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#615470 2006-01-18 3:55 AM
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    Singles Match
    James Fantastic vs. Captain Sammitch

    Women's Singles Match
    Meeko vs. Harleykwin

    Singles Match
    Chewy Walrus vs. Doc. Mid-Nite

    Singles Match
    MisterJLA vs. Tommy Savitz

    Dark Lords Gauntlet Match
    Nowhereman vs. the Dark Lords (Spandex Monkey Man/Pig Iron/Darth/Grimm)

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"Del Castillo's "Back From the Grave" explodes through the CheeseDome speakers as El Superbeasto, the Giant Luchadore makes his way to the ring.

Monroe: He's back in the RDCW! The Giant Luchadore!

Bastardo: He's a monster! I can't believe Oakley was able to get him to tag up with him!

Superbeasto steps over the ropes and into the ring. His hand engulfs the mic as he speaks.

ES: Everyone wants to know why I, El Superbeasto, biggest and mightiest of all luchadores, agreed to team with Chris Oakley against the Tuesday Night Rockers. Putas! It is none of your business why I agreed to team with Chris. But I tell you anyway.

When El Superbeasto is returning to the RDCW, he is finding a much different place than when he left. There is no more Bastardo Family. There are no luchadores in the locker room. There is being no one to talk to.

Chris Oakley is being talking to El Superbeasto. He is telling me of his respect for the lucha tradition and his time in Mexico, studying the style. Oakley and I are discovering we are having much in common. Both are being outcasts. Both are being set aside. Both are having much hatred little maricones in Tuesday Night Rockers!

The fans, who were on the verge of becoming sympathetic, turn on Superbeasto at this last statement, and begin booing heavily.

ES: Tuesday Night Rockers, you are having felt my wrath before. But now, with Senor Oakley by my side, we are going to crush you and talk your tag team titles. VIVA EL SUPERBEASTO!!! VIVA OAKLEY!!!!!!!!

"Back From the Grave" cues up again as Superbeasto heads to the back.

I will destroy all of you putas. Greetings from El Superbeasto.
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"Ode to Joy" begins to play as Dr. William Paragon makes his way out to ringside. He steps into the ring and begins to speak.

DP: Once again, I, Dr. William Paragon, have come before you in my attempt to clean up the RDCW. Now last week, I made the promise to the Doctor that there would be no T.I.T.s exposed on this program while it ran on this network! Now this week-

Paragon is interrupted as "War Pigs" begins to play and the Doctor heads down to the ring.

Doctor: Welly welly well. Mister Paragon.

DP: That's Doctor Paragon.

Doctor: Very well, then, Doctor Paragon. Do you know what I think you need?

DP: No, Mister Doctor. . .

Doctor: Mister Doctor?

DP: Doctor Doctor?

Doctor: Doctor Doctor?

DP: Mister M. D.?

The Doctor shrugs and looks at the audience with a "WTF?" look on his face.

DP: Never mind, just tell me, what is it that you think I need?

Doctor: First off, you need just what this audience needs, and what I promised I'd bring to Havoc last week. T.I.T.s. But most importantly, you need to get laid.

Paragon becomes furious and begins to crowd up close to the Doctor.

Doctor: Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! That wasn't an offer. Why don't you save that up for Rev. Willie? I'm here to deliver on last weeks promise of T.I.T.s. After discussing it with the RDCW board and receiving the seal of approval of Rob Kamphausen himself....

Louie: Who would have guessed that Kamphausen likes T.I.T.s.

Two men wheel something out onto the ramp. It is covered in a blanket.

Doctor: ..... the way has been cleared for the biggest ....

DP: Hold on there! As the representative of the Bobo Broadcasting Network, I forbid this lurid public display of.....

The two men remove the blanket to show a large, cup styled golden trophy with a pile of cash in the center.

DP: ..... a trophy?

Doctor: Yes, the trophy to the RDCW's own Tag-Team Invitational Tournement.

Louie: I am truly depressed.

Monroe: A tag team invitational tournament!

