Okay, I know Captain Atom is quantum powered and everytime he absorbs too much energy it causes him to "quantum leap" through time and space, so my question to everybody out there is...

Where do you think Loeb sent Captain Atom?
Why back... to the future!
Ok, think about this:

Captain Atom is in one spot when he gets bumped through time. He moves through time, you see, not through space when he absorbs too much energy.

As time passes, the Earth rotates. It also moves around the sun. The sun, for its part, moves up and down like a ride on a merry-go-round in the Milky Way, and the Milky Way is rocketing away from the centre of the universe as a result of the big bang.

So, the point at which Captain Atom disappeared is very unlikly to still be in the Earth's atmosphere. In fact its likely to be in deep space somewhere outside the galaxy, depending upon how much time as passed.

So when Captain Atom pops up even an hour later, let alone a few months or 20 years, he's going to be nowhere near the location where he was last, because that location would have moved through space. Even jut a few minutes might mean he should pop up somewhere near Neptune.
Captain Atom appeared right next to me!
Cap ended up in the future where he bacame an evil ruler calling himself Monarch. Here we go again.
Originally posted by Dave:
Ok, think about this:

Captain Atom is in one spot when he gets bumped through time. He moves through time, you see, not through space when he absorbs too much energy.

As time passes, the Earth rotates. It also moves around the sun. The sun, for its part, moves up and down like a ride on a merry-go-round in the Milky Way, and the Milky Way is rocketing away from the centre of the universe as a result of the big bang.

So, the point at which Captain Atom disappeared is very unlikly to still be in the Earth's atmosphere. In fact its likely to be in deep space somewhere outside the galaxy, depending upon how much time as passed.

So when Captain Atom pops up even an hour later, let alone a few months or 20 years, he's going to be nowhere near the location where he was last, because that location would have moved through space. Even jut a few minutes might mean he should pop up somewhere near Neptune.

This is excellent imperical thinking. Bravo! :)

I couldn't agree more. According to the laws of the universe (as we understand them), Dave is correct.

But, knowing Loeb.....I mean, this is the guy that decided, all of a sudden, that Batman can take down Lady Shiva in two panels. Loeb takes a single writing gimmick (in the case of this series, an ongoing, very UNinsightful, inner monologue between Supes and Bats, differentiated by colored text boxes) and runs it completely into the ground. OWAW? The constant use of historic speeches.

So, does anyone really think he took the time to consider any science behind Atom? He'll probably have him pop-up in Luthor's bathroom, or something. Although, that might even be a bit too entertaining for Loeb to pull off....
Originally posted by Dave:
Ok, think about this:

Captain Atom is in one spot when he gets bumped through time. He moves through time, you see, not through space when he absorbs too much energy.

As time passes, the Earth rotates. It also moves around the sun. The sun, for its part, moves up and down like a ride on a merry-go-round in the Milky Way, and the Milky Way is rocketing away from the centre of the universe as a result of the big bang.

So, the point at which Captain Atom disappeared is very unlikly to still be in the Earth's atmosphere. In fact its likely to be in deep space somewhere outside the galaxy, depending upon how much time as passed.

So when Captain Atom pops up even an hour later, let alone a few months or 20 years, he's going to be nowhere near the location where he was last, because that location would have moved through space. Even jut a few minutes might mean he should pop up somewhere near Neptune.

Obviously the writers forgot about that when they had him pop up in our time after he stopped the Cuban Missle Crisis. He should have popped up on Oa! [biiiig grin] Actually I guess I should have said absorbing too much energy causes Captain Atom to "quantum leap" through time and space. Sorry my bad. [sad]

Anyway, this is Captain Atom we're talking about here. Charlton's #1 guy and one of the DCU's more interesting and powerful characters. Loeb's got me totally interested in what Captain Atom's role in all this truly is.
Originally posted by Prometheus:
Originally posted by Dave:
Ok, think about this:

Captain Atom is in one spot when he gets bumped through time. He moves through time, you see, not through space when he absorbs too much energy.

