Courtesy of Newsarama


Newsarama: First off Dan, Infinite Crisis #5 has jumped around a little on the calendar before finally settling in on this week. What happened?

Dan Didio: While the book was originally solicited for the second week of the month, we always knew we had the option of sliding the issue to the last week if we needed more time for production. Which you can clearly see, we did. But the reason why issue #5 is coming out March 1st rests solely on my shoulders.

NRAMA: How so?

Just as the issue was about to ship to the printers, I asked for a couple of last minute changes, which I felt enhanced the emotional impact of certain scenes. Geoff and Phil were great in understanding my concerns and they worked with Eddie Berganza to come up with some excellent fixes in a matter of hours. This meant adding a couple of extra pages to the story… so here we are.

NRAMA: Along with the time shift, Phil hasn’t been the sole artist on the book since issue #3. How related is that the book’s scheduling?

DD: The plan was always to bring in Jerry Ordway to do the Earth 2 sequences and George Perez to do scenes that paid tribute to the original Crisis. Phil is a huge fan of the original series and wanted to make sure they were involved in the sequel. Phil is also a perfectionist and realist, and he has always put the project first. As the schedule got tighter and tighter, he saw that Eddie Berganza needed to move heaven and multiple earths to keep this book on schedule, Phil volunteered to give up pages so that we keep the series on track. Eddie brought in Ivan Reis to help on the middle issues, that way Phil could focus on the final two. There has been a lot of crazy planning and juggling on these books, but everyone involved, from George to Jerry to Phil to Ivan to Geoff to Eddie and all our inkers, have been consummate professionals in their handling of this series.

NRAMA: But still, and not to beat you up too much about this, but how did this happen? It’s not like this was a sudden addition to the DC schedule or Phil’s speed was an unknown…
DD: There is a reason we call this book Infinite Crisis. In any true creative environment, what you plan at the start rarely becomes the final product. This series, not surprisingly, took on a life of its own. And while I consider Phil the ultimate perfectionist, I think Geoff Johns his main challenger for the title. If there is a fourth stage past big, bigger, biggest, that’s were Geoff wants this story to be. With each script he continues to up the ante in regards to scope and characters involved. But each change and addition takes time to research and reference for design and coloring, and this is one of the places where the editorial team of Eddie and assistant editor, Jeanine Schaefer are working overtime.

This series has one of the greatest pedigrees in comics to live up to. Everyone involved in this production understands that and will settle for being nothing less than the very best.

NRAMA: Fair enough. Moving on to some topics raised by issue #4 – first off, the destruction of Bludhaven. What larger point does that serve in the story? Did the villains’ ante need to be upped by that much?

DD: The destruction of Bludhaven shows the true evil and power of the villains as they begin to take the offensive. When we have an organization of villains set on world domination, I don’t consider that “upping the ante”, I consider it “sending a message.”

NRAMA: Message being, “this is the stage we’re playing on now?”

DD: Exactly.

NRAMA: Also, in the issue, Alex Luthor spilled the entire plan, noting that Superboy pounded on the wall to finally shatter the “heaven” that he had placed them in at the end of the last Crisis. Thumbnail sketch – the pounding of Superboy on, essentially, the “wall” of a universe. What did it do to the DCU?

DD: The true ramifications of the “wall pounding” will be seen in the Infinite Crisis Secret Files. What you will soon discover is that following Crisis on Infinite Earths, the one world we were left with was not completely settled and still subtlety resonated with the echoes of the multiple earths. The pounding on the wall of reality by Superboy sent shock waves throughout the universe, slightly shifting timelines and history of those characters that were most affected by the original Crisis.

For fans out there who’ve been wondering, or in some cases yelling, these “continuity waves” will help explain away the reboots, revamps and continuity inconsistencies since Crisis on Infinite Earths.

NRAMA: Sticking with Superboy - the battle between Superboy and everyone. From your eyes, how did it get out of control, so quickly?

