long ago, as the hero of time, i sought after ideas to legitimize the rkmbs. not simply by marrying the bitch after i knocked her up, but moreso in the realm of converting the landscape into an ezine; a collection of things for other intraweb folks to read.

for many, many reasons, this was a horrific disaster. none of those reasons involved the content, or the providers of said content - it's simply a culture mix. y'can't force these boards to be anything they're not: a brooding and corrupt haven of malcontent. that's why we all came here, and that's why we all come back.

but still, i long (long!) for the concept of this legitimate front. and that, in an "alfred-talking-to-batman-and-casually-uttering-a-key-word-that-solves-the-problem" type way, is the key: a front. i'm going to give this whole shebang a whirl again, but not trying to mess around with the heinous perfection that these forums are. these boards will stay as is; nothing will change. rather, i've built a front; a new portal, with glistening sheen and a sparkle of happiness and cleanliness. in other words: an actual website-looking website. the goal is to become a IGN / UGO / MANIA / SOMEOTHERSITE type of site, which these boards essentially are, except for all the proverbial doing of one anothers moms.

minus that taint, the new site's content will be the same thing we love here: comics, tv, video games, movies, boobies, and other such things that all fellow geeks love mightily. quite aptly, i've named it thusly: mightygeek.com.

i've spent the past few months nerdily learning new technologies in my thousands of never-ending side projects, and have pieced things together on an alpha build. my hope is to have it polished off to a working-beta within another few weeks. after that? the quest is off and running, with a triforce at stake.

why post this here? especially with the golf and pariahbots waiting with their pre-programmed responses? i post this as an invitation to join. there's no pressure, no need, and nothing required. i don't get a million dollars, or even a single dollar, if you'd like to be a part. i've just always enjoyed the idea of putting something together like this, and i quite honestly find a limitless amount of inspiration from folks upon these forums who share my similar geeky interests.

why would you give a(n additional) fuck? sometimes, i know, each of you has a neato idea or a story to tell or a claim to make or a topic to create that, for reasons learned, you decide to either half-ass post, or worse, not post at all. the advantage of mightygeek.com is that you'll get your soap box. you'll get the opportunity to explain why doctor who is the greatest tv show ever. or the gayest. why the NBA will never have a 2012 season. why the DC reboot is the worst thing to happen to comics. why cena should turn heel. any of those topics that you truly want to tell, you'll now be able to. on a site that looks professional, is professional, has a legit following, and, most importantly, does what any good website should do: makes your opinion (look) more valid than everyone else's. now you're the jackass at a site who ranked "halloween" over "friday the 13th" in the all-time horror movie top 10 list.

oh, well, there's also the perks of lots of free swag from studios (video games, blu-rays, comics, posters, etc.) a revenue-sharing pay-per-post type scenario, and other niceities. that's all down the line, but a short line all lined up and inline. line.

so, yeah, like i said, feel no pressure to do anything. the sites not nearly ready yet, anyway. i honestly just wanted to put it out there, share, and purchase cheap golf clubs. if its of interest, awesome. if not, then i fucked your mom. and she was awful.
Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-07-09 8:29 AM
MightyGeek? Let's raid their forum!

This looks cool. I've been thinking about doing one-word pre-judging reviews of the 52 relaunch titles (I predict lots of "mehs") but didn't think any website was stupid enough to publish.
Posted By: Son of Mxy Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-07-09 8:59 AM
I am in full support of this idea. It's just moral support, but I am giving it in full.
Posted By: Prometheus Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-07-09 9:08 AM
Posted By: rex Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-07-09 9:21 AM
I'm in.
Posted By: Son of Mxy Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-07-09 9:23 AM
Gob, a legitimate question: If someone joins, can that person use the entries to hawk affiliate links?

Nothing too blatantly sploggish, though. A real honest to goodness article written by a person wanting to inform people, but with some chosen keywords containing a link to say, an amazon product.

(e.g. the direction of links going from an article repository > mightygeek > affiliate products.)
Posted By: Lothar of The Hill People Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-07-09 10:00 AM
I joined. Sorry,guys.
Posted By: PCG342 Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-07-09 10:00 AM
 Originally Posted By: Rob
Posted By: Son of Mxy Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-07-09 10:37 AM
 Originally Posted By: Lothar of The Hill People
I joined. Sorry,guys.

Rob, I changed my mind. I'm out.


Please remove the math question. It's too hard.
Posted By: the G-man Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-07-09 3:47 PM
It's a great looking site. However, I get the feeling that Rob's post, protestations to the contrary, is his way of telling us this board is soon being taken to a wonderful farm upstate where it can romp and play forever and forever.
Posted By: Captain Sammitch Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-07-09 6:09 PM
I joined your damn site. I hope you're fucking happy.
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-07-09 7:59 PM
I'm in, especially if G-Man's theory is true...as it applies to him and Wonder Boy. Enjoy your farm!!!

(Too mean?)
Posted By: Rob Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-07-09 8:26 PM
 Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
MightyGeek? Let's raid their forum!

i'm actually undecided as to whether i'd link a new forum to that site, somehow connect it to this site for use as a forum, or just go the forum-less comment route, which is where it's at now.

 Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
This looks cool. I've been thinking about doing one-word pre-judging reviews of the 52 relaunch titles (I predict lots of "mehs") but didn't think any website was stupid enough to publish.

that's just the kinda stuff i'm thinking. stupid, funny, informative, etc. things that don't really have a great place elsewhere. we could mix formal, standard deep-site reviews with blog-style, punchy, quick thoughts. make whatever we want out of it.

 Originally Posted By: Son of Mxy
Gob, a legitimate question: If someone joins, can that person use the entries to hawk affiliate links?

i don't really see why not. i think i'd want to see more specifically what you're referring to, but as long as it's slyly mentioned within content and not an infomercial, seems fine to me.

 Originally Posted By: the G-man
It's a great looking site.

still tweaking. the end result will have a structure more similar to another site of mine, toonbarn.com. not with all the goofy, cartoon idiocy, just referencing the actual core templates. (and, for the record, that's another site anyone is free to join in as a contributor, if you're also gay for animation)

 Originally Posted By: the G-man
However, I get the feeling that Rob's post, protestations to the contrary, is his way of telling us this board is soon being taken to a wonderful farm upstate where it can romp and play forever and forever.

no death. these boards will live on as an independent entity (unless in someway joined, as mentioned above).

 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
I'm in, especially if G-Man's theory is true...as it applies to him and Wonder Boy. Enjoy your farm!!!

at mightygeek, we welcome all types of death farm commentary!
Posted By: Rob Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-07-09 8:29 PM
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
I joined your damn site. I hope you're fucking happy.

that's the other thing - everyone is also obviously welcome to join as a reg'lar member, in addition to a writer. one or the other, both, or neither; the latter resulting in mom fucking.
Posted By: Grimm Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-07-09 10:47 PM
well, after the initial "oh, here we go again" response to reading the thread title, this actually is a pretty good idea. I have a lot of irons in the fire and this would be a good spot to push them.

change. evolve. move forward.

