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Renegade Forums

The renegade forums were created when the dc forums started censoring upon their users.

By now Renegade forums have almost zero posters. They were created by a user whose username is Neoanalysis who also is the adminstrator. The user named Toxicspurge was the moderator/Dictator who instituted a policy of Censorism and goatfucking worse than what had been observed at DCMB. Renegade forums are known for their backstabbing attitudes and also for their right to censor people who may not have the same opinions as them.

Renegade forums is often home to Sporadic Flamewar attacks by Sikkbones and his Allies. (former renegades that have been censored in the new utopia.)

Fuckers: an acronym for members of renegade forum.

It is a well known fact that Chad Parks has the biggest wee-wee on that board.

In the beginning, there was nothing. No place for people to post about DC Comics.

Then a being called the Moderator created the DC Message Boards. Its vast range expanded from the northern mountains to the southern wastelands and everything in between. To ensure peace, he created the 1stman. This poster would serve as his apprentice. Over the years he created more posters to secretly record data, Wellred and Clownfan for example. For a while, everything was normal. This board seemed like a well functioning society, having no complaints until an inept watchmen suspended the right to have avatars. Growth slowed after this, until the time of events known as Countdown to Infinite Crisis. The number of members skyrocketed, prompting the Moderator to create several new watchmen, including Ashtongotpunk'd, Hixon, Horey, and Ryandodson. Peace continued, until, one night in May, the Moderator's evil brother, the Anti-Moderator, also known as Goatfucker, attacked and killed the Moderator. After sending a message of distress to the boards, it was deleted, by the evil being as he assumed control. After this, the Anti-Moderator created his own watchmen, or trolls to patrol the message boards, reeking havok everywhere. One such poster was Dustb05 who became one of the first trolls during the summer of 2005. Dustb05 held an open battle against mentally incompetant poster NewKryptoman06. Other posters, like Loxd and Spidermanwater6 continued to plague the board. Flame wars between trolls and posters, [such as the Badbilltucker/ Simplejack War] engulfed board after board. Another troll, known as the All-star, completely shut the boards down for several days during a feud with fellow anti-poster My-Lamp-is-on. His foul speech included dozens of threads devoted to eating pickles and hating every minority in America.

While this happened, out of the very dust that conceived the Moderator, a new being with remarkable power was formed. This cosmic poster, took the name Relmurmot and observed.

During this time, a disgruntled ethnic minority in the northern quarter of the DC Boards sought independence from their motherboard. They fought a short, relatively peaceful war with an uncaring Anti-Moderator who granted them commonwealth status as opposed to independence. The leaders of this group accepted this as a victory, and have held a very close relationship with the DCMB, at the DC2 Boards.

After handling the war of the north, the Anti-Moderator decided to delete the threads created by some of his trolls, however he experienced a unigue euphoria from deleting threads and causing havoc. Thus a new passion, that would soon lead to his temporary downfall emerged. Unknown to the Anti-Moderator, the Moderator gave all of his powers to DC poster Betrayor, in his last second of life. The Moderator hoped that this could help in battle against his brother. The Betrayor began organizing the most heroic, powerful and popular posters, such as Foxy_Gardener, Mr. Andrew, Iggyssj4 and Neoanalysis, into a modern day knights of the round table. He also used his vast knowledge and vast powers to create an all powerful poster. This poster would be the one to save the DC Message Boards from destruction. His name, was Toxicspurge. In less than a month, Toxicspurge became the most popular poster in all the lands, and organized all of the heroic posters into one thread. The "Who likes Powergirl's Boobs?" thread. In an attempt to shield this thread from the Anti-Moderator, several of the Moderator's original posters, went off on a suicide mission to combat and distract the evil entity. Casualties ran high, including Horey, Hixon, Ithaquoid, and Grape_Ape who were retconned from existance. When this distraction ended, the Anti-Mod turned his attention to the Infinite Crisis Message Board. He saw the high traffic and realized the potential chaos he could create. Posters screamed, as his direct presence loomed over the boards. He then commenced to deletedthe famed Powergirl's Boob's thread as well as many other threads, including one devoted to calling dibs on dismembered body parts of dead characters.