DD: Superboy is a teenager raised in isolation, with raging hormones, a huge chip on shoulder and the powers of a god. He never learned how to keep his powers or emotions in check, so when confronted, the situation escalated and he had no idea on how to defuse it. Think of a situation where you, as a teenager, lost your temper. Now imagine you have the power to crush a planet. Do you think that situation would have ended differently?

NRAMA: Er, you said “is.”

DD: What?

NRAMA: “Superboy is a teenager…” wasn’t he taken off the board in issue #4, making that “is” into a “was?”

DD: Was he?

NRAMA: Rhetorical, or are you asking?

DD: Rhetorical.

NRAMA: Okay – also with that fight, what’s the larger picture the takeaway message from the fight? What purpose does it serve in advancing the story - aside from setting up Headless Pantha as a new character and fun action figure for DC Direct’s 2006 lineup?

DD: This is the moment where Superboy Prime crosses the point of no return and becomes the greatest threat the universe will ever know. Other than that, you will have to just wait and see.

NRAMA: So you did mean is and not was.

DD: Yes I did.

NRAMA: Generally speaking, for the characters that disappeared at the end of Infinite Crisis #4 – does anyone left on earth-1 know where they went?

DD: By the end of #5 they have a better idea on some of them are, but at the beginning, they have no idea. And one appears to be lost forever.

NRAMA: So we’re going to see a response to the heroes’ missing friends in issue #5?

DD: Issue #5 opens with our heroes in church. This scene was much discussed in our office and was prompted by a conversation with Paul Levitz. At one of our darkest moments, our heroes are exhausted and confused, and the devastation they experienced has filled them with despair. But rather than sink deeper, they take a moment to reflect, spiritually, and refocus their purpose and conviction.

NRAMA: In line with looking at what’s coming, when do we get the motive behind Alex Luthor’s madness? He’s single-minded on his quest for a “perfect” earth. Why?

DD: He’s a Luthor and Luthors are always right. Or at least, they think they are.

NRAMA: Still – all people have flaws. Any hints as to what Alex didn’t take into account in his master plan?

DD: Alex thinks this earth is wrong and wants to fix it, but he didn’t take into account the fatal flaw of all Luthors, the strength and conviction of Superman.

NRAMA: Just for the sake of absolute clarification – Doom Patrol. Specifically Grant Morrison’s Doom Patrol. Given it’s appearance in Teen Titans #31 – in continuity, or out? And then how does that now work with John Byrne’s Doom Patrol?
DD: All Doom Patrols are in continuity.


DD: All of them. And some of the shifts have been explained away with the “Continuity Wave.” See, its working already.

NRAMA: So then, John Byrne’s Doom Patrol series was started with this in mind? That is, the unexplained re-appearance of the Doom Patrol in the present day was done so with Infinite Crisis and how it would realign it in mind?

DD: Right.

NRAMA: But DC and Byrne took a tremendous amount of heat for the Patrol’s return without mention of their past…in the end, was it worth it?
DD: Absolutely, you cannot publish a large line of comics with out taking some risks and if it had worked better, we would have been having a different conversation. As you’ll soon see with some of the new series planned, we will continue to add a level of risk in everything we do.

NRAMA: That said, DCU continuity is filled with other continuity…alternatives. Can you give a hint at which ones will be addressed in the remaining issues of Crisis, and elsewhere? For instance, Superman has one, two, or three different origin stories (not to mention versions of Krypton) depending on which one you look at…will the Birthright/Man of Steel question be clarified by the end of Infinite Crisis?

DD: In Crisis #6, you’ll get a hint of some of the changes that have been made in continuity. There are momentary flashes that will reflect points in Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman’s lives that we show revisions to key moments in their lives. This will be the continuity and story from this point forward.

