Posted By: Jeremy Captain America #26 [Spoilers!] - 2007-05-25 2:18 AM
Steve Rogers is still dead!

The super serum wore off!

The New Avengers have a toast!

Falcon and Bucky (I think that was Bucky) want Iron Man dead.
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Captain America #26 [Spoilers!] - 2007-05-25 2:32 AM

Jeremy said:
The super serum wore off!

Posted By: Jeremy Re: Captain America #26 [Spoilers!] - 2007-05-25 2:34 AM
When Rogers died, the serum wore off so he turned back into the skinny person he originally was. Oh, and he aged.
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Captain America #26 [Spoilers!] - 2007-05-25 2:47 AM
Whoa! So...he's really dead? Or, perhaps, an LMD?
Posted By: Jeremy Re: Captain America #26 [Spoilers!] - 2007-05-25 2:48 AM
My bet is that he comes back skinny and goes through the process of becoming Cap all over again.

Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: Captain America #26 [Spoilers!] - 2007-05-25 2:49 AM
Or maybe they just replaced his body with Klintons!
Posted By: PJP Re: Captain America #26 [Spoilers!] - 2007-05-25 2:50 AM
Posted By: the G-man Re: Captain America #26 [Spoilers!] - 2007-05-25 3:07 AM

Jeremy said:
When Rogers died, the serum wore off so he turned back into the skinny person he originally was. Oh, and he aged.

Either that's a clue its a fake or that is so incredibly fucking stupid. Serums don't wear off when someone dies and muscle mass doesn't disappear just because, for example, a steroid leaves the blood stream.
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: Captain America #26 [Spoilers!] - 2007-05-25 3:10 AM
Posted By: Jeremy Re: Captain America #26 [Spoilers!] - 2007-05-25 3:16 AM

the G-man said:

Jeremy said:
When Rogers died, the serum wore off so he turned back into the skinny person he originally was. Oh, and he aged.

Either that's a clue its a fake or that is so incredibly fucking stupid. Serums don't wear off when someone dies and muscle mass doesn't disappear just because, for example, a steroid leaves the blood stream.

G...it's comics...
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: Captain America #26 [Spoilers!] - 2007-05-25 3:23 AM
Dont ruin his life like that!
Its all real to him!
He knows all the properties of magical serums that can turn anyone into a superhero. Anyone... maybe even a parking lawyer?

the G-man said:

Jeremy said:
When Rogers died, the serum wore off so he turned back into the skinny person he originally was. Oh, and he aged.

Either that's a clue its a fake or that is so incredibly fucking stupid. Serums don't wear off when someone dies and muscle mass doesn't disappear just because, for example, a steroid leaves the blood stream.

and men don't groq to seven feet and two tons and then back to a skinny 5'9" weakling within a few seconds..
Posted By: the G-man Re: Captain America #26 [Spoilers!] - 2007-05-25 5:50 PM
I know, I know, its just a comic book. But there's a point at which some ideas are just too stupid.

So the serum stops working when he's dead? Why? And if we accept that it does then why didn't it also stop working all those years that he was in suspended animation?

And, for that matter, its typically been stated that the serum is what kept him alive and preserved in the ice. If the serum is powerful enough to do that, why would it stop working when he died? Instead, wouldn't the serum be more likely to PRESERVE his corpse after death?

It just makes no sense even under "comic book logic."
Posted By: PJP Re: Captain America #26 [Spoilers!] - 2007-05-25 5:53 PM
Posted By: Beardguy57 Re: Captain America #26 [Spoilers!] - 2007-05-25 8:11 PM

the G-man said:
I know, I know, its just a comic book. But there's a point at which some ideas are just too stupid.

So the serum stops working when he's dead? Why? And if we accept that it does then why didn't it also stop working all those years that he was in suspended animation?

And, for that matter, its typically been stated that the serum is what kept him alive and preserved in the ice. If the serum is powerful enough to do that, why would it stop working when he died? Instead, wouldn't the serum be more likely to PRESERVE his corpse after death?