In revolt, Posters Mr. Andrew and Toxicspurge created, the Society. The Posters still held secret talks and wished to break away entirely from the boards and create a new place where Posters could be free; a place, where the Anti-Moderator could have no control; a place called Renegade Forums. This project was headed by NeoAnalysis who constructed an underground bunker in the southern wastelands, however the link to this new place, was deleted. The heroes were cornered and the Anti-Moderator descended towards them. In one final attack, Toxicspurge attacked the vile creature. The Anti-moderator was surprised at the sheer power of the champion and became injured, but he still managed to discharge a blast of retcon, deleting Toxicspurge from existence, as well as many bystanders like DocNero, Tedkordlives and Beetlefan1123, who had done nothing, but watch the spectacular fight. The Anti-Mod was forced to retreat to his lair for a slow recovery.

The board was in uproar over the loss of their leader, but using the combined energy of several remaining posters, the poster known as thebeyonder acted as a funnel and created a new body for Toxicspurge. The Revolutionaries saw this as a victory, but from his lair, the Anti-Moderator set up martial law on the Boards. No posts were allowed through without his consent. The revolutionaries were scattered. Only 5 remained in contact, NeoAnalysis, Toxicspurge, Ryandodson, FiveStarJT96, and Foxy_Gardener. Eventually Project "R" was completed and the Renegade Forum was opened on the South Eastern Peninsula. Using superior technology, the trolls of the DC were unable to reach the new board. However, with the DCMB under Martial Law, contacting past comrades was near impossible. Membership grew slowly with the likes of Pologuy, Xombi, Born-to-Run, and Nightwing-Pr1me. Over time, many more members joined, as the Renegades located past posters. Eventually, Martial Law was lifted from DCMB, and more posters were able to escape to the new boards. This new message board continued to grow and would soon become a place in good standing with its posters.

And still, Remurmot observed.

Most of the past posters from our group at DCMB eventually were reunited, but the casualties of the war of Independence was still high. Several past revolutionaries, like GrooveHoney, DLEIF, and theBeyonder were destroyed during the following occupation and purge. Others like AlaskaPhil and Orb_of_Ra were held as prisoners of war. These prisoners were tortured and the later was brainwashed into having secret loyalties to the Anti-Moderator. Another poster, Whatchel, was thrown into a seemingly endless void of nothingness. He remained their for almost 2 years, before finally overcoming the limbo. As of this writing, he has rejoined his comrades and is coping well to the missing years.

At the Renegade board, many posters, like King_Telfie, Wellred, Spiznet, Twik, Rotten2thecorps, Martinsteinsmom, and manoftheatom helped the board flourish. Topics grew and people like Jayfort the grey-haired and his son bucky, the god of malice joined as did Rickflag1 taking on the military name, Captain Zzap. Former imperial officer Captain Apathy joined, as did Chocolate Grendel, Starless Knight, Sniper23, and Sikkbones, as well as many, many more. The board was strong, even fending off joint attacks from 0n0mat0p0eia and DC2 gurillea fighter, Killerseamonkey. After the attack by 0n0, the board was in disagreement as to whether registration was needed, to prevent destruction. After much persuasion by the Hipcat, registration efforts were dropped in favor of privacy and freedom. The board continued to grow, even having its own award show.