NRAMA: Still, some “fixes” stemming from Crisis are legitimate continuity issues – things that could have caused larger problems if they were allowed to continue. But something like the larger Doom Patrol history meshing with Grant’s version seems almost…well; indulgent is too strong of a word, but points in the right direction. Who or what was the watchdog for legitimate character development, and story/plot flow versus creator, or even editorial wish fulfillment?

DD: Me.

NRAMA: In that sense then, were you taking requests for fixes that could stem from Crisis? Say, an editor wanted a tweak in a character’s history to make things work just a touch smoother?

DD: Absolutely, all editors and writers are involved is setting character directions and establishing their histories following the One Year Later.

NRAMA: Will there be some kind of comprehensive list of the changes that have been made, or will they gradually unspool through stories coming up?

DD: The back ups to 52 will help re-establish the history of the DC Universe and present two page origins of some of our most popular characters. But you will also be seeing the characters’ stories unfold in their regular series too.

NRAMA: A quick one on the Jim Lee cover to issue #5 – two Wonder Women. Who’s the second one?

DD: That’s what Wonder Woman would like to know as well, although I think some people already can figure it out.

NRAMA: Finally, to wrap this abbreviated session up, now that we’re close to the end of Crisis, the question of how the Legion would be connected – if at all – to Crisis has been dogging you since the first Crisis Counseling sessions. Can you explain who they are, relative to the Crisis? They’re living in a Post-Crisis world, right? In essence, the Post-Crisis Legion?

DD: That’s a story Mark Waid is waiting for the right moment to tell.


This will be the continuity and story from this point forward.

I don't think it's neccessarily BS. Most all DC fans have known that Post-Crisis inconsistencies...including 'Zero Hour'...were a result of aftershocks of the original Crisis. They are simply making it into a story and a legitimate explanation with IC. I don't think they are trying to pull the wool over anyone's eyes and say "Oh yeah, we've had this in mind for twenty years now". I think Johns and everyone involved simply allowed fans to create the explanation for poor editorship, and are now using those explanations as the crux of revamping the DC over again.

It's almost like they are legitimately admitting that they fucked up Post-Crisis from the start, and are warning that they might doing so again. At least, that's what I took from it...
Unlike most of the people who post here (Jim and LLance being two notable exceptions), I'm old enough to well remember the hype behind the 1980s "Crisis," and all the interviews with Dick Giordano, Marv Wolfman, etc., in which they told us


This will be the continuity and story from this point forward.

And, therefore, I'm also old enough to remember all the subsequent interviews with Dan Jurgens, et al, for "Zero Hour," in which they told us


This will be the continuity and story from this point forward.

So forgive me if I'm cynical this time.
Stop worrying! The current writers are GENIUSES!!


the G-man said:
Unlike most of the people who post here (Jim and LLance being two notable exceptions), I'm old enough to well remember the hype behind the 1980s "Crisis," and all the interviews with Dick Giordano, Marv Wolfman, etc., in which they told us


This will be the continuity and story from this point forward.

And, therefore, I'm also old enough to remember all the subsequent interviews with Dan Jurgens, et al, for "Zero Hour," in which they told us


This will be the continuity and story from this point forward.

As did, I'm sure, Siegel and Shuster, Julie Schwartz, Carmine Infantino, and, pretty much every other editorial staff of every era in DC Comics history. Eras evolve, things change, continuity is rebooted, and it's been twenty years since the original Crisis. I don't think it's cynical to believe that this won't last forever. It's a proven fact of history that this won't last forever. So, why even bother being cynical or not about it? It's a cyclical industry...

the G-man said:
Unlike most of the people who post here (Jim and LLance being two notable exceptions), I'm old enough to well remember the hype behind the 1980s "Crisis," and all the interviews with Dick Giordano, Marv Wolfman, etc., in which they told us


This will be the continuity and story from this point forward.

And, therefore, I'm also old enough to remember all the subsequent interviews with Dan Jurgens, et al, for "Zero Hour," in which they told us


This will be the continuity and story from this point forward.

