And the President and general drop to their knees begging forgiveness.

Fucking wonderful.
Washington Post

  • With nine more dead Friday following the protests in Afghanistan over the burning of Korans on a U.S. military base, some in Washington are making the argument that the U.S. government stop apologizing for the incident....The Pentagon, State Department and White House have all apologized for the burning, including a phone call and letter from President Obama to Afghanistan’s President Hamid Karzai.
Lord knows the CO at my unit is going to give a lecture and pep-talk about how we all need to keep our heads despite the fact that SOLDIERS LOST THEIR LIVES OVER A FUCKING BOOK BURNING!!!

Fucking infuriating.
It's a fucked-up world.
if they're pissy about the korans wait until we invent the high-yield bacon airburst device!
Afghan policeman kills two US officers in shooting over Koran burning: An Afghan police officer shot dead two high-ranking US military advisers Saturday inside a highly-secure command center at Afghanistan's interior ministry.

Two more soldiers dead....I suppose Obama will apologize the guy who shot them too.

Why we are not carpet bombing these ungrateful subhumans back to the stone age in which they obviously want to reside is beyond me.
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
Why we are not carpet bombing these ungrateful subhumans back to the stone age in which they obviously want to reside is beyond me.

You're trying too hard to troll today. If you want it to work, it should come across more naturally.

One of your "gee, I was only asking a question" troll jobs would have worked better, instead of the over-the-top racial slur that you used.
It seems to me that if Obama used the election year rhetoric coming from the presidential hopefuls, he would be making things far more dangerous for our troops over there.
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
It seems to me that if Obama used the election year rhetoric coming from the presidential hopefuls, he would be making things far more dangerous for our troops over there.

So... Republican candidates' rhetoric is more dangerous to our military than Afghan muslims who are murdering our soldiers?

Yeah. That makes sense.

Did it ever occur to you that it is Obama's weakness and inaction that is truly endangering our soldiers?
1. U.S. soldiers burn copies of the Koran, in a way they thought would be a socially sensitive and appropriate way to destroy said Korans(that were initially defiled by being written on by Taliban prisoners), and inadvertantly offended the locals. The highest officials in the U.S. military apologize immediately and profusely, and vow not to let a similar burning happen again.

2. Afgan muslims kill 2 U.S. soldiers and promise to kill more. No apologies from the Afghan government, or any attempt to prevent it happening again.

Which of these these two groups seems more rational and just to you?

 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
It seems to me that if Obama used the election year rhetoric coming from the presidential hopefuls, he would be making things far more dangerous for our troops over there.

Yep. Just think how much safer our troops would have been in WWII if Truman had apologized to Hirohito.
Posted By: MisterJLA G-man hates his wife - 2012-02-26 12:34 AM
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
Burning the Koran will make Muslims vote Republican!

 Originally Posted By: the G-Shill
Why we are not carpet bombing these ungrateful subhumans back to the stone age in which they obviously want to reside is beyond me.

Because this is the 21st century, might does not make right, and you're an ignorant, violent ape just like all of your Rightwing Crazies.

Attack the ones responsible? Yes.

Carpet-bomb innocent civilians because they're brown and don't worship your 'Gawd'? No.

"Ungrateful". \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: Yeah, how DARE those 'savages' don't appreciate the US invading and conquering their country to set up a puppet regime for more oil. How fucking old are you, man? Give me a break.

Talk about over-reacting. Why do all Rightwing Extremists want to kill everyone? Why is that? I guess that's why Bush attacked Iraq, even though they had nothing to do with 9/11. Just an excuse to kill more brown people...
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Traitor
 Originally Posted By: the G-Shill
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
It seems to me that if Obama used the election year rhetoric coming from the presidential hopefuls, he would be making things far more dangerous for our troops over there.

Yep. Just think how much safer our troops would have been in WWII if Truman had apologized to Hirohito.

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.....did I just read that right? Did G-Shill just compare extremist nutcases shooting American soldiers to....Pearl fucking Harbor?!?!?

W-O-W. I mean.......wow.
I wondered how long it would take Pro and friends to rationalize the act of someone executing their own countrymen because they accidentally burned a religious text.

They're just extremists! Their mentality isn't even REMOTELY representative of people in the middle east!

Posted By: Pariah Re: G-man hates his wife - 2012-02-26 2:03 AM
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
Why we are not carpet bombing these ungrateful subhumans back to the stone age in which they obviously want to reside is beyond me.

You're trying too hard to troll today. If you want it to work, it should come across more naturally.

One of your "gee, I was only asking a question" troll jobs would have worked better, instead of the over-the-top racial slur that you used.

 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
Burning the Koran will make Muslims vote Republican!

We're Americans! We can't afford to offend anyone! The Afghans could execute thousands of our soldiers and we'd still apologize! You know why? Because it's the correct, tolerant thing to do!

Posted By: Pariah Re: G-man hates his wife - 2012-02-26 2:06 AM
The sad part is this is the same JLA who was pro-invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan because he was just as concerned about Americans being murdered by fanatical terrorists as other pro-war people here.

But I suppose his union takes a higher priority over the safety of our soldiers/citizens at this point.
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
The sad part is this is the same JLA who was pro-invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan because he was just as concerned about Americans being murdered by fanatical terrorists as other pro-war people here.

But I suppose his union takes a higher priority over the safety of our soldiers/citizens at this point.

I'm pretty tough on unions but I don't recall, for example, the heads of the AFL-CIO or UAW rationalizing the murder of U.S. troops over a fucking book. Defending these monsters is a whole new low for our little lost boy.
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: the G-Shill
Why we are not carpet bombing these ungrateful subhumans back to the stone age in which they obviously want to reside is beyond me.

Because this is the 21st century, might does not make right, and you're an ignorant, violent ape just like all of your Rightwing Crazies.

Attack the ones responsible? Yes.

Carpet-bomb innocent civilians because they're brown and don't worship your 'Gawd'? No.

"Ungrateful". \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: Yeah, how DARE those 'savages' don't appreciate the US invading and conquering their country to set up a puppet regime for more oil. How fucking old are you, man? Give me a break.

Talk about over-reacting. Why do all Rightwing Extremists want to kill everyone? Why is that? I guess that's why Bush attacked Iraq, even though they had nothing to do with 9/11. Just an excuse to kill more brown people...
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Traitor
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: the G-Shill
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
It seems to me that if Obama used the election year rhetoric coming from the presidential hopefuls, he would be making things far more dangerous for our troops over there.

Yep. Just think how much safer our troops would have been in WWII if Truman had apologized to Hirohito.

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.....did I just read that right? Did G-Shill just compare extremist nutcases shooting American soldiers to....Pearl fucking Harbor?!?!?

W-O-W. I mean.......wow.
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
It seems to me that if Obama used the election year rhetoric coming from the presidential hopefuls, he would be making things far more dangerous for our troops over there.

Yep. Just think how much safer our troops would have been in WWII if Truman had apologized to Hirohito.

It's more like when W apologized for Korans being flushed down the toilet. That wasn't really different other than he wasn't a democrat. Now however it is and the rhetoric from the presidential hopefuls is just so over the top it's sad. Our troops are the ones who have to deal with those mobs. Do you want those mobs bigger and angrier?
I can't believe all this hateful republican rhetoric. The worst is the republicans reverend who damns America and wants to kill all jews.
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
It's more like when W apologized for Korans being flushed down the toilet. That wasn't really different other than he wasn't a democrat.

Do you....Honestly believe that Bush would have apologized for flushed Korans after soldiers were executed over it?

Now however it is and the rhetoric from the presidential hopefuls is just so over the top it's sad. Our troops are the ones who have to deal with those mobs. Do you want those mobs bigger and angrier?


Unless of course you really believe all mobs should be apologized for just for the sake of your boy in office. In which case, you go ahead and keep thinking that.
Does anyone think mem is like this in real life?
That crap didn't work before Obama had Osama toasted so why would you think it will work if you try reheating it?
Its funny how liberals were against the war until obama personally killed his cousin.
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
That crap didn't work before Obama had Osama toasted so why would you think it will work if you try reheating it?

You're really going to try and compare killing Osama--an act that any president would have a nationwide mandate for--to this? You're really slimy enough to make that kind of comparison? Even after his "respectful burial" out at sea?
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
It's more like when W apologized for Korans being flushed down the toilet. That wasn't really different other than he wasn't a democrat.

Do you....Honestly believe that Bush would have apologized for flushed Korans after soldiers were executed over it?


Actually the apology was made before those soldiers were shot so yeah it's the same deal minus the republican presidential hopefuls campaign rhetoric.
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
It's more like when W apologized for Korans being flushed down the toilet. That wasn't really different other than he wasn't a democrat.

Do you....Honestly believe that Bush would have apologized for flushed Korans after soldiers were executed over it?

Now however it is and the rhetoric from the presidential hopefuls is just so over the top it's sad. Our troops are the ones who have to deal with those mobs. Do you want those mobs bigger and angrier?



Hell, if any president had the moral authority to say "fuck this--it's just a book," and not apologize, it's the guy with the middle name of Hussein who went to elementary school at a madrasah. He could have stood up for his country and the troops. Instead he groveled to the killers and played "blame the victim."
As I said earlier:

Our highest military and civilian officials have apologized for unauthorized burning of Taliban-vandalized copies of the Koran, and assured the whole world it won't happen again.

No one in the Afghan government or people have apologized for murdering American soldiers, or given assurances they won't kill more Americans/westerners.

In NOT EVEN ASKING for a reciprocating apology or assurance, he has once again ceded the high ground to our enemies, and sided against our own troops.
 Originally Posted By: the G-Shill
Why we are not carpet bombing these ungrateful subhumans back to the stone age in which they obviously want to reside is beyond me.

Because this is the 21st century, might does not make right, and you're an ignorant, violent ape just like all of your Rightwing Crazies.

Attack the ones responsible? Yes.

Carpet-bomb innocent civilians because they're brown and don't worship your 'Gawd'? No.

"Ungrateful". \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: Yeah, how DARE those 'savages' don't appreciate the US invading and conquering their country to set up a puppet regime for more oil. How fucking old are you, man? Give me a break.

Talk about over-reacting. Why do all Rightwing Extremists want to kill everyone? Why is that? I guess that's why Bush attacked Iraq, even though they had nothing to do with 9/11. Just an excuse to kill more brown people...
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Traitor
 Originally Posted By: the G-Shill
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
It seems to me that if Obama used the election year rhetoric coming from the presidential hopefuls, he would be making things far more dangerous for our troops over there.

Yep. Just think how much safer our troops would have been in WWII if Truman had apologized to Hirohito.

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.....did I just read that right? Did G-Shill just compare extremist nutcases shooting American soldiers to....Pearl fucking Harbor?!?!?

W-O-W. I mean.......wow.
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.....did I just read that right? Did G-Shill just compare extremist nutcases shooting American soldiers to....Pearl fucking Harbor?!?!?

W-O-W. I mean.......wow.
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: the G-Shill
Why we are not carpet bombing these ungrateful subhumans back to the stone age in which they obviously want to reside is beyond me.

Because this is the 21st century, might does not make right, and you're an ignorant, violent ape just like all of your Rightwing Crazies.

Attack the ones responsible? Yes.

Carpet-bomb innocent civilians because they're brown and don't worship your 'Gawd'? No.

"Ungrateful". \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: Yeah, how DARE those 'savages' don't appreciate the US invading and conquering their country to set up a puppet regime for more oil. How fucking old are you, man? Give me a break.

Talk about over-reacting. Why do all Rightwing Extremists want to kill everyone? Why is that? I guess that's why Bush attacked Iraq, even though they had nothing to do with 9/11. Just an excuse to kill more brown people...
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Actually the apology was made before those soldiers were shot so yeah it's the same deal minus the republican presidential hopefuls campaign rhetoric.