Doctor: The prize will not only be that very large trophy, or the $25000 of cash laying in it, but the team to win the tournament will go on to fight for the Tag-Team Titles at Robblemania. They will also get to choose the stipulations of their match. If the current champions decide to enter the tournament and win and if they are still the champs come Robblemania, they will choose not only the stipulations, but their opponents as well.

DP: I am impressed, Doctor. The BBN will be pleased with this news, as well, I'm sure.

Doctor: They'd better be. We worked damn hard on this.

DP: Just one other thing.

Doctor: Yes?

DP: This tournament had best improve the quality of this show. Or you might find yourself before the board of directors.

Doctor: I'm not too worried about that, because the board of directors approved this all beforehand. However, you might need to take a look at your own progress, Doctor Paragon. Now if you'll excuse me, I've got some other tits to look at. And I'm not referrring to tag teams this time.

"War Pigs" cues up again as the Doctor heads to the back, leaving Paragon fuming in the ring. The camera focuses on the large trophy filled with cash.

Monroe: The Tag Team Invitational Tournament! A trophy filled with cash! A World Tag Team Title shot at RobbleMania! Only in the RDCW! Fans, we'll be back after this!

Let me tell you something, just because something is in a graphic format doesn't mean it needs to be apologized for. And just because a novel is serious, doesn't mean it's serious fiction. The only thing comics should worry about is telling a good story. You do that and people will find it. -Brad Meltzer
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*The following promo is based on the replacement recap of the SDC/DL match from Havoc 1-10-06. That recap will be posted at Mike The Mouth Monroe's earliest convenience.*

*Meeko walks into the SDC locker room and finds PenWing sitting on a bench taping some Sherwoods.*

Meeko: PenWing, what are doing here? I arranged for you to have the night off. In fact, you're not supposed to return to the Cheesedome until Rob's Randy Rumble. Now go home and get your head back together.

PenWing: Can't do that.

Meeko: You can and you will. Killconey may forgive you for leaving your corner to attack Darth, but Chewy is fuming. He trusted you to watch out for his friend. I don't know what the hell is going on in your head right now, but you need to get things sorted out if you're going to have a shot at winning the Rumble.

PenWing: I didn't enter the Rumble, Meeko.

Meeko: I noticed. I remedied that little problem on my own.

PenWing: You did, did you? And just who the hell do you think you are to tell me when to wrestle?

Meeko: Who the hell am I? I'm your manager, that's who I am! I'm probably the only person left in this building who still cares about you and wants to see you succeed. It's clear you've got something to prove out there, so do it the way you know best. Go out and win the Rumble again. You want to get another shot at Grimm? He may or may not be the Heavyweight Cheese Champion at Roblemania, but if he doesn't have the belt, he'll be hunting it. If you go out and take it, he'll be hunting you. Now pull your head out of your ass and regain your focus!

PenWing: Regain my focus? Meeko, don't start talking to me about focus until you start winning matches again.

*Meeko is taken aback by PenWing's comment.*

Meeko: So, that's the way it's going to be?

*PenWing stands up and walks to the door, Sherwood in hand.*

PenWing: Yeah, that's the way it's gonna be.

*PenWing walks out of the locker room. Havoc goes to break.*

<sub>Will Eisner's last work - The Plot: The Secret Story of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion
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"Well, as it happens, I wrote the damned SOP," Illescue half snarled, "and as of now, you can bar those jackals from any part of this facility until Hell's a hockey rink! Is that perfectly clear?!" - Dr. Franz Illescue - Honor Harrington: At All Costs

"I don't know what I'm do, or how I do, I just do." - Alexander Ovechkin</sub>
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<'Let's Get it Started' blares over the speakers and the crowd cheers loudly as Captain Sammitch makes his way to the ring accompanied by Chewy Walrus and Killconey. In place of his usual Colts jersey, Sammitch is wearing a T-shirt with his famous Lego Shark avatar. Killconey is wearing a T-shirt with on the front and pwn3d!!1! on the back, and Chewy Walrus is wearing a T-shirt with on the front and Oh yeah! on the back. The trio enters the ring and Sammitch is handed a microphone...>

CS: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen! <Pops from the crowd...> We are most of the Sudden Death Connection, and we would like to address a few concerns of ours.