So forgive me if I'm cynical this time.

I remember Zero Hour and I also remember that it took a month and I could afford it easier at 12 than IC at 24. Also the crossovers were more fun (time travelling and different versions of reality).
Agreed! Especially with this one.

Does Superboy Prime change into an SUV or a 18-wheeler?
optimus took the matrix back.

Animalman said:
Does Superboy Prime change into an SUV or a 18-wheeler?

It depends. Does he have either the touch or the power?

Prometheus said:As did, I'm sure, Siegel and Shuster, Julie Schwartz, Carmine Infantino, and, pretty much every other editorial staff of every era in DC Comics history.


Prior to Schwartz/Infantino (and even sometimes DURING the Schwartz/Infantino era), DC would often tell fans who were concerned with continuity that "A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds," and explain that they were would remake continuity as they saw fit from year to year, or even issue to issue, if they thought it would serve the story.


r3x29yz4a said:I remember Zero Hour and I also remember that it took a month and I could afford it easier at 12 than IC at 24. Also the crossovers were more fun (time travelling and different versions of reality).

Fair enough. But then you probably also remember DC promising us that "zero hour" continuity would be "official" continuity from that point forward and, quickly (see, eg, "the Kingdom") it wasn't.
I'm sorry, but if nothing else, this is utter B.S...


NRAMA: Just for the sake of absolute clarification – Doom Patrol. Specifically Grant Morrison’s Doom Patrol. Given it’s appearance in Teen Titans #31 – in continuity, or out? And then how does that now work with John Byrne’s Doom Patrol?

DD: All Doom Patrols are in continuity.


DD: All of them. And some of the shifts have been explained away with the “Continuity Wave.” See, its working already.

NRAMA: So then, John Byrne’s Doom Patrol series was started with this in mind? That is, the unexplained re-appearance of the Doom Patrol in the present day was done so with Infinite Crisis and how it would realign it in mind?

DD: Right.

NRAMA: But DC and Byrne took a tremendous amount of heat for the Patrol’s return without mention of their past…in the end, was it worth it?

DD: Absolutely, you cannot publish a large line of comics with out taking some risks and if it had worked better, we would have been having a different conversation. As you’ll soon see with some of the new series planned, we will continue to add a level of risk in everything we do.

Please If Byrne's Doom Patrol had been a success Morrison's DP would either still be out of continuity or shipped off to some other Earth.
Happy Birthday.
Oh, uh yeah thanks. I'm 28 today. (didn't notice the birthday cake thingie earlier)

Doc.Mid-Nite said:
I'm sorry, but if nothing else, this is utter B.S...


NRAMA: Just for the sake of absolute clarification – Doom Patrol. Specifically Grant Morrison’s Doom Patrol. Given it’s appearance in Teen Titans #31 – in continuity, or out? And then how does that now work with John Byrne’s Doom Patrol?

DD: All Doom Patrols are in continuity.


DD: All of them. And some of the shifts have been explained away with the “Continuity Wave.” See, its working already.

NRAMA: So then, John Byrne’s Doom Patrol series was started with this in mind? That is, the unexplained re-appearance of the Doom Patrol in the present day was done so with Infinite Crisis and how it would realign it in mind?

DD: Right.

NRAMA: But DC and Byrne took a tremendous amount of heat for the Patrol’s return without mention of their past…in the end, was it worth it?

DD: Absolutely, you cannot publish a large line of comics with out taking some risks and if it had worked better, we would have been having a different conversation. As you’ll soon see with some of the new series planned, we will continue to add a level of risk in everything we do.

Please If Byrne's Doom Patrol had been a success Morrison's DP would either still be out of continuity or shipped off to some other Earth.

I don't see the problem here. DiDio admits that if Byrne's run had worked, they wouldn't be taking the route that they are.
Grimm as always has a good point.

Grimm said:

Doc.Mid-Nite said:
I'm sorry, but if nothing else, this is utter B.S...