Little did they know that during this time of peace, leader Toxicspurge was fighting a constant battle, against the Anti-Moderator, The Anti-Moderator, using his cosmic powers, had been attempting to take over his enemy since their battle. After many months of fighting, Toxicspurge was defeated and taken over by the Anti-Moderator's spirit. Toxicpurge came back from his leave of absence, to the unsuspecting board and attempted a hostile takeover. Censorship was enforced and the banning of many prominent members, including Sikkbones, Gossamer and his former ally, Mr. Andrew, angered many posters, causing them to leave. Anti-Toxic ruled the remaining posters with an iron mouse, devoted to his own cause. To ensure an ally, Anti-Toxic forced poster Starheart1976 to drink the blood of the Kali-Ma during an ancient Thugee ritual. Starheart too, became a midless tool of the Anti-Moderator. The new Renegade Board was a time of destruction. Flame wars were constant, including the Ares/Halo War. During this event, minor quarrels were escalated into major conflicts by Anti-Toxic, who expelled popular poster Halo82, causing an internal uproar after a visit from the Spook revealed this. Halo came back in an assassination attempt, but was expelled. Anti-Toxic, began facing much internal war and criticism personally and became disgruntled.

It was then, that Relmurmot stopped watching.

He united the dispelled posters, who were forced into the Far East Mountains; an area thought inhabitable by members of the Renegade as well as the DC Board before it. Relmurmot convinced the posters to strike back. These fighters joined with past enemy, Killerseamonkey, who pledged the support of his board's resources. A joint attack from the former Renegade members, now called the Insurgency, was successful in temporarily defeating Anti-Toxic, however the Anti-Moderator remained in control. He, his queen Comiclass, and his royal Cabinet, were forced from the boards.

The group retreated to a former bunker of queen Comiclass, in a baron Island off the southern coast of Renegade. From their, they set up a government in exile of about 3 miles on the mainland. Hoping to remain in hiding, the cabinet was attacked by resident princess of the Insurgency, SydB_JenG, who discovered the hideout and bravely assaulted it on her own. She burned the entire surrounding area to the ground, splintering the group of posters. This led to a surge of nationalism among the insurgents. A new Insurgency board was created by powerful and respected poster, Iggyssj4, and most members of the Renegade Boards were accepted. However, some prominent members of old, such as the inspiring Jayfort the Gray-haired were forced into retirement by the Anti-Toxic regime. Others, like Foxy_Gardener, King_TelFie, Nightwing Pr1me and Kissmyringbuddy found themselves with no memory or their actions at the Renegade. These posters were returned to the DCMB and post there as if the revolution had never happened. A weak alliance formed between the Insurgents and the DC2, and has remained intact, despite several remarks against it.

The Insurgency grew and began to acquire more posters, several of which, were thought to be killed by the ancien regime, during its vast purges.

While this happened,the DC boards under went change as well. With the displacement of the Anti-Moderator, a Somewhat-moderator took control. After a short time of relative freedom, the secrets of the comic book 52 were leaked. Enraged, the Somewhat-Moderator launched a powerful attack that engulfed the 52 boards and ended the physical presence of several posters. As the remaining posters attempted to rebuild, the popular fortune teller, Mazingman728 came under the notice of the Somewhat-Moderator. Thinking, that if their powers could be combined, then a Super-Moderator could be formed. However, the high popularity of this poster prevented his abduction and ensured his security. To counter this, he decided to scapegoat and punish those posters, who were concieved by the Moderator. A time of great purges took place, during which, several of these posters, such as Ryandodson were seemingly destroyed and so were all records and posts of times past. A smear campaign was also launched against the Moderator's apprentice, the 1stman. An imitation of the slightly arrogant poster was created and several trolls were released to attack him. The 1stman was successful in surviving, but his posting has dwindled as of this writing.

The DC Boards were weakened by the losses of these posters, which resulted in several raids by savage tribes against the DC Boards. In disgust some posters, such as Technocrat, to breakaway from the DCMB, to escape the savages.

Others such as 2 posters known only as Harry Snatch and Chodaboy decided to attack other boards, like terrorists. Under first fire, came the Renegade and Insurgency Boards. The attacks by these two posters left a feeling of hostillity in the air, and in their anger, the insurgents almost had their leader Zzap hanged. These attacks left the insurgents stronger though, and they all promised to protect one another.