Louie: What's this? Is this Sammitch's open forum all of a sudden?

CS: First of all, it is our distinct pleasure to inform you that all four of us will be competing in Rob's Randy Rumble! <The crowd cheers wildly as Chewy takes a bow and Killconey raises the roof from atop a turnbuckle...> You're gonna thrill to the high-flying heroics of Killconey, the Man Without Fear! <More pops from the crowd as Killconey backflips off the turnbuckle...> Jaws will drop at the overwhelming power of the mighty Chewy Walrus!! <More cheers as Chewy strikes a dramatic pose...> Everyone will be on the edge of their seat to cheer for the once and future champion, Penwing!!! <The crowd begins chanting Penwing's name...> And by the way... yeah. I'm kind of in it too.

<The crowd is on their feet, chanting SDC! SDC! SDC!>

CS: Also at the Randy Rumble, Killconey here has stated that he'd be more than happy to step into Spandex Monkey Man's Clockwork Banana House of Fun!

<The cheering continues...>

Monroe: Wow!

Louie: Hey, it'll be his funeral!

CS: And last but not least, I will be taking on Doc Mid-Nite in a Running Man Match for the Inter-Cunt-inental Title!

<The crowd goes ballistic...>

Louie: The hell's a Running Man Match?!?

CS: For those of you who don't know what the Running Man Match is, it is a supreme contest of endurance and will designed by RDCW creative consultant Phil Smith. The Running Man Match begins not in the ring, but half a mile from it. However, falls will only count in the ring. Outside the ring - no falls, no counts, no disqualifications.

Monroe: What the hell?

CS: But it gets better. Between the starting line and the ring, there will be a number of designated Enforcers, including some of the RDCW's best! Their job is to do whatever it takes to slow both competitors down. Why? Because if you can't make it to the ring within ten minutes of the starting gun, you forfeit the match.

Louie: He's lost his mind! The brain damage finally got to him!

CS: If you make it to the ring in time, the fun's just beginning. Once you get there, it's a standard-rules RDCW singles match, but you've gotta win not one, but two out of three falls - pinfalls, count-outs, or tap-outs!

Monroe: That's incredible!

Louie: Nobody can do that!

CS: You may be telling yourselves, and telling each other, that nobody can do that. But let me reassure you... I can. And Doc Mid-Nite, if you wanna keep that Inter-Cunt-inental title of yours, you'd better be ready to do it too. I'll be sure to 'protect my neck', since you seem to be saying that a lot. But if you wanna be able to walk out of the Rumble in any kind of shape, you'd better protect more than that! At Rob's Randy Rumble, it's you and me goin' after the IC!

<Huge pops from the crowd...>

CS: And finally, you may notice that Penwing's not here in the ring with us. He's actually not supposed to be here tonight, though I've been told he's somewhere in the building. See, there's a bit of a difference of opinion going on here. As much as you're all talking about how Penwing's losing it or going crazy or goingggggg to the daaaaark siiiiiiiiiiiiide... I don't care about any of that.

Louie: You better start caring pretty soon, or else your boy Penwing is gonna bring that connection of yours down!

CS: The point is, we in the SDC have one very important principle that supersedes all the others - we look out for each other. We don't hang each other out to dry. But that's what Penwing did to Killconey last week.

<Murmurs from the crowd...>

Monroe: That's true. Penwing completely hung Killconey out to dry!

CS: If you're out there, Penwing, we're still here, regardless of what happened to you. I've been hit with burning chairs on a number of occasions, and I've had just as much shit happen to me. I'm not walking out on any of my teammates. And I can't let you drag us down with you. Just let us help you, and give up this path or whatever it is you're following. I helped make you, Penwing, and so it really hurts me to say this, but if you don't stop this, you're gonna leave me no choice but to save you from yourself.