As time passes, the Earth rotates. It also moves around the sun. The sun, for its part, moves up and down like a ride on a merry-go-round in the Milky Way, and the Milky Way is rocketing away from the centre of the universe as a result of the big bang.

So, the point at which Captain Atom disappeared is very unlikly to still be in the Earth's atmosphere. In fact its likely to be in deep space somewhere outside the galaxy, depending upon how much time as passed.

So when Captain Atom pops up even an hour later, let alone a few months or 20 years, he's going to be nowhere near the location where he was last, because that location would have moved through space. Even jut a few minutes might mean he should pop up somewhere near Neptune.

This is excellent imperical thinking. Bravo! :)

I couldn't agree more. According to the laws of the universe (as we understand them), Dave is correct.

But, knowing Loeb.....I mean, this is the guy that decided, all of a sudden, that Batman can take down Lady Shiva in two panels. Loeb takes a single writing gimmick (in the case of this series, an ongoing, very UNinsightful, inner monologue between Supes and Bats, differentiated by colored text boxes) and runs it completely into the ground. OWAW? The constant use of historic speeches.

So, does anyone really think he took the time to consider any science behind Atom? He'll probably have him pop-up in Luthor's bathroom, or something. Although, that might even be a bit too entertaining for Loeb to pull off....

Ah Shiva.. [no no no] I also think he has a hard-on for Batman. [um....  uh huh! ...  ]
A major hard-on... [no no no]
Originally posted by Dave:
Ok, think about this:

Captain Atom is in one spot when he gets bumped through time. He moves through time, you see, not through space when he absorbs too much energy.

As time passes, the Earth rotates. It also moves around the sun. The sun, for its part, moves up and down like a ride on a merry-go-round in the Milky Way, and the Milky Way is rocketing away from the centre of the universe as a result of the big bang.

So, the point at which Captain Atom disappeared is very unlikly to still be in the Earth's atmosphere. In fact its likely to be in deep space somewhere outside the galaxy, depending upon how much time as passed.

So when Captain Atom pops up even an hour later, let alone a few months or 20 years, he's going to be nowhere near the location where he was last, because that location would have moved through space. Even jut a few minutes might mean he should pop up somewhere near Neptune.

He "leaped" twenty years in Caption Atom (second series) #1 and popped back in the exact same place.
Originally posted by I'm Not Mister Mxypltk:
Originally posted by Dave:
Ok, think about this:

Captain Atom is in one spot when he gets bumped through time. He moves through time, you see, not through space when he absorbs too much energy.

As time passes, the Earth rotates. It also moves around the sun. The sun, for its part, moves up and down like a ride on a merry-go-round in the Milky Way, and the Milky Way is rocketing away from the centre of the universe as a result of the big bang.

So, the point at which Captain Atom disappeared is very unlikly to still be in the Earth's atmosphere. In fact its likely to be in deep space somewhere outside the galaxy, depending upon how much time as passed.

So when Captain Atom pops up even an hour later, let alone a few months or 20 years, he's going to be nowhere near the location where he was last, because that location would have moved through space. Even jut a few minutes might mean he should pop up somewhere near Neptune.

He "leaped" twenty years in Caption Atom (second series) #1 and popped back in the exact same place.
And so Captain Atom finds himself leaping from title to title. Striving to put right what characterization put wrong. Hoping each time that his next leap will be the leap home.
Sorry again for not saying "Captain Atom quantum leaps through time and space" [sad]
Originally posted by r3x29yz4a:
Originally posted by I'm Not Mister Mxypltk:
Originally posted by Dave:
Ok, think about this:

Captain Atom is in one spot when he gets bumped through time. He moves through time, you see, not through space when he absorbs too much energy.

As time passes, the Earth rotates. It also moves around the sun. The sun, for its part, moves up and down like a ride on a merry-go-round in the Milky Way, and the Milky Way is rocketing away from the centre of the universe as a result of the big bang.

