Here's a question to all y'all:

How can I get my girlfriend to read comics? She's intelligent and geeky (and hot) in every way except her attitude toward comic books. She has no interest in reading any from my collection.

I think part of it must be that the titles aren't appealing to her. She loves to read, and she's always got several books on the go, so I figure I'm just not showing her anything that appeals to her. Are there any comics or graphic novels that are aimed squarely at young women as the target audience? I think she needs to read some female-focused comics before I can introduce her to the harder stuff like Sandman and Y: The Last Man.

Any suggestions?
I know Pro got his woman hooked with Birds of Prey and Emma Frost. Try to find some less superheroey stuff and try and find books that deal with concepts that she already likes. It would probably help us a bit more if you told us what kind of books/movies that she's into.
You forgot to mention she's hot.

If you're looking for superhero comics, I'd recommend PAD's Supergirl. The first issues are pretty dark, so any negative preconceptions should fade away once she flips through the pages. I wouldn't say it's heavy, but it involves dramatic and philosophic stuff. The first nine issues, with art by Gary Frank, are collected in a trade.

Non-superhero: Strangers in Paradise. Chicks love that shit. Avaliable in digest-sized trades.

Posted By: Grimm Re: How can I get my girlfriend to read comics? - 2007-04-05 10:00 PM
give her some Manga. lots of female centric manga books out there that have an appeal to women that regular comics don't.
But... manga sucks.
Ummmmmmmmm, Bone (plus it can have a double meaning).Thorn, Rose and bone are awesome.

Promethea-ditto, below

Invincible-lots of strong female characters

Age of Bronze-lots of beautiful people and a "historical" story.


Manga...Rozen Maiden
And if TTT's lucky, so does his girlfriend.
I think this is a desperate attempt by Tommy The Time Tot to keep his mod status...
Posted By: Grimm Re: How can I get my girlfriend to read comics? - 2007-04-05 10:30 PM

Im Not Mister Mxypltk said:
But... manga sucks.

personally, I agree. but chicks dig it.
I'd agree with most every suggestion above (save Manga).

I'm sure Sandman, if she's a literary-type. Of course, like Doc said...we need to know more about her and her tastes. I know that if it has a strong story, or at least a remotely sincere emotional impact, my wife will generally dig it. Superhero, or not. The very first one she ever read was Kingdom Come. I chose that because the art is so palatable for non-readers, it would help cushion the weight of the superhero aspect. She dug it. After that, The Killing Joke won her over. She totally understood that comics were no longer just for kids. Then, she noticed Emma Frost (I was reading Morrison/Quietly's New X-Men). Also, she's one of the ten women in the world that actually read the Marvel Epic title Trouble. After all of that, her love of Babs from Killing Joke lead me to introduce Birds of Prey.

If you're looking to get her into a monthly title, look for something that's easy to get into, or, is starting at #1. For the very reason that I wanted her to have some exposure to Marvel Comics, as well, I picked up Ultimate Fantastic Four from the beginning. It's very true that jumping on a series at the beginning keeps them coming back for more.

Starman is fucking great for the leather/Ramones-type chick. That book screams "rebel".

What about magic/sorcery/Tolkien? She into any of that? Books of Magic, or Arrowsmith would be good.

Is she something of an anarchist? Transmetropolitan without a doubt.

Again...get back to us with more detail...
Well, she loves the Harry Potter novels, and she's into the girly stuff, like Anne of Green Gables, and Jane Austen's novels.

As far as movies goes, Office Space is one of her faves, as well as the Matrix and V for Vendetta. Also some girly flicks, like Ever After and When Harry Met Sally.

She loves comedy, especially "blue" comedy (obscene, off-color, etc). The Chappelle Show is a favorite.

I'm thinking a fantasy with really appealing, colorful visuals and an enticing story would appeal to her most. I wouldn't even try introducing any superheroey stuff to her for awhile.
Posted By: PJP Re: How can I get my girlfriend to read comics? - 2007-04-05 11:11 PM
try witchblade....the early years.
Posted By: PJP Re: How can I get my girlfriend to read comics? - 2007-04-05 11:12 PM
but more than likely.....just accept the fact that you will have some different interests and that is OK too.
I'm amazed that none of you have mentioned the most obvious route to getting your gals to read comics. Threaten them with violence or with sodomy. Them bitches will be reading comic books in no time!

The Time Trust said:
Well, she loves the Harry Potter novels, and she's into the girly stuff, like Anne of Green Gables, and Jane Austen's novels.


As far as movies goes, Office Space is one of her faves, as well as the Matrix and V for Vendetta. Also some girly flicks, like Ever After and When Harry Met Sally.


She loves comedy, especially "blue" comedy (obscene, off-color, etc). The Chappelle Show is a favorite.