It just makes no sense even under "comic book logic."

I agree. This makes no sense at all.

I am certain that they will bring Cap back. It's just a question of which stupid explanation they will use.

But the serum ought not to have worn off just because Steve Rodgers had died. It is illogical, even in the frame of comic book logic.
Posted By: Ultimate Jaburg53 Re: Captain America #26 [Spoilers!] - 2007-05-25 8:19 PM
Maybe the serum is exhausting itself bringing Cap back to life.
Posted By: the G-man Re: Captain America #26 [Spoilers!] - 2007-05-25 8:24 PM
That makes about as much sense as any other theory.
Posted By: Beardguy57 Re: Captain America #26 [Spoilers!] - 2007-05-25 8:36 PM

Ultimate Jaburg53 said:
Maybe the serum is exhausting itself bringing Cap back to life.

A good theory - I had not thought of that!
Posted By: the G-man Re: Captain America #26 [Spoilers!] - 2007-05-25 8:42 PM
Of course, this wouldn't be the first time that Marvel has done a story where the serum wears off. Remember that whole "Cap Armor" plot in the 1990s?
Posted By: Fused Re: Captain America #26 [Spoilers!] - 2007-05-25 8:59 PM
can also explain liefelds man-boobs
Posted By: Beardguy57 Re: Captain America #26 [Spoilers!] - 2007-05-25 9:02 PM
And the follow up to that possible theory is that Cap comes back to life and goes on a quest to get another dose of the super soldier serum.

Then he encounters the only human on Earth who has just a tiny bit of the serum left.

Cap has to do this man a favor once it is administered and his abilities return.

This favor is something illegal. He is seen doing this and is branded a villain until he can redeem himself at some point in the future.
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: Captain America #26 [Spoilers!] - 2007-05-25 9:56 PM

Beardguy57 said:

It's just a question of which stupid explanation they will use.

Captain America Buried at Arlington National Cemetery

  • It's a funeral fit for a superhero.

    In the drizzling rain at Arlington National Cemetery, thousands of grieving patriots solemnly watch as the pallbearers — Iron Man, the Black Panther, Ben Grimm and Ms. Marvel — carry a casket draped with an American flag.

    Writer Jeph Loeb has been busy working through the stages of grief in his most recent titles. A book centered on Wolverine dealt with denial; one with the Avengers covered anger; and Spider-Man battled depression.

    With the story line so relevant to present-day politics, and the timing of the latest issue so precise, it's hard not to think the whole thing is one big slam on the government.

    But Loeb says he was working with more personal material: the death of his 17-year-old son from cancer.

    "So many people have lost their sons and daughters over the years, for the greater good or to cancer or other horrible things," said Loeb, an executive producer for NBC's "Heroes." "I wanted this to be something people would identify with."

    In the final frames of the book, the Falcon delivers a eulogy asking superheroes old and young to stand up and honor Captain America. Loeb did a similar thing at his son's funeral.

    "It was this moment where I realized that we were all different, but this boy, my son, made us all connected," he said. "It was powerful."

    Marvel says you never know what will happen. He may make it back from the dead after all, although Loeb says that question isn't really important right now.

    "The question is, how does the world continue without this hero?" he said. "If that story of his return gets told further down the line, great. But everyone's still been dealing with his loss.

    "They aren't going to wake up and it's a dream, like it's some episode of 'Dallas."'
Cap has been one of my favorite heroes for over 40 years now.

Hope they bring him back soon...
i dont
As a communist, I must say I'm delighted by this turn of events.
Of course you are, Mxy, of course you are.
I'm guessing Thor is still not back from wherever he is? Otherwise he'd have been a pallbearer.

Having just read the first Hush tpb, Loeb's got some good plotting ideas, but really struggles with dialogue. I dread to read the eulogy.
Funny. My biggest problem with Hush was the plotting and the perceived need that Loeb had to throw in every bat villain he could think of just to let Jim Lee draw them.
 Originally Posted By: Knutreturns
i dont

me either.