I'll be round.
Posted By: Rob Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-07-10 1:06 AM
ok, i've thus far converted all the registered accounts to "contributors". this means, in addition to reading everything on the site, you'll also have the ability to write. if you don't want to, you don't have to - and if you flat out want me to un-contributor your name, i can do that, that's easy.

however, if you DO like the idea, read on...!

when you log in, there should now be this horrifically ugly gray bar spanning the top of the page. one of the first few options in that bar is ADD NEW. click on that, then select "POST" from the drop down.

that will take you to the main posting interface. from here, you'll be able to enter all your garbage - it's a wordpress backend, so if you've used that before, you know the drill. if you haven't, its honestly not that different from posting here, except a bit better and easier.

feel free to putz around, get used to all the different features and options and such. nothing you post will go live to the site, it instead goes to an admin queue, where i can review, make edits, then post through. not that id ever change content - i'll just fix stuff if its broken, or add purdier pictures, change the schedule of when the post goes live, or other fruity things. however, in the meantime, you can just try stuff for the sake of trying it.

you can add images by uploading them through the interface - no need to worry about hosting or ftp. you can add youtube videos and similar share-media sites with ease, as well - typically just by posting the URL in the article. you can also completely customize the interface - dragging the little blocks around, or even deleting them, if they're in your way.

most of the rest is self explanatory, but feel free to ask if you don't know what you're looking at. the backend is a little slow, because its still on a testing server, so once i have it all purdied to be a live site, everything will be faster.
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-07-10 1:22 AM
Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-07-10 4:15 AM
Just joined!

 Originally Posted By: Rob
there will be no math involved.

Posted By: rex Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-07-10 7:34 AM
Apparently adding a google+ button makes advertisers very happy. Also, a google+invite from someone here would also make me happy.
Posted By: Prometheus Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-07-10 8:53 PM
I could probably add something to the site. Probably an article on how Doctor Who is better than Rob Kamphausen. It will be lengthy, but unlike sex with Rob, quite satisfying...
Posted By: PCG342 Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-07-10 9:18 PM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
It will be lengthy, but unlike sex with Rob, quite satisfying...

I'm torn between "That's what she said..." and making the obvious joke about the amount of research you put into arriving at that conclusion.
Posted By: allan1 Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-07-10 11:29 PM
Two things:
1.Somebody already has my username.This is unacceptable.
2.Is there some sort of bowling trophy involved?
Posted By: Stupid Doog Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-07-11 3:19 PM
I signed up just to have another website I can log into once every few weeks post twice and disappear again.
Posted By: Rob Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-07-11 7:34 PM
 Originally Posted By: allan1
Somebody already has my username.This is unacceptable.

hah - really?

 Originally Posted By: allan1
Is there some sort of bowling trophy involved?

i am working on an achievements system, which could include bowling-trophy-shaped notices. but that's a down-the-line type event.
Posted By: allan1 Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-07-11 8:23 PM
 Originally Posted By: Rob
 Originally Posted By: allan1
Somebody already has my username.This is unacceptable.

hah - really?

 Originally Posted By: allan1
Is there some sort of bowling trophy involved?

i am working on an achievements system, which could include bowling-trophy-shaped notices. but that's a down-the-line type event.

Really,really....delete this poser.
Posted By: Prometheus Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-07-11 9:20 PM
Kill the false Allan!! There is only one, true Allan1 !!
Posted By: Prometheus Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-07-11 9:22 PM
Posted By: thedoctor Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-07-11 9:59 PM
Are you worshiping false allans, Rob?
Posted By: Prometheus Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-07-11 10:07 PM
are he!
Posted By: Stupid Doog Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-07-11 10:25 PM
You need to fix the login prompt Gob.
Posted By: Rob Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-07-11 11:21 PM
 Originally Posted By: Stupid Doog
You need to fix the login prompt Gob.

yar, there's a good deal of wonkiness left. i'll be anniversarying in and out (uh huhuhuh) over the next few days/weeks, but i'd say all should be polished up nicely by the middle of august. the site, too!

in the meantime, everyone free free to start adding your posts. even if you're just queuing them up or testing out ideas. once the improved site goes live, everything taht is there now will be carried over and improved in the new world!
Posted By: Pariah Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-07-12 6:21 AM
What the fuck is this shit?
Posted By: thedoctor Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-07-12 4:09 PM
That's pretty close to disapproval, Rob. You may just have a hit on your hands.
Posted By: Rob Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-07-12 5:54 PM
its like the internet just smiled!
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-07-12 7:03 PM
 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
That's pretty close to disapproval, Rob. You may just have a hit on your hands.

If Rob's new site gets hacked due to Rob's shitty security, only then will Pariah like it.
Posted By: allan1 Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-07-13 4:03 AM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus


At any rate,all is well and fixed.I also purchased new golf clubs.
Posted By: Stupid Doog Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-07-13 7:38 PM
 Originally Posted By: allan1
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus


\:lol\: \:lol\:
Posted By: Prometheus Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-07-14 5:51 AM
I really should continue that one day.....
Posted By: Rob Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-07-14 6:44 AM
if only there were a new creative website to use as an outlet...
Posted By: thedoctor Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-07-16 12:26 AM
Just sent one playing around. Probably do more of this during the weekend to get a feel for the software.
Posted By: Rob Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-07-16 1:14 AM
published! came out (more beavis) nicely!

one thing i'll also work on in the next few weeks is some sorta publishing "bible". just a general outline of how to maximize all the articles. very basic stuff, like adding tags, uploading images with meta information, etc. all stuff that's great for google-searches, to ensure your posts get you lots of attention.

every author will also have their own author page, which will collect every post made by that user, which you can fill with bio stuff if you want (especially great for those who want to have writer or web nerd or whatever on their resume). here's yours: http://www.mightygeek.com/author/thedoctor/
Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-07-16 4:30 AM
Do images need any sort of attribution? On other sites they make us provide the sources, and even then we can only take images from certain websites (which is a pain in the ass).

For the DC thing I'm just gonna steal the images from the solicitations and host them in your site, is that okay?
Posted By: Rob Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-07-16 4:40 AM
as far as i'm concerned, its fine. when it becomes a problem, that means we're gathering enough attention for others to notice, so it will be a good problem to have.

if it's an obvious copyright, and you want to give credit, add the credit to the "caption" field. (part of what i was mentioning above; the META code for images has an ALT, a TITLE, a CAPTION, and DESCRIPTION)

the only "requirement" i'd have is keeping image width to 600pixels wide. doesn't matter how tall. they can be smaller than 600 pixels wide, but never larger (and, honestly, things just look purdier when they're all uniform at 600 - but ill leave that up to you). If an image needs to be larger (like a giant desktop wallpaper or something) then you can upload it and link to it, just not embed it - cuz then it gets all funky on screen.

one of the great parts about wordpress is that you dont' really have to know anything about photoediting - the uploading tools walk you through the whole process. you can resize everything on screen without opening another program
Posted By: Son of Mxy Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-07-16 2:33 PM
 Originally Posted By: Rob
published! came out (more beavis) nicely!

one thing i'll also work on in the next few weeks is some sorta publishing "bible". just a general outline of how to maximize all the articles. very basic stuff, like adding tags, uploading images with meta information, etc. all stuff that's great for google-searches

I want this.
Posted By: Rob Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-07-16 9:12 PM
bible wanter!
Posted By: Ultimate Jaburg53 Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-07-17 12:41 AM
"Victim Of The Modern Era" toy reviews.

Coming fucking soon.
Posted By: Pig Iran Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-07-17 2:05 PM
Of course, Jaburg steals my fucking idea. Fucking Burg!

Will we be able to obtain musical icon speaker thingies as a reward at this new place?
Posted By: Rob Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-07-18 1:15 AM
 Originally Posted By: Ultimate Jaburg53
"Victim Of The Modern Era" toy reviews. Coming fucking soon.

and now, so will i.