I'm thinking a fantasy with really appealing, colorful visuals and an enticing story would appeal to her most. I wouldn't even try introducing any superheroey stuff to her for awhile.

Have the two of you seen TMNT yet? Try some of that...which I now want to get into. But I'm lazy, and cheap. Enough about me.

Otherwise go for Walking Dead cause everyone loves zombies. Uh...beyond that...maybe Buffy? I dunno.

Pig Iran said:

That's a good choice, but it's probably too advanced for someone who doesn't read comics.
Posted By: Uschi Re: How can I get my girlfriend to read comics? - 2007-04-06 9:12 AM
Sandman, Transmetropolitan, she'll probably like Roman Dirge's "Lenore" stories. Try Fables, a lot of girls like that... and Y the Last Man. We like reading what we think is a secret peek into a male perspective.
Posted By: Grimm Re: How can I get my girlfriend to read comics? - 2007-04-06 9:19 AM
Dogwitch. got crude humor, fantasy, and shite like that.


Jhonon Vasquez's stuff. probably Squee or I Feel Sick before JTHM.

and lots of women like manga. I'm always near tripping over them in the aisle at the bookstore.

The Time Trust said:
How can I get my girlfriend to read comics?

Have you tried going down on her?
Posted By: Uschi Re: How can I get my girlfriend to read comics? - 2007-04-06 9:26 AM

Grimm said:
Dogwitch. got crude humor, fantasy, and shite like that.


Jhonon Vasquez's stuff. probably Squee or I Feel Sick before JTHM.

and lots of women like manga. I'm always near tripping over them in the aisle at the bookstore.

Definately I Feel Sick. It's a girl, besides.

Chicks dig Lenore. Even though it's a poor-man's JTHM, chicks dig Lenore. She's a retarded character, but chicks dig Lenore.
Posted By: Grimm Re: How can I get my girlfriend to read comics? - 2007-04-06 9:39 AM

Uschi said:

Grimm said:
Dogwitch. got crude humor, fantasy, and shite like that.


Jhonon Vasquez's stuff. probably Squee or I Feel Sick before JTHM.

and lots of women like manga. I'm always near tripping over them in the aisle at the bookstore.

Definately I Feel Sick. It's a girl, besides.

Chicks dig Lenore. Even though it's a poor-man's JTHM, chicks dig Lenore. She's a retarded character, but chicks dig Lenore.


The Time Trust said:
Well, she loves the Harry Potter novels, and she's into the girly stuff, like Anne of Green Gables, and Jane Austen's novels.

I was thinking the Marshall Rogers, Michael Golden, and Paul Smith issues of DOCTOR STRANGE (roughly issues 46-73)

And CEREBUS, which has a lot of humor, a strong fantasy element, and is very sophisticated, that could appeal to a Jane Austen reader.

Jim Starlin's THE PRICE and DREADSTAR graphic novels would also fit in that category. THE PRICE is more focused on an aspiring sorcerer, using his talents to avenge his brother's death, and unravel the conspiracy that killed him, invoking demons to get the information and power he needs.

Also, Kull: "Demon With A Silvered Glass" by Moench and Bolton, in BIZARRE ADVENTURES 26.

And MARADA THE SHE WOLF by Claremont and Bolton, either serialized in EPIC ILLUSTRATED, or the Marvel Graphic novel.

I was thinking also some shorter anthologies, where she doesn't have to be as committed to read it, and only has to get through a few pages, as opposed to a whole trade.
Like BERNI WRIGHTSON: MASTER OF THE MACABRE. And other anthology titles, such as EPIC ILLUSTRATED, ALIEN WORLDS, TWISTED TALES, ECLIPSE MONTHLY, Craig Russell's NIGHT MUSIC, or Moench and Gulacy's NIGHTMARES. Or issues of NEGATIVE BURN or DARK HORSE PRESENTS, though I think color books are more imressive than black-and-white, especially for a new reader.

Or maybe just some single-issue stories, such as in Alan Moore's SWAMP THING run. These are stand-alone stories, that also combine, if interested in reading further after, into something much larger.
Likewise, the Wein/Wrightson SWAMP THING.


As far as movies goes, Office Space is one of her faves, as well as the Matrix and V for Vendetta. Also some girly flicks, like Ever After and When Harry Met Sally.

Like Prometheus said, V FOR VENDETTA seems like a natural progression from liking the movie.



She loves comedy, especially "blue" comedy (obscene, off-color, etc). The Chappelle Show is a favorite.

If she hasn't already, she really needs to see Mallrats and Chasing Amy. Which aside from being very funny, are an introduction to the comic book subculture.


I'm thinking a fantasy with really appealing, colorful visuals and an enticing story would appeal to her most. I wouldn't even try introducing any superheroey stuff to her for awhile.

Again, that gels well with CEREBUS (up through Jaka's Story anyway).

And the Alan Moore SWAMP THING run.

