Posted By: the G-man Superheroes Setting Bad Example: Study - 2010-08-17 10:43 PM
Macho superheroes are setting teens a bad example:
  • The “macho” role models in comic books and movies, such sa Christian Bale’s Batman in The Dark Knight, may be damaging the social skills of teenagers and even affecting their performance at school, it was claimed last night.

    “There is a big difference in the movie superhero of today and the comic book superhero of yesterday,” said US psychologist Professor Sharon Lamb, from the University of Massachusetts in Boston.

    “Today’s superhero is too much like an action hero who participates in non-stop violence; he’s aggressive, sarcastic, and rarely speaks to the virtue of doing good for humanity.

    “When not in superhero costume, these men, like Iron Man, exploit women, flaunt bling and convey their manhood with high-powered guns.”

    Although the old-style heroes fought criminals, “these were heroes boys could look up to and learn from because outside of their costumes they were real people with real problems and many vulnerabilities,” said Prof Lamb.

    Radio presenter and comic-book fan Roy Noble said the change was visible in comparisons of the original Batman and his modern-day equivalent.

    “Maybe I’m biased because of my age, but the superheroes of my youth, like Batman for example, were clean-cut and were all on the side of right and morality,” said the BBC Radio Wales presenter.

    “These days they shoot 10 guys a minute and their morals are questionable to say the least.

    “It seems other role models like footballers have taken over from superheroes – but they are no better. Boys will be boys and they will always be interested in wars and guns but there is a big difference between superheroes of the past and today’s macho offerings.”

Paging Dr. Wertham...
Posted By: rex Re: Superheroes Setting Bad Example: Study - 2010-08-17 11:55 PM
Hooray for communism!
Posted By: rex Re: Superheroes Setting Bad Example: Study - 2010-08-17 11:56 PM
"Iron Man" is the head of a corporation that employees who knows how many people. That is what this is attacking. Its more hippie bullshit.
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Superheroes Setting Bad Example: Study - 2010-08-18 2:28 AM
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
“Maybe I’m biased because of my age..."
Posted By: the G-man Re: Superheroes Setting Bad Example: Study - 2010-08-18 3:23 AM
Actually, my "Paging Dr Wertham" comment was intended to show that I viewed this report as just another example of "experts" unjustly bitching about superheroes corrupting the young.
Posted By: Son of Mxy Re: Superheroes Setting Bad Example: Study - 2010-08-18 5:16 AM
Luke Cage, Power Man corrupted my fashion sense.
Posted By: thedoctor Re: Superheroes Setting Bad Example: Study - 2010-08-18 6:21 AM
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
Radio presenter and comic-book fan Roy Noble said the change was visible in comparisons of the original Batman and his modern-day equivalent.

Wait... Didn't the original Batman carry a gun, tossed criminals off the tops of buildings, and hang mutants by the neck with a rope under his Bat-gyrocopter?

Posted By: iggy Re: Superheroes Setting Bad Example: Study - 2010-08-18 6:48 AM
Posted By: McGurk Re: Superheroes Setting Bad Example: Study - 2010-08-18 6:52 AM
Yes yes, about when the original Superman took criminals on air roller coaster rides to scare them into confession, only to have them faint instead.

"Maybe I'm biased because of my age." No kidding. Were you born anywhere near 1939? 1956? 1970? I guess you can ignore basic common knowledge of septuagenarian super-heroes and still be labeled a psychologist.
Posted By: iggy Re: Superheroes Setting Bad Example: Study - 2010-08-18 6:58 AM
Whatever happened to the good old days when Batman would try to be gay for Robin and always had to worry about Joker's boners?

And, while we're at it, whatever happened to predictability?
Posted By: Ray Peet Re: Superheroes Setting Bad Example: Study - 2010-08-18 7:12 AM
Whatever happened to the good old days when Batman would try to be gay for Robin and always had to worry about Joker's boners?

And, while we're at it, whatever happened to predictability?
Keaton's Batman killed and did the classic hit it and quit it with vicki vale. Bale's Batman made a point of explaining the need for the playboy facade and the strict code against killing.
Downey's Stark has shown the problem of living an empty shallow life.
This is just some loser looking to get published.
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Superheroes Setting Bad Example: Study - 2010-08-18 5:20 PM
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
Actually, my "Paging Dr Wertham" comment was intended to show that I viewed this report as just another example of "experts" unjustly bitching about superheroes corrupting the young.

And my quote was aimed at the subject of the article, not you. Thus, the quotations marks around his line...
Posted By: the G-man Re: Superheroes Setting Bad Example: Study - 2010-08-18 5:51 PM
It's my birthday week. You have to expect me to be a little hyper-vigilant about age jokes.
Posted By: mimic Re: Superheroes Setting Bad Example: Study - 2010-08-18 7:32 PM
Whatever happened to the good old days when Batman would try to be gay for Robin and always had to worry about Joker's boners?

And, while we're at it, whatever happened to predictability?
I don't get why studying is a bad example. It is important to study so that you can be someone in life.
 Originally Posted By: mimic

And, while we're at it, whatever happened to predictability?

isn't the start of the full house theme song?
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: Superheroes Setting Bad Example: Study - 2010-08-19 6:44 AM
Like you don't know.

x 50 million.