 Originally Posted By: Pig Iran
Of course, Jaburg steals my fucking idea. Fucking Burg!

you could always create a "why burg's reviews are wrong" recurring article

 Originally Posted By: Pig Iran
Will we be able to obtain musical icon speaker thingies as a reward at this new place?

the internet still mourns the loss of sound thingies
Posted By: First Amongst Daves Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-07-28 3:41 PM
What sort of content do you want, Goblet?
Posted By: Rob Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-07-28 5:35 PM
anything is "news." the same type of stuffs you post (or would have) here, except it'll look official and professional and respected because it's on a "real" site. i think this rkmbs forum, and this collection of posters, pretty much represents the best in all things "geek." that's why i think this'll be a fun lil project for all of us, with a nice side selection of (potential) benefits.

posts can be reviews, opinions, previews, thoughts, hopes, top 10 lists, etc. they can be as brief or as long as you want them to be, as often or as irregular as you want them to be, etc. if the premise continues that authors contribute when and how they want, rather than forcing stories like a "job", then i think that reflects the best content.

so, you can build up this massive 600 page diatribe on why post crisis DCU is more engrossing than the star wars trilogies. or, quickly embed the latest trailer to the upcoming avengers film as soon as it becomes available, with a one-liner zing as a commentary. i imagine a good chunk of the content will be stuff you found on other sites, ripped and paraphrase to become originals on mightygeek.com. ...in other words, the same theft of every site and news outlet.

i hope to have everything (backend / design wise) set up within august, but everyone is free to register and start contributing now -- all content will just be moved and enhanced with the launch, so nothing will be "wasted" (unless you want it to be).
Posted By: Son of Mxy Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-07-28 5:51 PM
 Originally Posted By: Rob
anything is "news." the same type of stuffs you post (or would have) here, except it'll look official and professional and respected because it's on a "real" site. i think this rkmbs forum, and this collection of posters, pretty much represents the best in all things "geek." that's why i think this'll be a fun lil project for all of us, with a nice side selection of (potential) benefits.

posts can be reviews, opinions, previews, thoughts, hopes, top 10 lists, etc. they can be as brief or as long as you want them to be, as often or as irregular as you want them to be, etc. if the premise continues that authors contribute when and how they want, rather than forcing stories like a "job", then i think that reflects the best content.

so, you can build up this massive 600 page diatribe on why post crisis DCU is more engrossing than the star wars trilogies. or, quickly embed the latest trailer to the upcoming avengers film as soon as it becomes available, with a one-liner zing as a commentary. i imagine a good chunk of the content will be stuff you found on other sites, ripped and paraphrase to become originals on mightygeek.com. ...in other words, the same theft of every site and news outlet.

i hope to have everything (backend / design wise) set up within august, but everyone is free to register and start contributing now -- all content will just be moved and enhanced with the launch, so nothing will be "wasted" (unless you want it to be).

you have my axe!
Posted By: Son of Mxy Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-07-28 5:51 PM
you can also have Pro's bow. It's not like he's any good at it, anyway.
Posted By: Prometheus Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-07-28 6:30 PM
Dammit! Stop giving away my weapons, SoM!
Posted By: Rob Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-07-28 7:02 PM
together, they shall form axebowflex 2000!

so, uh... yeah. start posting. or start getting ideas for posting. i'll fix up the purdies in the meantime.

ill also whip up a more detailed "geek bible" with some guidelines and explanations (helpful stuff, not fuck-you stuff) on how to work it. just ways to better maximize the content, so's you pull the largest / best audience towards your articles and make the largest impact. such as with axebowflex.
Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-07-28 10:34 PM
I've given up on the one word review thing. It was a stupid idea. I still wanna do something with the DC reboot though.

Maybe we could do a collective piece on how we would have rebooted each title?
Posted By: thedoctor Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-07-28 10:54 PM
Sounds like a cool plan. One person takes a title and/or character and creates a new direction. I'd be down for something like that.
Posted By: Rob Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-07-28 11:53 PM
 Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
I've given up on the one word review thing. It was a stupid idea. I still wanna do something with the DC reboot though.

while it's true that there are no "there are no stupid ideas," stupid could actually work. "caption this" type posts still remain as one of the most engaging and popular bits o'content. if a one-word-review theme is in your heart, feel free to let the following decide if they like it or not. there's no "quality filter" (especially seeing as how quality is subjective, pariah, you stupid piece of stupid shit)

 Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
Maybe we could do a collective piece on how we would have rebooted each title?

i definitely think opinionated-type shit like this is where sites do best. i'd love to revive the whole "character 2.0" thing, too. detail why "my" character is better than the official version.

hell, lady shazam would be welcome to contribute, if it didn't give too much away of her new master plan
Posted By: rex Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-07-28 11:56 PM
 Originally Posted By: Rob
pariah, you stupid piece of stupid shit
Posted By: iggy Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-07-29 12:00 AM
 Originally Posted By: rex
 Originally Posted By: Rob
pariah, you stupid piece of stupid shit
Posted By: thedoctor Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-07-29 12:25 AM
 Originally Posted By: iggy
 Originally Posted By: rex
 Originally Posted By: Rob
pariah, you stupid piece of stupid shit
Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-07-29 9:28 AM
 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
Sounds like a cool plan. One person takes a title and/or character and creates a new direction. I'd be down for something like that.

I went ahead and started a thread in the comic forum to play around with the idea: http://www.rkmbs.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=1154005
Posted By: Son of Mxy Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-07-29 11:29 AM
 Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
Sounds like a cool plan. One person takes a title and/or character and creates a new direction. I'd be down for something like that.

I went ahead and started a thread in the comic forum to play around with the idea: http://www.rkmbs.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=1154005

pariah you stupid piece of shit
Posted By: First Amongst Daves Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-07-29 2:48 PM
 Originally Posted By: Rob
anything is "news." the same type of stuffs you post (or would have) here, except it'll look official and professional and respected because it's on a "real" site. i think this rkmbs forum, and this collection of posters, pretty much represents the best in all things "geek." that's why i think this'll be a fun lil project for all of us, with a nice side selection of (potential) benefits.

Ok. I figure I'm helping you get rich from the old-fashioned advertising online business model, so you can can buy me lunch if you make any money out of it.
Posted By: First Amongst Daves Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-07-29 3:34 PM
I just tried to sign up as William Corto. But I was told the user name is gone.

Was there something I missed in your tl;dr explanation?

I'll be writing a futurist column.... I'll start a thread to flesh out the idea in Deep Thoughts.

Ah, got it. It didn't like a hotmail account.
Posted By: Prometheus Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-08-01 4:21 AM
Thanks a lot Aussie! You come back and BAM! board crash...
Posted By: Prometheus Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-08-01 4:23 AM
Rob ass-kicky Administrator cobra kai
15000+ posts 27 minutes 29 seconds ago Viewing a list of posts
Forum: Women

It's been two days, and where does he go the moment the board re-opens?
Posted By: Grimm Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-08-01 4:51 AM
working on a couple of ideas.
Posted By: Rob Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-08-01 5:30 AM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Rob ass-kicky Administrator cobra kai
15000+ posts 27 minutes 29 seconds ago Viewing a list of posts
Forum: Women

It's been two days, and where does he go the moment the board re-opens?

i needed to be sure they survived!
Posted By: Rob Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-08-01 5:30 AM
on a related note, this crash and the new site are ... well, related. more details, cometh!
Posted By: rex Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-08-01 5:54 AM
thedoctor is an asshole.
Posted By: thedoctor Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-08-01 5:56 AM
This is new how?
Posted By: rex Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-08-01 6:00 AM
I'm not a shut in.
Posted By: thedoctor Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-08-01 6:03 AM
HA! Did Bobo actually post that? \:lol\: Never thought it'd get that far.
Posted By: rex Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-08-01 6:08 AM
It never posted but its in the system. I can only see the title.
Posted By: thedoctor Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-08-01 6:11 AM
Then you have no idea how much of an asshole I've been.
Posted By: rex Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-08-01 6:14 AM
I think I got the general idea of it all.
Posted By: thedoctor Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-08-01 6:19 AM
Just deleted it. You don't have to worry about crying yourself to sleep tonight.

At least not about that.
Posted By: Prometheus Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-08-01 6:33 AM
\:lol\: I've been laughing about that since the board shut down! I wasn't sure anyone else had seen that!

