Posted By: JQ Tom Delay charged with conspiracy - 2005-09-30 5:34 AM

Matter-eater Man said:

...DA: 'I'm doing my job'

At a news conference in Austin, Earle, a Democrat, declined to comment on any evidence he had linking DeLay to the alleged conspiracy.

Earle denied any partisan motivation, telling reporters that 12 of the 15 public corruption cases he has prosecuted involved Democrats. His record on high-profile corruption cases has been mixed.

"The law says that corporate contributions to political campaigns are illegal in Texas," he said. "The law makes such contributions a felony. My job is to prosecute felonies. I'm doing my job."

DeLay, the Republican leader in the House of Representatives since 2002, called Earle "a partisan fanatic."

"I have done nothing unlawful, unethical or, I might add, unprecedented," DeLay said.

But the indictment forced DeLay to at least temporarily give up his leadership position. (Watch: DeLay faces conspiracy charge -- 3:38)

The rules of the GOP conference call for members to give up leadership posts if they are indicted. That requirement was dropped in a push led by DeLay's allies last year, only to be restored after a storm of criticism.

DeLay does not have to resign his seat in the House, where he has represented a suburban Houston district since 1985. (Full story)

Earle has been investigating whether donations to Texans for a Republican Majority, a political action committee known as TRMPAC, were improperly used to help the GOP win a majority in the Texas legislature in 2002.

According to the indictment, $190,000 in corporate contributions to TRMPAC were sent to national Republican Party committees, then sent to GOP candidates in the 2002 state legislative races, which solidified Republican control. ...


Well ya all know what I think

Posted By: JQ Re: Tom Delay charged with conspiracy - 2005-09-30 7:10 AM
Owner of a lonely heart!

And no, you still don't win.