At Technocrat's newly established "Other DC Message Boards" , in an island chain off of the east coast, alarm was raised, when Anti-Toxic's former advisor, Starheart1976, whose horrible speech has been removed from this history, took up refuge among the political refugees. This resulted in hostility by Insurgent nationalist Halo82. Though war was avoided, the reminder of fascism and censorship was thick in the air. Accidental war remained open, especially when mixed with the return of Comiclass under an obvious pseudonym and Anti-Toxic himself. A small battle took place and the boards were ravaged. From the chaos, a new, unexpected leader emerged, known only as Kell Mossa, who was later revealed to be an Insurgent sympathizer.

At the Insurgency boards, just as with Renegade, things seemingly went into decline. Poster Syd went to Hawaii and many others disappeared. Poster Black Raisin attempted to incite membership through imperialism and military conquest, as he had done it the past, but this time, it was a failure. Things grew worse as valued posters, Captain Zzap and Mr. Andrew were forced into disagreement over new poster Eliza. Matters were made worse, when a military alliance was formed between past enemies of the board members. Halo's arch enemy, Ares16, returned from the dead and joined this alliance that was led by Starheat1976 and contained Harry Snatch, ChodaBoy, Iman and SimpleJack. To announce their alliance, they killed poster Omega Supreme and absorbed his presence, forcing him to become SuperSmegmaStarSperm. The alliance led a smear campaign against Captain Zzap in this time of weakness and once again board members questioned their leader's sanity. The alliance claim that he allowed them entry and that Mr.Andrew was among their ranks. Sensing the possible destruction, Dr. Fate appeared and called forth the Hellhounds, an alliance of powerful posters at the Insurgency, to be armed for battle, in case war broke out. Tensions ran high and civil war seemed certain. StarSupreme [as they called themselves] continued to attack with a seemingly unrelenting capability. New Poster, Anthraxx99, put a stop to this using not his strength, but his words. His wisdom slowed the destruction and allowed Pologuy to temporarily banish StarSupreme, but the battle was not yet over.

The parasitic Anti-Moderator relinquished control over Toxicspurge, and attempted to overtake Mr. Andrew as he had Toxic. He sensed anger and hatred in Andrew, and thought this would lead to his victory. He was wrong. Though Toxicspurge, Starheart, and others were corrupted by this entity, Mr. Andrew fought against the temptation and after a rallying battle cry from the Hell Hounds, the posters of the Insurgency Boards fought fiercely and expelled the invaders from their lands. The Evil Alliance was apparently dissolved as its leader, Starheart1976 was kicked out by the others. Syd_BJen_G and Biaroundthebloc, who had been vacationing, returned, and were shocked by the amount of devastation that had happened. While the members began to rebuild, a new menace appeared. Snidley Whiplash, a being of almost pure evil arose from the destruction and went around causing mischief. This man, who in the past had bombed an innocent village of Smurfs, kidnapped the Burger King and along with his Legion of Evil, threatened to give the entire planet mustaches, set loose a mindless Kool-Aid creature. Chuck Norris appeared, and defeated the Kool-Aid creature and predicted the fall of Snidley. Though a squadron of spies led by Mr. T failed to stop Snidley, Chuck Norris destroyed the Satellite of Snidley Whiplash. Whiplash, escaped, but was soon found by Mar-Vell and banished to a nether region within the chin of Mar-vell.

Sensing that the danger was finally over, Dr. Fate bid a fond fairwell to the insurgency, promising them a time of peace and prosperity. Life has gone on at the Insurgency. Members continue to post without fear of persecution and never end the fight against injustice.

At the DCMB, the Anti-Moderator returned. After failing to take over Mr. Andrew, he was left displaced. Rather than return to his former host, he created a new body and regained control of the DCMB from the Somewhat-Moderator. He then began a new series of systematic purges. Famed poster Mazingman728 who survived the first purge by the Somewhat-Moderator, was finally destroyed. Many other posters, including Batfan666 and Inreverie were also killed during this purge.