"Oregon shut-in kills self after demise of RKMBs.com"

Posted By: rex Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-08-01 6:37 AM
I would have missed it if you didn't link it to me.
Posted By: Prometheus Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-08-01 6:40 AM
I wasn't sure you had seen it...
Posted By: First Amongst Daves Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-08-01 3:33 PM
Writing an article on the history of mechanised exoskeletons.

The site is called "MightyGeek", so why the fuck not.
Posted By: Rob Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-08-05 5:25 PM
ok, i think everyone here that registered is now considered a "contributor" (he who can write) correct? to see if this is true, ... try to write! go to this link:
Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-08-06 9:15 AM
Rob, there are a couple of rejected Cracked ideas I'll post there, simply because I've already done all the research.

That could be your cathcphrase: "Mighty Geek: Not good enough for Cracked."
Posted By: Son of Mxy Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-08-06 2:18 PM
What's the platinum seo pack for?
Posted By: Son of Mxy Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-08-06 2:18 PM
it fixes the cable?
Posted By: Rob Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-08-07 7:00 PM

click the images to embiggen!

these're some basic guidelines and tips for posting stuffs. it can get a bit confusing, since there's so much to look at - perhaps even more so with the little tip boxes. it's nowhere near as confusing as this looks, i just tried to cram as much info as possible into the two key screens. in actuality, it's much closer to the "type stuff, post stuff" rkmbs functionality. the above images just show you how to maximize your efforts.

basically, don't think of these as rules; they're guidelines. there's no penalty for fucking up - this is just the ideal, optimized
way to get things going.

anything submitted as an article (at least early on) will go through me (gross). so, if there are big issues or conflicts, or you just fucking hate all the guidelines, i can tweak it up before it goes live, then show you what i changed. i've been doing this for awhile, so it's all become second nature(boyz). soon, you will join us. ...join us...
Posted By: Ultimate Jaburg53 Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-08-11 9:12 PM
My pictures are taken and edited. Words are coming.
Posted By: Rob Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-08-12 5:04 AM
 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
 Originally Posted By: iggy
 Originally Posted By: rex
 Originally Posted By: Rob
pariah, you stupid piece of stupid shit

Posted By: Son of Mxy Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-08-12 5:06 AM
How about a Mighty Geek comic strip by Maxwell Yezpitelok?
Posted By: Captain Sammitch Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-08-12 6:10 AM
Posted By: Son of Mxy Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-08-12 6:18 AM
I was able to touch the hem of his robe!
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-08-12 6:49 AM
 Originally Posted By: Son of Mxy
I was able to touch the hem of his robe!

When you dropped out of him into the Chile River?
Posted By: Son of Mxy Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-08-12 8:40 AM
Joe, if you don't back off I swear I'm going to touch the hem of your robe too.

I'm going to touch it real hard.
Posted By: Stupid Doog Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-08-12 4:14 PM
In the ass!
Posted By: thedoctor Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-08-12 4:16 PM
Watch out, SOM. You may wind up covered in thread.
Posted By: Rob Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-08-13 7:46 PM
FYI - if you post anything on mightygeek in the next week or so, just make sure you make a local backup. i'm relocating the server to the live "let's do this" server, and want to be sure nothing gets lost in the transfer.

(for the record, i'm also relocating rkmbs.com to the better server, but that'll be a few weeks down the line)
Posted By: Ultimate Jaburg53 Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-08-13 8:06 PM


Posted By: Rob Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-08-13 9:20 PM
no. no.


i mean, ok, sure, you can still panic if you want to. but nothing will be down, per se, except for the homies with the proverbial "that."

mightygeek.com will be the first to move over to a new home. there should be no downtime, but there could be "land of the lost" time. where, like, some of you can access the site on the old server, while others are simultaneously accessing the site on the new server. in other words, some of you will be with lapedus and sun, while the others will hit the 70s with jack and hurley. and no one will know why, ever.

THUS, just to make sure no one's hard work was lost, if you post anything to mightygeek in the next few days, just make sure you have a local backup of it. that way, if you're in the 1970s when we set off the bomb and reset time, space, and continuity, you can repost your temporarily lost content on the new site, back in "current" time; be that 2007 or now. the same will be true of the rkmbs a few weeks later. there will likely be promos during comic-con.
Posted By: Prometheus Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-08-13 9:55 PM
Posted By: Rob Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-08-13 10:59 PM
fucking exactly
Posted By: Rob Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-08-17 12:27 AM
 Originally Posted By: Rob
FYI - if you post anything on mightygeek in the next week or so, just make sure you make a local backup. i'm relocating the server to the live "let's do this" server, and want to be sure nothing gets lost in the transfer.

this has now happened. mighty geek lives on a new server. ill be finishing up the design changes over the next week, so things might go kablooey a bit more, but only on the front end - your posts and stuff should now be fine and 99.9% worry free.

 Originally Posted By: Rob
(for the record, i'm also relocating rkmbs.com to the better server, but that'll be a few weeks down the line)

this has not happened yet. but will in the next few days. might result in the boards being down for a few hours or something.
Posted By: Stupid Doog Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-08-17 2:42 AM
Posted By: Son of Mxy Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-08-17 7:00 AM
is it down yet?
Posted By: Son of Mxy Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-08-17 7:05 AM
So where's the bible thingie gob has promised?

I'm thinking of writing something about playing Ps2 and Wii games in HD resolution on your PC, but I'm not sure if it's kosher (I could skirt around the piracy side of things, though)
Posted By: Prometheus Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-08-17 8:27 PM
Is there a different link for the site now? I can't seem to login. It says it cannot find the page I'm looking for...
Posted By: Rob Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-08-17 8:39 PM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Is there a different link for the site now? I can't seem to login. It says it cannot find the page I'm looking for...

just part of the server migration. in nerd speak, the DNS has to update for each region, independently. in people speak, fuck you. should be fine soon, all at the same address (though a cache clearing couldn't hoit!)
Posted By: Rob Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-08-17 8:40 PM
 Originally Posted By: Son of Mxy
So where's the bible thingie gob has promised?

I'm thinking of writing something about playing Ps2 and Wii games in HD resolution on your PC, but I'm not sure if it's kosher (I could skirt around the piracy side of things, though)

here's some of the rules n'guidelines n'such.


as for actual content, there really are no creative limitations. as long as you can fit it into nerdly topics (comics, tv, movies, gadgets, web stuffs, etc. - all the menu options) it's all kosher.
Posted By: Son of Mxy Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-08-17 9:41 PM
 Originally Posted By: Rob
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Is there a different link for the site now? I can't seem to login. It says it cannot find the page I'm looking for...

just part of the server migration. in nerd speak, the DNS has to update for each region, independently. in people speak, fuck you. should be fine soon, all at the same address (though a cache clearing couldn't hoit!)

Posted By: Prometheus Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-08-17 9:43 PM
No, NO! I will not F ME! DAMN YOU ROB!
Posted By: Prometheus Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-08-17 10:15 PM
 Originally Posted By: Rob
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Is there a different link for the site now? I can't seem to login. It says it cannot find the page I'm looking for...

just part of the server migration. in nerd speak, the DNS has to update for each region, independently. in people speak, fuck you. should be fine soon, all at the same address (though a cache clearing couldn't hoit!)

Posted By: Son of Mxy Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-08-17 10:22 PM
damnit pro, don't hack the site!
Posted By: Prometheus Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-08-17 10:23 PM
He made me yo he MADE ME!
Posted By: rex Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-08-17 10:35 PM
damn it pro!
Posted By: Stupid Doog Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-08-17 10:40 PM
 Originally Posted By: Rob
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Is there a different link for the site now? I can't seem to login. It says it cannot find the page I'm looking for...

in nerd speak, the DNS has to update for each region, independently. in people speak, fuck you.