No. Not the same deal at all. Even if you can argue that Bush would have apologized for the Koran being burned, you have nothing to support the idea that he was would maintain a position of conciliation when it involves murdered American soldiers.

You're purposefully avoiding the fact that neither Obama nor the COs commenting on the incident are not taking back their apologies or demanding that Karzai attempt to make amends himself. I'm sure that if they succumb to pressure to do so, you will change your story to rationalize such a position, but as it is, you do not have a leg to stand on.

 Originally Posted By: Pariah

Unless of course you really believe all mobs should be apologized for just for the sake of your boy in office. In which case, you go ahead and keep thinking that.
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: the G-Shill
Why we are not carpet bombing these ungrateful subhumans back to the stone age in which they obviously want to reside is beyond me.

Because this is the 21st century, might does not make right, and you're an ignorant, violent ape just like all of your Rightwing Crazies.

Attack the ones responsible? Yes.

Carpet-bomb innocent civilians because they're brown and don't worship your 'Gawd'? No.

"Ungrateful". \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: Yeah, how DARE those 'savages' don't appreciate the US invading and conquering their country to set up a puppet regime for more oil. How fucking old are you, man? Give me a break.

Talk about over-reacting. Why do all Rightwing Extremists want to kill everyone? Why is that? I guess that's why Bush attacked Iraq, even though they had nothing to do with 9/11. Just an excuse to kill more brown people...

They're just extremists! Their mentality isn't even REMOTELY representative of people in the middle east!

You're just rasscist!

And, yet again, Prometheus conveniently forgets that this situation was sparked by a cultural mentality that inhabits the majority of a continent--as opposed to the mind of a lone gunman.

Anything for his lord and savior Obama, whom he publicly denies but will still continue to support out of sheer bitterness towards a group of his own countrymen.
As I've said before, you'd think liberals who are terrified of Christians would be even more worried about Muslim extremists. Everything that scares them about Christians (alleged intolerance for women and gays, supposed dogmatic thinking) is amplified in Muslim extremists. But no, those guys they defend.
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
I'm still ignoring JLA. See? I don't even write about him anymore.

Uh, hey look over there... Obama is a Muslim invader according to Ann Coulter! I wonder if it's true? Just asking.
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: the G-Shill
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
It seems to me that if Obama used the election year rhetoric coming from the presidential hopefuls, he would be making things far more dangerous for our troops over there.

Yep. Just think how much safer our troops would have been in WWII if Truman had apologized to Hirohito.

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.....did I just read that right? Did G-Shill just compare extremist nutcases shooting American soldiers to....Pearl fucking Harbor?!?!?

W-O-W. I mean.......wow.

Pearl Harbor did it first?

-RightWing SuperFriends.

 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
I don't give a flying fuck that American soldiers are being murdered. My pro-union crusade against the resident conservatives on the RKMBs takes precedent, and so I will continue to passively support all of Obama's apologies--unless he decides to take a more violent course action. In which case I will cheer him on.

 Originally Posted By: Pariah
I'll save you G-man! I have the same irrational hatred for all Muslims based on what the extreme nutcases do. It's kind of like the pedophiles in the Catholic Church...whoops, gotta go!
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
I will bring up whatever alternative subject matter I can to distract from the fact that I passively support apologizing for the murderous crimes of religious zealots that happen to be Muslim. Whether the subject involve accusations of insecurity, gaming consoles, the Catholic Church, or whatever else I can think of off hand, I will try to make it the issue because I will sink to any level to avoid owning up to the fact that I'm excusing the murder of American soldiers in favor of focusing on a grudge on a messageboard.

 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
I'll save you G-man! I have the same irrational hatred for all Muslims based on what the extreme nutcases do. It's kind of like the pedophiles in the Catholic Church...whoops, gotta go!

\:lol\: \:lol\:
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
All Catholics are bad since the Catholic Church has spent hundreds of millions of dollars on cases involving their child-raping priests.

MisterJLA: Terrified.
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
And, yet again, Prometheus conveniently forgets that I'm crazy as a hammer in a bag full of balls. No denying it, really. I just fucking hate anyone who isn't white. That's why I became a "soldier". So I could kill non-whites and unMericans and paint it as "patriotic". That's why I support G-Shill's suggestion we should murder civilians. And when I say civilians, I mean the non-white kind and any so-called "citizen" of GAWDBLESSMerica that dares question my Rightwing masters.

Anything for my lord and savior Corporate Amerika, whom I publicly deny but will still continue to support out of sheer bitterness towards a group of posters who don't take me seriously on the internet.

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: the G-Shill
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
It seems to me that if Obama used the election year rhetoric coming from the presidential hopefuls, he would be making things far more dangerous for our troops over there.

Yep. Just think how much safer our troops would have been in WWII if Truman had apologized to Hirohito.

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.....did I just read that right? Did G-Shill just compare extremist nutcases shooting American soldiers to....Pearl fucking Harbor?!?!?

W-O-W. I mean.......wow.
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: the G-Shill
Why we are not carpet bombing these ungrateful subhumans back to the stone age in which they obviously want to reside is beyond me.

Because this is the 21st century, might does not make right, and you're an ignorant, violent ape just like all of your Rightwing Crazies.

Attack the ones responsible? Yes.

Carpet-bomb innocent civilians because they're brown and don't worship your 'Gawd'? No.

"Ungrateful". \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: Yeah, how DARE those 'savages' don't appreciate the US invading and conquering their country to set up a puppet regime for more oil. How fucking old are you, man? Give me a break.

Talk about over-reacting. Why do all Rightwing Extremists want to kill everyone? Why is that? I guess that's why Bush attacked Iraq, even though they had nothing to do with 9/11. Just an excuse to kill more brown people...
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
MisterJLA: Stomping me again. Please make it stop!


Bush apology for Koran shooting

US President George W Bush has made a personal apology over the shooting of a Koran by an American soldier, the White House has confirmed.

Mr Bush made the apology during one of his regular video conferences with Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Maliki.

The soldier was sent home by the US military after the Muslim holy book was found riddled with bullet holes at a shooting range by Iraqi police.

The US military said last week that the soldier would be disciplined.
He was unnamed, but was said to be a staff sergeant in a sniper section.

'People's anger'

Mr Maliki's office said in a statement: "The American president apologised on behalf of the United States... promising to present the soldier to the courts."

Mr Maliki had expressed the anger felt by the Iraqi people, his office said.

A US military spokesman last week described the shooting as "both serious and deeply troubling", but stressed it was an "isolated incident and a result of one soldier's actions".

US military authorities have already apologised to community leaders in the area, west of Baghdad.

The military presented the elders with a new copy of the Koran.

Bush did it first, but this doesn't count.

The G-PariahMan
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA

Bush apology for Koran shooting

US President George W Bush has made a personal apology over the shooting of a Koran by an American soldier, the White House has confirmed.

Mr Bush made the apology during one of his regular video conferences with Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Maliki.

The soldier was sent home by the US military after the Muslim holy book was found riddled with bullet holes at a shooting range by Iraqi police.

The US military said last week that the soldier would be disciplined.
He was unnamed, but was said to be a staff sergeant in a sniper section.

'People's anger'

Mr Maliki's office said in a statement: "The American president apologised on behalf of the United States... promising to present the soldier to the courts."

Mr Maliki had expressed the anger felt by the Iraqi people, his office said.

A US military spokesman last week described the shooting as "both serious and deeply troubling", but stressed it was an "isolated incident and a result of one soldier's actions".

US military authorities have already apologised to community leaders in the area, west of Baghdad.

The military presented the elders with a new copy of the Koran.

Bush did it first, but this doesn't count.

The G-PariahMan

LMAO!!!! \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\:
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
And, yet again, Prometheus conveniently forgets that this situation was sparked by a cultural mentality that inhabits the majority of a continent--as opposed to the mind of a lone gunman.

Anything for his lord and savior Obama, whom he publicly denies but will still continue to support out of sheer bitterness towards a group of his own countrymen.

I suspect Obama is a bit to the right for Promod at this point. Obama's only a closet socialist, after all.
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
I'm "ignoring" Pro by posting and thinking about him. Same deal with JLA.

 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
MisterJLA: Stomping me again. Please make it stop!


Bush apology for Koran shooting

US President George W Bush has made a personal apology over the shooting of a Koran by an American soldier, the White House has confirmed.

Mr Bush made the apology during one of his regular video conferences with Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Maliki.

The soldier was sent home by the US military after the Muslim holy book was found riddled with bullet holes at a shooting range by Iraqi police.

The US military said last week that the soldier would be disciplined.
He was unnamed, but was said to be a staff sergeant in a sniper section.

'People's anger'

Mr Maliki's office said in a statement: "The American president apologised on behalf of the United States... promising to present the soldier to the courts."

Mr Maliki had expressed the anger felt by the Iraqi people, his office said.

A US military spokesman last week described the shooting as "both serious and deeply troubling", but stressed it was an "isolated incident and a result of one soldier's actions".

US military authorities have already apologised to community leaders in the area, west of Baghdad.

The military presented the elders with a new copy of the Koran.

Bush did it first, but this doesn't count.

The G-PariahMan

 Originally Posted By: Pariah
Do you....Honestly believe that Bush would have apologized for flushed Korans after soldiers were executed over it?

JLA is so concerned with his internet image at his point that he's phoning in arguments arguments from BBC on MEM's behalf.

But he'll get back to the important stuff like Microsoft and Sony, or the Catholic Church, or his union--which, of course, takes far more precedent over murdered American soldiers--as soon as he's called out on it.
Why is JLA so terrified of me exactly? I wasn't that long ago that he was rather civil towards me on the boards as well as with PMs.

Now, in the face of owning up towards his own apathy of our soldiers being murdered, he's running for dear life, clutching onto whatever extraneous MB topic or meme that he thinks will justify passively supporting such a position.
Terrified, huh? That certainly explains why I have been mocking you out on this thread and others.

Well said:
  • So the president refuses to apologize for forcing Catholics to violate their religious beliefs or pay a tax penalty.  

    But he immediately apologizes because a few of our soldiers inadvertently violated Muslims religious beliefs by trying to dispose of already-desecrated Korans.
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
Terrified, huh?

Yes, I'm sure it takes a lot of courage to mock someone as opposed to, you know, address the issue.

All you're doing is running scared from it.

You don't want to concur with me on the issue because that will compromise your campaign of passive support for anything and everything that disagrees me or G-man or whothefuckever, but you don't want to have zero commentary, so you go for (what you consider to be) the next best thing by bringing up other topics to distract from this one.

I really want to believe that you care about what's happening to the soldiers in the Middle East right now. Since you haven't been above supporting our military in that region, I'm pretty sure this bugs you on some level. But either you're ignoring it simply for the sake of pursuing a grudge against people on a messageboard or your cognitive dissonance as become so deep rooted that your endorsement of a particular social issue has completely negated those feelings of empathy all together.

Either way, it makes you an absolute scumbag.
 Originally Posted By: Pariah

Either way, it makes you an absolute scumbag.

Bless you.
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
All you're doing is running scared from it.

 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
I'm "ignoring" Pro by posting and thinking about him. Same deal with JLA.


 Originally Posted By: Pariah

Poor Pariah.
Thank goodness for Pro. JLA would be lost without him it seems.
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
MisterJLA: Stomping me again. Please make it stop!


Bush apology for Koran shooting

US President George W Bush has made a personal apology over the shooting of a Koran by an American soldier, the White House has confirmed.

Mr Bush made the apology during one of his regular video conferences with Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Maliki.

