants it broken up under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization law, just as the feds have broken up Mafia families.

    He singles out Cruise, who's made no secret of his religion, saying that Scientology head David Miscavage is "aided and abetted by the actions of Tom Cruise, his right-hand man for foreign and domestic promotion, as well as for foreign and domestic lobbying. He has assisted the syndicate in acquiring funds and [made] his own donations of money believed to be in the multiple tens of millions of dollars."

    One of Letterese's beefs is that the church allegedly uses a business book, "Effective Sales Closing Techniques," as part of its teachings. He says this violates his intellectual property rights, since he bought the rights to the book from the widow of author Leslie Dane.

    Cruise's lawyer, Bert Fields, did not respond to an e-mail requesting comment.

    Karin Pouw, a spokeswoman for the Church of Scientology, told us: "This is a frivolous suit based on falsehoods."
Posted By: the G-man Cruise Named in FBI Scientology Probe - 2011-02-08 6:26 PM
Feds Probe Church of Scientology Over Work for Tom Cruise, Report Says
  • The FBI is investigating whether the Church of Scientology engages in human trafficking and uses unpaid labor -- including allegations that Tom Cruise had work done on his motorcycles and property by church members who were paid little if anything for their efforts, a new report reveals.

    The shocking 26-page exposé in The New Yorker focuses on "Crash" director and Oscar-winning writer Paul Haggis' decision to quit the church, a spacey blend of self-help and science fiction that critics say uses brainwashing and coercion to indoctrinate and impoverish vulnerable recruits.

Tom Cruise engaged in human trafficking and brain washing?

Insert Katie Holmes joke here.
Posted By: Son of Mxy Re: Cruise Named in FBI Scientology Probe - 2011-02-08 7:38 PM
Tom already inserted his joke in Katie Holmes
Posted By: thedoctor Re: Cruise Named in FBI Scientology Probe - 2011-02-08 8:01 PM
I thought it was a turkey baster.
Posted By: thedoctor Re: Cruise Named in FBI Scientology Probe - 2011-02-08 8:04 PM
In other words, she was artificially inseminated.
Posted By: thedoctor Re: Cruise Named in FBI Scientology Probe - 2011-02-08 8:05 PM
Because Tom Cruise is gay.
Posted By: thedoctor Re: Cruise Named in FBI Scientology Probe - 2011-02-08 8:05 PM
For those of you who don't get the joke.
Posted By: Son of Mxy Re: Cruise Named in FBI Scientology Probe - 2011-02-08 8:12 PM
Don't worry, I got the joke after reading the artificial insemination part 3 times.