Words hurt Rob. Words hurt.
Posted By: Rob Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-08-18 12:04 AM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Rob
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Is there a different link for the site now? I can't seem to login. It says it cannot find the page I'm looking for...

just part of the server migration. in nerd speak, the DNS has to update for each region, independently. in people speak, fuck you. should be fine soon, all at the same address (though a cache clearing couldn't hoit!)

hurm. that also looks like something i fucked up. ... i mean... that YOU fucked up!!! give me a moment to fix your mess.
Posted By: Rob Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-08-18 2:17 AM
alright then, clear the cache. should be worky. design is still gonna be funky for a while longer, tho, but that shouldn't impact your article stuffs.
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-08-18 3:55 AM
How will this effect the "name Rob's Blog contest"?
Posted By: thedoctor Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-08-19 12:22 AM
How do you want to handle the DCU Reboot thing, Mxy?
Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-08-19 10:24 AM
I'm just gonna cut and paste what everyone said and slap some covers. Originally I was gonna get until we got 52 titles but looks like we have enough.
Posted By: Rob Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-08-27 8:41 AM
mightygeek.com has begun to look like soup! ...cooked soup!
Posted By: thedoctor Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-08-27 7:12 PM
I'm in the middle of fixing my computer after updating a few drivers off of Dell's website. Fuck you, Dell. Fuck you in your silicon ass!
Posted By: Stupid Doog Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-08-28 1:19 AM
I tried setting a Dell laptop at work to dual-boot XP & W7. I got everything working but the sound. Nothing would get the sound working! So yes, fuck you Dell. Fuck. You.
Posted By: thedoctor Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-08-28 2:25 AM
Oddly enough, it's the sound that fucked up here. The driver wouldn't install properly, corrupting the old driver, eliminating the sound, and the only place to get the driver is from Dell. So, it took me about a day of redownloading and reinstalling the driver until it finally took.
Posted By: Stupid Doog Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-08-28 4:27 AM
Least you spent a day. My boss told me to figure it out so I worked on it for 2 weeks. I downloaded all sorts of different drivers, I edited the registry, wiped out all sound card files and started fresh to force a windows update to download the correct driver. Nothing worked. It was bull shit.
Posted By: Son of Mxy Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-08-28 4:29 AM
Have you tried sticking your penis in the case?

It's the first thing I always do.
Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-08-31 10:46 AM
I posted the DC reboot thing just now, right in time for JLA #1. Except I didn't put any pictures there, because I'm lazy.
Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-08-31 10:46 AM
I hope you're all prepared to deal with the fame this post will bring us.
Posted By: Son of Mxy Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-08-31 12:03 PM
I bought a bottle of viagra as preparation for the groupie sex.
Posted By: Rob Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-08-31 6:25 PM
just posted the article live, mxy. and just ordered more viagra, son of mxy.

while i assumed the viagra would be awesome, the article is, as well. i threw an image in there just for the sake of imagerying. i'll go through it more in depth later (i'll have the viagra, after all) but wanted to post it up as is for now. even the batman bit. you racist shit toxin.
Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-08-31 9:21 PM
I was gonna mention Nintendo and Hulk Hogan, but I didn't wanna alienate our audience with old people references.
Posted By: Grimm Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-09-06 12:03 AM
I've started on what should be the first of a series of interviews with local wrestlers. think of it as "Beyond the Mat" meets "Random Interviews."
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-09-06 1:16 AM
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
How will this effect the "name Rob's Blog contest"?
Posted By: Prometheus Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-09-08 9:06 AM
Okay Bobo, I added a new column/post. I didn't understand exactly how to attach all the pics I wanted, where. So, what I did was upload the media to MightGeek, attached it to that post/column, and then placed an IMG link in the article where I want said pics. I was going to use my Photobucket to host them. Still can, if you want.

Also, if you notice I dumped am HTML embedded video code at the end. Can video not be embedded on this site? If not, I guess a link will do...
Posted By: Franta Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-09-08 9:08 AM
Posted By: Prometheus Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-09-08 9:32 AM
Mother! See? You taught me well. Your lessons WEREN'T wasted! But, I still cannot beat LLance at sumo wrestling... \:\(
Posted By: Prometheus Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-09-08 9:33 AM
Oh and Bobert, I got bored after I made that last post. So, I smoked some more weed and taught myself how to insert pictures into the posts (and my penis into vaginas). It should be submitted now. Let me know about the video......if I don't figure it out before then...
Posted By: Franta Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-09-08 9:44 AM
ahhhhhh Bach
Posted By: Rob Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-09-08 5:19 PM
 Originally Posted By: Franta

i feel like olive oyl!
Posted By: Rob Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-09-08 6:08 PM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Also, if you notice I dumped am HTML embedded video code at the end. Can video not be embedded on this site? If not, I guess a link will do...

video is actually pretty easy. all you really have to do is post the URL to the video page, like http://www.youtube.com/yaddayadda. no wacky embedding or coding needed, the MG backend will do the rest - just as yours so beautiful does ;\)

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
I smoked some more weed and taught myself how to insert pictures into the posts (and my penis into vaginas).

yar, it's a little jarring at first, just cuz it looks so unnecessarily confusing, but its actually quite easy (and awesome) to upload into the system.

here's some changes i made to your post, and their associated reasonings, to make it betterer:

1) i beefed up the title. google uses 70 character strings for search, so i always try to cram as many keywords as possible into that amount (i don't really know anything about doctor who, so i improvised)

2) i de-photobucketted the images and put them on MG server, but you had the MG ones correct!

3) i removed the wacky embed code for the video, and just posted the youtube URL

4) if you ever write an article that's more that features a second paragraph, hit the MORE button after the first paragraph. that adds a little bit of code that separates the post into two parts. so, when the post is on the homepage, it will only show the first paragraph (what comes before the "more" button). on the post's own page, it will show the full article. its magic!!

5) i threw a few keywords into the post tags section. another good thing for SEO stuffs
Posted By: Prometheus Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-09-08 9:13 PM
 Originally Posted By: Rob
1) i beefed up the title. google uses 70 character strings for search, so i always try to cram as many keywords as possible into that amount


(i don't really know anything about doctor who, so i improvised)

Yeah, someone should really write an article about that, huh?

2) i de-photobucketted the images and put them on MG server, but you had the MG ones correct!


3) i removed the wacky embed code for the video, and just posted the youtube URL

Cool, but you forgot to clean-up the YouTube poster's URL link I added. It still shows the code for the url, but isn't hyperlinked. Right above the video at the bottom.

4) if you ever write an article that's more that features a second paragraph, hit the MORE button after the first paragraph. that adds a little bit of code that separates the post into two parts. so, when the post is on the homepage, it will only show the first paragraph (what comes before the "more" button). on the post's own page, it will show the full article. its magic!!


5) i threw a few keywords into the post tags section. another good thing for SEO stuffs


I was a little taken back the way you re-edited the format of how I had it laid out, though. For example, I had set it up for a pause between the picture of Ian and Barbara. And when it was right below the paragraph, it worked with the flow. You moved the picture to the side. At first I didn't like it. But, I guess it's worth sacrificing that little bit of flow for overall aesthetic.

MY actual problem: Why are Ian and Barabara's and Gallifrey's picture captions Left-Indented, and why did you change them? Ian and Barbara's only have their name now, as does Gallifrey. Intentional editing or unintentional goof?
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-09-08 9:28 PM
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
How will this effect the "name Rob's Blog contest"?
Posted By: Prometheus Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-09-08 9:42 PM
BTW, you interested in a new background? I'm thinking if you want to be relevant, you might want to have the nuSuperman and nuBatman instead of Jim Lee's supermodel and the DKR fatboy. Just a thought.
Posted By: Son of Mxy Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-09-08 10:31 PM
Rob hates Dr. Who.
Posted By: Rob Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-09-08 10:51 PM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
forgot to clean-up the YouTube poster's URL link I added.