The soldier was sent home by the US military after the Muslim holy book was found riddled with bullet holes at a shooting range by Iraqi police.

The US military said last week that the soldier would be disciplined.
He was unnamed, but was said to be a staff sergeant in a sniper section.

'People's anger'

Mr Maliki's office said in a statement: "The American president apologised on behalf of the United States... promising to present the soldier to the courts."

Mr Maliki had expressed the anger felt by the Iraqi people, his office said.

A US military spokesman last week described the shooting as "both serious and deeply troubling", but stressed it was an "isolated incident and a result of one soldier's actions".

US military authorities have already apologised to community leaders in the area, west of Baghdad.

The military presented the elders with a new copy of the Koran.

Bush did it first, but this doesn't count.

The G-PariahMan
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
And, yet again, Prometheus conveniently forgets that I'm crazy as a hammer in a bag full of balls. No denying it, really. I just fucking hate anyone who isn't white. That's why I became a "soldier". So I could kill non-whites and unMericans and paint it as "patriotic". That's why I support G-Shill's suggestion we should murder civilians. And when I say civilians, I mean the non-white kind and any so-called "citizen" of GAWDBLESSMerica that dares question my Rightwing masters.

Anything for my lord and savior Corporate Amerika, whom I publicly deny but will still continue to support out of sheer bitterness towards a group of posters who don't take me seriously on the internet.

 Originally Posted By: the G-Shill
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
It seems to me that if Obama used the election year rhetoric coming from the presidential hopefuls, he would be making things far more dangerous for our troops over there.

Yep. Just think how much safer our troops would have been in WWII if Truman had apologized to Hirohito.

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.....did I just read that right? Did G-Shill just compare extremist nutcases shooting American soldiers to....Pearl fucking Harbor?!?!?

W-O-W. I mean.......wow.
 Originally Posted By: the G-Shill
Why we are not carpet bombing these ungrateful subhumans back to the stone age in which they obviously want to reside is beyond me.

Because this is the 21st century, might does not make right, and you're an ignorant, violent ape just like all of your Rightwing Crazies.

Attack the ones responsible? Yes.

Carpet-bomb innocent civilians because they're brown and don't worship your 'Gawd'? No.

"Ungrateful". \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: Yeah, how DARE those 'savages' don't appreciate the US invading and conquering their country to set up a puppet regime for more oil. How fucking old are you, man? Give me a break.

Talk about over-reacting. Why do all Rightwing Extremists want to kill everyone? Why is that? I guess that's why Bush attacked Iraq, even though they had nothing to do with 9/11. Just an excuse to kill more brown people...
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Pariah

Poor Pariah.
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
And, yet again, Prometheus conveniently forgets that this situation was sparked by a cultural mentality that inhabits the majority of a continent--as opposed to the mind of a lone gunman.

Anything for his lord and savior Obama, whom he publicly denies but will still continue to support out of sheer bitterness towards a group of his own countrymen.

I suspect Obama is a bit to the right for Promod at this point. Obama's only a closet socialist, after all.

What's funny about this (besides EVERY SINGLE WORD and the fact he's "Ignoring" me \:lol\: ) is that he went straight past any and every possible issue, and just knee-jerked the "Socialist" tagline. Like goddamn clockwork. G has been so indoctrinated into the Corporate Amerikan propaganda machine that he immediately attributes negative connotations to the ideas behind Socialism. It's weirdly unnerving watching the glossy-eyes-insta-answer The Rightwing Nutjobs run to use at any given moment. But, why does it seem so familiar, for some reason? Hmm...something...kind of...like....OH!! Right! "Communism" The McCarthy Red Scare. Nice to see the Merikan Hate Machine keep repeating itself....
Weren't they proponents of "an eye for an eye"? Why didn't they just burn bibles as a way of revenge? Murdering foreigners in their country (even the ones who had nothing to do with the burning) seems to be counter to the 1:1 retribution thing that "an eye for an eye" represents. It's more like 200 pairs of eyes and a dozen limbs for an eye.

Please stop trying to distract the issue with commentary on the murdered soldiers. Clearly this is a thread about Pro and JLA's white hot rage towards anyone who even considers defending the military.
....But uh, yeah. Islam is so prevalent within the culture that someone there would probably argue that burning the book improperly is the equivalent of multiple deaths. That is, after all, the mentality kept in that region.

I admire the dedication--even though they only maintain it as result of having little else to do in a wasteland atmosphere--but the philosophy they keep is hardly practical for a functional society. And Shariah law basically assigns them carte blanche to do anything in the name of Allah.
Posted By: the G-man Troops Wounded in Afghan Blast - 2012-02-26 8:52 PM
7 US troops wounded in Afghanistan, as protests against Koran burnings continue: Demonstrators protesting against the burnings of Korans at a U.S. base in Afghanistan tossed grenades at an American base Sunday in a sixth consecutive day of violence that left seven US troops wounded and two Afghans dead.

Strange. Obama's groveling seems not to have had the desired effect. Who could have guessed that?
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
Suddenly something is important TO ME so I demand everyone take it seriously!! I don't care about your needs, wants, or expectations on discourse! None of YOUR threads or subjects should be taken seriously! BUT THIS IS MINE AND YOU SHOULD!!!


Poor Pariah. Dressing his hate up as some kind of "moral dedication" to the US military.

Soldiers die. That's why they exist. Your government doesn't sign their paychecks so they can stand for photos. The military is trained to expect death. Thus, no, I'm not going to go apeshit apoplectic about them being killed. I didn't hear you or anyone else crying and wailing when BushCheney sent them to die ten years ago. I didn't hear your protests when they were sent to Afghanistan, because you're afraid they would be killed. I didn't see you offended that the Wall Street Police Force shot an Iraq vet in the face and put him into a coma for NO REASON other than he was standing outside. So, please, spare us your moral obtuse soapbox and join the rest of the world.

Attack and kill the extremist terrorist fuckers that did this. Otherwise, just accept you want to kill children and families all in the name of some hateful, empty, patriotic vengeance. Neither you, nor G-Shill, nor the Wonder Traitor (who has already proven he has no allegiance to anything save what Corporate Amerika tells him to believe) can be taken seriously in this context. Your fake bleeding hearts are offensive to every man and woman who is actually out there fighting true evil for our country....not foaming at the mouth to kill innocents on some righteous crusade from behind his desk...
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Soldiers die. That's why they exist.



.....There are no words.
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
Suddenly something is important TO ME so I demand everyone take it seriously!! I don't care about your needs, wants, or expectations on discourse! None of YOUR threads or subjects should be taken seriously! BUT THIS IS MINE AND YOU SHOULD!!!


Poor Pariah. Dressing his hate up as some kind of "moral dedication" to the US military.

Soldiers die. That's why they exist. Your government doesn't sign their paychecks so they can stand for photos. The military is trained to expect death. Thus, no, I'm not going to go apeshit apoplectic about them being killed. I didn't hear you or anyone else crying and wailing when BushCheney sent them to die ten years ago. I didn't hear your protests when they were sent to Afghanistan, because you're afraid they would be killed. I didn't see you offended that the Wall Street Police Force shot an Iraq vet in the face and put him into a coma for NO REASON other than he was standing outside. So, please, spare us your moral obtuse soapbox and join the rest of the world.

Attack and kill the extremist terrorist fuckers that did this. Otherwise, just accept you want to kill children and families all in the name of some hateful, empty, patriotic vengeance. Neither you, nor G-Shill, nor the Wonder Traitor (who has already proven he has no allegiance to anything save what Corporate Amerika tells him to believe) can be taken seriously in this context. Your fake bleeding hearts are offensive to every man and woman who is actually out there fighting true evil for our country....not foaming at the mouth to kill innocents on some righteous crusade from behind his desk...
I quoted it so that you could see the entire post. Obviously you must have missed it. Like normal. \:\)
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: the G-Shill
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
It seems to me that if Obama used the election year rhetoric coming from the presidential hopefuls, he would be making things far more dangerous for our troops over there.

Yep. Just think how much safer our troops would have been in WWII if Truman had apologized to Hirohito.

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.....did I just read that right? Did G-Shill just compare extremist nutcases shooting American soldiers to....Pearl fucking Harbor?!?!?

W-O-W. I mean.......wow.
You really think this....

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Your government doesn't sign their paychecks so they can stand for photos. The military is trained to expect death. Thus, no, I'm not going to go apeshit apoplectic about them being killed. I didn't hear you or anyone else crying and wailing when BushCheney sent them to die ten years ago. I didn't hear your protests when they were sent to Afghanistan, because you're afraid they would be killed. I didn't see you offended that the Wall Street Police Force shot an Iraq vet in the face and put him into a coma for NO REASON other than he was standing outside. So, please, spare us your moral obtuse soapbox and join the rest of the world.

Attack and kill the extremist terrorist fuckers that did this. Otherwise, just accept you want to kill children and families all in the name of some hateful, empty, patriotic vengeance. Neither you, nor G-Shill, nor the Wonder Traitor (who has already proven he has no allegiance to anything save what Corporate Amerika tells him to believe) can be taken seriously in this context. Your fake bleeding hearts are offensive to every man and woman who is actually out there fighting true evil for our country....not foaming at the mouth to kill innocents on some righteous crusade from behind his desk...

....rationalizes this?

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Soldiers die. That's why they exist.

Your delusion--and bewildering contempt for the military--knows no boundaries.

Soldiers are shot and killed by alleged allies--over the disposal of a book--and you don't see warrant for anger.

Two officers were murdered execution style with bullets to the back of their heads--in their own base--by someone that claimed to be an ally. And you don't see warrant for anger.

There was no official conflict at the time these events occurred. They were strictly morality-driven reactions. And you don't see warrant for anger.

This isn't my righteous anger as a soldier speaking. This is common sense. The reason there's so much structure and regulation applied to military procedure is that the organization is so concerned with making sure soldiers don't die. Putting soldiers in harm's way is not done for the purpose of letting them die.

What's especially outrageous about your moronic comment is that it applies a context of battle to this particular situation. I will reiterate: THERE WAS NO OPEN CONFLICT WHEN THESE PEOPLE WERE SHOT AND THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT MAKES IT MURDER. And COs and the Administration are still putting more emphasis on these motherfuckers being offended over the fact that their own soldiers were killed in cold blood.
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
You really think this....

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Your government doesn't sign their paychecks so they can stand for photos. The military is trained to expect death. Thus, no, I'm not going to go apeshit apoplectic about them being killed. I didn't hear you or anyone else crying and wailing when BushCheney sent them to die ten years ago. I didn't hear your protests when they were sent to Afghanistan, because you're afraid they would be killed. I didn't see you offended that the Wall Street Police Force shot an Iraq vet in the face and put him into a coma for NO REASON other than he was standing outside. So, please, spare us your moral obtuse soapbox and join the rest of the world.

Attack and kill the extremist terrorist fuckers that did this. Otherwise, just accept you want to kill children and families all in the name of some hateful, empty, patriotic vengeance. Neither you, nor G-Shill, nor the Wonder Traitor (who has already proven he has no allegiance to anything save what Corporate Amerika tells him to believe) can be taken seriously in this context. Your fake bleeding hearts are offensive to every man and woman who is actually out there fighting true evil for our country....not foaming at the mouth to kill innocents on some righteous crusade from behind his desk...

....rationalizes this?

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Soldiers die. That's why they exist.

Yes, otherwise I wouldn't have said it. Next question?

Your delusion--and bewildering contempt for the military--knows no boundaries.

