Posted By: Stupid Doog Suicide Squad - 2016-08-08 11:12 PM
I'm not going to waste my bandwidth on a review. Robbie was a great Harley, 30 Seconds to Joker was a gold toothed, tattooed thug mob boss who should have followed the Heath Ledger school of method acting to completion. Will Smith played Will Smith - not a bad guy, a bullshit antihero with family drama. I think Enchantress kept having mini strokes and they worked that into the character?

Also, Slipknot will be joining us. But he doesn't get an origin because he's going to die before the end of this sentence.

3 out of 5 Bobo's, 2.5 were because I could watch Margot Robbie peel vegetables for 130 minutes as long as she's in fishnets and hot pants.
Posted By: Pariah Re: Suicide Squad - 2016-08-08 11:59 PM
This movie's taking a beating on the review front. And I know a lot of people have ducked out of seeing it.

And I was never going to see it.

Anyway, that's pretty cool with me. I've decided I want all comicbook universe ventures based on DC and Marvel to crash and burn. Unfortunately, Marvel's aren't crashing and burning as much as I'd like, but Fox is just destroying DC right now. Here's to hoping Marvel starts behaving and churns out stinkers from now on.
Posted By: First Amongst Daves Re: Suicide Squad - 2016-08-09 4:25 AM
 Originally Posted By: Stupid Doog
I'm not going to waste my bandwidth on a review. Robbie was a great Harley, 30 Seconds to Joker was a gold toothed, tattooed thug mob boss who should have followed the Heath Ledger school of method acting to completion. Will Smith played Will Smith - not a bad guy, a bullshit antihero with family drama. I think Enchantress kept having mini strokes and they worked that into the character?

Also, Slipknot will be joining us. But he doesn't get an origin because he's going to die before the end of this sentence.

3 out of 5 Bobo's, 2.5 were because I could watch Margot Robbie peel vegetables for 130 minutes as long as she's in fishnets and hot pants.

Haven't seen it yet but I will.

It has indeed really copped it in reviews. John Ostrander, who write the classic title in the 80s, gave it a thumbs up though.

Ostrander notes that Leto copying Ledger would have not worked as each actor needs to revisit the character. That might just be an excuse for overacting. I think the Joker works best when he is less camp / extreme, and more sinister and lurk-y. Probably the best Joker I have read wasn't the Joker: it was Mister Rictus in Wanted by Mark Millar. "You wuz sneaking into cribs!" accuses Fox, and its not denied by Rictus. Ugh. You don't need to see it to be deplored by it. (Also he eats as a pig roast the story's version of Lex Luthor which is gross.)
Posted By: Lothar of The Hill People Re: Suicide Squad - 2016-08-13 6:55 AM
not a fan of joker

not a fan of Harley

pissed that they blacked up Deadshot

I can wait for netflix for this movie