 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
I was a little taken back the way you re-edited the format of how I had it laid out, though. For example, I had set it up for a pause between the picture of Ian and Barbara. And when it was right below the paragraph, it worked with the flow. You moved the picture to the side. At first I didn't like it. But, I guess it's worth sacrificing that little bit of flow for overall aesthetic.

MY actual problem: Why are Ian and Barabara's and Gallifrey's picture captions Left-Indented, and why did you change them? Ian and Barbara's only have their name now, as does Gallifrey. Intentional editing or unintentional goof?

the caption issues (and those two particular smaller-than-600 images) actually got fudged a little when i reworked the caption process - about 10 minutes after i posted your article. before, the caption boxes were too wide and were breaking the site column. i had to quick adjust them, and altered the style while i was in there (from centered gray on gray to left aligned white on black).

but then it got further screwy, because those two images weren't 600 pixels, so they were floating black boxes of doom in the article. so, i left / right aligned them along with the text to try to clean that up.

seemed the lesser of two evils, but im happy to switch back if you prefer!

as a general rule, i likely wont ever make any editorial changes in posts (evar!) unless something breaks in the code, or there's a better way of doing things for, like, google SEO reasons. e.g.; the title

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
BTW, you interested in a new background? I'm thinking if you want to be relevant, you might want to have the nuSuperman and nuBatman instead of Jim Lee's supermodel and the DKR fatboy. Just a thought.

eventually, each category will have it's own series of backgrounds that will randomate (!) upon arrival. the batman/superman one is a neato pic, but really just a placeholder for now.
Posted By: Rob Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-09-08 10:51 PM
 Originally Posted By: Son of Mxy
Rob hates Dr. Who.

not withstanding!
Posted By: Prometheus Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-09-08 11:16 PM
From hell's heart! That's cool. Sorry about the too-small-pics. I shrunk two of them to 600x that were over-sized. Didn't think about having to up-size the others. It's all good.
Posted By: Rob Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-09-09 12:03 AM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
From hell's heart! That's cool. Sorry about the too-small-pics. I shrunk two of them to 600x that were over-sized. Didn't think about having to up-size the others. It's all good.

it shouldn't be a problem if they're smaller, to be honest. my personal preference, if they're not 600px wide, is to have the smaller images align left or right, but I guess it doesn't matter all that much, and you can go fuck yourself.
Posted By: Prometheus Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-09-09 12:05 AM
If you weren't so gay for Batman and Hulk Hogan, I would say that's cool. I'll try to remember to left/right align the smaller ones. AND your mother...
Posted By: Rob Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-09-09 12:07 AM
Posted By: Son of Mxy Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-09-09 12:20 AM
that is the worst kind of gay!
Posted By: Prometheus Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-09-09 1:20 AM
Now YOU die!!
Posted By: Stupid Doog Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-09-09 1:58 AM
Ok rob, my anti superman tirade is all set.
Posted By: Grimm Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-09-09 2:53 AM
 Originally Posted By: Grimm
I've started on what should be the first of a series of interviews with local wrestlers. think of it as "Beyond the Mat" meets "Random Interviews."

I'm about halfway through the Q & A portion of this. when I'm done with that, I'll start editing it up for clarity/flow. then I will head to MG for posteration and such.
Posted By: Rob Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-09-09 5:59 PM
 Originally Posted By: Stupid Doog
Ok rob, my anti superman tirade is all set.

mightygeeked! http://www.mightygeek.com/2011/comics/slightly-less-super-superman-reboot-aka-hate-superman-most/

some small tweaks:

1) added some tags
2) beefed up the title to 70 characters

that's more or less it!

...this site... it LIVES!!
Posted By: Prometheus Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-09-09 7:26 PM
Where do you add avatars for your Comment identity? I can't seem to find it.

BTW Doog, excellent article. Really enjoyed it, man!
Posted By: Stupid Doog Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-09-09 8:02 PM
Thanks pro
Posted By: Son of Mxy Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-09-09 8:23 PM
I mightygeeked something. I hope I pass the test!
Posted By: rex Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-09-09 9:08 PM
Doog, I got as far as "Lucy Pinder" and then got distracted. I'll read the rest later.
Posted By: Stupid Doog Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-09-09 10:11 PM
I can only imagine the horrors that await your sock drawer.
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-09-10 6:15 PM
Rob Administrator cobra kai
15000+ posts 09/10/11 10:15 AM Reading a post
Forum: Pro & Jake's Fortress of Awesome Chat
Thread: legitimizing the rkmbs
Posted By: Rob Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-09-12 9:15 PM
som, you've been mightygeeked! (doc, you're up next)

i've made "SOMe" changes (hahahaha!! HAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!


1) added a header image
2) added tags
3) added "disposable income" to the title - it beefed it up a bit, to the 70 character limit, and i also thought it sounded like an awesome on-going feature type, about all the stupid shit we waste money on.

and, i believe, that is all!
Posted By: Son of Mxy Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-09-12 9:40 PM
I'm just glad I bumped off Doog and Pro's features off the frontpage.

Did you see that, Doog and Pro? Gaze at the sheer amount of my penis that you are sucking right now!

...and I think I like the idea of an ongoing disposable income. I buy a lot of cheap gadgets from China.
Posted By: Prometheus Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-09-12 9:56 PM
Posted By: Grimm Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-09-12 9:59 PM
they said a computer can do my job better than I can!
Posted By: rex Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-09-12 10:00 PM
I'm working on something for mightygeek right now. I'm gonna title it with whatever is trending on twitter.
Posted By: Son of Mxy Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-09-12 10:04 PM
Posted By: thedoctor Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-09-13 12:57 AM
 Originally Posted By: Rob
(doc, you're up next)

Take your time. It's not like the news will be two days old by then.
Posted By: Rob Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-09-13 4:18 AM
 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
 Originally Posted By: Rob
(doc, you're up next)

Take your time. It's not like the news will be two days old by then.

you can't out prima donna me on my own site!

im still working through all the kinds (teehee!) but site production is coming along (...snicker!)

post should be up and running now: http://www.mightygeek.com/2011/tv/neil-gaiman-shares-production-image-simpsons-november-13th-ep/

some tweaks!

1) title beefery
2) i re-uploaded the image to the mightygeek system
3) added a "new window" hitch to the whosay link.

...and i think that's it.
Posted By: Rob Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-09-13 4:18 AM
i also now have an alert system, so i should get emails when new posts are sent to "pending"

also, lest any future feelings be hurt, once the site IS at a "full steam" type level, i hope to have 3-5 new posts running each day, the bulk of which ill be responsible for (stealing from other similar sites). but just wanted to offer the heads up, so no one feels bad if their post isn't on the feature display section forever.

the reasoning, with extraordinarily few exceptions, is that blog-style formatted sites (ala joystiq / kotaku / even even lowly toonbarn) gain popularity on new updates, all the time. but, fear not, old content isn't "lost", or really even "buried". everything is archived and, because of all this proper nerdery i've been doing, will be fully SEO compliant and findable by anyone searching for them. ...forever!!!!
Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-09-13 8:39 AM
Check out the front page of Cracked.com, they run 4 articles a day but you can still see articles from a week ago. They got a lot of "they changed it so it sucks" posts when this happened but the redesign is working really well, traffic-wise.
Posted By: Son of Mxy Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-09-13 9:33 AM
I wish rob would do the same thing to mightygeek so that I can complain that it sucks.
Posted By: Lothar of The Hill People Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-09-13 9:41 AM
 Originally Posted By: Son of Mxy
#lothar,i'm gay

Good for you!
Posted By: thedoctor Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-09-20 6:38 PM
Sent another one, Bobo. Still having trouble with the home computer, so I've only sent a brief mock up of the pics with no Photoshopping and such. Do with it as you please.
Posted By: Rob Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-09-20 6:55 PM
posted! http://www.mightygeek.com/2011/geeky/gamers-achieve-step-aids-research-world-warcraft/

the quick boboisms:

1) beefed up title (50 bonus points for squeezing WOW in there)
2) added image to MG server
3) added the "more" tag
4) added a "source" link at the bottom, open in new window
5) used different header image to better fit the anal sizing...

