Posted By: Rob the fighter - 2011-02-12 1:56 AM
just saw the movie. might be the first time i've ever seen (and enjoyed... or heard of) a movie that has lots of oscar buzz. very fun film, very enjoyable. especially the more you were able to ignore marky mark, who was bland. no good vibrations for you, pal. (the real life counterpart was the same, so this was possibly intentional. ...or could at least be justified by it).

it had its drama and love and a number of funny moments - to the point where it occasionally was not clear if this was a comedy or not.

of special note:
- the entire state of massachusetts is terrifying.
- the chick who played the mom was awesome in her horribleness.
- christian bale is a fucking phenomenal actor. i think his batman is great (as i would his super mario) and liked him in some of the other stuff, like terminator and american psycho, etc. but holy shit, i dunno how the fuck he so amazingly transformed for this film, but its vastly impressive. he's a good 75 pounds lighter than his dark knight self, looks horrifying, and completely nails the crack addict (and recovering crack addict, spoilers) mannerisms. he's gross, he's funny, he's goofy, he's still oddly in some semblance of shape, he's obnoxious, etc... the switch from batman to a post apocalyptic john connor isn't too deep of a stretch, but this character (particularly knowing that the role falls between the other two) is such a tremendous variance from the others. really impressive.
Posted By: Son of Mxy Re: the fighter - 2011-02-12 4:17 AM
who will win in a fistfight between Edward Norton and Christian Bale?
Posted By: Pariah Re: the fighter - 2011-02-12 4:35 AM
Your Mickey Rourke obsession is tearing these boards apart!
Posted By: Son of Mxy Re: the fighter - 2011-02-12 5:02 AM