So, the point at which Captain Atom disappeared is very unlikly to still be in the Earth's atmosphere. In fact its likely to be in deep space somewhere outside the galaxy, depending upon how much time as passed.

So when Captain Atom pops up even an hour later, let alone a few months or 20 years, he's going to be nowhere near the location where he was last, because that location would have moved through space. Even jut a few minutes might mean he should pop up somewhere near Neptune.

He "leaped" twenty years in Caption Atom (second series) #1 and popped back in the exact same place.
And so Captain Atom finds himself leaping from title to title. Striving to put right what characterization put wrong. Hoping each time that his next leap will be the leap home.
:lol: :lol:
Has anyone here thought that maybe Captain Atom, in addition to jumping through space, also jumps throught time?! That'd be an interesting new concept for the character.
Originally posted by I'm Not Mister Mxypltk:
Has anyone here thought that maybe Captain Atom, in addition to jumping through space, also jumps throught time?! That'd be an interesting new concept for the character.

Captain Atom "quantum leaps" through both time and space. IIRC, Captain Atom was created as part of the Atom Project in the very early 60's and was deployed during the Cuban Missile Crisis. When he absorbed all that energy it caused him to implode and Captain Atom "leaped" 20 years, or more by ret-con, into the future.
Hold on, but what if he also jumped through space?!
And time?
THAT'd be cool!!!

I'd read a title about a man who could leap through time.
Are you saying that Ben and Glory are the same person?!
Moris Day reference.
I gather, that when Captain Atom "quantum leaps" through both time and space that the emmense force catapults him into multiple revolutions around the world always being held in place by the Earth's magnetic field, kinda like a sling-shot effect.

So if he absorbed a lot of energy in deep space, with no magnetic field, he would be catapulted halfway across the galaxy. [cool]
What about space? Can he leap through space?
Originally posted by I'm Not Mister Mxypltk:
Are you saying that Ben and Glory are the same person?!

Ben is Glory? But how do they know each other? What's their connection?
Originally posted by britneyspearsatemyshorts:
What about space? Can he leap through space?

Yes, if he absorbed a lot of energy in deep space, with no magnetic field, he would be catapulted halfway across the galaxy.
Originally posted by britneyspearsatemyshorts:
What about space? Can he leap through space?

If he bent his legs and then straightened them suddenly and with enough force.
I've seen a fat kid leap a stack of cheeseburgers!
Originally posted by Doc.Mid-Nite:
Originally posted by britneyspearsatemyshorts:
What about space? Can he leap through space?

Yes, if he absorbed a lot of energy in deep space, with no magnetic field, he would be catapulted halfway across the galaxy.
It be cool if he could leap through time too!
Originally posted by britneyspearsatemyshorts:
Originally posted by Doc.Mid-Nite:
Originally posted by britneyspearsatemyshorts:
What about space? Can he leap through space?

Yes, if he absorbed a lot of energy in deep space, with no magnetic field, he would be catapulted halfway across the galaxy.
It be cool if he could leap through time too!
But if he lept through time wouldn't he need to leap through space as well?
Originally posted by r3x29yz4a:
Originally posted by I'm Not Mister Mxypltk:
Are you saying that Ben and Glory are the same person?!

Ben is Glory? But how do they know each other? What's their connection?
Hold on, Ben knows Glory?
Originally posted by I'm Not Mister Mxypltk:
Originally posted by r3x29yz4a:
Originally posted by I'm Not Mister Mxypltk:
Are you saying that Ben and Glory are the same person?!

Ben is Glory? But how do they know each other? What's their connection?
Hold on, Ben knows Glory?
So, there's a connection between Ben...and Glory?
Can Ben leap through space too?
Originally posted by britneyspearsatemyshorts:
Can Ben leap through space too?

If he bent his legs and then straightened them suddenly and with enough force.
So what you're saying is that Ben leaps Glory?
He enters her quantum field if you know what i mean.....
Originally posted by I'm Not Mister Mxypltk:
So what you're saying is that Ben leaps Glory?

wouldn't you?
Originally posted by britneyspearsatemyshorts:
He enters her quantum field if you know what i mean.....

