Posted By: Nöwheremän RDCW presents ROBBLEMANIA 2004 - 2004-03-15 5:34 AM
Here it is boyz & girlz the biggest PPV of the year!
Big things are gonna happen!
Posted By: Darth Re: RDCW presents ROBBLEMANIA 2004 - 2004-03-16 11:36 PM
*As Robblemania opens, "The Mouth" is about to introduce the card for the night when the lights go out. Suddenly, there is an explosion in the ring. When the lights come on, Darth is standing in the center of the ring, mic in hand.*

It has come to my attention...that the RDCW's short life may be at an end.

*Darth pauses and looks around. A kid is holding up a sign that says "GOB RULES!" Darth points to the sign.*

That's right kid, Gob does rule. That's why he has threatened to pull the plug on the RDCW.

*Those comments ignite a chorus of boos from the crowd.*

Fortunately, Kamphausen is here, and he has a match. That means he has to enter...this ring. As a target. That's right Kamphausen. Tonight, just like everyone else, you are...a target. My target. Tonight, 'set marks the spot.

*Darth drops the mic. As it hits the ground, there is an explosion as the lights go out. When they return, Darth is gone.*
Posted By: PJP Re: RDCW presents ROBBLEMANIA 2004 - 2004-03-17 12:59 AM
Darth is a Pussy.
Posted By: thedoctor Re: RDCW presents ROBBLEMANIA 2004 - 2004-03-17 1:06 AM
*The Doctor is lacing up his boots, getting ready for the match later on tonight.*

Now, you know what to do tonight, right?

*Azrael walks into the frame.*

Azrael: Oh, yeah. The NWO is gonna find out that I'm Cold Blooded.
Posted By: notwedge Re: RDCW presents ROBBLEMANIA 2004 - 2004-03-17 2:21 AM
*NW walks out to the ring. As usual no music plays.*

NW: I know when I'm not wanted. I come out here, I try to entertain people, but no one cares. I don't get a match at Rbbiemania, but people who don't even bother to show up here do. Even the guy who's threatening to shut this place down is getting a match. That last match with joe Mama was SUPPOSED to be a setup. The triple set was supposed to come out and beast the hell out of him, but they didn't bother to show up. So yeah, I know I'm not wanted and you're not going to see my face around here again.

*NW drops the mic and leaves.*
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: RDCW presents ROBBLEMANIA 2004 - 2004-03-17 3:36 AM
Sorry,who were you again?


Nowhereman is talking to someone off screen so we cant see who it is!

NM:"So this is it huh,finally we are gonna teach those Triple Set punks a lesson!"

Mystery person:"Damn straight!"

NM:"I tell ya,someone is in for a hell of a surprise tonight.......you know when to.....well,you know what I mean?"

MM:"Yeah I know,they wont know what hit em!"

NM:"Cool.....I'm off to get ready for my match!""

Nowhereman leaves!
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: RDCW presents ROBBLEMANIA 2004 - 2004-03-17 4:16 AM
Nowhereman walks into the locker room. Joe Mama's watching the monitor...

JM: "Hey! Did you see this? NotWedge just quit! He literally walked out of the RDCW!!!"

NWM: "So?"

JM: "He quit! I beat his ass twice and, just because his buddies didn't help him like I told him they wouldn't, he quit! I knocked him out of the RDCW and the Triple Set held the door open...you gotta love that!!!"

NWM: "You're enjoying this way too much. You do realize that we've got a match tonight, right?"

JM: " Where do you think I've been for the last few days? Went back to Boston...brushed up on my Greco-Roman skills at the L-Street Gym in Southie. Then I drove up to my old training ground - The Pit - and worked out a new finishing move. thedoctor and Rob won't know what hit 'em when I drop the East Coast Hammer on their sorry selves."

NWM: "As long as you realize how serious this match is. We win this match, and the balance of power shifts to where it belongs - with the NwO. So don't fuck around. No promos or ring appearances before our match. And NO King Snarf! You focus on the task at hand! Clear?"