I have no contempt. I'm just not under any disillusion as to the role of the US soldier in the real world. Not the pro-American-good idea the Pentagon wants you to have. I mean, the reality. Seen the footage of the soldiers mowing down two unarmed men, via helicopter? Yeah, they were talking on their phones to their family. The audio is clear that the soldiers aren't sure if that's their target or not, but are told to take the shot anyway. So, two more civilians die. But, that gets buried. I had to see the footage on the BBC documentary concerning the material Wikileaks had obtained through Bradley Manning (one of the most honest, and bravest soldiers this country has ever produced, btw). And it doesn't stop there. There's hundreds of reports, loud and quiet, about the atrocities our military inflicts upon civilian middle eastern cultures, all in the name "Merica" and "acceptable collateral damage".

I reiterate:

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
I didn't hear you or anyone else crying and wailing when BushCheney sent them to die ten years ago. I didn't hear your protests when they were sent to Afghanistan, because you're afraid they would be killed. I didn't see you offended that the Wall Street Police Force shot an Iraq vet in the face and put him into a coma for NO REASON other than he was standing outside.

Once again, where is your outrage? Why now, but not when American soldiers are at fault for murder?

 Originally Posted By: Pariah
Soldiers are shot and killed by alleged allies--over the disposal of a book--and you don't see warrant for anger.

Anger? Yes. Directed at the ones responsible, not innocents. Indignant outrage that a soldier in a conquered warzone dies by an extremists hand? Anger, maybe, but not surprise. Not this "OH MY GOD IT'S THE WORST ATTACK SINCE PEARL HARBOR 9/11 IRAN KILL'EM ALL!!!1!!!" infantile bloodlust you and G-Shill are going on about.

The reason there's so much structure and regulation applied to military procedure is that the organization is so concerned with making sure soldiers don't die. Putting soldiers in harm's way is not done for the purpose of letting them die.

If a soldier wasn't there to fight to the death for his country, then they wouldn't have put him there. Soldiers exist to defend the continental United States of America from invasion and to fight and kill other humans. Simple as that. They serve no other purpose to their existence. There is no draft. Thus, I don't freak out when a drunk driver dies in an accident. You choose your own destiny.

What's especially outrageous about your moronic comment is that it applies a context of battle to this particular situation. I will reiterate: THERE WAS NO OPEN CONFLICT WHEN THESE PEOPLE WERE SHOT AND THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT MAKES IT MURDER.

Yep. Just like when American forces kill civilians. It is murder. That's why you punish those responsible, not target their entire culture. THAT is common sense, man.

Your hate is going to burn you up, Pariah. Seriously. You're going to stroke-out one day from stressing your heart. I hope you can find something that brings you peace. Seriously.
It's all good.

Armchair warriors like Pariah and G-I hate my wife man are going to Afghanistan, John Rambo style to begin

 Originally Posted By: the G-man
...carpet bombing these ungrateful subhumans back to the stone age in which they obviously want to reside..

Pariah just needs to find his Special Forces application, and G-man needs to find his balls. Maybe Mrs. G-man will take them out of the jar she keeps them in so she get rid of him.

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Yes, otherwise I wouldn't have said it. Next question?

Except one doesn't actually explain the other. First you say that 'soldiers exist to die' and then you explain why they die. But pointing out why they die doesn't actually support your brand new definition of why a soldier exists.

Your delusion--and bewildering contempt for the military--knows no boundaries.

I have no contempt. I'm just not under any disillusion as to the role of the US soldier in the real world. Not the pro-American-good idea the Pentagon wants you to have. I mean, the reality. Seen the footage of the soldiers mowing down two unarmed men, via helicopter? Yeah, they were talking on their phones to their family. The audio is clear that the soldiers aren't sure if that's their target or not, but are told to take the shot anyway. So, two more civilians die. But, that gets buried. I had to see the footage on the BBC documentary concerning the material Wikileaks had obtained through Bradley Manning (one of the most honest, and bravest soldiers this country has ever produced, btw). And it doesn't stop there. There's hundreds of reports, loud and quiet, about the atrocities our military inflicts upon civilian middle eastern cultures, all in the name "Merica" and "acceptable collateral damage".

That is contempt. Not simply because it's insensitive to what the soldiers have to deal with, but also because you're characterizing them as being complicit in some kind of Manifest Destiny-esque campaign. I have seen no videos where American soldiers have deliberately fired at people they knew were innocent civilians. I have, however, seen videos where civilians where killed after they were mistaken for enemies. Thus, the word "atrocity" is purposefully misleading. A tragedy? Undeniably. But calling what they've done an atrocity conflates some kind of sinister motive to their actions.

On top of this, the only time you take the opportunity to defend or compliment a soldier is when it turns out that he's done something that betrays his Creed as a soldier. That motherfucker went on to SIPRNet and stole classified information. Manning had a 35 series job title, which awards him above top secret status specifically because the military decided he wouldn't do such a thing. You have the gall to refer such an act as courageous and honest when he went of his way to betray his own organization, which was filled with people that he secretly despised.

Had it ever occurred to you that the kind of material he mined off of SIPRNet just fuels propaganda machines for our country's enemies? I'm sure you'd rationalize that as being a good thing specifically because it goes against the military and "Merica"--a term you're using to try and divorce yourself from your own nation--but you'd conveniently forget that this organization--which you have absolutely no contempt for whatsoever--would only be put at greater risk because of it. Collateral damage is not criminal behavior, but it still retains a negative influence, and that's why it's called "sensitive." It's not some insidious term that refers to a conspiracy or a cover up. I mean, even if they don't advertise events in which they're responsible for collateral damage, do you really hear them denying that it occurs?

In the end, the only reason you're going out of your way to bring up collateral damage is because you're trying to distract from the fact that these soldiers were murdered. As if the accidental killing of civilians--in a time of war--is comparable to honor bound executions pushed by the region's mentality during a cease-fire; 'Middle Eastern civilians were shot in American crossfire, so these guys had it coming anyway.' That's not how it works.

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
I didn't hear you or anyone else crying and wailing when BushCheney sent them to die ten years ago. I didn't hear your protests when they were sent to Afghanistan, because you're afraid they would be killed. I didn't see you offended that the Wall Street Police Force shot an Iraq vet in the face and put him into a coma for NO REASON other than he was standing outside.

Putting them in harm's way is not the same as getting them killed. If that were true, there'd be no survivors ever. Nice try though.

Once again, where is your outrage? Why now, but not when American soldiers are at fault for murder?

Collateral damage is not murder. And it's not going to distract from the fact that these men were executed in cold blood outside of a conflict.

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Anger? Yes. Directed at the ones responsible, not innocents.

What's responsible is the question here.

These individuals have not been condemned for their actions by their countrymen. They're still angry about burning the Koran. The same mentality that motivated the shooters is the same mentality that's causing the mobs. This is not isolated behavior. I don't argue that the rioters may or may not be innocent insofar as they haven't killed anyone (yet), but it's hardly unreasonable to assert that their cultural mentality gives them the capacity to do so. As such, on a long enough time line more honor-driven executions of soldiers will occur.

Indignant outrage that a soldier in a conquered warzone dies by an extremists hand? Anger, maybe, but not surprise. Not this "OH MY GOD IT'S THE WORST ATTACK SINCE PEARL HARBOR 9/11 IRAN KILL'EM ALL!!!1!!!" infantile bloodlust you and G-Shill are going on about.

I didn't mention anything about Pearl Harbor. And I don't think G-man did either. I think he was referring to dropping the atomic bomb--which is actually a pretty good example here.

Japan in the 1940s was similar to the Middle East is now. Except, instead of Islamic zealotry, the Japanese had the Bushido code, which meant that the Japanese weren't going to stop fighting, and more lives would be lost. It finally took two nuclear drops--with massive collateral damage--to get them to acknowledge the situation was hopeless and surrender. In the end, the death toll didn't end up as bad as it could have been.

If a soldier wasn't there to fight to the death for his country, then they wouldn't have put him there.

A soldier needs to be willing to fight to death. Not to actually die.

Soldiers exist to defend the continental United States of America from invasion and to fight and kill other humans. Simple as that. They serve no other purpose to their existence.

That wasn't the definition you offered. It was: "Soldiers die. That's why they exist."

Yep. Just like when American forces kill civilians. It is murder. That's why you punish those responsible, not target their entire culture. THAT is common sense, man.

Unless of course, it's the culture that produces the mentality responsible for the murderous behavior.
Okay, I guess this is the part where I jump in and "cheerlead."

This was stupid. We've seen riots and violence over the burning/destruction of the Quran before. What made us think this would be any different? You'd think we learned our lessen by now. We could've, at least, been bothered enough with the business to do it in secret somewhere if burning was the only option.

As for it being a member of the ASF that shot the advisers, there have been worries for years that we were training the Taliban, the HN, radicals, Islamists, guerrillas, or what-have-you. This shouldn't come as a surprise.

This guy deserves to be caught, tried, and shot. No doubt about it. However, I think the greater point here is that this is yet another moment to seriously rethink our strategy and goals in Afghanistan that we are going to let pass-by.

I don't hold anything against our troops on the ground. But, I seriously question that sanity of our political and military leaders. An Afghanistan with a centralized, democratic government is a pipe-dream. In fact, if one reads over the history of Afghanistan, there are very few instances--save the area being dominated by an outside power--that there has ever been a unified Afghanistan. Further, even those instances are generally short-lived due to the inherent tribal nature of the peoples there. What do we really hope to accomplish that thousands of years of history couldn't?

Under this umbrella, I think we also need to dump Karzai. Now. Many--if not most--Afghans consider his re-election a fraud and his government corrupt. Hell, we acknowledge much of the corruption. However, we backed the election results. Further, we've left democratic opposition groups out of the negotiations with the Taliban. What has come out of this? The United Front has, well, re-united against both the Taliban and--to a lesser degree--the Karzai government. While I'm fine with there being no such thing as a unified Afghanistan. I'm not fine with there being a fractured one. And, it seems that is where it is heading. I recognize the distinction may not mean much to others, but I think there is a difference between disunity and fracture. Disunity is the general history of Afghanistan. Fracture is the state of the "country" that sparked the civil wars of the 1990s. Once again, it appears that past is prologue.

I know some here think that bombing them into the stone age will "teach them a lesson in respect" or whatever. But, I seriously question that claim. This isn't 1940s' Japan. Japan in the '40s was an modern, unified country. Afghanistan is anything but that. What would pacify one would embolden the other.

We've spent over a decade of blood and treasure spinning our wheels over there trying to build a country that doesn't really exist. It is time to call it quits. Osama is dead. Al-Qaida has been disrupted and dismantled within Afghan "borders." What else do we feel we need to accomplish there?

This was a tragedy, but it was a tragedy that needn't happen.
 Originally Posted By: iggy
I know some here think that bombing them into the stone age will "teach them a lesson in respect" or whatever.

If no one here actually said that, why did you use quotations? It's rather misleading.
I've more important things to be arsed about than the "misleading" nature of an unattributed quote meant to summarize my take on one side's position in nine pages of debate on an internet message board. That said, I don't think it is misleading at all if I were to present it as a side-by-side comparison to direct quotes I could give a shit to dig up. But, feel free to plug in gratuity, hopelessness, fear, futility or whatever the exact words you and G-Man used into the quote. The reading is generally similar regardless of which word is used.
 Originally Posted By: iggy
The reading is generally similar regardless of which word is used.

Except it isn't really since it totally misrepresents my position. Seriously, why the fuck would I try to seek out the "respect" of Muslim zealots? You think there's little distinction between a call for retaliation and "teaching respect?"

It's very telling how dismissive you are of the opposing viewpoint that you don't really put any effort into an analysis of exactly what it is it's proposing. You just stereotype it from where you believe to be the high ground.
So, what? At worst, now you know what it feels like to the billion plus people offended at the burning of what you dismissively point out is just "a book."
If it was someone reacting to a Bible being burned, I'd still call it a "book." Regardless of what the text is, the punishment doesn't come close to fitting the--unintentional--crime. I'm pretty sure God would agree with me on that one even if it was the Bible. After all, it's not as though--in either case--the text is the only one of its kind.