Originally posted by britneyspearsatemyshorts:
He enters her quantum field if you know what i mean.....

I know, but what if he entered her quantum field?
Originally posted by r3x29yz4a:
Originally posted by I'm Not Mister Mxypltk:
So what you're saying is that Ben leaps Glory?

wouldn't you?

Not if she turns into a dude, no.
Originally posted by I'm Not Mister Mxypltk:
Originally posted by britneyspearsatemyshorts:
He enters her quantum field if you know what i mean.....

I know, but what if he entered her quantum field?
and then leaps back out again.
Originally posted by I'm Not Mister Mxypltk:
Originally posted by r3x29yz4a:
Originally posted by I'm Not Mister Mxypltk:
So what you're saying is that Ben leaps Glory?

wouldn't you?

Not if she turns into a dude, no.
just have to know when to pull out
Wouldn't he have to enter her quantum field to leap back out?
Originally posted by r3x29yz4a:
Originally posted by I'm Not Mister Mxypltk:
Originally posted by r3x29yz4a:
Originally posted by I'm Not Mister Mxypltk:
So what you're saying is that Ben leaps Glory?

wouldn't you?

Not if she turns into a dude, no.
just have to know when to pull out
But what if her vagina morphs into a cock? That woulnd't be nice.
Originally posted by I'm Not Mister Mxypltk:
Wouldn't he have to enter her quantum field to leap back out?

only if he absorbed magnetic energy.
And leaps through space?
Originally posted by britneyspearsatemyshorts:
And leaps through space?

If he bent his legs and then straightened them suddenly and with enough force.
Originally posted by r3x29yz4a:
Originally posted by I'm Not Mister Mxypltk:
Wouldn't he have to enter her quantum field to leap back out?

only if he absorbed magnetic energy.
Wouldn't he leap back out if he absorbed magnetic energy? And wouldn't that mean he had to leap into it in the first place? And that would mean that he can leap in space. But, what if in addition to leaping in space, he could leap in time? Wouldn't that be the coolest?
Originally posted by I'm Not Mister Mxypltk:
Originally posted by r3x29yz4a:
Originally posted by I'm Not Mister Mxypltk:
Wouldn't he have to enter her quantum field to leap back out?

only if he absorbed magnetic energy.
Wouldn't he leap back out if he absorbed magnetic energy? And wouldn't that mean he had to leap into it in the first place? And that would mean that he can leap in space. But, what if in addition to leaping in space, he could leap in time? Wouldn't that be the coolest?
like travel? has that ever been done before?
I don't remember Blue Beetle doing that?
Originally posted by britneyspearsatemyshorts:
I don't remember Blue Beetle doing that?

Ted Kord
What about Ted Kord? Does he know Blue Beetle?
Originally posted by I'm Not Mister Mxypltk:
What about Ted Kord? Does he know Blue Beetle?

I've never seen them together.
Who the hell is Blue Beetle?
just a guy
No thats Green Lantern.
Originally posted by r3x29yz4a:
Originally posted by I'm Not Mister Mxypltk:
What about Ted Kord? Does he know Blue Beetle?

I've never seen them together.
I think I saw the together once. They were leaping into each other.
through time
or space
or both?
yeah, both.

wouldn't that be cool?
Yeah! Someone should tell Mr Midnight about this discovery.
Mr. Midnight?

You mean Charles Mcnider?
The dude that hard the farm?
No that was Chevy Chase
Dont piss me off, ok?
Originally posted by I'm Not Mister Mxypltk:
Yeah! Someone should tell Mr Midnight about this discovery.

"Mista Midnight"? Sounds like some no-talent late night DJ? How's about "Funk Doctor Spock" or "Bones"?
Originally posted by britneyspearsatemyshorts:
Who the hell is Blue Beetle?