NRAMA: Just for the sake of absolute clarification – Doom Patrol. Specifically Grant Morrison’s Doom Patrol. Given it’s appearance in Teen Titans #31 – in continuity, or out? And then how does that now work with John Byrne’s Doom Patrol?

DD: All Doom Patrols are in continuity.


DD: All of them. And some of the shifts have been explained away with the “Continuity Wave.” See, its working already.

NRAMA: So then, John Byrne’s Doom Patrol series was started with this in mind? That is, the unexplained re-appearance of the Doom Patrol in the present day was done so with Infinite Crisis and how it would realign it in mind?

DD: Right.

NRAMA: But DC and Byrne took a tremendous amount of heat for the Patrol’s return without mention of their past…in the end, was it worth it?

DD: Absolutely, you cannot publish a large line of comics with out taking some risks and if it had worked better, we would have been having a different conversation. As you’ll soon see with some of the new series planned, we will continue to add a level of risk in everything we do.

Please If Byrne's Doom Patrol had been a success Morrison's DP would either still be out of continuity or shipped off to some other Earth.

I don't see the problem here. DiDio admits that if Byrne's run had worked, they wouldn't be taking the route that they are.

But still, to say that they had this planned before Byrne's DP? I doubt it. Now maybe they planned to do something continuity wise, but I doubt they knew his run would flop the way it did. I mean why even bother if they didn't think it would work?
I have to agree with the Doc on this one.

Doc.Mid-Nite said:

Grimm said:

Doc.Mid-Nite said:
I'm sorry, but if nothing else, this is utter B.S...


NRAMA: Just for the sake of absolute clarification – Doom Patrol. Specifically Grant Morrison’s Doom Patrol. Given it’s appearance in Teen Titans #31 – in continuity, or out? And then how does that now work with John Byrne’s Doom Patrol?

DD: All Doom Patrols are in continuity.


DD: All of them. And some of the shifts have been explained away with the “Continuity Wave.” See, its working already.

NRAMA: So then, John Byrne’s Doom Patrol series was started with this in mind? That is, the unexplained re-appearance of the Doom Patrol in the present day was done so with Infinite Crisis and how it would realign it in mind?

DD: Right.

NRAMA: But DC and Byrne took a tremendous amount of heat for the Patrol’s return without mention of their past…in the end, was it worth it?

DD: Absolutely, you cannot publish a large line of comics with out taking some risks and if it had worked better, we would have been having a different conversation. As you’ll soon see with some of the new series planned, we will continue to add a level of risk in everything we do.

Please If Byrne's Doom Patrol had been a success Morrison's DP would either still be out of continuity or shipped off to some other Earth.

I don't see the problem here. DiDio admits that if Byrne's run had worked, they wouldn't be taking the route that they are.

But still, to say that they had this planned before Byrne's DP? I doubt it. Now maybe they planned to do something continuity wise, but I doubt they knew his run would flop the way it did. I mean why even bother if they didn't think it would work?

where does he say that they had planned this particular idea before Byrne's run? Nowhere in that article. The basic ideas for IC have been in the works for about three or four years. (I think there's an interview with Johns on newsarama where he goes into detail about DiDio's basic idea for it and how it's evolved as things have happened.)

Was Byrne's DP run initially a part of it? I doubt it. But since it obviously didn't go over well, what's the harm in adding it into the mix as they've done? None that I can see. Especially if it brings Morrison's run back in.

I don't think you really have an argument here. I think you're bitching just to bitch.

PJP said:
Grimm as always has a good point.

you tell 'em steve dave!

big_pimp_tim said:

Nobody fucks wit da Jesus!

where does he say that they had planned this particular idea before Byrne's run?


NRAMA: So then, John Byrne’s Doom Patrol series was started with this in mind? DD: Right.


The basic ideas for IC have been in the works for about three or four years.