Monroe and Louie:

CS: But enough of that. We've got matches tonight. Chewy here's gonna be taking on Doc Mid-Nite, and I can promise you all he's gonna give the good Doctor a run for his money!

<Pops from the crowd as Chewy acknowledges them...>

CS: As for me, I'll be stepping into the ring to square off against James Fantastic. Now, I don't have a personal problem with James. He and I used to be teammates, and we still have a lot of the same goals and methods. But, nevertheless, the card says I'm gonna fight him, so you'll be seeing a lot more of me tonight. James, if you're listening to this, you'd better bring your A-game, because you and I are gonna throw down tonight, and if you don't stay sharp, get ready to get pwn3d!!1!

Killconey: pwn3d!!1!

<'Let's Get it Started' hits again amid thunderous cheers from the crowd. Chewy flexes his muscles and Killconey jumps around the ring as Sammitch jumps to the top rope and salutes the crowd. The trio exits the ring and disappears backstage.>


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Singles Match
James Fantastic vs. Captain Sammitch

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Women's Singles Match
Meeko vs. Harleykwin

*Havoc returned from break as Harleykwin stood in the ring awaiting her foe. Ex-Officer Schwarz was at Kwin's side, brandishing her nightstick.

Monroe: These two did a number on Meeko last week, Louie.

Bastardo: They look ready to finish her up tonight, Monroe! The SDC might be short another member after this match.

Monroe: Another member?

Bastardo: That boob, PenWing already quit last week!

Monroe: He did not!

"Strike It Up" began to play as Meeko hit the ring running, laying into kwin with several forearm shots.

Monroe: Meeko's out for revenge tonight!

Bastardo: That's gonna cost her. She's not thinking with her head.

Meeko with an irish whip but Harley reverses and ducks down as Meeko leapfrogs over. Meeko rebounds and kwin with a drop toehold as Meeko lands on the middle rope.

Kwin follows up with a running 917 (619) that sends Meeko backfirst onto the canvas! Kwin sets Meeko up for a handspring elbow, but Meeko catches her with an elbow to the jaw and follows up with a Meekocanrana!

Meeko goes for a series of Meekoplexes, but Schwarz is on the ring apron, yelling at Lothar! Meeko with a running dropkick sends Schwarz off the apron and to the ground!

Meeko signals for the Meekolock as the fans roar in approval, but kwin hits her with a running knee to the back! Kwin chokes Meeko on the ropes as Lothar orders her to pull back. Kwin releases as Lothar admonishes her very sternly.

As Meeko tries to recover on the ropes, Schwarz hits her directly in the face with her nightstick, stunning the former Women's Champion!

Kwin follows up while Meeko is reeling hitting a quick Punch & Judy, and following up with a Last Laugh for the pin!

Monroe: I can't believe it! Harleykwin using Lor's moves again! This time to pin Meeko!

Lothar raises Kwin's hand as Schwarz jumps into the ring and the pair continue to beat down on Meeko!

As kwin and Schwarz set Meeko up for Schwarz' Crowd Control (Widow's Peak), Lor hits the ring and attacks the Dark Ladies, striking them with her Women's Championship Belt!

Monroe: It's Lor! She's seen enough!

The Dark Ladies head out of the ring as the Lone She-Wolf holds her title high. But Meeko grabs Lor's arm and gets in her face as the two Hotties engage in a shouting match.

Bastardo: Looks like we're gonna have another match tonight!

Meeko and Lor continue arguing and began shoving each other as RDCW officials and security hit the ring to separate the two Hotties.

Bastardo: Let 'em go, dammit!

Monroe: For once, I agree with you!

*Havoc goes to break with Lor and Meeko still attempting to get at each other while being restrained by security.

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Singles Match
Chewy Walrus vs. Doc. Mid-Nite

- The lights go out and smoke begins to fill the ring as my theme music (Lethal Injenction by Ice Cube) blares in the background throughout the Cheesedome Arena.

