Posted By: PJP Did any of you know they were remaking V ? - 2009-10-15 5:49 AM
When I was younger (1984) this was one of my favorite TV series evar! I loved the mice and the baby that looked normal but had the lizard tongue! Some kick ass acting in the first series. I liked Jeff Yagher quite a bit....he was kick ass.
I loved V, I remember being scared that powerful evil being would take over the world. Last November brought back so many memories!
Posted By: rex Re: Did any of you know they were remaking V ? - 2009-10-15 5:53 AM
Posted By: rex Re: Did any of you know they were remaking V ? - 2009-10-15 5:53 AM
I'm stoked!
One of the cool things about pre-internet is there werent any spoilers, so when it was revealed they were lizard people it was awesome!
Posted By: PJP Re: Did any of you know they were remaking V ? - 2009-10-15 6:00 AM
 Originally Posted By: BASAMS The Plumber
One of the cool things about pre-internet is there werent any spoilers, so when it was revealed they were lizard people it was awesome!
yeah that was a shock!
I just got the original mini series and am watching it for the first time.
David Icke must be in 7th heaven
I remember watching this at school.
We all thought Willy was funny, but that was before we knew he was a pedo who got set fire to and came back and killed people in their dreams, the bastard!

Funniest memory has to go to my younger brother.
Willy in the show makes some comment about eating presents when he was sposed to say pheasants, and we were all laughing at his mistake, but started laughing more when my brother said "What an idiot, he meant to say peasants!"

Loved V. Had a hard-on for the blonde chick. And, come on, Michael Ironside as "Ham"! He's awesome!
I had a hard on for Michael Ironside.
Fuck off!