Posted By: Rob rob's comics for sale *again* again again - 2004-06-11 10:27 PM

im ebaying out my comics, and using words like "ebay" as a verb.


as always, the super secret bonus is still available to all y'all! but, this time, i'm actually looking for a bit more money, cuz i'm bout to move and... well... i need a large amount of funds in, oh, the next 3 weeks. i can't give as large a discount as i have in the past.

thus, the inscription on my ebay hammer, "mjölnir," has been slightly altered as follows:

any whom post at the rkmbs shall receive 25% off a phausen-sponsored comic book ebay auciton (shipping not included in thor-like discount)

so, here y'go.
Posted By: URG Re: rob's comics for sale *again* again again - 2004-06-12 9:20 AM
URG am can't buy little Rob persons comics. URG's woman would be mad as hell if URG am spend that much money on comics.
URG is pussy whipped!
Does the discount apply for stray PS2s as well?
Posted By: Rob Re: rob's comics for sale *again* again again - 2004-06-14 12:54 AM
i believe i'm through giving away bonus phantom ps2's

though you never know about xbox or gamecube systems!
"Bring out yer dead!"

You don't sell your tpbs do you?
Posted By: Rob Re: rob's comics for sale *again* again again - 2004-06-14 4:37 AM

like you, im in love with tpbs. i've been married happily to one for 8 years now.

most of the times, i buy the tpbs to replace the regular issues. let someone else be the collector, i just like the stories.
Rob is almost a tpb rationalist!

Get out those back issues of Detective Comics, Rob, and throw the bastards on the barbecue.... and be free!