- Chewy Walrus, already in the ring, prepares to fight knowing full well that The Mid-Nite Doctor could strike anywhere.

- A spotlight hits the lower deck, and Monroe screams as he sees Doc. Mid-Nite running through the crowd.

- The D.O.C. does a head first baseball slide into the ring and tries to attack Chewy Walrus from behind, but Big Chewy turns around and delivers a vicious spinning closeline that sends Doc. Mid-Nite reeling.

- somewhere along the match, The Late Night Doctor administers a Lethal Dose DDT.

- Somewhere along the match, The Late Night Doctor administers a Attitude Asjustment Spinebuster.

- Later on in the match, The Late Night Doctor hits a Long Kiss Goodnight from the top rope.

- Chewy Walrus attacks The Mid-Nite Doctor while the referee is down and closelines him over the top rope and outside the ring. Chewy Walrus quickly follows after him. Seeing this The Late One quickly grabs a steel chair, throwing it at Big Chewy, and finishing with a thunderous Nite Cap Van Daminator which knocks Big Chewy out cold.

- Doc. Mid-Mite slowly rolls himself back into the ring, shaking the referee, who slowly wakes up and administers a ten count.

- The referee counts out Chewy Walrus and The D.O.C. retains his I.C. Title.

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Singles Match
MisterJLA vs. Tommy Savitz

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Dark Lords Gauntlet Match
Nowhereman vs. the Dark Lords (Spandex Monkey Man/Pig Iron/Darth/Grimm)

“Countdown to Armageddon” begins playing over the Cheesedome loudspeakers.

Bastardo: “What is this?”

Monroe: “Well, he has been gone for a few weeks. Let’s see”

Pig Iron enters the ring and grabs a mic.

PI: “First, I’d like to thank Schwarz for kicking ass last week and representing the Dark Lords well. Good job Schwarz. “ PI stutters and pauses. “ I want to tell everyone that I need to take some time off. After my next match of course..just a bit to get my head collected. Ya see, I’m a drunkard. A raging alcoholic. As a matter of fact I’m drunk right now…no one ever noticed…well, because I’m good at what I do. I am a whooayyaaahhh. Maybe when I come back I’ll be more the warrior you all expected. Maybe I can be that thorn in Paragon’s side. Maybe the world will appear more clear. I need to deal with my problem. I respect you all. I only ask that you respect me after I come back. After I clear my head.”

Monroe: “What? What is this?”

PI: “ I am not worthy of being a Dark Lord at this point. I am not a worthy member. We’ll let Grimm and Darth settle this, but I resign my commission as a Dark Lord as of this moment. The fans..the people deserve more….”

PI drops the mic looking disturbed..and starts to exit

Bastardo: “ What is this? What does this mean?”

"Return of the Living Dead" cues up as Grimm walks out on the entranceway. He is not amused. He heads to the ring to confront Pig Iron

Monroe: It's the World Champion!

Bastardo: I wonder what he thinks of Pig Iron's announcement?

Monroe: I think we're gonna find out.

Grimm: Now Pig Iron, we've known each other for a while now, and we've been pretty good friends. So you know that there is all the respect in the world when I say to you what in the hell is going through your mind right now??!!

I know you've had some difficulties, and I know things haven't gone a hundred percent the way you've wanted them to. But this is the RDCW. We. . .we are the Dark Lords! We are the new dominant force and we are remaking this company in our likeness. . .whether they like it or not!!!!!!!!

So what I want to know right here, right now, is this: Are you going to stand with us? Are you going to be the Hog of War? Are you going to be the Swine of Steel? Are you going to be the WOOOOAAAYYYYYAAAAHHHHH OF PAAAAAIIIINNNNN????

Or are you going to be like each and every one of these people out here, content to just sit back and watch while other people do the work and reap the glory? So, I leave it to you, Pig Iron. What's it gonna be? Are you a Dark Lord, or are you just a pile of bacon bits?

Grimm shoves the mic into Pig Iron's hand as "Return of the Living Dead" plays again and he steps out of the ring, beginning to return to the back.