Another I thought of is the RAVEN BANNER graphic novel from Marvel, by Zelenetz and Vess, telling an epic story about the heroes of Asgard.
Vess after did several stories expanding on the graphic novel's adventure, in a few issues of MARVEL FANFARE.
When my ex and I were dating, I lent her my League of Extraordinary Gentlemen and Planetary trades, which she seemed to enjoy immensely. After we broke up, she told me that she'd read the Wolverine Origin story and enjoyed that as well.

In my mind, League is a great jump-on for new readers as it's not overtly 'comic-booky,' and has links to established literary figures and themes. It illustrates the ability of comics to go beyond the superhero schtick and into the territory of 'literature'.

Wonder Boy said:


Chewy Walrus said:
League of Extraordinary Gentlemen

In my mind, League is a great jump-on for new readers as it's not overtly 'comic-booky,' and has links to established literary figures and themes. It illustrates the ability of comics to go beyond the superhero schtick and into the territory of 'literature'.

Yes. Good calls. My wife loves Hellboy. She hasn't tried LOEG yet...
i got my ex to read identity crisis and she loved it...
Yeah, the wife really dug Identity Crisis. She's not a jaded, longtime reader like most of us. So, she gets emotionally involved to a greater degree. The death of Sue Dibny really messed with her...
the funny part was she had jokingly figured it out after like issue three or four. she said: "It would be hilarious if the atom's wife did it just for the booty." I was like "Yeah...hilarious "
Like anyone here:
a) has a girlfriend
b) has an ex-girlfriend
c) would know what a girlfriend would like
d) has seen daylight this year

I know all this cause nobody who actually has/had a girlfriend would be worried about getting them to read comics when there is pussy available to make fuck with!

The Time Trust said:
Here's a question to all y'all:

How can I get my girlfriend to read comics? She's intelligent and geeky (and hot) in every way except her attitude toward comic books. She has no interest in reading any from my collection.

I think part of it must be that the titles aren't appealing to her. She loves to read, and she's always got several books on the go, so I figure I'm just not showing her anything that appeals to her. Are there any comics or graphic novels that are aimed squarely at young women as the target audience? I think she needs to read some female-focused comics before I can introduce her to the harder stuff like Sandman and Y: The Last Man.

Any suggestions?

offer to lick her asshole while she reads The Darknight Returns?
That one works everytime!!

Nowhereman said:
Like anyone here:
a) has a girlfriend
b) has an ex-girlfriend
c) would know what a girlfriend would like
d) has seen daylight this year

I know all this cause nobody who actually has/had a girlfriend would be worried about getting them to read comics when there is pussy available to make fuck with!

not all of us can "make fuck" with the pussy nowie. some of us have to wait a while...
i had no idea knut was gay...
I had no idea he was Brian Cockjiz!
Posted By: Grimm Re: How can I get my girlfriend to read comics? - 2007-04-08 3:54 AM
they also like:

Yeah, but most of those girls look like this ...
How'd you get pics of my ex?
Posted By: Grimm Re: How can I get my girlfriend to read comics? - 2007-04-08 9:54 AM

Prometheus said:
Yeah, but most of those girls look like this ...

some, not all. . .

britneyspearsatemyshorts said:

The Time Trust said:
Here's a question to all y'all:

How can I get my girlfriend to read comics? She's intelligent and geeky (and hot) in every way except her attitude toward comic books. She has no interest in reading any from my collection.

I think part of it must be that the titles aren't appealing to her. She loves to read, and she's always got several books on the go, so I figure I'm just not showing her anything that appeals to her. Are there any comics or graphic novels that are aimed squarely at young women as the target audience? I think she needs to read some female-focused comics before I can introduce her to the harder stuff like Sandman and Y: The Last Man.

Any suggestions?

offer to lick her asshole while she reads The Darknight Returns?

I'll try that.

So she told me she used to read Spider-Man comics, but I didn't ask her which ones. I'm thinking of checking out the Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane TPBs to see if they're worth picking up for her.
Some suggestions have been better than others....Y: The Last Man, Fables, Sandman and Starman being excellent ones.

But the only books you need to buy her are the Stranger in Paradise trades. It's consistantly the best written comic on the market and has been for years. The arcs are full of great characterization, back story and emotional content. If she reads the first 2 trades, she'll be hooked on it. The final issue to the series will be out soon, so it'll be good for her to begin reading something that has a definite end in sight and not have to deal with an ongoing title just yet.

Buy her the first few trades of SiP and leave her alone to read for a few hours on a Sunday afternoon. She'll definitely dig them.

Im Not Mister Mxypltk said:
But... manga sucks.

This statement is 100% general truth and 90% literal truth.

While most suck, there are a few really good books out there in manga form.
You lie!! On Seti-Alpha V there was life! A fair chance!!