Didn't know that. Figured Johns made a pitch with the anniversary of COIE around the corner.


But since it obviously didn't go over well, what's the harm in adding it into the mix as they've done? None that I can see. Especially if it brings Morrison's run back in.

It just seems like it adds an unnecessary element to an already convoluted story, IMO.


I think you're bitching just to bitch.

Is it just me who has a problem with this 'events' main purpose being to clear up editorial fuck-ups?

Im no fan of Marvels 'sweep it under the rug' approach [Xorn/Magneto], but letting your editors slack off for years on end [see the Batman titles specifically] and then trying to explain everything away with a simple 'Reality was warped' explanation, is complete shit

I fucking hate how you have to buy additonal books to get it aswell. I order 2 months in advance at present, so I cant get that Secret Files now. Not that I would have anyway, but im still pissed that they are putting the story into other books that I did not know to pick up, like that Superman issue where the 2 Supermen fought.

Too many pieces of the story in too many $3+ issues has burnt me out on all this
To all the naysayers:

How would you explain the glitches in continuity, if at all?
Doc.Mid-Nite said:


NRAMA: So then, John Byrne’s Doom Patrol series was started with this in mind? DD: Right.

Okay. I missed that bit. But still the basic concept holds forth. You have this IC event that you're laying the ground work for. About the same time you have Byrne's complete revamp of Doom Patrol.

Now you have at the least, two basic options: The DP relaunch is a success and you can simply ignore all the old stuff. Which obviously didn't happen.

The book tanks but you still want to keep the DP viable (don't they have a cartoon pitch at Cartoon Network?) property. You can explain away the "revisions" as part of the ongoing IC story and still try to get a relaunch that you hope will appeal to old and new fans. Which seems to be what's happening.


It just seems like it adds an unnecessary element to an already convoluted story, IMO.

Possibly. But as I practice "selective continuity" already, it doesn't bother me.

Wednesday said:
To all the naysayers:

How would you explain the glitches in continuity, if at all?

These are serial stories that have been left up to a myriad different writers tha are largely unaware of every minute detail of continuity. This is fiction, people...FICTION.
I prefer monthly crossovers to one-month weekly ones. There's a sense of urgency and excitement that isn't there when you know it's a disposable event that will be forgotten next month. With stuff like OYL and 52 they're making sure the consequences of IC stick around for at least a year or so.
Which is why it sucks....


Wednesday said:
To all the naysayers:

How would you explain the glitches in continuity, if at all?

Fucking retcon dude.

And stop letting people use characters from books they're not writing.

Wednesday said:
To all the naysayers:

How would you explain the glitches in continuity, if at all?

Its just a fucking comic book.

Seriously, one some of these things, its just better to acknowledge that editors and writers sometimes screw up and move on.
If Crisis was a bad story, I'd be bitching. As it stands, I'm quite happy with everything I've purchased so far. And as far as having to buy all the tie-ins to understand the story, I've not found that to be the case. For example, I don't get any of the Batman or Superman books, yet in no way have I been confused by anything that's happened in the main book.
I'll fill you in on the books you are missing. Batman and Superman have full heads of hair. That is all.
lex luthor must be envious. that and other bald folk
Like Snarf.

Myself, I've been hoping ever since his first appearance in IC that we'd see more of the Joker worming his way through the new SSoSV... but we haven't. That's been my biggest disappointment thus far, Superboy Prime killing off a slew of fifth-tier character being the major highlight of the miniseries...
We'll probably see Joker in Villains United Special. Speaking of, when're that and the OMAC specials coming out?
One is out this month & the other next month.
This 'Superboy punching the wall' thing reeks of needing a nonsensical excuse to explain away shit you have no better explanation for (see: Jason Todd). It's lazy writing.
Like Aunt May actually having been in France when everyone thought she was dead?

the G-man said:

Wednesday said:
To all the naysayers:

How would you explain the glitches in continuity, if at all?

