Posted By: Rob new big screen tv ...advice! ...from you! - 2012-10-10 10:05 PM
so, i'm shopping around for a new tv. anything amazing to look out for?

i do not care about 3D. i do want HD. i do want 55-65" (don't we all, knowwhatimsayin). i do want lotsa hdmi ports. i do want hang-on-the-wallability. i'm hoping to not spend much more than 2.5k. wifi is fun.

should i steer towards LED? plasma? specific brands or deals?
Posted By: thedoctor Re: new big screen tv ...advice! ...from you! - 2012-10-10 10:20 PM
Plasmas tend to burn in images quicker that LEDs; so if you're going to play with your Wii on it, don't get plasma. And at least have paper towels on hand. LED-LCD's are getting a lot of talk; but from what I've seen in reviews online, they only get close to plasma's quality at the very high end models (60 in. screens and 5 or 6 grand price tags).
Posted By: Rob Re: new big screen tv ...advice! ...from you! - 2012-10-10 10:43 PM
...waitaminute... your advice is to not get a tv!
Posted By: thedoctor Re: new big screen tv ...advice! ...from you! - 2012-10-10 11:08 PM
Rob, what do you need a TV for when you have your imagination?
Posted By: Rob Re: new big screen tv ...advice! ...from you! - 2012-10-10 11:36 PM
i hate this game!!
Posted By: Rob Re: new big screen tv ...advice! ...from you! - 2012-10-11 12:17 AM
so, i'm searchin on the ole amazon.com here...

narrowed by tv's, price range 1200-2600 or so. i get 200 results. i get plasmas, leds, lcds, 50, 55, 60, 65, etc... are there really any differences, or is it pretty much "they're all pretty good"?
Plasmas are energy hogs. Go for LED TVs. It's sort of the middle ground between LCD and Plasma when it comes to cost, energy consumption, and quality.

As for brands, I don't have any recommendation. We don't have actual brands in China (Our Panasonic is called Pensonic, for instance).
Or Penisonic!
it's Lothar's favorite brand!
Rob, as it happens I did some research on this very subject recently and I have some detailed recommendations. I'll send them to you in a PM.
Wait, shit.
What's a PM?
 Originally Posted By: Stupid Doog
Or Penisonic!

 Originally Posted By: Son of Mxy
it's Lothar's favorite brand!

That not a tv brand. Now you got Short Round excited and confused.


Posted By: Rob Re: new big screen tv ...advice! ...from you! - 2012-10-14 7:29 PM
seems like this is the front-runner / winner: panasonic TC-P65ST50. she's a plasma, and she's a beaut!

i do not care about 3D - it has it, but i still wont care! check.
i do want HD - check
i do want 55-65" - 65", check
i do want lotsa hdmi ports - 3 is enough for me! check
i do want hang-on-the-wallability - check
i'm hoping to not spend much more than 2.5k - just over 2k on amazon, check
wifi is fun - check
Posted By: MrJSA Re: new big screen tv ...advice! ...from you! - 2012-10-14 11:54 PM
 Originally Posted By: Rob
i am gay

Another shitty season for the Bengals-check
Posted By: MrJSA Re: new big screen tv ...advice! ...from you! - 2012-10-15 4:17 AM
cheap heat post-2005 - check!