Posted By: Stupid Doog Banned from posting at Deadpan Fury! - 2004-03-14 2:46 AM

You do not have permission to enter this area. You're not good enough. We don't like you. You can't come in. How's that feel, bitch?
» Please use your browser's back button to return, retard.

wow...3 posts, 2 of which were Big Lebowski quotes, and I'm banned from posting. SPECTACULAR!
Did you remember to keep a copy of the posts before the Hatter edited and/or deleted them?
Posted By: Stupid Doog Re: Banned from posting at Deadpan Fury! - 2004-03-14 4:36 AM
they're still there, but they're nothing grand. I wasn't even able to get started.


Stupid Dogg
Member # 102
posted March 12, 2004 07:05 PM
Hi, I just wanted to come here and complain about my placement inbetween the ranks of "fucktards" and "not a fucktards". I am clearly a "fucking wad of wasted spooge" and would prefer that any mention of "Stupid Dogg" be refered to as "Stupid Dogg, that fucking wad of wasted spooge". I appreciate your cooperation.
p.s. please raid the board. it's been kinda boring there lately.

From: I could tell you, but then you'd have to kill me. | IP: Logged


Mad Hatter
Member # 4
posted March 12, 2004 08:01 PM
That's...that's just great...
From: Vancouver, BC | IP: Logged


Stupid Dogg
Member # 102
posted March 12, 2004 09:41 PM
mark it zero!
From: I could tell you, but then you'd have to kill me. | IP: Logged


Member # 22
posted March 13, 2004 12:05 AM
I hope that's not all you got.

From: Beyond the Valley of the Ultra Vixens | IP: Logged


Member # 25
posted March 13, 2004 03:02 AM
Had you watched my Movie of the Week pick from about 2 years ago, you'd have recognized the Big Lebowski.
Still doing open invites?


Stupid Dogg
Member # 102
posted March 13, 2004 04:39 AM
My only hope is that the big Lebowski kills me before the Germans can cut my dick off.
From: I could tell you, but then you'd have to kill me. | IP: Logged

May I have a link please?
Posted By: Stupid Doog Re: Banned from posting at Deadpan Fury! - 2004-03-14 4:39 AM
Wow, we've really got them scared. Despite all their bravado about accepting differing viewpoints and what not(which they blatantly contradict when they mention the Nature Boyz aren't allowed there), any sort of threat makes the Hatter shit himself and ban people.

You forgot to give them direct links to here, though.
Posted By: Stareena Re: Banned from posting at Deadpan Fury! - 2004-03-14 5:01 AM
Wow...seeing those names brings back memories. You all know I was married to Dhaise for a couple of years. He won't sign the divorce papers, so we are not officially divorced, though it has been over two years and 3000 miles since I saw him last. I heard he is dating anoter woman and is very happy. I wish him the best and hope he gets to signing papers soon.

Some names there I haven't seen in a dog's age.
I can't remember the last time I saw "Danny"...

Kristogar Velo said:
I can't remember the last time I saw "Danny"...

Were you at the last "Sheepfuckers Anonomyous" meeting?
Danny is a fucktard.

First National Bastard said:

Kristogar Velo said:
I can't remember the last time I saw "Danny"...

Were you at the last "Sheepfuckers Anonomyous" meeting?

Dave: "My name is Dave, and I have sex with sheep."

RKMBs: "Hi, Dave."
Posted By: Stareena Re: Banned from posting at Deadpan Fury! - 2004-03-14 4:54 PM
I can't go there...I'll get upset.


Posted By: Pariah Re: Banned from posting at Deadpan Fury! - 2004-03-14 11:17 PM
Yeah, I'm curious too. Really?
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: Banned from posting at Deadpan Fury! - 2004-03-15 1:37 AM
The sheepfuckers anonymous joke just brought up something that has bugged me for years..........if the organisation is called Alcoholics ANONYMOUS,why is it the first thing you have to do is say "My name is....."?
Doesnt sound so anonymous to me!
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: Banned from posting at Deadpan Fury! - 2004-03-15 1:51 AM
Back on the topic of Deadpan,they seem so hung up on my grammar,yet I constantly see them doing the same as me,hell I didnt see them pick on FNB for using the word "ya" instead of you!
Me thinks the doth protest too much & talk too much bullshit about it being ok to not agree with them!
I put together what was (for me anyway) a well constructed argument,with very little in the way of insults & rather than pick my argument to pieces,they decided to pick my grammar to pieces!

FNB,never thought I'd say this,but I am ashamed of you!
Posted By: Stareena Re: Banned from posting at Deadpan Fury! - 2004-03-15 3:30 AM

Pariah said:
Yeah, I'm curious too. Really?

Well a lot of the hubby's friends post there and he has his view of our break up and I have mine. He has refused to sign papers and has even ripped up divorce papers in order to make life hell. I avoid everything I can about him, though he has convinced himself that everyone thinks he was a wife beater. THe only thing he ever did to me was ignore me after we were married. He was my best friend prior to our marriage. I don't know what went wrong. All I know is that I want my divorce.