Disco Steve.
No, you're the only crazy around here who isn't one...
Originally posted by Grimm:
Originally posted by britneyspearsatemyshorts:
Who the hell is Blue Beetle?

Disco Steve.
But what about the BOOBIES! For Gob's sake, don't forget the BOOBIES!
Disco Steve has boobies? Can they leap through time?
Originally posted by Grimm:
Disco Steve has boobies? Can they leap through time?

And space!
That would be cool.
You lie! On Seti-Alpha V there was life....a fair chance!!
That's just like, your opinion, man.
I did not watch my buddies die face down in the mud so that I could....no, fuck that. I'm not leaving. The supreme court has upheld prior....Dude don't leave. You're only....I'm staying. I'm finishing my coffee.
2095, 2095, 2095, 2095
I love you, sincerely
Yours truly, yours truly...

I sent a message to another time
But as the days unwind, this I just can't believe
I sent a note across another plane
Maybe it's all a game, but this I just can't conceive.

Can you hear me?

I drive the very latest hovercar
I don't know where you are
But I miss you so much till then
I met someone who looks a lot like you
She does the things you do
But she is an IBM.

2095, 2095, 2095, 2095
I love you, sincerely
Yours truly, yours truly...

She's only programmed to be very nice
But she's as cold as ice
Whenever I get too near
She tells me that she likes me very much
But when I try to touch
She makes it all too clear.

She is the latest in technology
Almost mythology
But she has a heart stone
She has an I.Q. of 1001
She has a jumpsuit on
And she's also a telephone.

2095, 2095, 2095, 2095
I love you, sincerely
Yours truly, yours truly...

Is that what you want? (Is it what you want?)
Is it what you really want? (Is it what you really want?)
Is that what you want? (Is it what you want?)
Is it what you really want?

I realize that it must seem so strange
That time has rearranged
But time has the final word
She knows I think of you, she reads my mind
She tries to be unkind
She knows nothing of our world

Although her memory banks overflow
No one would ever know
For all she says: "Is that what you want?"
Maybe one day I'll feel her cold embrace
And kiss her interface
'Til then, I'll leave her alone.

I love you, sincerely
Yours truly, yours truly...


"Is that what you want?"
Dave, that was totally random and has no place in this thread. Please edit it out and shove it up your arse.
This IS Seti-Alpha V!!!
Disco Steve is Seti Alpha Five? Can he leap through space? That would be cool. . .
And time!
What's time got to do, got to do with it?
who needs a quantum shell, when a quantum shell can be broken
Originally posted by I'm Not Mister Mxypltk:
What's time got to do, got to do with it?

hey, buddy...we don't need another hero.
Originally posted by I'm Not Mister Mxypltk:
Dave, that was totally random and has no place in this thread. Please edit it out and shove it up your arse.

Don't bring me down.

clam it people, or ill tell Drzsmith!
oh, no you didn't!
Coming this fall to.... UPN!
Ultimate Prometheus Nutsack?
Originally posted by Prometheus:
Ultimate Prometheus Nutsack?

Can it leap through time?
and space?
What if it could leap through time AND space?
Hey! That WOULD be cool!
Just like Captain Atom!
But what if in addition to being able to jump in time and space... HE WAS ALL SILVER?????
Norrin Radd?
Originally posted by I'm Not Mister Mxypltk:
But what if in addition to being able to jump in time and space... HE WAS ALL SILVER?????

like the Silver Surfer?
can he leap through space?
That would be cool.
But...could he do it like Captain Atom?
what, like through time?
Yeah...well, that...and space.
Originally posted by HEROKILLER v.2.0:
Yeah...well, that...and space.

that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard

Could he?
But... can he surf?
While leaping through time and space?
Yer here to do one of two things: Fight...or surf. And Charlie don't surf.
Charlie?! I did not watch Charlie kill my buddies in 'Nam so you could make jokes about them.
Charlie could leap through space. We'd be in the middle of a jungle...and they'd leap out of nowhere. It was an ambush.
But could they leap through time? [eh?]
Originally posted by r3x29yz4a:
Originally posted by I'm Not Mister Mxypltk:
Originally posted by r3x29yz4a:
Originally posted by I'm Not Mister Mxypltk:
Are you saying that Ben and Glory are the same person?!

