Posted By: rex Starcraft updates - 2005-02-23 8:00 AM
So blizzard just updated starcraft with a bunch of new shit, like better multiplayer options and such. You can now have a buddy list. If anyone wants to play I'm rexstardust on US west. I'll be on occasionally.
Posted By: Son of Mxy Re: Starcraft updates - 2005-02-23 12:50 PM
Does it have G-man as a playable character?
Posted By: rex Re: Starcraft updates - 2005-02-23 12:52 PM
I could see the G-Man being one of the terran generals.
Posted By: backwards7 Re: Starcraft updates - 2005-02-28 6:28 PM

rex said:
I could see the G-Man being one of the terran generals.

General Duke, I think - well meaning but occasionally heavy handed. G-man isn't cold blooded enough to be Arcturus Mengsk.

I wish Blizzard would throw their weight behind Starcraft II. It's hard to believe that this game isn't officially in development. What are they waiting for?

The Ghost third person shooter appears to be lost in development as well.
Posted By: rex Re: Starcraft updates - 2005-02-28 10:55 PM
I heard that their next game is going to be Diablo 3, then Starcraft 2.
They will also be realeasing add-on packs for World Of Warcraft for the next couple years.