Posted By: Grimm WWE, TNA talking to Jericho again - 2007-05-16 8:23 AM

After the injuries to Undertaker and Kennedy, plus the uncertainty about Orton's future and Rob Van Dam leaving, WWE has held casual talks with Chris Jericho about bringing him back for the 'season premiere' edition of Raw. There has been nothing more specific than that yet. TNA also wants to bring him in and Jericho does live in Orlando, which would allow him to pursue outside interests and spend time with his young children. His autobiography is released in October.

Credit: Wrestling Observer Newsletter, 14th May

Posted By: King Snarf Re: WWE, TNA talking to Jericho again - 2007-05-17 8:08 PM
I'd rather see Y2J in TNA. WWE has booked Jericho very poorly at times, though, if he were to go back to the 'E, that would give me incentive to start watching again.

But frankly, just imagine the kinds of matches he could have with guys like Sting, Abyss, Samoa Joe, AJ Styles, Christopher Daniels, and others. Man, I would LOVE seeing some of those!
Jericho, on the other hand, would only come back for big payola, and no comapny pays bigger than the 'E.
Posted By: thedoctor Re: WWE, TNA talking to Jericho again - 2007-05-17 8:54 PM

SpandexMonkeyMan said:
Jericho, on the other hand, would only come back for big payola, and no comapny pays bigger than the 'E.

Actually, Jericho has been very interested in his music and acting since leaving WWE. TNA, while not giving him a bigger paycheck, would give him a schedule that would allow him to pursue those interests more as well as keeping him close to home instead of traveling the country over 300 days a year.
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: WWE, TNA talking to Jericho again - 2007-05-17 9:29 PM
Apparently though, the money he saved has started to dry up as he isnt making much money on the music and acting!