Member # 25
posted March 21, 2003 02:37 AM
Sleeplessness,Isolation, Apathy, Inactivity, and decreased concentration.
Doesn't take me a return trip to recognize those signs. Depression again. Or still, it's quite possible I was so busy being infuriated that I didn't feel those underpinnings gnawing at me. And now that I'm not angry (per se) and just bitter, it's not quite the comforter it was in the past. Make no mistake, I still wouldn't shed any tears if the lying cooze dropped off the planet, I just no longer feel that burning need to imagine it. There's no satisfaction involved. I don't mourn all my lost stuff, because I've gone without it, or in some cases, replaced it where I could. I stuck to my guns though, and did it my way, so there's a little moral victory to be had in that. Something's definately is in my craw though, I just need to poke it around a bit. See what's sensitive, and what isn't.
From: robkamphausen.com | IP: Logged

Member # 25
posted October 08, 2002 03:53 AM
There, that ought to slow the wolves down a bit. A nice goodbye note and deadpan fury and a few weeks of stillness.
The actual harrassment has stopped. As far as I know, no new instances of 'Don't let Dhaise do this or that' have been issued. It more or less stopped being direct about the time I sent out that big 'don't correct shit you don't know about' email.
What's been happening are border skirmishes, little attempts on both sides to get a rise, then say 'why, I didn't do anything'. Shit like her slandering me in california, then posting crap like 'her fresh start on life free of the injustices of another person' in places she knew mutual friends would see it. Fair enough, there are about 6 Dhaise's gleefully posting across every message board I frequent now, pick the truth that goes down easiest and choose your level of disdain.
I have a bunch of shit to write about, mostly newer crap, but it'll have to wait until physical therapy tommorow.

From: robkamphausen.com | IP: Logged

Member # 10
posted October 08, 2002 06:43 AM
I hope you get free of all this nastiness soon and can get on with your life. Life's too short for that kind of misery.
If you say so. But even normally nice people can become soulsuckers when they're in the midst of something as toxic as a divorce.

From: | IP: Logged

Member # 25
posted October 08, 2002 01:29 PM
She's no soulsucker, just an attention seeking primadonna. Until I actually get to see these divorce papers, I'd just assume let her garner attention from someone else.
PT was shitty today, I'm far more worn out than I was expecting to be. I'll write more later.

From: robkamphausen.com | IP: Logged
Posted By: TK-069 Re: Banned from posting at Deadpan Fury! - 2004-03-15 3:33 AM
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: Banned from posting at Deadpan Fury! - 2004-03-15 3:49 AM
Posted By: Pariah Re: Banned from posting at Deadpan Fury! - 2004-03-15 3:50 AM
Wow, I hate the fucker a lot now.

Truly though, I know neither of you THAT well, so I can't say for at least 80% certainty who's lying about the papers. But, like a dog, I'm an excellent judge of character, and after looking at his posts on bedpan and listing them in comparison to yours (by memory of course), I can say with 79.999% certainty that you're the true victim.

Not something to smile about, but I have a good idea of where people stand, and that (along with trust) is always a good thing.
Posted By: Stareena Re: Banned from posting at Deadpan Fury! - 2004-03-15 5:10 AM
Well, thanks Pariah, though I am not looking at incurring sympathy. I'm sure I fucked stuff up too. I know I am not perfect, by any stretch of the imagination. But I look on my marriage as that stupid Christina Agulara song "Thanks for making me a fighter!"
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: Banned from posting at Deadpan Fury! - 2004-03-15 5:19 AM
yes but you have a real nice body, so we will side with you anyways....
Posted By: Pariah Re: Banned from posting at Deadpan Fury! - 2004-03-15 5:31 AM

Stareena said:
Well, thanks Pariah, though I am not looking at incurring sympathy.

I'm not looking to give it. I'm just saying I believe you.
Posted By: Pariah Re: Banned from posting at Deadpan Fury! - 2004-03-15 5:32 AM

britneyspearsatemyshorts said:
yes but you have a real nice body, so we will side with you anyways....

Correct as usual.
Posted By: TK-069 Re: Banned from posting at Deadpan Fury! - 2004-03-15 5:38 AM
He's wise beyond his brain matter.
Posted By: Stareena Re: Banned from posting at Deadpan Fury! - 2004-03-15 7:55 AM
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: Banned from posting at Deadpan Fury! - 2004-03-15 8:00 AM
ill take that as a compliment!
Posted By: Drzsmith Re: Banned from posting at Deadpan Fury! - 2004-03-15 8:08 AM

Stareena said:
Wow...seeing those names brings back memories. You all know I was married to Dhaise for a couple of years. He won't sign the divorce papers, so we are not officially divorced, though it has been over two years and 3000 miles since I saw him last. I heard he is dating anoter woman and is very happy. I wish him the best and hope he gets to signing papers soon.