Nice attempt at a redirect though...Actually, I take that back. It was pathetic.
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
...I'm pretty sure God would agree with me on that one even if it was the Bible...

Love the underlined point that your holy book is more important than their holy book in your attempt to exonerate us of any culpability in this tragedy.
It seems to me that Pariah thinking "his" book is more "important" yet still not thinking its worth killing anyone over demonstrates this isn't a case of moral equivalence. Not everything is, you know.
Posted By: iggy Re: Two Soldiers Murdered over Koran Burning - 2012-02-27 8:00 PM
Because all the Muslim protesters were chucking grenades and shooting people in the back of the head, right? Sure, I'm glad Pariah won't necessarily be the one to hunt me down for burning a bible. That doesn't mean, however, that everyone else in the Christian community would be so tolerant. I don't buy this notion that one religion is necessarily more peaceful than another. To me, it is more a matter of the circumstances or perception of circumstances that have bearing on how violent a particular religious group may be. Christianity, overall, has it pretty easy here. Hence, a general lack of extremism. I do notice, however, that many are starting to take the view point that there is an actual (see, not spiritual) war being waged against them. This does not bode well to me.

This isn't even taking into account the large numbers of Christians that actively promote things that they hope will lead to a hastening of the "end times." They want "wars and rumors of wars" because, hey, that means God's coming back soon to flush all the wickedness away. That's fucking crazy and it exists here...in America.

All religions are tainted by the blood of those they've persecuted. I'm not going to just dump on Islam because it is the one currently having the worst psychotic break.
 Originally Posted By: Pariah

If no one here actually said that, why did you use quotations? It's rather misleading.

Right. G-man "only" called for genocide as a means of retribution, he's not trying to reform Muslims all over the world.

I know the conscience of the RKMBS will chastise him soon.

 Originally Posted By: G-Man
these ungrateful subhumans

Exactly, JLA, I'm seriously wondering if Herr G-Man gave a hardy sieg heil while typing that gem.
I'm sure this is a favorite at the G-Household. Especially, when he can pretend they're wearing turbans.

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
1. U.S. soldiers burn copies of the Koran, in a way they thought would be a socially sensitive and appropriate way to destroy said Korans...

They threw them in a fucking trash heap where they burn all their other refuse in front of protesting Afghan Security Forces! What the fuck is "socially sensitive and appropriate" about that?

And, that isn't "Soros-driven liberal propaganda," it's Fox fucking News.
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
 Originally Posted By: Pariah

If no one here actually said that, why did you use quotations? It's rather misleading.

Right. G-man "only" called for genocide as a means of retribution, he's not trying to reform Muslims all over the world.

I know the conscience of the RKMBS will chastise him soon.

I think it's clear G-man was talking specifically about the Taliban/Al-Qaida muslims in Afghanistan.

And it's not about retribution, it's about protecting ourselves from fanatics, so they won't 9-11 us again.

I don't advocate killing them all. But I do advocate carpet-bombing those stronghold areas. The Taliban and Al Qaida are conducting actual war, while we endanger our soldiers with ridiculously restraining rules of engagement, where soldiers have to actually radio in and ask permission to fire back when fired upon. Our military and leadership has bent over backwards to be sensitive to islamic culture, but occasional things like friendly fire, collatoral damage, and a koran burning will occur.

By accepting Afghans' violent backlash without demanding an apology and without underscoring how incredibly disproportionate the killing of these 2 U.S. soldiers is, by an Afghan we trained and armed as part of re-building his nation, along with our building schools and hospitals, water treatment plants, roads and bridges, then those who meekly accept this truly have no appreciation for the lives of our soldiers, or for the moral authority and generosity of our government.


1. U.S. troops burned a Koran, in an unwitting attempt to dispose of it respectfully (isn't that the respectful way you're supposed to dispose of a torn or old U.S. flag?). Koran copies that were defaced by writing of Taliban prisoners. A Koran-burning for which our military officers, generals, and President have apologized profusely for, and assured it will not happen again.

2. U.S. soldiers have been murdered in complete disproportion to that accidental burning. With an ongoing jihadist contract on every U.S./NATO soldier and civilian. No apology, no call for moderation, from Afghan government officials, military, or from Afghan civilian clergy or leadership. AND NOT EVEN A REQUEST FOR AN APOLOGY OR CESSATION by our weak Obama administration, that has endlessly apologized for U.S. foreign policy, and has absolutely no sense of our moral authority, and our exceptionalism as a nation.

We have nothing to apologize for, and have every right to declare war on people who pose as our friends, and then shoot our soldiers in the back, by backstabbers WE TRAINED, in our costly and generous effort to build their nation.
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
...or for the moral authority and generosity of our government.

This. From You. Is Fucking PRICELESS!!!


1. U.S. troops burned a Koran, in an unwitting attempt to dispose of it respectfully (isn't that the respectful way you're supposed to dispose of a torn or old U.S. flag). Koran copies that were defaced by writing of Taliban prisoners. For which our military officers, generals, and President have apologized profusely for, and assured it will not happen again.

We've said that before. It has happened again.

2. U.S. soldiers have been murdered in complete disproportion to that accidental burning. With an ongoing jihadist contract on every U.S./NATO soldier and civilian. No apology, no call for moderation, from Afghan government officials, military, or civilian clergy or leadership.

Lie. Corrupt as he may be, Karzai and his government have called for calm.

AND NOT EVEN A REQUEST FOR AN APOLOGY OR CESSATION by our weak Obama administration, that has endlessly apologized for U.S. foreign policy, and has absolutely no sense of our moral authority, and our exceptionalism as a nation.

We're special because we say so!!!

We have nothing to apologize for, and have every right to declare war on people who pose as our friends, and then shoot our soldiers in the back, by backstabbers WE TRAINED, in our costly and generous effort to build their nation.

We threw those copies of the Quran on the fucking trash heap despite protests from ASFers in the vicinity. And, we've been warned for years that we were training people not down with the master plan. This should come as no surprise.
Posted By: the G-man Re: Two Soldiers Murdered over Koran Burning - 2012-02-27 11:10 PM
 Originally Posted By: iggy
Because all the Muslim protesters were chucking grenades and shooting people in the back of the head, right? Sure, I'm glad Pariah won't necessarily be the one to hunt me down for burning a bible. That doesn't mean, however, that everyone else in the Christian community would be so tolerant. ...

Please cite the last time any Christian in the US shot anyone or chucked a grenade at them for improperly disposing of a bible.
Posted By: iggy Re: Two Soldiers Murdered over Koran Burning - 2012-02-27 11:41 PM
You're right. We just have a history of killing others because they weren't the right kind of Christian. Totally different and completely justifiable. My bad.

Or, you know, we just threaten them with death because they don't believe in the God of Christian America. Once again, totally different and completely justifiable.

Sure you don't have a secret fetish for eating flesh and drinking blood, G? ;\)
Posted By: iggy Re: Two Soldiers Murdered over Koran Burning - 2012-02-27 11:46 PM
I mean, we do generally get the idea that you'd like to stab a "subhuman" Muslim baby with a pitchfork because it isn't properly "grateful." Seems like the two might be part and parcel.
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
Why we are not carpet bombing these ungrateful subhumans back to the stone age in which they obviously want to reside is beyond me.

 Originally Posted By: iggy
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
...I'm pretty sure God would agree with me on that one even if it was the Bible...

Love the underlined point that your holy book is more important than their holy book in your attempt to exonerate us of any culpability in this tragedy.

Beg your pardon? Where did I make the distinction of one book being more important than another?

Or is this just another half-assed redirect?
 Originally Posted By: iggy
I'm sure this is a favorite at the G-Household. Especially, when he can pretend they're wearing turbans.

 Originally Posted By: Pariah
 Originally Posted By: iggy
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
...I'm pretty sure God would agree with me on that one even if it was the Bible...

Love the underlined point that your holy book is more important than their holy book in your attempt to exonerate us of any culpability in this tragedy.

Beg your pardon? Where did I make the distinction of one book being more important than another?

Or is this just another half-assed redirect?

Trust me. Anyone who reads your hate-mongering gets the underlining meaning of "even if it was the Bible."
Posted By: the G-man Re: Two Soldiers Murdered over Koran Burning - 2012-02-27 11:53 PM
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
 Originally Posted By: iggy
Because all the Muslim protesters were chucking grenades and shooting people in the back of the head, right? Sure, I'm glad Pariah won't necessarily be the one to hunt me down for burning a bible. That doesn't mean, however, that everyone else in the Christian community would be so tolerant. ...

Please cite the last time any Christian in the US shot anyone or chucked a grenade at them for improperly disposing of a bible.

 Originally Posted By: iggy
You're right. We just have a history of killing others because they weren't the right kind of Christian. Totally different and completely justifiable. My bad.

Or, you know, we just threaten them with death because they don't believe in the God of Christian America. Once again, totally different and completely justifiable.

Sure you don't have a secret fetish for eating flesh and drinking blood, G? ;\)

You can't accuse two groups of moral equivalence if you can't show both groups engage in the same behavior.

You've made some broad conclusory allegations which appear (the sarcasm and hyperbole make it hard to be sure) to be directed at military actions.

If so, is it your position that a military action is exactly the same thing as what happened here?
 Originally Posted By: iggy
 Originally Posted By: iggy
I'm sure this is a favorite at the G-Household. Especially, when he can pretend they're wearing turbans.


In all fairness, his wife is an accepting liberal and wears the pants in the family, so I can't imagine a video like that being shown under her watch.
Posted By: Pariah Re: Two Soldiers Murdered over Koran Burning - 2012-02-27 11:54 PM
 Originally Posted By: iggy
Because all the Muslim protesters were chucking grenades and shooting people in the back of the head, right?

So are you saying there's a general outrage over killing American soldiers for the accidental burning of a Koran in the Muslim community? Are you saying that these riots consist of a minority?

Sure, I'm glad Pariah won't necessarily be the one to hunt me down for burning a bible. That doesn't mean, however, that everyone else in the Christian community would be so tolerant.

Just ask yourself something for a minute: between burning a Bible and burning a Koran, which action is more likely to get you killed?

I'm sure you're gonna recite 'tit for tat' till the end of time because you have such a colossal difficulty distinguishing the values and culture of one religion over another, but we both know how much the likelihood varies between the two scenarios even if you can't bring yourself to admit it.

Contemporary American culture has produced numerous less than flattering renditions of Christ in South Park, Family Guy, etc. and even showcased such works of "art" as the "Piss Christ." How many people have been murdered over these things?
 Originally Posted By: iggy
Trust me. Anyone who reads your hate-mongering gets the underlining meaning of "even if it was the Bible."

I think you mean "reads into a perception of your hate-mongering."

The phrase "even if it was the Bible," supposes a scenario where it was a Bible that was burned rather than a Koran. Nothing more.

But please, by all means, keep attempting to redirect.
Posted By: iggy Re: Two Soldiers Murdered over Koran Burning - 2012-02-28 12:02 AM
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
 Originally Posted By: iggy
Because all the Muslim protesters were chucking grenades and shooting people in the back of the head, right? Sure, I'm glad Pariah won't necessarily be the one to hunt me down for burning a bible. That doesn't mean, however, that everyone else in the Christian community would be so tolerant. ...

Please cite the last time any Christian in the US shot anyone or chucked a grenade at them for improperly disposing of a bible.

 Originally Posted By: iggy
You're right. We just have a history of killing others because they weren't the right kind of Christian. Totally different and completely justifiable. My bad.