Its just a fucking comic book.

Seriously, one some of these things, its just better to acknowledge that editors and writers sometimes screw up and move on.


I'd prefer it if Didio, or some other DC-honcho, went to the Doom Patrol board and just said:

"This is Doom patrol continuity, this is how everything fits in"

No massive story to wipe away years of bad editing, just an honest response that is recognised by the fans and DC alike. Marvel could do the same aswell but Jeoy Q is just too fucking lazy to answer shit he's let slide by him

the G-man said:

Prometheus said:As did, I'm sure, Siegel and Shuster, Julie Schwartz, Carmine Infantino, and, pretty much every other editorial staff of every era in DC Comics history.


Prior to Schwartz/Infantino (and even sometimes DURING the Schwartz/Infantino era), DC would often tell fans who were concerned with continuity that "A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds," and explain that they were would remake continuity as they saw fit from year to year, or even issue to issue, if they thought it would serve the story.

Curiosity: Why did you link the quoted part of your post to the definition of the phrase used, rather than to a published article that has a DC editor of that day backing up your claim?

Not nitpicking. But, you are known for proving what you say with actual links to factual sources. And, as you clearly and emphatically state "No" to my response, I would think you would back up such a claim with a source...as you aren't stating an opinion...but a "fact".

And, not saying you cannot. But, curious as to why you didn't, and wishing you would. Unless you just expect me, someone who wasn't alive "back in the olden days" to take your word on it and move on?

So, in other words: Shenanigans!!


Prometheus said:
Curiosity: Why did you link the quoted part of your post to the definition of the phrase used, rather than to a published article that has a DC editor of that day backing up your claim?

Because (a) the DC Editors of that day are all pretty much dead; (b) the statement was made in letter columns of the day not articles; (c) I am unaware of any DC letter columns being on line; (d) if I hadn't at least linked to the definition of the phrase, someone would have probably accused me of making up the phrase itself.
good point G
Thank God for PJP.

the G-man said:

Prometheus said:
Curiosity: Why did you link the quoted part of your post to the definition of the phrase used, rather than to a published article that has a DC editor of that day backing up your claim?

Because (a) the DC Editors of that day are all pretty much dead; (b) the statement was made in letter columns of the day not articles; (c) I am unaware of any DC letter columns being on line; (d) if I hadn't at least linked to the definition of the phrase, someone would have probably accused me of making up the phrase itself.

So, I have to trust your memory then? Very well. My memory states that G. Gordon Liddy is a criminal. Beat THAT, "G-Man" (if that is, in fact, your real name)...BEAT THAT!!


PJP said:
good point G

...I've lost all faith in you...

Prometheus said:

PJP said:
good point G

...I've lost all faith in you...

you have a good point too.

oh and I'm not actually reading what you guys are saying......I just like changing the name to Dildio in the heading.
'cause I'm like 5 years old.

Pariah said:

Don't worry, I never had any in you....
Posted By: the G-man Re: Earth Prime G-man - 2006-03-09 4:00 AM
I'm the earth 3 G-man. I'm the good one.

At least until Superboy punches another wall.
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Earth Prime G-man - 2006-03-09 4:01 AM
Heh....well played....curse you!

PJP said:
'cause I like 5 year olds.

Posted By: PJP Re: Earth Prime G-man and Dildio - 2006-03-09 4:03 AM
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Earth Prime G-man and Dildio - 2006-03-09 4:04 AM

Prometheus said:

Pariah said:

Don't worry, I never had any in you....

Actually, that was directed towards your "criminal" snipe.

Pariah said:

Prometheus said:

Pariah said:

Don't worry, I never had any in you....

Actually, that was directed towards your "criminal" snipe.