Posted By: Rob Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-09-23 8:10 PM
OK, for reference, here's how i've broken down the various categories, and some example topics in each:
  • Comics - comic books, super hero movies (dc comics reboot, superman)

    Games - video games (suepr mario, halo, wii-u)

    Geeky - science articles (technology, comet discoveries, crystal mines)

    Girls - hot girls, sex stuff (Sofia Vergara, Angelina Jolie, new condoms)

    Movies - movies, dvds, blu-ray (Batman Begins, Mission Impossible 4)

    Sports - baseball, wrestling (WWE, TNA, fantasy baseball stats)

    Toys - action figures, gadgets, (new iphone, DC Direct statues)

    TV - new shows, series favorites (LOST, The Simpsons, Louie)

    Web - internet, youtube videos, MEMEs (demotiviational posters)

so what do you think, are there any geeky subjects missing? better ways to group or classify? better title names to reference with?
Posted By: Prometheus Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-09-23 8:24 PM
Combine some of those. I'd combine movies, TV, games, & web categories as to not overwhelm random traffic just perusing the site. The less categories, the more chance they'll see something that catches their interest. Potheads go there and are like, "Um. I want pretty pictures about movies and tv shows and superheroes and holy shit do I have any oreos left..." They have a less chance of stumbling on a movie topic that will keep them there if it's resigned ONLY to the movies category. If it's in "Media" (games, tv, movies, web) then they could run across any number of articles from those various platforms that would lead them on to others. And hey, I'm high right now, so I know what I'm talking about...
Posted By: thedoctor Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-09-23 8:52 PM
Potheads don't need broader categories. They'll stare at a blank screen for half an hour before remembering to turn their computer on. I think, as of now, the categories are okay; but I do see the logic in combining TV/Movies and Games/Web.
Posted By: Son of Mxy Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-09-23 9:23 PM
what about a Deep Thoughts topic?
Posted By: Prometheus Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-09-23 9:25 PM
 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
Potheads don't need broader categories. They'll stare at a blank screen for half an hour before remembering to turn their computer on.


...we get hungry after about fifteen minutes...
Posted By: Rob Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-09-23 10:12 PM
typically, i'm more in favor of combining sections, rather than spreading them out. especially early on, as i like having sections filled with content, and that's easier to do when there are less sections.

the reason i broke these out as is (and not saying this is the right way, or the way it will stay) is because i felt it best spread out our chances at grabbing individual groups. people just looking for comics, or just sports. each of the individual sections acts as its own homepage, and it's own SEO beacon. in other words, it's more efficient and more effective to tag for "movie news" when it is it's own section.
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-09-23 10:12 PM
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Thread: legitimizing the rkmbs, aka introducing MightyGeek.com
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-09-23 10:13 PM
Posted By: Rob Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-09-24 4:05 AM
yer up, doog!



1) reworked header image for size analness
2) fixed title to work with 70 character limit
3) added "more" tag
4) put in just the "games" category

....and that's it!
Posted By: Stupid Doog Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-09-26 6:40 PM
I'd wear a mighty geek shirt. Please send me one free of charge. Thank you.
Posted By: Prometheus Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-09-27 12:11 AM
 Originally Posted By: Stupid Doog
I'd wear a mighty geek shirt. Please send me one free of charge. Thank you.
Posted By: Rob Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-09-27 5:08 AM
i'd actually do that, too.

i'd just like to design a neat-o logo first, besides just the name. then i could noncommittally send one to you various authors.
Posted By: Son of Mxy Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-09-27 8:45 AM
Send me two. So that I can sell one on eBay.
Posted By: Son of Mxy Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-09-27 8:46 AM
...or give it to a groupie as reward for a good BJ.
Posted By: Stupid Doog Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-09-28 12:26 AM
I'm actually gonna look into how much a fitted cap or beanie would cost with your current logo. I wear hats all the time, 'specially in winter and I'm totally willing to pimp your site to the mutated masses in greater NE Ohio
Posted By: thedoctor Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-09-28 10:29 PM
Sent another one. You'll still need to do a lot of work on it with the pics and such. Imma just too lazy.
Posted By: Rob Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-09-28 11:02 PM
just sentcha an email about it!

you got scooped with a mxy article like 4 minutes earlier! different
subject, tho, so no worries.

that aside, i've queued yours up ready to launch tonight at 7pm EST

only made a few slight tweaks to yours:

1) added a new header image that fits the proper size format (moved the other one lower down)
2) added a MORE tag after the first paragraphed
3) rewrote the title a bit to fit the google limits - i THINK it has the same meaning as your intention, you tell me:
Amazon Takes on Apple iPad with Kindle Fire. "Two Tablets Enter..."

otherwise, it's golden!
Posted By: thedoctor Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-09-28 11:07 PM
Posted By: Grimm Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-11-03 9:27 PM
why can't I post new topics?
Posted By: thedoctor Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-11-03 9:31 PM
Gob hates you.
Posted By: Grimm Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-11-03 9:45 PM
predictable. boring. post-2005 JLA level.
Posted By: thedoctor Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-11-03 10:03 PM
I haven't read what you wanted to post over there, but I'm sure it's better than you're making it out to be.
Posted By: Grimm Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-11-03 10:33 PM
Posted By: Rob Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-11-04 2:28 AM
ok sorry, your account wasn't a "contributor" yet -- but it is now! so mighty shit it, you geek!

Posted By: Grimm Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-11-05 2:14 AM
Posted By: Grimm Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-11-05 4:02 AM
submitted. I plan on going back in and adding some pics later.
Posted By: Grimm Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-11-06 4:40 AM
thanks Gobbo.
Posted By: Rob Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-11-06 6:43 AM
no prob(bo)

nice article! and I like the ongoing segment idea

for some reason (i have yet to figure a way around) writers can't make edits once the article is submitted. no typo fixes, no picture adding. so, i grabbed the best photo I could find of the dude and a video (there were more of those than photos!) and went with it. were they accurate...?
Posted By: Grimm Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-11-07 5:35 AM
I did not know that. I'll see about taking care of that earlier in the future.

the pic is accurate. I didn't watch the vid, I just assumed it was. no one's said anything about it, so. . .but there should be several videos available if it's not.
Posted By: Son of Mxy Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-11-07 5:44 AM
Rob, I want you to raise my Mightygeek pay to 3 times of what Grimm is getting from you, if you want me to continue posting at the site.
Posted By: Grimm Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-11-08 12:56 AM
I just sent another concept.
Posted By: Rob Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-11-08 6:41 AM
ok, posted it up!

made a few tweaks:

1) most notably, added a main image and several supplemental images
2) altered the title a bit to fit the most content as possible within the 70 character google limit

one suggestion i'd make (but not at all a "must") is to break up longer topics into several posts. might be able to squeeze out more content with multiple "mini reviews" rather than putting them all in one.

really, that's a preference choice, but i believe it's solid with the internets "MUST CLICK ON" type mentality. smaller articles (300-400 word range) are easier to manipulate with SEO (translate: you can get more eyes on your articles)

that said, im never going to be a content editor on the site - whatever you guys post is how it will stand! so if you prefer this style, have on it!
Posted By: Grimm Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-11-10 9:11 AM
well, I don't know if it's as much a style preference at this stage as it is a still feeling out the technology type thing. I did consider breaking up the Journeyman post into smaller bits, but I really just wanted to finish that up and get it out there as we'd been working on it for a couple of months at that point.