Or, you know, we just threaten them with death because they don't believe in the God of Christian America. Once again, totally different and completely justifiable.

Sure you don't have a secret fetish for eating flesh and drinking blood, G? ;\)

You can't accuse two groups of moral equivalence if you can't show both groups engage in the same behavior.

You've made some broad conclusory allegations which appear (the sarcasm and hyperbole make it hard to be sure) to be directed at military actions.

If so, is it your position that a military action is exactly the same thing as what happened here?

We're talking mob violence here. Yes, we have a history of Christian mobs killing others because they weren't the "right" type of Christian or because they weren't Christian. Religious violence is religious violence. Period.
 Originally Posted By: iggy
We threw those copies of the Quran on the fucking trash heap despite protests from ASFers in the vicinity. And, we've been warned for years that we were training people not down with the master plan. This should come as no surprise.

Just to be clear: you would expect Christians to execute people over the burning of a Bible, and that's why you don't see anything outrageous about this scenario?
All religions and cultures are the same!! WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!

Shariah Law and the Bible are no different!! Stop deluding yourselves!!

 Originally Posted By: Pariah
 Originally Posted By: iggy
We threw those copies of the Quran on the fucking trash heap despite protests from ASFers in the vicinity. And, we've been warned for years that we were training people not down with the master plan. This should come as no surprise.

Just to be clear: you would expect Christians to execute people over the burning of a Bible, and that's why you don't see anything outrageous about this scenario?

If many Christians had their way, yes. Unequivocally, yes.
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
 Originally Posted By: iggy
 Originally Posted By: iggy
I'm sure this is a favorite at the G-Household. Especially, when he can pretend they're wearing turbans.


In all fairness, his wife is an accepting liberal and wears the pants in the family, so I can't imagine a video like that being shown under her watch.

Point. Guess he just watches it when studying traffic law at the office.
 Originally Posted By: iggy
If many Christians had their way, yes. Unequivocally, yes.

If "many." Very weasel-wordy of you; offering an abstract excuse to avoid conceding the point.

But that wasn't the question: You would expect Christians to execute people over the burning of the Bible in a similar scenario?

This isn't a what if question as to whether or not it would happen if society allowed it, but rather if you honestly believe your average Christian had the capacity to do it.

What's kinda funny here is that you're presupposing that the Christians who would carry out the murder would be in an environment that would tolerate such a thing--as this Muslim individual did. But that kinda of flies in the face of your and Prometheus' idea that this was carried out by one crazy as opposed to an overall mentality channeled through your average Afghan.
You gotta wonder if Iggy knopws that Muslim honor-killings are carried out in Western culture as well as the Middle East. It seems he's not actually aware of this.
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
 Originally Posted By: iggy
If many Christians had their way, yes. Unequivocally, yes.
This isn't a what if question as to whether or not it would happen if society allowed it, but rather if you honestly believe your average Christian had the capacity to do it.

Unequivocally, yes.

You have a secular century scared shitless at the previous centuries of religious warfare to thank for establishing a Western World that isn't conducive to such barbaric Christian behavior. You are welcome.
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
You gotta wonder if Iggy knopws that Muslim honor-killings are carried out in Western culture as well as the Middle East. It seems he's not actually aware of this.

Only The Shadow Knopws!
 Originally Posted By: iggy
Unequivocally, yes.

You have a secular century scared shitless at the previous centuries of religious warfare to thank for establishing a Western World that isn't conducive to such barbaric Christian behavior. You are welcome.

I think you mean "barbaric Muslim behavior" as it was their continuous expansion up the continent towards Europe that sparked the Crusades.

So the French Revolution--a secularly motivated movement--was a civilized alternative to all of the incidents of violence that occurred...you know, even though it caused more death and suffering than all incidents of Inquisition violence combined.

But more to point: people still believe in Christianity and practice Christian lifestyles (our culture is, after all, founded upon those values) and yet they generally haven't resorted to violence. Muslims, on the other hand--inside and outside of Western culture--resort to violence with regularity...As that is, of course, what their religion dictates.

As such, your claim that a Christian would have been just as likely to commit this crime is rather unfounded--especially since whatever past acts of violence you can come up with regards to Christians were ordered by edicts of authority figures in the Catholic Church or the Protestant movements. This is opposed to individual Christians taking the decision to execute others into their own hands according to a mentality you think they have in common with Muslims.
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
You gotta wonder if Iggy knopws that Muslim honor-killings are carried out in Western culture as well as the Middle East. It seems he's not actually aware of this.

Only The Shadow Knopws!


JLA's so desperate for material at this point that he has to go after spelling mistakes.
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
I think you mean "barbaric Muslim behavior" as it was their continuous expansion up the continent towards Europe that sparked the Crusades.

Wow. You've been reading a lot of revisionist literature. Arab expansion, at worst, falls into the same category as the expansion of groups (even Christian barbarians) like the Franks. You are cherry picking Arab expansion to fit your worldview. Sorry, Christians were busy killing themselves and the Sassanids at the same time. And, because of that, opened the way for Arab encroachment into Europe. Please spare me your us versus them bullshit reading of history.

So the French Revolution--a secularly motivated movement--was a civilized alternative to all of the incidents of violence that occurred...you know, even though it caused more death and suffering than all incidents of Inquisition violence combined.

Would like to see your stats for that.

That said, the French Revolution was rationalism taken to a religious level. Bad things happen whenever things are taken religiously. Thanks for re-affirming my point.

As such, your claim that a Christian would have been just as likely to commit this crime is rather unfounded--especially since whatever past acts of violence you can come up with regards to Christians were ordered by edicts of authority figures in the Catholic Church or the Protestant movements. This is opposed to individual Christians taking the decision to execute others into their own hands according to a mentality you think they have in common with Muslims.

Oh, wait, I thought we established at Nuremberg that "only following orders" wasn't an excuse. Yet, now, here you are trying to weasel out of every individual Christian's picking up a sword and killing Jews, Muslims, Gypsies, or each other by claiming they were only following orders. Try again or admit you would've acquitted Goering.
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
All religions and cultures are the same!! WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!


 Originally Posted By: Pariah
Yes, I'm sure it takes a lot of courage to mock someone as opposed to, you know, address the issue.

All you're doing is running scared from it.
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA

Bush apology for Koran shooting

US President George W Bush has made a personal apology over the shooting of a Koran by an American soldier, the White House has confirmed.

Mr Bush made the apology during one of his regular video conferences with Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Maliki.

The soldier was sent home by the US military after the Muslim holy book was found riddled with bullet holes at a shooting range by Iraqi police.

The US military said last week that the soldier would be disciplined.
He was unnamed, but was said to be a staff sergeant in a sniper section.

'People's anger'

Mr Maliki's office said in a statement: "The American president apologised on behalf of the United States... promising to present the soldier to the courts."

Mr Maliki had expressed the anger felt by the Iraqi people, his office said.

A US military spokesman last week described the shooting as "both serious and deeply troubling", but stressed it was an "isolated incident and a result of one soldier's actions".

US military authorities have already apologised to community leaders in the area, west of Baghdad.

The military presented the elders with a new copy of the Koran.

Bush did it first, but this doesn't count.

The G-PariahMan

LMAO!!!! \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\:
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: the G-Shill
Why we are not carpet bombing these ungrateful subhumans back to the stone age in which they obviously want to reside is beyond me.

Because this is the 21st century, might does not make right, and you're an ignorant, violent ape just like all of your Rightwing Crazies.

Attack the ones responsible? Yes.

Carpet-bomb innocent civilians because they're brown and don't worship your 'Gawd'? No.

"Ungrateful". \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: Yeah, how DARE those 'savages' don't appreciate the US invading and conquering their country to set up a puppet regime for more oil. How fucking old are you, man? Give me a break.

Talk about over-reacting. Why do all Rightwing Extremists want to kill everyone? Why is that? I guess that's why Bush attacked Iraq, even though they had nothing to do with 9/11. Just an excuse to kill more brown people...
 Originally Posted By: iggy
Wow. You've been reading a lot of revisionist literature. Arab expansion, at worst, falls into the same category as the expansion of groups (even Christian barbarians) like the Franks. You are cherry picking Arab expansion to fit your worldview. Sorry, Christians were busy killing themselves and the Sassanids at the same time. And, because of that, opened the way for Arab encroachment into Europe. Please spare me your us versus them bullshit reading of history.

We seem to have had this discussion before:

 Originally Posted By: Pariah
 Originally Posted By: Iggy
First, there is no such group as the Byzantines. Please, quite living living in a Western European dominated way of thinking. It was the eastern half of the Roman Empire. You are already showing a prejudice against historical reality. Spare me, please.

You mean the same Roman Empire that Christian Crusaders sacked in 1204?

Further, let's be clear, a large part of the call for the First Crusade was in response to the loss of Armenia and Anatolia to the Seljuk Turks afrer the Battle of Manzikert. This battle did not need to take place and only did because Romanos violated the terms of peace between them from a year prior. Also, the historical record shows that the Alp Arslan proposed a treaty that was highly favorable to the Romans prior to the battle but that it was rejected by Romanos. So, the battle took place. The Eastern Roman armies were crushed. And, the Seljuks took hold of large tracts of land in the aforementioned territories. It was in regard to the settling of these former Roman territories, which saw rather large scale Seljuk mirgration in the decades following 1071, that Alexios Komnenos called upon Urban to raise the crusader army.

So all of this to grudgingly admit that the Seljuk Turks provoked the war in a "gotcha" manner that allows you to flex you amateur wiki-historian muscle.

"I know history PA-RAI-AH!! *smile*"

Not quite.

Aside from your admission that Armenia and Anatolia was annexed without provocation from the Byzantine Empire (prior to your "yeah, but...Alps' peace treaty!"), Islamic culture had been expanding north since 636 AD. You really think it was going to stop on account of a peace treaty in the midst of a weakening empire? With time, it would just keep going.

The crusades started as a product of territorial disputes that were ignited by a violently expanding Muslim Empire. You tried your damnedest to avoid mentioning the fact that it was the Muslims that began to breach European boundaries by bringing up Ramanos' refusal to adhere to a coerced peace treaty, but conveniently leave out that it was only after Arslan took Anatolia and Armenia.

Who cherry picks again?

Would like to see your stats for that.

The official death toll for the French Revolution is over 600,000--which I don't believe takes into account for the Napoleonic Wars. A couple other books I've read put it closer to one million.

Both Catholic and Protestant inquisitions combined are responsible for a fraction of that many deaths.

That said, the French Revolution was rationalism taken to a religious level. Bad things happen whenever things are taken religiously. Thanks for re-affirming my point.

Yeaaaaaaah--Nice try, but no dice.

Religion is not self-evidently equated to violence. That's your argument. Not your itinerary.

Your tune has been, 'It's religious, and therefore it's violent.' Not, 'It's violent and therefore it's religious.'

The simplest explanation is often the most correct: cultural mentalities are relative according to the differing philosophies that are being endorsed by said mentalities--whether the given philosophy keeps religious connotations or not.

Oh, wait, I thought we established at Nuremberg that "only following orders" wasn't an excuse. Yet, now, here you are trying to weasel out of every individual Christian's picking up a sword and killing Jews, Muslims, Gypsies, or each other by claiming they were only following orders. Try again or admit you would've acquitted Goering.

I'm not excusing anyone for anything (I can easily admit that the influence of the Vatican has been misused in the past). I'm saying that killing people is not, and never has been, the product of a general mentality cultured by Christianity as an applied philosophy--which is why it's silly to assume that a Christian would have been just as likely to kill those soldiers as a Muslim.
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
All religions and cultures are the same!! WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!