JM: "Not to worry. I want to win this match as bad as you do. I wasn't even thinking about...oh, I dunno...beating the piss outta Snarf before his match. Let him get his beating from TK. Me? I'm focused on putting a SEVERE hurt on doc and Rob."

The two prepare for their match in silence...
Posted By: Rob Re: RDCW presents ROBBLEMANIA 2004 - 2004-03-17 4:50 AM

Nowhereman said:
Mystery person:"Damn straight!"
MM:"Yeah I know,they wont know what hit em!"

doc, lookout, exclamation points!

looks like nowhereman will have assistance from ....the other nowhereman
Posted By: Darth Re: RDCW presents ROBBLEMANIA 2004 - 2004-03-17 5:04 AM
*Kamphausen walks out of the locker room. The lights flash off and on in the hall, and Darth is standing behind him.*

I'd be more concerned about the enemy you know.

*With that, Darth sithspawns Kamphausen. As they hit the ground, the lights go out. When they return, Kamphausen is out cold. Darth is gone.*
Posted By: PJP Re: RDCW presents ROBBLEMANIA 2004 - 2004-03-17 5:07 AM
I don't like Darth......but I like The Evil Boss Bobo even less........he got what he deserves.
Posted By: rexstardust Re: RDCW presents ROBBLEMANIA 2004 - 2004-03-20 10:46 PM
This forum is dead.
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: RDCW presents ROBBLEMANIA 2004 - 2004-03-21 2:07 AM
The CEO of the RDCW is trying to bring down what I,the greatest GM ever,have worked so damn hard to create!
Where there was nothing,I brought you entertainment so I urge you all to stand up & fight that fucker Kamphausen & his pathetic plan to destroy what we have fought long and hard for!
Posted By: King Snarf Re: RDCW presents ROBBLEMANIA 2004 - 2004-03-21 8:10 AM
I knew it! Just as I, the Last True Nature Boy, am on the cusp of becoming #1 contender for the World Title, Kampy threatens to shut us down! I call shenanigans!
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: RDCW presents ROBBLEMANIA 2004 - 2004-03-21 5:02 PM
I think for once the NwO & the Triple Set need to reunite to bring down the harbinger of RDCW doom,Bobo Kamphausen!
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: RDCW presents ROBBLEMANIA 2004 - 2004-03-21 8:32 PM

You can't close down the RDCW! I was THIS CLOSE to getting my match with King Snarf! The NwO was THIS CLOSE to solidifying power! The Triple Set was THIS CLOSE to being ousted from any power they might have had! Damn you, Rob! Damn you to blazes!!!

Grrr. I'm in. I'll play nice with Snarf for the greater good.
Posted By: Rob Re: RDCW presents ROBBLEMANIA 2004 - 2004-03-21 10:28 PM
there were no nature boys until i created them.

there was no rdcw until i created it.

this forum didn't exist until i created it.

if it has to get shut down, it has to get shut down
Posted By: god Re: RDCW presents ROBBLEMANIA 2004 - 2004-03-21 10:53 PM
Stop acting like me.
Posted By: Continuity! Re: RDCW presents ROBBLEMANIA 2004 - 2004-03-21 11:42 PM
Continuity is the true creator light who has given life to you all! Bow down before me!
Posted By: robateme Re: RDCW presents ROBBLEMANIA 2004 - 2004-03-21 11:50 PM

Rob Kamphausen said:
there were no nature boys until i created them.

there was no rdcw until i created it.

this forum didn't exist until i created it.

if it has to get shut down, it has to get shut down

Shut up and eat me. Again.
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: RDCW presents ROBBLEMANIA 2004 - 2004-03-22 1:09 AM

Rob Kamphausen said:
there were no nature boys until i created them.

there was no rdcw until i created it.

this forum didn't exist until i created it.

if it has to get shut down, it has to get shut down

Without us you'd be nothing...........in fact even with us,yer still nothing!
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: RDCW presents ROBBLEMANIA 2004 - 2004-03-22 4:32 AM
Thats it,Robblemania the greatest PPV ever is over & the results speak for themselves................or do they?
Stayed tuned for play by play!
Posted By: Grimm In the Power Trip locker room - 2004-03-22 4:50 AM
*bottles of champagne are being uncorked and poured over the new tag champs, the new women's champ, and the Doctor, after their wins at RobbleMania!*

We told the world! We took it all tonight! Triple Set represent! The Power Trip is going all the way, baby! And the Nowhere World Order is going exactly there. . .Nowhere!
Posted By: PJP Re: In the Power Trip locker room - 2004-03-22 8:00 AM
Undefeated Baby...........Udefuckingfeated.
Posted By: TK-069 Re: In the Power Trip locker room - 2004-03-22 9:36 AM
Snarf and I... had a draw?!

