Posted By: PJP Have you seen my baseball? - 2010-03-20 6:03 AM
 Originally Posted By: PJP
Posted By: rex Re: Have you seen my baseball? - 2010-03-20 6:07 AM
I still hate myself for losing the password to my warren id.
Posted By: Gene Snitsky Re: Have you seen my baseball? - 2010-03-20 7:42 AM
It's your own fault.
Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk Re: Have you seen my baseball? - 2010-03-20 8:14 AM
 Originally Posted By: rex
I still hate myself for losing the password to my warren id.

I still hate you.
Posted By: Frank Burns Re: Have you seen my baseball? - 2010-03-20 10:12 AM
89 - Love To Love You, Baby - Donna Summer

90 - Come Into My Heart - USA European Connection

91 - Give Me Love - Cerrone

92 - Love's Theme (Long Version) - (Barry White's) Love Unlimited Orchestra

93 - Disco (That's Where The Happy People Go) - Trammps
Posted By: Frank Burns Re: Have you seen my baseball? - 2010-03-20 10:32 AM

1 - Souvenirs - Voyage

2 - Cocomotion - El Coco

3 - Get On The Funk Train - Munich Machine

4 - From East To West - Voyage

5 - Risky Changes - Gregg Diamond / Bionic Boogie

6 - You Make Me Feel (Mighty Real) - Sylvester

7 - I Feel Love - Donna Summer

8 - The Break - Katmandu
Posted By: Frank Burns Re: Have you seen my baseball? - 2010-03-27 9:28 AM
Annie Audix: The woman who is the voice behind the popular Audix (TM) Voicemail system.
Example: Annie Audix told me I have 17 new messages.

annoyeristic: one who has a habit of being annoying in a teasing manner, one who is enjoys good natured jokes
Example: I have a habit of being annoyeristic.

Anonamuse: Humourous word, phrase, saying from a forgotten or unknown source.
Example: Did you make that joke up yourself?
No, actually, it was an anonamuse.
Posted By: Frank Burns Re: Have you seen my baseball? - 2010-03-27 9:49 AM
austintexious: A prententious display of largeness.
Example: My neighbor's new SUV is really austintexious.

autemail: Sounds like naughty mail. Those annoying emails that you must reply to in order to activate your account.
Example: After signing up for a bunch of e-zines, I had a billion autemails to reply to.

authentimasticate: To chew in order to confirm authenticity of an object or person.
Example: Make sure you authentimasticate any would-be triangle players before you allow them to join the band. You can never be safe these days-- there's lots of bogus tambouriners itching to have a go.

auto-ballet: The dance done in heavy traffic by cars competing for lane spots and exit ramps.
Example: After witnessing a dangerously complex auto-ballet, Ed took the next exit to wait for traffic to subside.
Posted By: Frank Burns Re: Have you seen my baseball? - 2010-04-03 6:53 AM
 work excuse

184.  Man does not show up to work, the boss calls and he says where are you. The man says I'm sick and won't be in. The boss asks why didn't you call? The man replies that the squirrels ate through his phone line. The boss mentions that he was talking to him this minute on the phone. The man replies that the squirrel only ate through the outgoing line.


185.  A girl at work who always seemed to miss work a lot came up with this good one. She lived with her parents and her parents were on vacation. She told the boss she had to leave early because her parents were out of town and the dogs, the cats, and the bird did not like to be left home alone. So, the boss let her go home.


186.  This one is true! A co-worker called in and said her dog ate her underwear and she didn't have any clean ones to wear. She said she would be in after she did
Posted By: Frank Burns Re: Have you seen my baseball? - 2010-04-10 6:17 AM
“You're a damn quarterback! You know what that means? It's the top spot, kid. It's the guy who takes the fall. It's the guy everybody's looking at first - the leader of a team who will support you when they understand you, who will break their ribs and their noses and their necks for you, because they believe. Because you make them believe. That's a quarterback.”
Any Given Sunday (1999) – Tony D’Amato (Al Pacino)
Posted By: Frank Burns Re: Have you seen my baseball? - 2010-04-10 6:49 AM
Baseball is the only major sport that appears backwards in a mirror. ~George Carlin, Brain Droppings, 1997