A forum ruled by power crazy mod(s)?
You decide!
Rex voted no!
That was me!
Those Deep Thoughts forum mods are car-aaaaazy!
Yeah, rex is a mere pretender to the throne of "power crazed mod." He's a poser, a wannabe.
I'll get you yet, G-man

the G-man said:
Yeah, rex is a mere pretender to the throne of "power crazed mod." He's a poser, a wannabe.

...but his hair is nice n' shiny.
I thought rex was bald?
On his head,yes!
Thats why I'm worried bout Theos post!
My splooge helps hair grow.
then why is ROY BATTY STILL BALD?!
ROY stands on his hands when Theo is around!
His arse is quite lush!

Son of Mxy said:
then why is ROY BATTY STILL BALD?!

Um...he's thirsty?
tat explains why he's coughing up hairballs!
Ah, Bach...
Rock me Amadeus!
Roll over, Beethoven!
HEY! So THAT'S where the idea for having a dog named Beethoven comes from. I think their second option was a what if story with Amadeus as a rock star.
Ray, when someone asks if you are a god, you say...
owner of a lonely hearts!

A catch in my throat choke
Torn into pieces
I won"t, no!
I don"t wanna be this...

But I won"t let this build up inside of me
I won"t let this build up inside of me

She isn"t real
I can"t make her real

Everybody's fucking!
Where's the porn?
Now there's a deep thought.