Posted By: Tobias Christopher Sorority Boys (spoilers) - 2002-03-30 3:29 AM
Alright, I went in with low, very low, expectations for this movie even the though the trailer looked funny. Having said that, the movie isn't a total waste of time.

Of course, if you're a fan of Smallville, you probably won't look at Lex Luthor in the same way again after seeing this movie. Especially after a Star Wars type duel with multi colored dildos.

Most of the film is funny, although it does to start to, pardon the expression, drag about halfway through. But it's not a bad way to kill two hours if you have nothing better to do.

Posted By: Bianca Re: Sorority Boys (spoilers) - 2002-04-01 4:42 PM
Another movie with "breasts" in it...but aside from that, it was a nice get away and lightened my mood greatly.

The dueling dildo sceen was great. Very enjoyable. "Eat it!" heh

Posted By: Rob Re: Sorority Boys (spoilers) - 2002-04-02 7:43 AM
Originally posted by Bianca:
Another movie with "breasts" in it