Either we had the most kick-ass match ever witnessed by a crowd of less than 500, or it was a bullshit ending.
Posted By: King Snarf Re: In the Power Trip locker room - 2004-03-22 9:49 AM
Wait... are we both number 1 contenders?
Posted By: Son of Mxy Re: In the Power Trip locker room - 2004-03-22 3:48 PM
The ring collapsed, fuckers!
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: In the Power Trip locker room - 2004-03-22 4:45 PM

King Snarf said:
Wait... are we both number 1 contenders?

Wait til the play by play to see how it ends.
In the past I said I'd cast the deciding vote but in this case it looks to me like a fatal three way is on the cards!
Posted By: thedoctor Re: In the Power Trip locker room - 2004-03-22 5:15 PM
Been on a mini vacation since Tuesday. I'll get to the play-by-play later today, when I get the chance.
Posted By: Mike The Mouth Monroe Robblemania Recap - 2004-03-22 8:09 PM
History has been made. The premier event in wrestling has come and left its stain on the sport.

The opening match saw rexstardust, Mxy, & winged creature in a 6-man tag match against Captain Sammitch, Wednesday, & Beardguy57. Rex and Beardguy started off the match. They kept the pace slow and steady at first. With Wednesday being tagged in, the moves became faster and riskier. They kept Rex isolated from his partners and made good use of tags to stay fresh. With a last minute reversal Rex is able to tag Winged Creature into the fray. A series of lefts and rights weakened up his opponents for Mxy to come in to finish Sammitch off with a flying scissors kick from the turnbuckle for the win.

The long debated question of the RDCW's biggest gayboy wanker was answered as Speedy and Jack the lil' death faced off in the ring. In what has to be one of the shortest matches in history, Speedy distracted Jack by wetting himself in the middle of the ring. While Jack turned away in disgust, Speedy rolled him into a schoolboy pin, grabbing the tights to assure a win, and copping the most obvious feel ever seen by a wrestling audience.

Fueds have never been in short supply at Rob's Boards, and the most recent and lively one has made it to the squared circle in the form of a TLC match. Chris Oakley faced off against the Captain of Outer Space in a brutal, but thoroughly injoyable match. Oakers made quick work of the Captain's skull with a steel chair. The Captain returned the favor with several shots to Chris's midsection with the ladder. These men pummeled each other until they could barely stand buy slamming, tossing, and dropping each other onto and through tables and the occasional ladder. But it was Oakers Shooting Star Butt-Bomb from the top of a ladder that ended this grudge match.

What can be more entertaining than a Hardcore match? How about a Hardcore match where a title shot at the Heavyweight Cheese belt is on the line? In a fight that never even made it to the ring, TK and Snarf with what started out as a simple backstage encounter went into an out and out brawl. Everything from the janitor's mop to the concession stand was used as a weapon. Both men, bloodied and bruised, starving for the chance at the belt, fought their way into the parking lot. A beat-up old Camero found a few more dents as TK was whipped into the passenger door, and Snarf was DDT'ed on the hood. TK's head made that winshield crack when Snarf tossed him into it like a spear.

Madman Marcum: Hey! Wait a minute! That's MY car!

When it looked like TK might have the upper hand, a rust colored El Camino appeared from out of nowhere, running both men down.

Marcum: That car wasn't rust colored. It was rust!

With both men down, the referree had no choice but to count both men out and call the match. How will this affect the #1 contender slot for the Heavyweight Cheese belt?

