Here's mine:

3.Lady Shiva
4.David Cain (Batgirl's father and one of Batman's trainers)
5.Major Force
6.Obsidian (possibly on the road back to being a hero)

What's your's?
Those are all good and could definitely do well. I would also say Joker......or maybe a book called Batman Villains......or the Villains of Gotham and rotate which bad guys you tell stories about. One month it could be Two-Face the other month Joker.....Riddler, Team-ups the possibilities are endless.
Yeah an Arkham Assylum title would be pretty cool! Hey, I also wouldn't mind seeing a Black Adam monthly either.
I agree with the Arkham Asylum title. That would kick ass. A similar title starring Flash's rogues wouldn't be half bad.

I could see a Luthor comic too, especially now that he's the Prez. All the power, conspiracy, corruption that comes with the office, multiplied by the fact that he's a DC villain.
huh. good question, doc.

i think someone like deathstroke would be really interesting to follow.

the problem for me, tho, is that i hate villain books. i never know who you're supposed to root for.
Originally posted by Rob Kamphausen:
huh. good question, doc.

i think someone like deathstroke would be really interesting to follow.

the problem for me, tho, is that i hate villain books. i never know who you're supposed to root for.

:) yeah I can see that as a problem. I try to think of them as "anti-heroes" I root for them the way I cheered on the NWO.
Scabard!  -
Definitely agree with Arkham.

Geoff Johns has done some pretty good work with the Flash villains, I wouldn't mind seeing him on a Captain Cold book.

My personal choice would, without question, be Grant Morrison doing a Prometheus book.

Usually, with villain books, the villain really isn't....a villain. Like with Venom, or Kraven, who had minis in the past.
BTW, I really would love to see a Shiva monthly! We're always being told about her adventures (taking on the best fighters in the DCU on her quest to become the world's supreme martial artist) but we never get to see them. I think a monthly would rock!

What do you guys think?
Originally posted by britneyspearsatemyshorts:
Scabard!  -

How did I forget him?!?! Good choice BSAMS!
You guys are aware that there currently is an Arkham Asylum monthly book, right?
what the fuck are you talking about?
I'm talkin bout Shaft, baby!
Originally posted by Grimm:
You guys are aware that there currently is an Arkham Asylum monthly book, right?

Yeah, but it's not what we meant (Re-read PJP's post).
Arkham is a mini isn't it....???

Deadshot, captain cold, and the combined bat-villains could probably all hold amonthly book for a while...
deathstroke had one and should wait longer before getting another one...
Originally posted by Pig Iron:
Arkham is a mini isn't it....???

Yeah, you're right, it is.

Posted by Doc Midnite: Yeah, but it's not what we meant (Re-read PJP's post).

Then why did you say:
Previously posted by Doc: Yeah an Arkham Assylum title would be pretty cool!
Because that and the following:

Posted by Anni: Definitely agree with Arkham.

is what I was responding to. Not PJP's Joker Team-up suggestion.
Originally posted by PJP:
...or maybe a book called Batman Villains......or the Villains of Gotham and rotate which bad guys you tell stories about. One month it could be Two-Face the other month Joker.....Riddler, Team-ups the possibilities are endless.

I said Arkham because it's better than "Batman Villains"..... sorry.
Earth-1 League.
Originally posted by TK-069:
Earth-1 League.

The Crime Syndicate! Cool idea! How would you like to see it written TK?
Originally posted by Doc.Mid-Nite:
Here's mine:


Good choice!
I second that, also I'd like to see the Wild Huntsman, Captain Cold (that Flash-issue was very good), Captain Boomerang (you want ANTI-hero), Kobra, Joker, Sinestro, Lex Luthor, Manchester Black, Poison Ivy, Darkseid or Felix Faust, at least for a mini.
Suicide Squad and SSOSV could be revived. [who, me?]
I definietly wouldn't be opposed to seeing a new Suicide Squad on the racks, but it'd have to be a lot different than Giffen's take on the book. I'd put in some more well-known villains and some of the baddies that made the book popular in the past (i.e. Captain Boomerang and Deadshot). If someone could make the book more like Ostrander's run, it'd definitely be worth picking up. (Most Giffen books don't sell well enough to be ongoing series, sadly...)

I also wouldn't mind seeing a Rogues book, based on Johns' treatment of the Flash baddies. Having them taking on different nemeses, fighting amongst themselves... it'd be a pretty sweet book, near as I can figure.

I also like the idea of a Bat-Villains book (Arkham or otherwise). If I learned one thing from "Hush", it's that Batman has the best Rogues Gallery in all of comics. They, literally, stole the show throughout the entire run of the series. I think it'd be great to see them in their own book, causing trouble - maybe leaving Gotham and creating chaos with other, smaller superheroes. Have the Joker take on Captain Marvel. Or have the Riddler duke it out with someone like Elongated Man. The possibilities are quite endless for a book like that...

And, call me crazy, but I'd love to see my favorite Bat-villain in at least one miniseries - The Mad Hatter. Hot dang, I love that little guy! In the hands of a good writer, he could easily be a formidable foe for the Batman (rather than the snickering joke he's become). Yeah... I'd definitely love to see a Mad Hatter mini (but not an ongoing... that'd be a bit too much...)
Originally posted by Doc.Mid-Nite:
BTW, I really would love to see a Shiva monthly! We're always being told about her adventures (taking on the best fighters in the DCU on her quest to become the world's supreme martial artist) but we never get to see them. I think a monthly would rock!

What do you guys think?

Nobody thinks this would be a good comic?!?
I like Shiva......she could definitely sustain her own title.
Mr. Mxyzptlk. With the Bat-Mite as an occasional guest star, so Mxy can kick his arse.
Originally posted by AGW:
I could see a Luthor comic too, especially now that he's the Prez. All the power, conspiracy, corruption that comes with the office, multiplied by the fact that he's a DC villain.

I like this idea.
I think a Lex Luther comic would be interesting... and in a few months will find out how interesting it is.
A Darkseid series is about the only attempt they haven't made to milk the New Gods stuff.