

the G-man said:

The Time Trust said:
Do people REALLY believe this shit?

I've said it before, I'll say it again. I find it highly ironic that the people with the most to lose from an Islamic victory--the liberals, the feminists, the gays, etc--are the ones in the deepest denial about what we are facing.

TTT and Pro are just two examples of that.

I have to give MEM a bit of credit for not sticking his head in the sand on this thread. However, its sad that he had to start in on "Bush is bad" again. He's becoming a broken record that way.

The fight against radical Islam should be one area we should be able as a nation to unite. Even if you disagree with how the President is handling that fight, its suicidal to downplay the threat.

(Title edited as Fox News headline style)
Yeah, someone's a broken record.
Broken in the ass.
Because of too much penetrating.
    Savage Love
    Dan Savage
    ...and most infamously, a man dies in Washington State after having sex with a horse. The first reports about the death by horse didn't include the exact cause of death, and like many people, I assumed the man had been fatally kicked in the head when he attempted to mount the killer horse. This was not the case. The man died, a horrified world soon learned, of a perforated colon. A perforated colon could mean only one thing: The horse was the active partner, and the dead man, a 45-year-old resident of Seattle, had literally been fucked to death.

    After the news broke, hundreds of distressed Savage Love readers wrote in to ask me why anyone would want to be fucked by a horse, how that would work exactly, and how a perforated colon kills you. (A perforated colon leaks like Karl Rove on a bender, which in this case led to a fatal case of acute peritonitis.) A few people wrote in to ask if the farm was still open for business. I was away when you needed me most, dear readers, drinking my way through Glasgow and Copenhagen when I should have been here comforting and consoling you. And by the time I returned to work this week, every angle of this story—the ethics, etiquette, and mechanics of getting fucked by a horse—had already been covered by Miss Manners, Garrison Keillor, and Bob Novak, so there's really nothing left for me to add.

    Except this: The dead man videotaped the fatal encounter, a tape the police seized, reviewed, and apparently leaked, as the videotape is now on the Web. Of all the troubling aspects of this incident, it's the existence of this videotape that has me scratching my head. One would think that getting fucked in the ass by a horse would be an experience so memorable that you wouldn't need a videotape to recall it. ("Hey, remember that time you got fucked by a horse?" "No, I can't say that I do. Hand me that box of Depends, would you?") But the man made a video, and now it's out there for all to see, which is a tragedy for the dead man, his family, and the killer horse.
Goddamn it, G. You had to take it too far.
Why hasn't G-Man appeared to debate or comment? I mean, he and The Neocon Gang ran up and down bsams' "Pro and Whomod are friends" thread. So, it proves they know how to get out of that forum once in awhile. They're probably sitting on the couch over there, smoking pot or something...
its Monday - Circle Jerk and Paint By Numbers Jesus Night.
They're probably re-enacting the mark foley scandal.

Wow...double-score! RACK Sneaky and Rex...
I think G-Man is praying to Allah this week!

Prometheus said:
Why hasn't G-Man appeared to debate or comment? I mean, he and The Neocon Gang ran up and down bsams' "Pro and Whomod are friends" thread.

Who the hell would want to risk getting jizzed in the middle of a Canadian circle-jerk?

Pariah said:


That's fake.

So's 80% of the woman back there.

Pariah said:

Prometheus said:
Why hasn't G-Man appeared to debate or comment? I mean, he and The Neocon Gang ran up and down bsams' "Pro and Whomod are friends" thread.

Who the hell would want to risk getting jizzed in the middle of a Canadian circle-jerk?

...you quit your job?
G-man can't post here today. He's too busy preparing himself mentally for the pain, great pain, of the forthcoming midterms.

I personally am mentally preparing myself for all the snide remarks I expect to deliver when I will be digging up his thread about how the GOP can never lose power in Congress.
I finally figured out how G-Man really found his way to the RKMBS. He was Googling GOP and accidentally typed GOB--and history was born.


Jambi said:
That's fake.

So's 80% of the woman back there.

...that's a woman? I thought it was Barry Manilow in drag.

First Amongst Daves said:
G-man can't post here today. He's too busy preparing himself mentally for the pain, great pain, of the forthcoming midterms.

Sorry, Dave. I live in New York. One of the bluest of the blue states. I am well aquainted with GOP losses from personal experiences. After having Clinton elected "my" Senator, I'm pretty much steeled for anything that comes in November.

the G-man said:

First Amongst Daves said:
G-man can't post here today. He's too busy preparing himself mentally for the pain, great pain, of the forthcoming midterms.