PI: “ I have my problems. I want Darth out here now. I am dealing with my problems as I see them. Darth…Darth is the weak link in the Dark lords. Darth is the crippled figment of his own imagination. Darth is the vision existing in his own mind. Darth is the downfall of the dark lords..a vestige of corruptness flowing from doc paragon that needs to be purged…we need to be rid of cleanse the filth.. I am cleansing myself so Darth needs to come out and be real and come clean..i have no problem with you Grimm.

Grimm pauses at ringside. He has a look on his face that says "this ought to be interesting." He climbs back into the ring and takes a seat on one the turnbuckles to get a better view of the happenings.

Darth's music begins to play, as the two await their ally in the ring. The CheeseDome darkens and then turns red as Darth's entrance lights flash. Several moments pass by but Darth fails to appear. Pig Iron looks at Grimm. Grimm looks back and shrugs. The music stops after a moment.

PI: "I'm calling you out, Darth! Come out and face the reality of the Wooooaaaayaaahhhhhhhhh of Paaaaaaiiiiiinnnnnnnn!!!!!!"

Again, Darth's music begins to play, as the red lights flash. Again, Darth does not show up. Grimm and Pig Iron confer in the ring as Havoc's theme music cues up.

Monroe: Fans, we have to take our last commercial break, but we'll be back with our main event after this!

Last edited by Louie Bastardo; 2006-01-24 5:46 AM.
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*Havoc returns from break as "Cemetary Gates" begins to play over the loudspeakers.

James White: Ladies and gentlemen, this is your main event for the evening. . .it is a Gauntlet Match!

*Spandex Monkey Man heads out onto the rampway first, brandishing Mr. Sledge Hammer and Mr. Staple Gun. He is soon followed by Heidi Schwarz and Pig Iron. After a brief moment, Harleykwin leads out the RDCW World Heavyweight Champion, Grimm. The Dark Lords, minus Darth and Chesty LeRou, make their way to the ring. Spamm steps inside and readys himself as Pig Iron and Schwarz stand at ringside. Grimm takes a seat at the announce table next to Monroe and Bastardo as Harleykwin sits on Grimm's lap.

Monroe: I guess Grimm will be joining us here at the beginning of this match.

Bastardo: Welcome, champ!

Monroe: What's the deal with Darth and Chesty? Where are they?

Grimm: I don't know, but you can be damn sure I'll find out. First things first, let's get that limey poof out here so we can finish this tonight.

"Kickstart My Heart" cues up as Nowhereman appears on the rampway. He seems confident, although cautious. He heads down to the ring and rolls inside, wary of Spamm's weaponry. Spamm charges, but Nowhereman steps aside and hits the ropes. Spamm swings Mr. Sledge Hammer, but Nowhereman ducks under and hits a Kik Tracee!

Monroe: The match is underway!

Grimm: Get up, Spamm!

Nowhereman follows up with a Slammin Gladys, and signals for the Iron Maiden! He locks Spamm in the submission hold, but Pig Iron and Schwarz distract Lothar as Spamm attempts to get to the ropes! Nowhereman releases the hold and yells at Lothar.


Spamm picks up Mr. Sledge Hammer and charges Nowhereman again, but NWM is ready and catches Spamm in a droptoehold! Spamm hits the ropes and Mr. Sledge Hammer rebounds back into him, stunning him! Nowhereman catches another Slammin Gladys and gets a three count! Spamm rolls out of the ring, holding his head.

Grimm: Dammit, get in there, Pig Iron!

Pig Iron jumps into the ring and nails Nowhereman with a series of forearm blows, working on his back. PI sets NWM up and hits a running Swine-A-Sault onto the prone rocker. He goes for a pin but only gets two.

Grimm: Slow count, Lothar.

Bastardo: I've been saying that for years!

Monroe: Will you two stop?