 Originally Posted By: Pariah
Yes, I'm sure it takes a lot of courage to mock someone as opposed to, you know, address the issue.

All you're doing is running scared from it.

Actually I've been addressing every post directly. And then I proceeded to translate Iggy and Pro's tunes from bullshit to crystal clarity.

All JLA can do is passively support with extraneous topics. Poor li'l JLA.
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
All religions and cultures are the same!! WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!


 Originally Posted By: Pariah
Yes, I'm sure it takes a lot of courage to mock someone as opposed to, you know, address the issue.

All you're doing is running scared from it.


 Originally Posted By: iggy
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
 Originally Posted By: iggy
Because all the Muslim protesters were chucking grenades and shooting people in the back of the head, right? Sure, I'm glad Pariah won't necessarily be the one to hunt me down for burning a bible. That doesn't mean, however, that everyone else in the Christian community would be so tolerant. ...

Please cite the last time any Christian in the US shot anyone or chucked a grenade at them for improperly disposing of a bible.

 Originally Posted By: iggy
You're right. We just have a history of killing others because they weren't the right kind of Christian. Totally different and completely justifiable. My bad.

Or, you know, we just threaten them with death because they don't believe in the God of Christian America. Once again, totally different and completely justifiable.

Sure you don't have a secret fetish for eating flesh and drinking blood, G? ;\)

You can't accuse two groups of moral equivalence if you can't show both groups engage in the same behavior.

You've made some broad conclusory allegations which appear (the sarcasm and hyperbole make it hard to be sure) to be directed at military actions.

If so, is it your position that a military action is exactly the same thing as what happened here?

We're talking mob violence here. Yes, we have a history of Christian mobs killing others because they weren't the "right" type of Christian or because they weren't Christian. Religious violence is religious violence. Period.

You want to give some specific examples? And then show us where as seems to be the case Afghanistan, they were govt or church sanctioned?
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus

 Originally Posted By: Pariah
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
All religions and cultures are the same!! WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!


 Originally Posted By: Pariah
Yes, I'm sure it takes a lot of courage to mock someone as opposed to, you know, address the issue.

All you're doing is running scared from it.

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: the G-Shill
Why we are not carpet bombing these ungrateful subhumans back to the stone age in which they obviously want to reside is beyond me.

Because this is the 21st century, might does not make right, and you're an ignorant, violent ape just like all of your Rightwing Crazies.

Attack the ones responsible? Yes.

Carpet-bomb innocent civilians because they're brown and don't worship your 'Gawd'? No.

"Ungrateful". \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: Yeah, how DARE those 'savages' don't appreciate the US invading and conquering their country to set up a puppet regime for more oil. How fucking old are you, man? Give me a break.

Talk about over-reacting. Why do all Rightwing Extremists want to kill everyone? Why is that? I guess that's why Bush attacked Iraq, even though they had nothing to do with 9/11. Just an excuse to kill more brown people...

To put this in perspective.
I did a word search for "Shariah." Came up nil. Didn't read it.
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
The crusades started as a product of territorial disputes that were ignited by a violently expanding Muslim Empire. You tried your damnedest to avoid mentioning the fact that it was the Muslims that began to breach European boundaries by bringing up Ramanos' refusal to adhere to a coerced peace treaty, but conveniently leave out that it was only after Arslan took Anatolia and Armenia.

Who cherry picks again?

Once again, you lie about the historical record to suit your story. Arslan didn't want war and, at the time in the very least, did not want Anatolia.

Your "coerced" treaty was based upon an Eastern Roman offensive that turned into a debacle with the capture of Manuel. Arslan could've asked for whatever he wanted. Instead, he gave them quite favorable terms because he didn't want to fight them. He had bigger fish to fry (see, Egyptian Fatimid Caliphate). This treaty was violated when the Eastern Romans retook Heiropolis. In return, Arslan laid siege to Edessa. Now, here we are, back in 1071. The Eastern Romans marched on the Turks to relieve Edessa. Arslan could have fought them. He didn't. He agreed to a new treaty that was, once again, favorable to Roman interests in that he ceded Heiropolis and ended his siege of Edessa. Why? BECAUSE HE WANTED TO FIGHT THE FATIMIDS!

Arslan now moves south against the Caliphate. The Romans then abandon the treaty and invade. Arslan is forced to turn his army around to fight them. Battle of Manzikert happens. Roman Emperor is captured. Held a week. Still, given favorable terms that left the Anatolian heartland solidly Roman. Released. His Christian Roman, Doukas, leads a revolt against him that ends with Romanos being so blinded in such an horrific way that he dies of an infection to the face!

Doukas revolt sets off a series of revolts in the Anatolian plain. All across the plain, claimants to the throne cede land for Turkish recognition. Unable to defend their claims, they call upon Seljuk mercenaries to defend their cities.

Meanwhile, good ole Christian Normans are rampaging in Anatolia under Bailleul. So bad was the organization of the Empire at the time that the called in...want to take a guess...THE TURKS to drive him out. Concessions for that and territorial gains made during the chaotic Roman civil wars and the various Roman factions ceding territory for recognition lead to the establishment of the Sultanate of Rum by the Turks in Anatolia.

But, once again, I would like to know why you are so troubled by various Muslim groups gaining from a millennium long process of Roman collapse as compared to gains made by Franks, Vandals, Ostrogoths, Visigoths, Huns, Avars, Bulgarians, Normans, Sassanids, The Kiev Rus, the Serbs, internal rebellions (e.g. Trebizond) etc. etc. etc...?

The official death toll for the French Revolution is over 600,000--which I don't believe takes into account for the Napoleonic Wars. A couple other books I've read put it closer to one million.

Both Catholic and Protestant inquisitions combined are responsible for a fraction of that many deaths.

Those figures inlcude the French Revolutionary Wars that were fought between France and a whole bunch of scared monarchs. If those are included, then it is only fair to include the death tolls of the various religious wars into the equation. Do you really want to do that?

Yeaaaaaaah--Nice try, but no dice.

Religion is not self-evidently equated to violence. That's your argument. Not your itinerary.

Your tune has been, 'It's religious, and therefore it's violent.' Not, 'It's violent and therefore it's religious.'

The simplest explanation is often the most correct: cultural mentalities are relative according to the differing philosophies that are being endorsed by said mentalities--whether the given philosophy keeps religious connotations or not.

Actually, I'm right. The Revolution did take a spiritual turn with the establishment of such religious groups as the Cult of Reason and Robespierre's Cult of the Supreme Being. Sorry. You're wrong again.

I'm not excusing anyone for anything (I can easily admit that the influence of the Vatican has been misused in the past). I'm saying that killing people is not, and never has been, the product of a general mentality cultured by Christianity as an applied philosophy--which is why it's silly to assume that a Christian would have been just as likely to kill those soldiers as a Muslim.

Yet, again, here you are trying to point to Vatican influence as the determining factor in free Christian agents deciding to throw Jews into a synagogue and set it on fire.
Posted By: iggy Re: Two Soldiers Murdered over Koran Burning - 2012-02-28 8:50 PM
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
You want to give some specific examples? And then show us where as seems to be the case Afghanistan, they were govt or church sanctioned?

Here's a big one for you: The second iteration of the Ku Klux Klan. Sanctioned and allowed to hold membership drives in protestant churches nationwide.

Unlike the original Klan of the Reconstruction South, this one focused mainly on ant-Catholic and Jewish sentiments and reached estimated membership of six million with some of the most powerful Klan branches being in "Redneck Southern Backwaters" like Indiana.

I know we like to focus on the racial when regarding the Klan, but any full study of this second group necessitates a focus on the overtly religious Protestantism of the organization. Period.
 Originally Posted By: Robespierre
The day forever fortunate has arrived, which the French people have consecrated to the Supreme Being. Never has the world which He created offered to Him a spectacle so worthy of His notice. He has seen reigning on the earth tyranny, crime, and imposture. He sees at this moment a whole nation, grappling with all the oppressions of the human race, suspend the course of its heroic labors to elevate its thoughts and vows toward the great Being who has given it the mission it has undertaken and the strength to accomplish it.

Is it not He whose immortal hand, engraving on the heart of man the code of justice and equality, has written there the death sentence of tyrants? Is it not He who, from the beginning of time, decreed for all the ages and for all peoples liberty, good faith, and justice?

He did not create kings to devour the human race. He did not create priests to harness us, like vile animals, to the chariots of kings and to give to the world examples of baseness, pride, perfidy, avarice, debauchery, and falsehood. He created the universe to proclaim His power. He created men to help each other, to love each other mutually, and to attain to happiness by the way of virtue.

It is He who implanted in the breast of the triumphant oppressor remorse and terror, and in the heart of the oppressed and innocent calmness and fortitude. It is He who impels the just man to hate the evil one, and the evil man to respect the just one. It is He who adorns with modesty the brow of beauty, to make it yet more beautiful. It is He who makes the mother's heart beat with tenderness and joy. It is He who bathes with delicious tears the eyes of the son pressed to the bosom of his mother. It is He who silences the most imperious and tender passions before the sublime love of the fatherland. It is He who has covered nature with charms, riches, and majesty. All that is good is His work, or is Himself. Evil belongs to the depraved man who oppresses his fellow man or suffers him to be oppressed.

The Author of Nature has bound all mortals by a boundless chain of love and happiness. Perish the tyrants who have dared to break it!

Republican Frenchmen, it is yours to purify the earth which they have soiled, and to recall to it the justice that they have banished! Liberty and virtue together came from the breast of Divinity. Neither can abide with mankind without the other.

O generous People, would you triumph over all your enemies? Practice justice, and render the Divinity the only worship worthy of Him. O People, let us deliver ourselves today, under His auspices, to the just transports of a pure festivity. Tomorrow we shall return to the combat with vice and tyrants. We shall give to the world the example of republican virtues. And that will be to honor Him still.

The monster which the genius of kings had vomited over France has gone back into nothingness. May all the crimes and all the misfortunes of the world disappear with it! Armed in turn with the daggers of fanaticism and the poisons of atheism, kings have always conspired to assassinate humanity. If they are able no longer to disfigure Divinity by superstition, to associate it with their crimes, they try to banish it from the earth, so that they may reign there alone with crime.

O People, fear no more their sacrilegious plots! They can no more snatch the world from the breast of its Author than remorse from their own hearts. Unfortunate ones, uplift your eyes toward heaven! Heroes of the fatherland, your generous devotion is not a brilliant madness. If the satellites of tyranny can assassinate you, it is not in their power entirely to destroy you. Man, whoever thou mayest be, thou canst still conceive high thoughts for thyself. Thou canst bind thy fleeting life to God, and to immortality. Let nature seize again all her splendor, and wisdom all her empire! The Supreme Being has not been annihilated.

It is wisdom above all that our guilty enemies would drive from the republic. To wisdom alone it is given to strengthen the prosperity of empires. It is for her to guarantee to us the rewards of our courage. Let us associate wisdom, then, with all our enterprises. Let us be grave and discreet in all our deliberations, as men who are providing for the interests of the world. Let us be ardent and obstinate in our anger against conspiring tyrants, imperturbable in dangers, patient in labors, terrible in striking back, modest and vigilant in successes. Let us be generous toward the good, compassionate with the unfortunate, inexorable with the evil, just toward every one. Let us not count on an unmixed prosperity, and on triumphs without attacks, nor on all that depends on fortune or the perversity of others. Sole, but infallible guarantors of our independence, let us crush the impious league of kings by the grandeur of our character, even more than by the strength of our arms.

