Posted By: Wonder Boy "StandUpToJewishHate.org" - 2023-11-11 9:12 PM

Let me first say that I'm not Jewish, but have a favorable opinion of Jewish people, and am pro-Israel, although I might occasionally disagree with them on a few issues. If you look at the Nobel peace prizes given out for science or literature over the last century, Jews as a tiny ratio of world population, have a disproportionately high percentage of Nobel prizes.
Regarding my personal affection for comic books, Jews are almost 100% of the writers and artists in the field during its first 50 years. I've joked that reading comics is a sure cure for antisemitism.

Jews are highly accomplished across every field they are in, perhaps the single most accomplished racial group in the world, and as a culture they are absolutely doing something right. I would argue that they have definitely contributed to the outside non-jewish world, and to the advancement of human culture as a whole.

And if one is Christian, Jews are God's chosen people, they are the instrument through which ancient and present Israel were created, and through which the gospel of the Old Testament and New Testament were brought to the entire world. And as is said in the Bible itself, to make war against Jews is to risk the anger and retribution of God.


Obviously there's been a rise in attacks on Jews in recent years worldwide, and within the U.S.
Those attacks culminating in a disturbing genocide of Jews on October 7 2023, just about a month ago, with the raid into Israel by Hamas from the Gaza Strip, and the start of the so-called "Israel-Hamas war".

And then the protest demonstrations by Palestinians and other Arabs in cities worldwide, including in cities and universities throughout the U.S., not just supporting Gaza/Palestinian independence as a state, but openly supporting Hamas.
And astonishingly, openly supporting the worst violence of Hamas' raid into Israel and slaughtering 1,400 unarmed people, machine gunning them and burning them to death in their cars at an outdoor concert, purposely shooting the gas tanks to do so.
Shooting parents and children sleeping in their beds, slaughtering parents in front of their children, and vice versa.
And then raping the surviving girls and women right in front of their just-murdered families, gang-raping them and then killing them too.
Throwing babies in ovens and cooking them alive.
One baby killed with no other marks but a boot-print on its throat.

And God knows what has been done to the 240 or so hostages taken back into Gaza.
And people in protests... ENDORSE this savagery? Savagery somehow doesn't seem like a harsh enough word to describe it.

And these protesters worldwide endorse it. In many cases protesters deny that the Hamas slaughter of 1,400 even happened (despite overwhelming evidence), and simultaneously celebrate the slaughter of these Jews.
And understandably, Jews worldwide, and in the United States are terrified, not just in Israel, but locally here in the U.S. cities they live in. And many are avoiding wearing any jewelry or clothing that openly identifies them as Jewish, and would make them a target.

And then about 2 to 3 weeks ago, I started seeing these relentless "StandUpToJewishHate.org" ads on , pretty much every hour on every channel,.
Which I agree with the general sentiment of, but it annoys me how these ads are disturbingly similar to the propaganda ads we saw during
Covid-19 lockdowns, "ALONE TOGETHER" and all that crap.
And then the Black Lives Matter propaganda TV ads.
And later the "Stop Asian Hate" propaganda TV ads.

In each of these ad campaigns, there is a re-directing of thought toward a false, or at best misleading or ambiguous narrative.

In the current StandUpToJewishHate ads, there is an implied white culprit, that completely avoids that it is overwhelmingly muslims and blacks who are the perpetrators of hatred and violence against Jews in the U.S..
And there frankly aren't enough "white supremacists" in the U.S. to either commit violence or even spread anti-Jewish sentiment in the U.S.

No, I think increased islamic immigration is the clear source of the rise in anti-Semitic attacks over the last 30 years, in the U.S., in Europe, in Canada, in Australia.

And blacks, who are not only a greater threat to Jews, but also more hostile to whites in general, and also almost exclusively the largest group to commit "Asian hate" (that is again implied to be "white supremacist" attacks on Asians, instead of the ACTUAL primary attackers of Asians within the black community, which I covered in another "Asian hate" topic here a year or two ago.)
And to be clear, that's not ALL blacks in the U.S., or even a majority of blacks who are hostile to Jews, but a far higher ratio, about 36% of blacks polled, as compared to 9% of whites polled who are antisemitic, or 19% of U.S.-born hispanics (or 35% of immigrant hispanics), and pretty much 100% of islamic immigants.

Wikipedia, while giving some information about antisemitism in the U.S., I think deliberately hides behind perception polls, instead of listing the actual statistical numbers of harassments and attacks, that I think continue a false narrative that misleads rather than informs.

I found this Anti Defamation League site to be the most clear in the statistics of precisely how many attacks on Jews there are in the United States:


2018 included the deadliest attack on Jews in the history of the U.S.: The massacre of 11 Jewish worshippers, and an additional two more injured, at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh by a white supremacist in October. The Pittsburgh attack was one of 39 reported physical assaults on Jewish individuals in 2018, a 105% increase over 2017. A total of 59 individuals were victims of assault, not including the police officers injured at the Tree of Life Synagogue.

Of the 1,879 incidents in 2018, 1,066 were cases of harassment, an increase of 5% from 2017;
774 were cases of vandalism, a decrease of 19% from 952 in 2017.
In 2018, ADL recorded 249 anti-Semitic incidents attributed to known extremist groups or individuals inspired by extremist ideology.
This represents 13% of the total number of incidents and is the highest level of anti-Semitic incidents with known connections to extremist individuals or groups since 2004. These incidents were the result of an anti-Semitic fliering campaign and of a series of robocalls perpetrated by a neo-Nazi. Nearly half of the incidents of harassment targeting Jewish institutions were the work of known white supremacists or extremists.

I was frankly relieved and put a bit at ease that there were only 249 white ideological extremist/"white supremacist" incidents on Jews in the U.S. in the cited year.
In a nation of over 330 million people.
Although it's still unclear what actual number or percentage of those ambiguous "incidents" are more than social media posts or vandalism, and are actual physical attacks on Jews. So, 13% of all "incidents", not violence, are sourced to white supremacist groups? What about the other 87%?
And again, how many actual physical attacks? Why is that not more plainly stated?
59 total attacked in 2018, it cites. So, 13% of 59 attacks (7.67 people)? Or 13% of 1,879 total "incidents" (244.27 people, it seems to be the latter)?

Which again, even that excerpt focuses on "white supremacist"/neo-nazi attacks, and seems to hide and completely bypass the obvious and clear larger threat of islamic attacks and hatred of Jews. Avoided by ADL of all sources, for reasons I frankly can't fathom.
ADL is the Jewish perspective of antisemitism, and even they seem reluctant to identify the true source of antisemitic violence, and instead try to turn it into an anti-white/anti-Trump false narrative.

Speaking as a white conservative Trump supporter, I would laugh at neo-nazi flyers and phone calls, and certainly not be persuaded by them.

From what I've observed, most "violent white supremacists" are prison gangs, that spill over into drug trafficking and other gang crime outside of prison, and their violence is more often killing each other in territorial battles, than in targeting Jews or other minority groups.