More to come....
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: Robblemania Recap - 2004-03-23 2:57 AM

Mike The Mouth Monroe said:

The long debated question of the RDCW's biggest gayboy wanker was answered as Speedy and Jack the lil' death faced off in the ring. In what has to be one of the shortest matches in history, Speedy distracted Jack by wetting himself in the middle of the ring. While Jack turned away in disgust, Speedy rolled him into a schoolboy pin, grabbing the tights to assure a win, and copping the most obvious feel ever seen by a wrestling audience.

What,no cars were tipped during this match?
Not surprised about the "copping a feel" bit though!
Posted By: Rob Re: In the Power Trip locker room - 2004-03-23 4:15 AM

thedoctor said:
Been on a mini vacation since Tuesday. I'll get to the play-by-play later today, when I get the chance.

whatever will we do?!?!
Posted By: Kristogar Velo Re: In the Power Trip locker room - 2004-03-23 6:02 AM
Call the forum silly and threaten to shut it down?
Posted By: Cowgirl Jack Re: In the Power Trip locker room - 2004-03-23 6:06 AM

Grimm said:
*bottles of champagne are being uncorked and poured over the new tag champs, the new women's champ, and the Doctor, after their wins at RobbleMania!*

Yay! I don't know what I won, but I won!

"Grimm! Stop spilling the champagne on my new white blouse!"
Posted By: Rob Re: In the Power Trip locker room - 2004-03-23 7:41 AM

Kristogar Velo said:
Call the forum silly and threaten to shut it down?

or delete posts and lie about it?

continued lameness.

finish up the recap already
Posted By: Grimm Re: In the Power Trip locker room - 2004-03-23 10:43 AM

Cowgirl Jack said:

Grimm said:
*bottles of champagne are being uncorked and poured over the new tag champs, the new women's champ, and the Doctor, after their wins at RobbleMania!*

Yay! I don't know what I won, but I won!

"Grimm! Stop spilling the champagne on my new white blouse!"

tee hee!
Posted By: Mike The Mouth Monroe Robblemania Recap Part 2 - 2004-03-23 6:45 PM
The Lightweight Faggot belt comes up for grabs as PJP defends the title against last Havoc's Battle Royal winner, Backwards7. 7 came out swinging, determined to take the fight to the champ. Suplexes, head scissors take downs, and drop kicks came rapid fire. But PJP, being a veteran, was able to turn the tides and slow the pace of the match down. He kept it simple and steady by working over the challenger's back with punches, kicks, drops, and stretches. 7 soon found the chance he needed to take the gold when he sliped out of a hold and set up his finisher, The Golden Shower. But his inexperience in the ring became his downfall as he spent too much time posing for the audience, allowing PJP to lock in the Alabama Crag-Dangle. All his previous work on Backwards7's back came to fruition as the young man tapped out, leaving PJP as the longest reigning Lightweight Faggot.

Next up was the Whipped Cream and Jell-O Women's Boobie belt title match.

Marcum: Excuse me while I go back to my dressing room for..... um................... yeah!

Well, gentlemen, I can think of no words to describe the match that went on in that tub of whipped cream and strawberry Jell-O. So I'll leave it to your own imaginations, which is probably best. Just remember: Cowgirl and Stareena rolling around in a tub of whipped cream and Jell-O, and Cowgirl is the new Women's champ.