PI tries for a Schwein Shlop Suplex, but Nowhereman reveres into a suplex of his own and follows up with a series of elbowdrops onto the Swine of Steel. NWM hits the ropes, but Schwarz trips him allowing PI to roll out of the way. NWM stumbles a bit, allowing PI to hit a running Pig on the Wing, knocking him to the turnbuckle. PI tries to follow up with an avalanche, but NWM drops down and PI hits the buckles hard!

NWM tries for a Slammin Gladys, but PI hits a low blow and goes for a Hogtied Cradle, getting a two count. NWM is beginning to tire and doesn't kick out as quickly this time as he did earlier. PI sets up and hits a devastating Pork U on Nowhereman as the Dark Lords applaud from ringside.

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Pig Iron goes to follow up with another Swine-A-Sault, but Nowhereman lifts up his knees and PI crashes down into them! Nowhereman takes advantage of the situation and nails PI with a Slammin Gladys, and follows up with an Iron Maiden!

Locked in the center of the ring, PI has no choice but to tap as Schwarz screams from ringside!

Grimm: Motherfuck!

Grimm jumps up and hands the World title belt to Harley as he pulls off his headset.

Grimm: Hold this.

Bastardo: Go get 'im, Champ!

Grimm jumps into the ring as Scharz and Pig Iron are still complaining to Lothar. Grimm locks NWM in an overhead belly to belly suplex, sending him crashing to the mat. He works over Nowhereman's forehead pounding away at him with multiple closed fist punches. NWM is beginning to bust open by this point.

Monroe: These two men were at one time, no so long ago, tag team partners. They dominated the tag team scene! They were legendary!

Bastardo: And now look at them, ripping each other apart like animals!

Grimm whips NWM into the ropes, but NWM returns with a hard clothesline, and follows up with two more as the fans jump to their feet, cheering! He kicks Grimm in the sternum and follows with a rolling axe kick that puts the champion on the mat! He tries for a running elbow, but Schwarz nails him in the back with her nightstick from ringside!

Monroe: Dammit, why are they still at ringside?

Bastardo: Why don't you tell them to leave, Monroe? Go ahead, tell a maniac like Pig Iron or Spandex Monkey Man that they can't stay at ringside. I'll wait here.

Spamm tosses a chair into the ring and Grimm sets it up delivering a thunderous 138 DDT, dropping NWM headfirst onto it!

Monroe: My Gob, this is just wrong! How much can one human being take?

Grimm taunts NWM instead of going for the pin, talking trash to his foe and flipping off his prone form before doing the crucifix pose as the fans boo heavily. Grimm smirks and turns back to NWM, who's recovered enough to get a quick rollup, but Grimm lifts his shoulder at two and escapes!

Monroe: I wonder if he still thinks Lothar's counting too slow!

Grimm picks NWM up and goes for a running powerslam, pancaking his former partner into the mat! He signals that NWM's finished, but NWM manages to lift a foot onto the nearby ropes as Lothar goes to count. Harleykwin shoves NWM's foot off of the ropes and yells at Lothar to finish counting.

Grimm sets NWM's neck on the ropes and chokes him down as Lothar counts at him and moves him back. Spamm runs over to where NWM lays and nails him with a shot from Mr. Sledge Hammer, sending him rolling back into the ring!

Monroe: This is disgusting!

Bastardo: I'm having a ball!

Grimm breaks off of Lothar and kicks NWM in the gut, setting him up for a Triple 6 Bomb! He hits the move and pins NWM as Lothar counts him out.

Monroe: Please let this be the end to it.

Lothar raises Grimm's hand as the Dark Lords climb back into the ring and begin to work over NWM again. Spamm attacks with Mr. Staple Gun and PI holds NWM in a Hogtied Cradle as Schwarz and Harleykwin also take their shots. Grimm signals them back as he lifts NWM up onto the top turnbuckle for a Kobe Special.

Monroe: MY GOB, NO!!!!!!

Grimm delivers the chokeslam, sending NWM crashing through the announce table, destroying it! Grimm stands over his foe, in the crucifix pose as Havoc begins to fade out.

Monroe: Fans, this is horrible! We'll bring you the follow up to this next week!

I make stars, baby!

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