Posted By: Rob PS3 Elite? or PS4? - 2007-05-04 3:24 AM
Sony PS4 Not Far Away
By David Richards

    A new Playstation 4 could be less than 18 months away according to a Sony insider. The device will include the same chipset as the current PS3 but where it will differ from the current model is in the drive bay and in the attachment area. It will also include an extensive software suite for the managing of content being streamed to a TV or Hi Fi source.

    In addition Sony is working on improving the output experience so that the device can become a true home entertainment centre eliminating the need for a media centre. "We have even looked at a Sony home server based on Playstation technology. This would allow consumers to connect home automation devices to the Sony server while also delivering online gaming and access to an extensive movie and music library" said one Sony source.

    Ken Kutaragi, the retiring chief executive of Sony Computer Entertainment said in an interview last week that he clearly understands how the PlayStation game consoles should evolve in the next three generations, or fifteen to twenty years from now. He also said that in future it will be possible to create fully Internet-based game consoles.

    "As a matter of course, I have the vision of PlayStation 4, 5 and 6, which will merge into the network," Mr. Kutaragi said. Earlier this year when Kazuo Hirai became the second president of SCEI and chief operating officer, some analysts said that Sony may not launch yet another game console and the PlayStation 3 may become the last one. On this Mr. Kutaragi, who is also known as "the father of PlayStation", says that future consoles may be network-based, which automatically reduces the cost to build such machines.

    "The design concept of the Cell processor is the network processor," Mr. Kutaragi said. "When the PS3 was introduced last year, the network environment was not ready for a net-based game console. Now it has become possible, so why not enter?"

    The outgoing leader has faced a lot of criticism from observers for the PlayStation 3, the latest game console by Sony Group, as the machine is expensive to manufacture despite of the fact that initial batch of games are unlikely to become bestsellers. At the same time, technical advantages of the arch-rival – Microsoft Xbox 360 – and difficulty to develop games for the Cell processor used in the PlayStation 3 have resulted in losing exclusive titles with game developers.

    Kazuo Hirai, who is believed to have better relations with game developers than Ken Kutaragi may fit very well into the Internet-based game console strategy, as technical capabilities of game consoles may play much less significant role going forward.
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: PS3 Elite? or PS4? - 2007-05-04 3:48 AM
Reminds me of this:

"The Saturn is not our future" and referred to the doomed console as "the stillbirth".
Posted By: Rob Re: PS3 Elite? or PS4? - 2007-05-04 3:49 AM
poor lil dreamcast
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: PS3 Elite? or PS4? - 2007-05-04 3:51 AM

DreamCast was a nice console, but Sega's image was tarnished with that comment, and the other failed Sega consoles...
Posted By: Rob Re: PS3 Elite? or PS4? - 2007-05-04 3:52 AM
too many console amalgams and attachments and whatever.

saturn wasn't bad, but the dreamcast was great. lotsa good power and ability and pretty ahead of its time. some nice titles too (they actually still release titles, at least up until last year, in japan)
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: PS3 Elite? or PS4? - 2007-05-04 3:55 AM
32X and Saturn hurt Sega badly.

Those two farces were the reason I waited to buy a DreamCast. But when I broke down and got one, I was glad I did.

That controller was a clunky pile of wank if there ever was one, though...
Posted By: Rob Re: PS3 Elite? or PS4? - 2007-05-04 4:20 AM
might be the worst controller design, in terms of ergonomics, evar(!!1!)

however, it had 4 ports and the cool lil memory card attachments, which were neato and very forward thinking
Posted By: notwedge Re: PS3 Elite? or PS4? - 2007-05-04 6:57 AM
My favorite game of all time is a stategy RPG called Dragon Force for the Saturn. I played it like 20 hours straight one time. It was an act of will to stop playing long enough to go to the bathroom. As much as I loved the game, I'm scared to ever try playing it again.
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: PS3 Elite? or PS4? - 2007-05-04 8:59 PM

Rob Kamphausen said:
Sony PS4 Not Far Away
By David Richards

    A new Playstation 4 could be less than 18 months away according to a Sony insider. The device will include the same chipset as the current PS3 but where it will differ from the current model is in the drive bay and in the attachment area. It will also include an extensive software suite for the managing of content being streamed to a TV or Hi Fi source.

    In addition Sony is working on improving the output experience so that the device can become a true home entertainment centre eliminating the need for a media centre. "We have even looked at a Sony home server based on Playstation technology. This would allow consumers to connect home automation devices to the Sony server while also delivering online gaming and access to an extensive movie and music library" said one Sony source.

    Ken Kutaragi, the retiring chief executive of Sony Computer Entertainment said in an interview last week that he clearly understands how the PlayStation game consoles should evolve in the next three generations, or fifteen to twenty years from now. He also said that in future it will be possible to create fully Internet-based game consoles.

    "As a matter of course, I have the vision of PlayStation 4, 5 and 6, which will merge into the network," Mr. Kutaragi said. Earlier this year when Kazuo Hirai became the second president of SCEI and chief operating officer, some analysts said that Sony may not launch yet another game console and the PlayStation 3 may become the last one. On this Mr. Kutaragi, who is also known as "the father of PlayStation", says that future consoles may be network-based, which automatically reduces the cost to build such machines.

    "The design concept of the Cell processor is the network processor," Mr. Kutaragi said. "When the PS3 was introduced last year, the network environment was not ready for a net-based game console. Now it has become possible, so why not enter?"

    The outgoing leader has faced a lot of criticism from observers for the PlayStation 3, the latest game console by Sony Group, as the machine is expensive to manufacture despite of the fact that initial batch of games are unlikely to become bestsellers. At the same time, technical advantages of the arch-rival – Microsoft Xbox 360 – and difficulty to develop games for the Cell processor used in the PlayStation 3 have resulted in losing exclusive titles with game developers.

    Kazuo Hirai, who is believed to have better relations with game developers than Ken Kutaragi may fit very well into the Internet-based game console strategy, as technical capabilities of game consoles may play much less significant role going forward.

What a pile of shit!
Concentrate on the current machine instead of talking about what you are gonna do in 18 months.
Nothing will kill sales of a console more than telling someone that it will be obsolete in a matter of months!

Posted By: Fused Re: PS3 Elite? or PS4? - 2007-05-04 9:16 PM
As a 10 year Sony faithful Im saying fuck Kaz Hirai and fuck Sony. This is the kinda shit that I expect from their poor business model.