Ben is Glory? But how do they know each other? What's their connection?
Hold on, Ben knows Glory?
So, there's a connection between Ben...and Glory?
They both wanna do Buffy.
Originally posted by Chewy Walrus:
But could they leap through time? [eh?]

onlyif they absorbed enough energy.
the man in the black pajamas?
shut the fuck up, Donny.
Well, that's just crazy-talk...

...unless Donny can shut the fuck up through time...
and space?
no...Donny can't leap.

He's dead. [sad]
Donny was a good bowler, and a good man.
He was. . . He was one of us. He was a man who loved the outdoors, and bowling, and as a surfer explored the beaches of southern California from Redondo to Calabassos. And he was an avid bowler. And a good friend. He died--he died as so many of his generation, before his time. In your wisdom you took him, Lord. As you took so many bright flowering young men, at Khe San and Lan Doc and Hill 364. These young men gave their lives. And Donny too. Donny who. . . who loved bowling.
Rest easy, good buddy, you're doing
fine. We got help choppering in.
And so, Theodore--Donald--Karabotsos, in accordance with what we think your dying wishes might well have been, we commit your mortal remains to the bosom of the Pacific Ocean, which you loved so well.
Goddamnit Walter! You fucking asshole!
Could he bowl through time?
You mean Quantum Coitus?
Quantum Coitus Interruptus?
If only I could turn back time.

If only I could.
...if only I could time my back's turn...

...through time and space, of course...
I bet we wouldn't have this much confusion with Firestorm. He may not have been able to leap through space and time, but he was nuclear powered enough or us. And we liked it, you whippersnappers. Now get off my lawn!
And the cool fire-hair-thingy beats the aluminum foil look any day...
Puffy sleeves rulz!

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to re-watch The Breakfast Club.
Originally posted by HEROKILLER v.2.0:
I bet we wouldn't have this much confusion with Firestorm. He may not have been able to leap through space and time, but he was nuclear powered enough or us. And we liked it, you whippersnappers. Now get off my lawn!

Yeah, but Captain Atom fucks Plastique on a regular basis. And Firestorm knew her first. >> Plastique is Cap's B.I.itch
Used and dropped like a bad habit, my friend. That's Firestorm's official stance on Plastique (according to his official press release on the subject).
Originally posted by HEROKILLER v.2.0:
Used and dropped like a bad habit, my friend. That's Firestorm's official stance on Plastique (according to his official press release on the subject).

Who needs Plastique, when you have "cold fish" in Killer Frost, I guess.
Firehawk is where it's at...she's a hottie.
Ya lost me, Jim.
I bet she can move through space. And time.
Originally posted by Wednesday:
Ya lost me, Jim.

Can Jim jump through time and space?
That would be cool.
Minen dispatcher says there is something wrong with deinen kabble box.

oh, you must be here to fix the cable.

yah. i am very good at fixing kabble.

oh, you'll have to excuse my room mate, she just came over to use the shower.

oh, you must be here to fix the cable.
Originally posted by r3x29yz4a:
Minen dispatcher says there is something wrong with deinen kabble box.

oh, you must be here to fix the cable.

yah. i am very good at fixing kabble.

oh, you'll have to excuse my room mate, she just came over to use the shower.

oh, you must be here to fix the cable.

you can imagine where the plot goes from there.
he fixes the cable?
don't be fatuous, jeffrey
So Loeb sent him to meet that "future" Superman.

That was cool.
you mean coitus?

you mean coitus?

The 1 and only.
So time travel no longer exists in the DCU.

So let me get this clear...

Are you saying that there's some kind of link between Ben, and Glory?
Ben is banging Glory?