Ladies and gentlemen, a ring hasn't been built to hold the Hardcore title match that was booked here tonight. Which is why it's a good thing that the Cheesedome is located next to Crazy Achmed's Junkyard and Post-Modern Sculpture Emporium. Surrounded by barbed wire and really weird metal statues, these men ferociously beat the living hell out of each other to be known as the Hardcore Porn champion of the RDCW. Many of the participants of this match had to be taken to the nearest hospital (at their own expense) for immediate medical treatment. FNB suffered a broken arm from Jaburg's use of tire iron as an equalizer. Pete Townshend in being treated for broken ribs after being pinned between a Chevy Nova and a Ford Studabaker by theory9. But, without a doubt, Jim Jackson's demise at the hands of the caveman Urg was the true highlight of the match. With a Diving Powerbomb from the top of the garbage dumpster onto the Kenmoore washing machine allowed Urg to get the three count and snag the belt away from Jaburg.
Posted By: Mike The Mouth Monroe Robblemania Recap Part 3 - 2004-03-23 9:06 PM
The Donkey Lovin' Tag Team titles were on the line as Doc. Mid-Nite and Grimm of the Triple Set stood up against NWO's own Aussie Scumbags, Danny and Dave. Both teams showed expertise in the ring with numerous tags and team work in their attempts to wear their opponents down. Doc. Mid-Nite was the first to be pulled away from his corner by the Aussies as they let out everything in their bag of tricks, working on the man's knee. But a drop toe hold was all Doc. needed to get to his corner and bring in Grimm. One for brute force, he pounded away at the tag team from Down Under. A blind tag brought Dave in to catch Grimm unaware. The big man's arm was the focus of the renewed Aussies' attacks. As the ref had his hands full pushing Doc. out of the ring and away from his ailing partner, Dave, wanting to end this match, ran in with his tag belt in hand, ready to smash in Grimm's skull. But in a last minute miracle, Grimm dodged the blow leaving Danny to take the full force on the gold against his head. Dave was quickly thrown from the ring by Grimm, who was finally able to tag his partner in. Doc. wobbled on the top rope but still was able to pull of the Triple Set's devistating double team manuver: Sloppy Seconds. The 1-2-3 gives the RDCW its new Donkey Lovin' Tag Team champions, Grimm and Doc. Mid-Nite.

Now, onto the match that has been coming since the foundation of the RDCW. Co-GM The Doctor, and leader of the Power Trip, along with CEO and owner Rob Kamphausen team up in a grudge match against Co-GM and NWO founder Nowhereman and his partner, fellow NWOer, Joe Mama. Rob started off the match against Joe. Even though he was still relatively new to the profession, Joe was able to dominate Kamphausen. A much needed tag brought The Doctor in. Nowhereman immediately called for a tag from Joe Mama and entered the ring. The hatred and animosity between these two is legendary in the RDCW. These two men went at it like wild animals. This might as well have been a singles match. Neither man wanted to tag out. Neither wanted to give up. Near pinfalls and deadly submissions almost ended this match up several times. PJP's run in with a chair on the behalf of the NWO almost turned the tide; but Azreal, the Doctor's bodyguard, chased the would-be interferrer out of the stadium. It was at that moment that the whole RDCW world turned inside out and upside down. CEO Rob Kamphausen entered the ring with a chair ready for the back of Nowhereman's head, but turned and planted it right in the face of his own tag partner, the Doctor. Nowhereman then covered for the win as Rob looked on, smiling. How long have Rob and Nowhereman planned this?

If that wasn't enough show for you, Velo had to make his first ever Heavyweight Cheese defense against not one, but five opponents. Though he need not be pinned for someone to gain the title, Velo found a big bullseye on his back as he stepped into the ring. LLance was the first to seperate the young man. Using his pattented slams and splashes, LLance took Velo off of his feet. Drzsmith had to fight off Roy Batty who made perfect use of his hazzardous Flying Fists against the former champ. BSAMS neutralized JQ with a series of headbutts and elbow smashes. As the brawling came to a fever pitch with pins being attempted, the match turned into a battle royal as no one could concentrate on a single opponent. As everyone else fought on, BSAMS and Drzsmith found themselves face to face and alone. With a single jab of his index finger, BSAMS pushed Drzsmith onto his back to grab the pin and become the new Heavyweight Cheese champion.
Posted By: Rob Re: Robblemania Recap Part 3 - 2004-03-23 10:59 PM

Mike The Mouth Monroe said:
It was at that moment that the whole RDCW world turned inside out and upside down. CEO Rob Kamphausen entered the ring with a chair ready for the back of Nowhereman's head, but turned and planted it right in the face of his own tag partner, the Doctor. Nowhereman then covered for the win as Rob looked on, smiling. How long have Rob and Nowhereman planned this?

hey, "uses his mouth" monroe... you seem to be lightening up on the coverage a bit. important aspects you skipped over.