What, do historical facts confuse you?
Owner of a--....waitasec...
Forget it, Mr. "high and mighty" Master Control! You're not going to make me talk!
How about sing?
Posted By: the G-man Re: Earth Prime G-man - 2006-03-09 8:22 AM
a song. Sing out loud. Sing out long.
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Earth Prime G-man - 2006-03-09 8:24 AM
Sing out proud?
Posted By: the G-man Re: Earth Prime G-man - 2006-03-09 8:29 AM
Sing of good things, not bad
Posted By: Grimm Re: Earth Prime G-man - 2006-03-09 8:42 AM
number 37. the larch.
Posted By: Jeremy Re: Earth Prime G-man - 2006-03-09 9:23 AM
The Winter Soldier saga was explained a lot better.
Posted By: Son of Mxy Re: Earth Prime G-man - 2006-03-09 10:11 AM
There are things that go BAMF!! in the night!
Posted By: The Time Trust Re: Earth Prime G-man - 2006-03-09 11:41 PM
Some may claim that there are no Nature Boys. But the truth is that the Nature Boys exist in all of us...

...at least since Roy Batty tapped into the Rectum Force. Things were never the same after that.
Posted By: the G-man Re: Earth Prime G-man - 2006-03-09 11:42 PM
There were no nature boys, until Earth Prime rex fucked a sock made of anti-matter and screwed up the time line.
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Earth Prime G-man - 2006-03-10 1:14 AM
Yeah, and I was immortal, drawn to cosmic catastrophe at all times................until the Earth-3 Grimm shot me with a pistol. Now I'm supposedly dead...for some reason...
Posted By: Stupid Doog Re: Earth Prime G-man - 2006-03-10 1:18 AM
Because Smurfs are asexual. That's why.
Posted By: the G-man Re: Earth Prime G-man - 2006-03-10 1:23 AM
The Earth 3 rex is gainfully employed, happily married to a woman and lives above ground level.
Posted By: PJP Re: Earth Prime G-man - 2006-03-10 1:58 AM
The Earth 3 PJP is a Red Sox fan, a Democrat and has a small penis.
Posted By: PJP Re: Earth Prime G-man - 2006-03-10 1:58 AM
The Earth 3 PJP is a Red Sox fan, a Democrat and has a small penis.
Posted By: big_pimp_tim Re: Earth Prime G-man - 2006-03-10 2:03 AM

PJP said:
The Earth 3 PJP has a small penis.

well, i suppose no matter how different things are, some things will be the same.
Posted By: PJP Re: Earth Prime G-man - 2006-03-10 2:03 AM
Posted By: the G-man Re: Earth Prime G-man - 2006-03-10 2:22 AM
According to that cover, Batman is "socking" the crook.

Batman is rex?
Posted By: Jeremy Re: Earth Prime G-man - 2006-03-10 3:21 AM
Earth 3 Jeremy never found the RKMBs.
Posted By: Jeremy Re: Earth Prime G-man - 2006-03-10 3:21 AM
Posted By: PJP Re: Earth Prime G-man - 2006-03-10 3:22 AM

Jeremy said:
Earth 3 Jeremy never found the RKMBs.

or MySpace.
Posted By: Glacier16 Re: Earth Prime G-man - 2006-03-10 3:56 AM
or MyTime.
Posted By: PCG342 Re: Earth Prime G-man - 2006-03-10 4:01 AM
Or Man-Ass
Posted By: Chewy Walrus Re: Earth Prime G-man - 2006-03-10 5:05 AM
Earth 3 Chewy is not a nice guy... at all!
Posted By: Jeremy Re: Earth Prime G-man - 2006-03-10 6:28 AM
Does he have a goatee?
Posted By: big_pimp_tim Re: Earth Prime G-man - 2006-03-10 6:32 AM
of course, all the evil dopplegangers do!!!
Posted By: Jeremy Re: Earth Prime G-man - 2006-03-10 6:41 AM

PJP said:

Jeremy said:
Earth 3 Jeremy never found the RKMBs.

or MySpace.

Heh. He also has a girlfriend and doesn't live in his mother's basement.