The Previews thing just literally went from head to keyboard without much inbetween time, so I really paid no attention to how long the article was.

the edits made will be fine, I'm sure.
Posted By: Rob Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-11-10 11:13 PM
im thinking of perhaps offering a monthly comic contest amongst the mightygeeks (you shits). something like...

every month, mightygeek will randomly select one comic book review

the selected reviewer will have all of the books paid for that they reviewed in that month, and all books they plan to buy the following month.

the goal is to get as many reviews on the site as possible - if you put up ten reviews, your odds increase that one will win. and, the more you spend, the more you're likely to get back based on the odds.

could use a bit of work, buuuut... interested as posted?
Posted By: Son of Mxy Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-11-11 4:42 AM
can we cheat with downloaded scans?
Posted By: Son of Mxy Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-11-11 4:42 AM
I'm asking for mxy
Posted By: Grimm Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-11-11 5:52 AM
not a bad idear.
Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-11-11 9:28 AM
Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-11-11 9:30 AM
If you get enough reviews to look like a legitimate comics news site, you might be able to get companies to ship you preview copies or at least PDFs. Not DC or Marvel though because they're cheap.
Posted By: Son of Mxy Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-11-11 12:25 PM
I thought rob already gets compli copies of DC titles?
Posted By: Rob Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-11-11 4:20 PM
 Originally Posted By: Son of Mxy
I thought rob already gets compli copies of DC titles?


 Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
If you get enough reviews to look like a legitimate comics news site, you might be able to get companies to ship you preview copies or at least PDFs. Not DC or Marvel though because they're cheap.


the site actually already get a number of freebies, or at least freebie offers. not any of the really good stuff, but, like... a blu-ray of the new pirates of the carribean film and such. i'm in the midst of moving, so haven't been able to dedicate as much time to the site as i should, but it shows there's a promising future for once we all finally do get rolling. i'd just hand out all the goods to one of you.
Posted By: thedoctor Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-11-11 5:15 PM
Well, my comp problems on my home PC should be resolved soon. Looks like I just need a new vid card to fix it all up. Once that happens, I'll be able to Photoshop again. I plan on reviving Development Hell. Is there anyway to put updates on already posted articles? Or are we just going to have to use the comments section to post new info?
Posted By: Rob Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-11-11 10:41 PM
as far as "contributor" status goes (aka you guys) it looks like once you submit an article for review, you can't make edits any more of any kind. not the greatest of systems, but i can understand why it's set that way.

until i hack together a better solution, i think the best quick fix is to do updates via a new article post.

the key to blog-based sites like mightygeek is updates. content is great, but new content is godly. so, while adding an entirely new post to fix something older isn't exactly the strongest case of continuity, it's the best case of site enhancement.

similarly, back to grimm's longer articles, if one long article could equal 10 smaller articles - that's 10 new posts, with 10 new bits of content, in 10 new updates. logically, whether its 10 or 1, its all the same info, so it should have the same impact. however, int he web world, the ten is vastly greater than the 1.

its all them kids!
Posted By: thedoctor Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-11-11 10:48 PM
I can see the usefulness, then, to having a way to link the older articles to the newer and vice/versa. Especially in cases of making lists and the like.
Posted By: Rob Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-11-11 10:57 PM
its certainly possible for you to link from new to old. linking old to new would require editing the original, which is all part of the same mess.

i'll work on a way to fix that.
Posted By: Son of Mxy Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-11-12 5:11 AM
We can also use tags to group a set of articles together (that way, at least we can easily search for posts tagged as "thedoctor's Development Hell" when it's time to daisy chain them)

...or every post you make should have a link at the end to the tag, so that each post will have a link to an index page of sorts that contains all of that series' posts (and the index will be updated automatically everytime you add a new post)

Also you can put dates to separate "seasons", in case you don't want the index to get too big. e.g. "thedoctor's Development Hell 2011-2012"
Posted By: Grimm Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-11-12 5:19 AM
shouldn't be too difficult to break future installments down into smaller sections. easy enough to link back to past columns for reference, right?
Posted By: thedoctor Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-11-13 9:41 PM
Been dicking around in Photoshop for the first time in a while. Thinking of using something like this so that I'd have space to add the actual article title into each supplement.

Posted By: thedoctor Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-11-13 9:41 PM
Also, does Word Press have any kind of poll function? I think we can take something like the Bobo Awards and do it over there with user voting casting the winning votes.
Posted By: Rob Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-11-14 9:51 PM
 Originally Posted By: Grimm
shouldn't be too difficult to break future installments down into smaller sections. easy enough to link back to past columns for reference, right?

yassir! linking back is easy. linking forward is (as of this post) not.

 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
Also, does Word Press have any kind of poll function? I think we can take something like the Bobo Awards and do it over there with user voting casting the winning votes.

it does now! ( )

i just added the feature, which will appear as one of the buttons when adding a new post (by, like, where you make text bold and italics)

 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
Been dicking around in Photoshop for the first time in a while. Thinking of using something like this so that I'd have space to add the actual article title into each supplement.

i likes the design! visually, anyway. practically, however, there's a few issues, which sound dicky and annoying, but i think its actually helpful to explain (in addition to being dicky and annoying)

1) the image is too large for a post's "featured" image. this could certainly be a supplemental image somewhere in the article, as they can be any size, but the main / top image should be 600px wide by 300px tall. sounds restrictive, but because so much of the site is automated, it has to follow that template. the benefits of the automation are that once you make the image the first time, the site automatically resizes it into thumbnails and clickable buttons everywhere else. meaning, the better you fit into the machine, the better the machine takes care of you (awww...)

2) i love the design of the image, but if this is an ongoing topic, not enough of the banner is changing each time. think of it this way, on the comics main archive page (http://www.mightygeek.com/comics/) there are 10 or so main articles, each with their own unique image. one day, there will be a development hell main archive page. with this banner, all of the little thumbnail images would look the same; fire, devil face, theater sign, and a little tiny movie title. as an alternative, i think you could use a large still from the respective movie, with a super imposed devil face in the corner to identify your "brand"

3) i'd actually avoid using text on most site graphics. because of the afore mentioned skynet-like "machine" of a system in mightygeek, images are often reused as tiny thumbs, which can make text too small to read. additionally, sometimes the site automatically lays the post's title on top of the image, like that black bar on the homepage's splash image, or the mouse-over effect on the ten most popular post thumbnails.
Posted By: Grimm Re: legitimizing the rkmbs - 2011-12-06 12:50 AM
am working on the recommended items in the article I just sent. not sure if all the images are going to show up correctly, but otherwise I think it's what you're wanting.
 Originally Posted By: Rob

Seriously. What the fuck IS this shit?
9, 9, 9...
Seems like a poor man's Bleeding Cool...
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sweden
Seems like a gay man's Bleeding Cool...
Why is his cool bleeding?
it's because of all the gay sex
Mark Seifert couldn't handle Rob's mighty gay sex.
you could
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sweden
Seems like a poor man's Bleeding Cool...

no no... bleeding cool is a rich man's mightygeek

join us!
 Originally Posted By: Rob
you could

Why Mister Kamphausen, I believe you may be giving me the vapors!!!
 Originally Posted By: Rob
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sweden
Seems like a poor man's Bleeding Cool...

no no... bleeding cool is a rich man's mightygeek

Good point...

join us!

A pity you didn't have the General Zod avatar when I saw your post...
or did i...
Cave Babes am on the move http://www.mightygeek.com/girls/cave-babes-malin-akerman-chandra-north/ URG am mightygeeked it for you shits.
i changed up the post a bit, urg. hope you don't mind. mainly, i uploaded the boobie pics to the MG server, instead of running them off other sites. (quick and easy to do in the future, honest)
Let me know what you think of what I just submitted. I'll change anything you need me to. I was experimenting with the photo options. Also, that last bit is just about what we were discussing earlier. Take it out if you don't feel ready for that yet or have changed you mind.
finishing up the second edition of the Journeyman in preparation for posting. I will probably begin work on a history of the IC title after that.