why not take the time to go into detail -- and do your damn job, bitch. i pay you for a reason, and different than your other 'clients'

y'see... once the doctor's crippled and broken body lay on the mat, face down, like he's used to, ...a new dawn began.

with each and every leg drop i leveled on the bloody mess, the world embraced a new focus, and a new outlook -- a new love and a new desire.


your ways are done, doc. over. pitiful and disgusting. why, even president bush is looking into changing the constitution against you!

as the chants and praise and godlike admiration fill the arena, it has become clear -- these people are mine.

i brought them the forum.
i brought them this arena.
i am their god and savior.

and this new day -- this new dawn?

this is rob's world order

Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: Robblemania Recap Part 3 - 2004-03-23 11:16 PM
Deal with it beatches!
Posted By: Bibbo Re: Robblemania Recap Part 3 - 2004-03-29 9:38 AM
What, no Bibbo / I-Man match?

But, what to call it?

- The Domestic Disturbance

- Brothers at Arms

Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: Robblemania Recap Part 3 - 2004-03-29 10:34 PM
Bibbo Vs I-Man or tag team?
Posted By: King Snarf Re: Robblemania Recap Part 3 - 2004-03-29 11:02 PM
I say it's high time for the return of Punch/ CounterPunch!
Posted By: Grimm Re: Robblemania Recap Part 3 - 2004-03-29 11:33 PM
we need more tag teams.
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: Robblemania Recap Part 3 - 2004-03-30 1:19 AM
Unfortunately the Aussie scumbags are no more!
Posted By: King Snarf Re: Robblemania Recap Part 3 - 2004-03-30 1:23 AM
Yeah, 'cause you broke them up! Fucktard.
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: Robblemania Recap Part 3 - 2004-03-30 1:27 AM
We broke you up as well!
Posted By: King Snarf Re: Robblemania Recap Part 3 - 2004-03-30 1:43 AM
The Triple Set is like a Hydra. You may think you have cut off a piece, but we will regenerate, stronger than ever before!
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: Robblemania Recap Part 3 - 2004-03-30 1:44 AM
I wasnt talking bout Triple set,I was talking bout you!
Posted By: King Snarf Re: Robblemania Recap Part 3 - 2004-03-30 2:02 AM
Piffle! None can stop the Last True Nature Boy!
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: Robblemania Recap Part 3 - 2004-03-30 2:17 AM
Posted By: Chris Oakley Re: Robblemania Recap Part 3 - 2004-04-14 6:03 PM
Sneaky Bunny's next on my hit list!
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: Robblemania Recap Part 3 - 2004-04-14 7:07 PM
Just cause you decorate your walls with magazine adds doesnt give you the right to battle in the womens division!
Posted By: Chris Oakley Re: Robblemania Recap Part 3 - 2004-04-16 9:30 PM

Nowhereman said:
Just cause you decorate your walls with magazine adds doesnt give you the right to battle in the womens division!

I don't decorate my walls with ads,you freak!

OK,time for me to make an introduction--your head and this table!(kicks Nowhereman right in the guts,then piledrives him through a table)
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: Robblemania Recap Part 3 - 2004-04-16 10:44 PM
Posted By: Chris Oakley Re: Robblemania Recap Part 3 - 2004-04-16 10:52 PM
(starts to brandish the kendo stick)

Don't push me...
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: Robblemania Recap Part 3 - 2004-04-17 12:39 AM
Is that a kendo stick?
Looks more like a roll of got milk adds to me!
Posted By: Chris Oakley Re: Robblemania Recap Part 3 - 2004-04-17 5:07 PM
Hey,Nowhereman,I'm forming a union--this stick and your head!(cracks Nowhereman's skull with the kendo stick)
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: Robblemania Recap Part 3 - 2004-04-17 8:39 PM
Well that certainly felt like a bunch of rolled up adverts!
Posted By: First Amongst Daves Re: Robblemania Recap Part 3 - 2004-04-19 6:32 AM

Chris Oakley said:
(starts to brandish the kendo stick)

Don't push me...

I knew you were that little kid talking to his mommy in the dairy aisle at the supermarket on the weekend!