Posted By: allan1 Random Comic Thoughts IV: The Voyage Home - 2012-07-08 11:58 PM
Randomness abounds!

Axel Alonso(current EIC at Marvel)actually referred to Marvel as "NuMarvel"......not sure if that's a good sign.

Post-AvX Marvel looks more confusing that not.

DC's losing ground quickly with the "New 52" only a year old. Will they return to DC "Classic" in the near future?

Fables and Fairest are now my top 2 reads every month.

Rob Liefeld's art is a good match for Deathstroke,but his writing isn't.

Batman:Earth One=good,Having to wait for a looooong while for a follow up=bad.

Probably a safe bet that Marvel's Crossgen line is dead......sincerely,Malibu.

I don't see much about "Before Watchmen" being posted about after it's first month. I thought for sure there would be.

I bet DC rolls out an "Outsiders" title by the end of this year.

Earth-2's Alan Scott is cool but with a not so cool costume.....still better than Jay Garrick's though.

With huge numbers having been done with their movies lately,I would really like to see Marvel send out some POS material with movie tie-in appeal....posters,cardboard stand-ups....that kind of thing. Retailers could use those kinds of things.

Busiek's Avengers:Ultimate Collection is great stuff.

Principal photography has wrapped on "The Hobbit" parts 1&2. A little over 5 months until the first one is in the theater.

KISS:Dressed to Kill,so many album references and a little cheesy,but it's still KISS and they still sell.

Picked up Marvel Masterworks:Uncanny X-Men vols. 1-5(Giant Size X-Men #1 era). Always a good read.

A Star Wars shirt that glows in the dark....awesome!

There's speculation that Jim Starlin might sue Marvel over Thanos ownership......ya know cuz he's always wanted to do that...."Avengers" making a billion dollars and Thanos possibly in the sequel? No,of course that had nothing to do with it.

90+ degree heat drives people to go to the mall and then into the comic shop.Works for me!

San Diego Comic-Con coming up....one day I will attend it and probably hate every minute.

LLance,Theo,Franta,Silver Armadillo,Qwerty and I drank like mad in a Chicago restaurant and then left without paying 10 years ago this past weekend.Good times.

Superman:Man of Steel......


And on that note,I'm done.
I didn't mind Jay Garrick's suit, but him saying the words "my parkour lessons" gave me douche-chills.
Posted By: MrJSA Re: Random Comic Thoughts IV: The Voyage Home - 2012-07-09 1:23 AM
Posted By: MrJSA Re: Random Comic Thoughts IV: The Voyage Home - 2012-07-09 1:24 AM
whose running Dc now? 12year olds? what the fuck?
My good friend Velo is in charge, yes.
12 year olds, dude.
 Originally Posted By: allan1
Randomness abounds!

DC's losing ground quickly with the "New 52" only a year old. Will they return to DC "Classic" in the near future?

Rob Liefeld's art is a good match for Deathstroke,but his writing isn't.

I bet DC rolls out an "Outsiders" title by the end of this year.

I hope not. The 52's are good. I'm actually enjoying Superman and other titles that I had given up on.

Heh. I actually like Liefelds Deathstroke writing but not his art.

I never liked Outsiders comics. I would love a new Doom Patrol or a new Question Title.
Posted By: allan1 Re: Random Comic Thoughts IV: The Voyage Home - 2012-07-09 5:39 PM

Here's a shot of GL vs. Grundy(he's not called Solomon Grundy as far as I can tell,just Grundy). Notice how his costume looks very similar to Kyle Rayner's Ion costume?

The GL symbol is also from Kyle's GL Jim Lee design.

No biggie by any stretch,but I would've thought they might have used Alan Scott's original Lantern symbol design and tweaked that instead of using Kyle's.
Here's a shot of GL vs. Grundy(he's not called Solomon Grundy as far as I can tell,just Grundy). Notice how his costume looks very similar to Kyle Rayner's Ion costume?

I assume Lee designed Alan's costume. That would explain why it looks so similar.

Lee is a good artist but his costume designs all tend toward the same style over and over.

It kinda looks like Grundy is trying to touch Alan Scott's penis while things explode around them. It's gay porn directed by Michael Bay.
 Originally Posted By: Son of Mxy
It's gay porn directed by Michael Bay.

You should copyright that before DC starts using it in their ad copy.
Posted By: allan1 Re: Random Comic Thoughts IV: The Voyage Home - 2012-07-10 6:24 AM
 Originally Posted By: Son of Mxy

It kinda looks like Grundy is trying to touch Alan Scott's penis while things explode around them. It's gay porn directed by Michael Bay.

Posted By: iggy Re: Random Comic Thoughts IV: The Voyage Home - 2012-07-10 6:44 AM
 Originally Posted By: Son of Mxy

It kinda looks like Grundy is trying to touch Alan Scott's penis while things explode around them. It's gay porn directed by Michael Bay.

\:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\:
 Originally Posted By: Son of Mxy

It kinda looks like Grundy is trying to touch Alan Scott's penis while things explode around them. It's gay porn directed by Michael Bay.

That would explain Grundy's bondage gear.
That doesn't look the slightest bit like Solomon Grundy.

I guess that's the gay porn singing-showtunes Grundy.
Does anyone still fear a monster in a skirt?
Sounds like a blind date gone bad.
Sounds like Tuesday for Lothar.
What's with the Gaydiation?

Gaydiation TM@ The Doctor....