Dhaise who?
Actually he hasnt stopped whining about how you dumped for two years.
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: Banned from posting at Deadpan Fury! - 2004-03-15 8:12 AM
i heard him and Hatter were fucking....
Posted By: Drzsmith Re: Banned from posting at Deadpan Fury! - 2004-03-15 8:25 AM
fucking ugly
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: Banned from posting at Deadpan Fury! - 2004-03-15 8:28 AM
Posted By: Drzsmith Re: Banned from posting at Deadpan Fury! - 2004-03-15 8:32 AM
I go to rehearsals
Posted By: Stareena Re: Banned from posting at Deadpan Fury! - 2004-03-15 8:32 AM

Drzsmith said:

Stareena said:
Wow...seeing those names brings back memories. You all know I was married to Dhaise for a couple of years. He won't sign the divorce papers, so we are not officially divorced, though it has been over two years and 3000 miles since I saw him last. I heard he is dating anoter woman and is very happy. I wish him the best and hope he gets to signing papers soon.

Dhaise who?
Actually he hasnt stopped whining about how you dumped for two years.

Yeah, I've heard that too. That he was given a forum to contain his anti me stuff.


He is on the otherside of the country.
Posted By: Drzsmith Re: Banned from posting at Deadpan Fury! - 2004-03-15 8:37 AM
FYI we shut down his personal message board. I think he was posting here as marcus and he was crying about how he lost you. I'm sure that was him,strangely enough he disapeared when the boards changed as did all my alts and main ID.
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: Banned from posting at Deadpan Fury! - 2004-03-15 8:40 AM
curiouser and curiouser....
Posted By: PJP Re: Banned from posting at Deadpan Fury! - 2004-03-15 9:50 AM

Stupid Dogg said:

You do not have permission to enter this area. You're not good enough. We don't like you. You can't come in. How's that feel, bitch?
» Please use your browser's back button to return, retard.

wow...3 posts, 2 of which were Big Lebowski quotes, and I'm banned from posting. SPECTACULAR!

they are afraid of your wit........fuck those fuckers.
Posted By: TK-069 Re: Banned from posting at Deadpan Fury! - 2004-03-15 10:07 AM

Stareena said:
Yeah, I've heard that too. That he was given a forum to contain his anti me stuff.

That's fucked up.

I say we start a pro-Stareena forum! Full of pics and words of lust!

...wha? ...W-we have that already? Women forum? Well, build another! We're Americans, dammit!
Posted By: Pariah Re: Banned from posting at Deadpan Fury! - 2004-03-15 10:30 AM
Posted By: Son of Mxy Re: Banned from posting at Deadpan Fury! - 2004-03-15 12:44 PM
I'm from Canada!
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: Banned from posting at Deadpan Fury! - 2004-03-16 3:51 AM
I'm not!
Posted By: Stareena Re: Banned from posting at Deadpan Fury! - 2004-03-16 7:52 AM
I wondered if the 'marcus' identity was him...but I figured it was Kahotek...

Like I said I would just rather be done with this whole marriage thing. I've finally gotten in contact with my attorney, things are rolling...

Build me a temple where all people, regardless of nationality may worship me! And by worshiping me you shall be worshiped in turn because to love me means more nudie pictures I share with you!

Hail Stareena!
Posted By: Drzsmith Re: Banned from posting at Deadpan Fury! - 2004-03-16 7:54 AM
I think it was Dhaise,he was whining about it somewhere on the net.
Posted By: TK-069 Re: Banned from posting at Deadpan Fury! - 2004-03-16 8:20 AM

Stareena said:
Hail Stareena!

Posted By: LLance Re: Banned from posting at Deadpan Fury! - 2004-03-16 10:00 AM

Nowhereman said:
I'm not!


I am so damn happy there is an ocean between me and you Nowhereman I could just shit but that might get you hot and bothered so...NEVERMIND!
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: Banned from posting at Deadpan Fury! - 2004-03-16 10:03 AM

TK-069 said:

Stareena said:
Hail Stareena!

Yeah...that girl is just as sweet as can be. To quote Al Pacino: "GREAT ASS!!!"
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: Banned from posting at Deadpan Fury! - 2004-03-16 4:15 PM

LLance said:

Nowhereman said:
I'm not!


I am so damn happy there is an ocean between me and you Nowhereman I could just shit but that might get you hot and bothered so...NEVERMIND!

There is more than an ocean between us Llancey boy,theres also that thing called your belly...........its bigger than any ocean I know!
Posted By: LLance Re: Banned from posting at Deadpan Fury! - 2004-03-16 8:39 PM
Why do you think I packed on this extra weight for? If it keeps you further away from me it is a good thing!
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: Banned from posting at Deadpan Fury! - 2004-03-17 3:52 AM
Its also the reason you havent seen your penis in years........nothing to be proud of their matey boy!
Posted By: TK-069 Re: Banned from posting at Deadpan Fury! - 2004-03-19 2:00 PM
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: Banned from posting at Deadpan Fury! - 2004-03-19 3:30 PM
I know you have seen his penis,up close & personal I might add,but there is no need to mock Llance for his inability to view his pecker!
Charlie Chaplin sucks ass.