Frenchmen, you war against kings; you are therefore worthy to honor Divinity. Being of Beings, Author of Nature, the brutalized slave, the vile instrument of despotism, the perfidious and cruel aristocrat, outrages Thee by his very invocation of Thy name. But the defenders of liberty can give themselves up to Thee, and rest with confidence upon Thy paternal bosom. Being of Beings, we need not offer to Thee unjust prayers. Thou knowest Thy creatures, proceeding from Thy hands. Their needs do not escape Thy notice, more than their secret thoughts. Hatred of bad faith and tyranny burns in our hearts, with love of justice and the fatherland. Our blood flows for the cause of humanity. Behold our prayer. Behold our sacrifices. Behold the worship we offer Thee.

 Originally Posted By: Pariah
The correlation between institution of civic religion(s) and the rise of the Reign of Terror is completely coincidental.

 Originally Posted By: Psalm 14:1
The fool has said in his heart, "There is no God."

 Originally Posted By: Robespierre
Atheism is aristocratic...

Posted By: Pariah Re: Two Soldiers Murdered over Koran Burning - 2012-02-28 10:32 PM
Summarize please. Unless it actually makes a point about how Robespierre's esoteric new form of Deism was highly influential and culturally pervasive in the French mindsets--as opposed to just being a quote filled with its doctrine--I'm not gonna bother reading it.

 Originally Posted By: iggy
Once again, you lie about the historical record to suit your story. Arslan didn't want war and, at the time in the very least, did not want Anatolia.

Your "coerced" treaty was based upon an Eastern Roman offensive that turned into a debacle with the capture of Manuel. Arslan could've asked for whatever he wanted. Instead, he gave them quite favorable terms

I stopped right there as it was apparent that you were going to continue rationalizing the fact that they invaded without provocation.

You have a very odd penchant for redirection when you're backed into a corner. It's as if you actually think you're convincing because you offer a background story to the fact that they did these things, but it doesn't really explain it away. It just obfuscates.

Those figures inlcude the French Revolutionary Wars that were fought between France and a whole bunch of scared monarchs. If those are included, then it is only fair to include the death tolls of the various religious wars into the equation. Do you really want to do that?

The Crusades were not religious wars. Everyone likes to label them as such since the soldiers felt they were protecting the main Christian continent. More aptly however, the conflicts were territory disputes; the Seljuk Turks moved in, and then other nations responded. You can argue that many individual soldiers fought with their faith in mind--as that was the key recruitment factor--but you can't argue that-that's why the wars were fought by the European governments. If that were the case, why didn't Europe just begin its own invasion of the Muslim territories prior to the incidents?

Actually, I'm right. The Revolution did take a spiritual turn with the establishment of such religious groups as the Cult of Reason and Robespierre's Cult of the Supreme Being. Sorry. You're wrong again.

The Cult of Reason referred back to the French people as arbiters of the philosophy. i.e. The mob was a higher power unto itself. This is antithetical to faith-based philosophies.

And Robespierre's Supreme Being doctrine was enforced from a political standpoint. It wasn't a virally influential movement that the entire era was centered around; more like a symptom of a larger movement. Even if I were to entertain the idea that the mobs of France turned religious, it wasn't a cult or spiritual philosophy that motivated the mobs to start slaughtering and raping the upper class, raid public establishments--slaughtering some more people in the process--and execute the royal family. And it sure as hell wasn't religion that motivated Napoleon.

It seems what you're trying to do is conflate a "religious" label to whatever extreme doctrine or philosophy that might happen to surface, but you're not applying very stringent parameters to actually define it adequately--which make sense because keeping your use of the term more abstract allows you to make more nebulous claims.

Yet, again, here you are trying to point to Vatican influence as the determining factor in free Christian agents deciding to throw Jews into a synagogue and set it on fire.

Uh, no. I don't believe the Vatican ever authorized that. But are you claiming that this is, and was, a common occurrence among individual Christians? Have we seen a great deal of Christian burnings of Synagogues with people inside them over the years?

 Originally Posted By: iggy
Here's a big one for you: The second iteration of the Ku Klux Klan. Sanctioned and allowed to hold membership drives in protestant churches nationwide.

Unlike the original Klan of the Reconstruction South, this one focused mainly on ant-Catholic and Jewish sentiments and reached estimated membership of six million with some of the most powerful Klan branches being in "Redneck Southern Backwaters" like Indiana.

I know we like to focus on the racial when regarding the Klan, but any full study of this second group necessitates a focus on the overtly religious Protestantism of the organization. Period.

Just to be clear: are you saying it was a Protestant movement or that it was a movement with Protestants in it? Because the initial formation of the Klan and the second--as you say--was racially motivated. The question you have to ask here is: if race wasn't an issue, would they really have bothered doing the recruitment in the first place? In which case, it seems more like the Klan artificially conjoined the two principles all on their own.

As much as I used to rag on Protestants for the Klan, I can't really say they were at fault for its conception.
 Originally Posted By: iggy
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
You want to give some specific examples? And then show us where as seems to be the case Afghanistan, they were govt or church sanctioned?

Here's a big one for you: The second iteration of the Ku Klux Klan. Sanctioned and allowed to hold membership drives in protestant churches nationwide.

Unlike the original Klan of the Reconstruction South, this one focused mainly on ant-Catholic and Jewish sentiments and reached estimated membership of six million ...

So, the best example you could come up with a group that reached its zenith nearly a century ago and whose membership had bottom out approximately ten years before WWII...largely in response to revulsion over the group's violent tactics?

(The above link being from the Anti-Defamation League, who ought to know a thing or two about religious persecution, btw).
What about those who bombs abortion clinics?


This sums the topic nicely:

Posted By: Pariah Re: Two Soldiers Murdered over Koran Burning - 2012-02-29 5:28 AM
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sweden
What about those who bombs abortion clinics?


This sums the topic nicely:


Have you even read the discussion thus far?
Posted By: rex Re: Two Soldiers Murdered over Koran Burning - 2012-02-29 5:35 AM
To be fair he did just discover wikipedia.
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sweden
What about those who bombs abortion clinics?


This sums the topic nicely:


Stop picking on the extremists of my religion! They're so much better than the extremists of other religions!
 Originally Posted By: rex
Don't worry Pariah, I'll save you! Even though I hate you! We loons must stick together!
Posted By: Pariah Re: Two Soldiers Murdered over Koran Burning - 2012-02-29 5:50 AM
So you didn't actually read the discussion, and now you're getting pissy for being called out on it.

Posted By: rex Re: Two Soldiers Murdered over Koran Burning - 2012-02-29 6:04 AM
He won't dare defy pro's orders.
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sweden
What about those who bombs abortion clinics?


This sums the topic nicely:


Six whole murders listed there. The Muslims did almost that many in Afghanistan last week alone. furthermore, that's not an example of mob violence, nor were those murders sanctioned by the church (I had asked for examples of church sanctioned killings). And most importantly, it's not an example of someone being killed by a Christian over burning a Bible.
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sweden
What about those who bombs abortion clinics?


This sums the topic nicely:


Exactly. Spot on.
 Originally Posted By: iggy
 Originally Posted By: Psalm 14:1
The fool has said in his heart, "There is no God."

 Originally Posted By: Robespierre
Atheism is aristocratic...


\:lol\: \:lol\:
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
LALALALALALALALI'm not gonna bother reading itLALALALALALALA
 Originally Posted By: the G-Shill
Yeah, but....

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
LALALALALALALALI'm not gonna bother reading itLALALALALALALA

He's too busy filling out the Special Forces application. In crayon.
 Originally Posted By: Pariah


 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
LALALALALALALALI'm not gonna bother reading itLALALALALALALA

He's too busy filling out the Special Forces application. In crayon.


it's amazing how I can ignore this subforum for a week and a half and come back and not miss a beat. well done, everyone.
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
it's amazing how I can ignore this subforum for a week and a half and come back and not miss a beat. well done, everyone.

\:whoa\: \:damn\:
Posted By: Pariah Re: Rightwing Neanderthal Wishes for More Murder - 2012-03-02 10:43 PM
"It calmed things down."

Posted By: iggy Re: Two Soldiers Murdered over Koran Burning - 2012-03-03 12:53 PM
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
I stopped right there as it was apparent that you were going to continue rationalizing the fact that they invaded without provocation.

Eastern Roman involvement in Seljuk disputes with independent states like Armenia and Georgia not withstanding. Or, you know, five-hundred years of relations/wars between the Eastern Romans and the greater Turkic peoples of which the Seljuks were only the most recently ascendent tribe. Sure, they were totally unprovoked.

The Crusades were not religious wars.

You know, I can admit that religious wars--in this case, The Crusades--generally also have non-religious aims (social, political, economic, ethnic, etc.), but to claim those somehow eradicate the religious aspect strains credulity.

Everyone likes to label them as such since the soldiers felt they were protecting the main Christian continent. More aptly however, the conflicts were territory disputes; the Seljuk Turks moved in, and then other nations responded. You can argue that many individual soldiers fought with their faith in mind--as that was the key recruitment factor--but you can't argue that-that's why the wars were fought by the European governments. If that were the case, why didn't Europe just begin its own invasion of the Muslim territories prior to the incidents?

Eh, not quite. The actual states didn't really take part in the Crusades until the call for them by Bernard at the onset of the Second Crusade. This was in response to the failure of the first Crusader army to take the field in the First Crusade, Peter the Hermit's People's Army. Even the professional armies of the First Crusade weren't necessarily designated as representatives of the states from which they came. And, even I discount the greed theory based on the idea that somehow all the nobles who went on the First Crusade were tertiary sons in a primogeniture world. Most--if not all--of these guys were moved by something other than selfish motives or social/economic pressures. Maybe, it had to do with plenary indulgence, remission of sins, and such promised to those who took back Jerusalem for Christ or just general religious fervor stirred up by tales of persecuted pilgrims and devastated churches. Since, you know, these were religious wars.

The one I will give you is that Norman who founded the principality of Edessa. Dude was a total douche and, I believe, motivated completely by greed.

It seems what you're trying to do is conflate a "religious" label to whatever extreme doctrine or philosophy that might happen to surface, but you're not applying very stringent parameters to actually define it adequately--which make sense because keeping your use of the term more abstract allows you to make more nebulous claims.

As with most everything, we'll probably just have to agree to disagree here. There are many of us in the field that believe such distinctions do more harm than good. Many of the movements pointed to as a way to prove that secularism is just as/more violent than religion are very religious in character while atheistic in scope. Even the most rabid of the "anti-religious" campaigns run parallel to the establishment of leader/state/race/humanity/philosophical concept cults that are rehabilitations of religious phenomena that spans the course of our known history.

Uh, no. I don't believe the Vatican ever authorized that. But are you claiming that this is, and was, a common occurrence among individual Christians? Have we seen a great deal of Christian burnings of Synagogues with people inside them over the years?

I'll try to dig up the direct quotes, but I seem to remember Bernard of Clairvaux (charged by Pope Eugene...I think...with organizing and executing the Second Crusade on behalf of the Church) writing quite fondly of how the death of infidels brought glory to God. I will give him credit for tamping down on violence against Jews during the Second Crusade, though.

As for the Klan, my point is that without the Churches/ministers adopting it and opening themselves up to it due to its turn toward Anti-Catholicism then it would have just withered away into Stone Mountain obscurity. I can concede that the Protestant Churches weren't there at its conception. However, I do believe it was their open adoption of the movement that allowed the Klan to reach the levels it did at the time.
Posted By: rex Re: Two Soldiers Murdered over Koran Burning - 2012-03-05 7:50 AM
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sweden

Posted By: MisterJLA Re: Two Soldiers Murdered over Koran Burning - 2020-12-09 12:16 AM
Originally Posted by Captain Sammitch
it's amazing how I can ignore this subforum for a week and a half and come back and not miss a beat. well done, everyone.