I decided years ago I wouldn't be buying one of the next gen systems seeing as how I can't rationalize dumping $800 on a toy. Instead, After having an xbox for 3 years I decided to buy a PS3. I dropped $188 on a used system and 2 games. I figured the library of games I could play is not only massive but I could easily go 3-4 years before I decide to buy an xbox or playstation, and by that point the systems should be about half the price they are now. Anyone else doing this? And if you have a ps3 any system exclusive games you could recommend? So far I have InFamous but I'm pretty "meh" about it. I'd like to buy Heavy Rain and Last of Us when they drop a little more, and the Uncharted series is on my radar. Anything else?
Heavy Rain must be cheap as chips now as its old as fuck by comparison to games like Last of us. I cant recommend anything to you if you dont like InFamous.
Heavy Rain directors cut is $20 on Amazon.com, and less if you buy from a marketplace seller. If you get the greatest hits version, its as little as $12.
Oh and not sure where you are getting $800 from, the Xbone and PS4 to my knowledge are around $500 or so.
Yeah, still not cheap, but nowhere near $800 expensive.
Resistance series. It'll be pretty cheap and it has a decent story.

I'm in the minority, but I enjoyed Silent Hill: Homecoming.

There's also the God of War collection disks that essentially put the entire series in one package (except for 3).

I believe Far Cry 3 has gone down in price a good deal. Great game.

Dead Space one and two should be good investments. Three is iffy for most people.
Most of those are not system exclusive.
Killzone, Littlebigplanet, Gran Turismo & Motorstorm are the only other system specific series not mentioned already, that I can think of off the top of my head. (not including early stuff that tanked like Haze etc)
If you can find a cheap copy and stomach the cheesy/bad voicework, Haze is worth a look. I got a copy for maybe $3.
Nowhereman mentioned LittleBigPlanet already, but the Karting sequel/spin-off was pretty enjoyable as a "party" game. Same goes for Twisted Metal. A lot has changed with the current-gen Twisted Metal's design, and most of it alleviates annoying flaws from the older games. The most notable of which is yourself and the enemy doing donuts trying to shoot one another...
I still like the Ratchet and Clank series, just don't bother with All 4 One. The first three are available as HD remakes fairly cheaply. Also, Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD came out earlier last year, if that's your thing.
[quote=]Oh and not sure where you are getting $800 from, the Xbone and PS4 to my knowledge are around $500 or so.
Yeah, still not cheap, but nowhere near $800 expensive.[/quote]

GameStop near my house is selling ps4 and Xbox one packages for $740. Plus tax and it's close to $800. Sure, you could buy the systems and a game for $600 or so but how long is that going to satisfy you? I know one guy who plays one video game per year. He literally took 8 months to beat Dead Space. In the winter all I do is play video games so I could easily spend $1,000 on system and games before summer starts and I can't justify that.