In a pitiful land beyond the mountains on the Southern Renegade border, the dispelled Renegade members settled and have been successful at cloaking and protecting their new land. Toxicspurge, now free of the Anti-Moderator, resides their, knowing that he can never take back the actions that he was forced to do. His former title of champion seemingly gone. The remaining members (aside from Starheart1976), have been peaceful.

Back at the Renegade forum, poster Sniper23, was trapped, by an evil spell that bound him to the board. Now, the curse has been broken, and Sniper is now able to post among the Insurgency, as Unicron.

In the wastelands north of the Renegades, at Liberty Fan Forums, a small village set up by American Hero, Jayfort is occasionally able to contact his past friends.

Within the far east mountains, a small fife of land was granted to the Hipcat, who converted the land into a new board called Spoiler Central.

At the Other DCMB, casual talks between the two rival factions have begun. It is believed, that possible peace may be achieved.

At the DC2 Boards, several past Renegade members, such as Nightwing Pr1me and Dragonbat, reside under the watchful eye of Killerseamonkey, who continues to keep his peace agreement

At an undisclosed island location, where Anthraxx69 was born, development continues

And so, the story is passed on to you, the readers. Whether you take heed its truthful words remains unto you, but regardless, the past cannot be changed, only forgotten.

Last edited by rex; 2008-05-26 9:33 PM.

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As far as I can tell they were started for pretty much the same reason these boards were. Maybe if they weren't a bunch of censoring douches they would be cooler.

Mota posted on those boards. Are there any boards he hasn't posted on?

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so it's sorta like what the insurgency forums are now, that we've assimilated most of their posters?

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They are currently licking their woulds. We don't know if any of them actually assimilated yet.

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machismo, and iggy are hooked. halo, as we can see from the law advice thread loves to be abused so he'll be back as well. i'm assuming when Zzap realizes their are on two or 3 of them left , he'll come crawling over under an assumed name, and just try to fit in without getting abused....

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Proof of rex's statement:

rex content User breaker of the insurgency
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Thread: A warning for halo82 (If he shows up again)
britneyspearsatemyshorts annoyed Moderator ROY BATTY's #1 Fan
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Thread: A warning for halo82 (If he shows up again)
King Snarf content User 7500+ posts 25 seconds ago Reading a post
Forum: Religion, Philosophy and other Deep Topics
Thread: Good news everyone!
Jeremy happy Moderator Hangin' out
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Rob Kamphausen ass-kicky Administrator cobra kai
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Forum: Sports and Wrestling
Thread: Baseball Thread 2008
knitwit ass-kicky User Iggy's emotional prop
few posts 6 minutes 2 seconds ago Logging out
Joe Mama bitter User Joseph T. Mother
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Pariah nerdy Moderator Don't mind him. He used to be an Irishman.
15000+ posts 11 minutes 47 seconds ago Reading a post
Forum: Random Chat - sponsored by PJP
Thread: The Insurgents Suspended my Account!
Poncharillo content User astounding!
500+ posts 19 minutes 36 seconds ago Reading a post
Forum: Random Chat - sponsored by PJP
Thread: guys, seriously, you should consider rai...errr, checking out this forum...
Captain Sammitch innocent Moderator unoriginal, post-editing fascist
10000+ posts 21 minutes 26 seconds ago Reading a post
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Thread: The Insurgents Suspended my Account!
Prometheus cool User Finest Kind
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Ultimate Jaburg53 cool Moderator Asshole Extraordinaire
15000+ posts 44 minutes 4 seconds ago Reading a post
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Thread: You cannot win
allan1 cool Moderator I'm just sayin' that I'm more bitter than you
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Knitwit claims that heshe is trying to bring them down with us. I don't believe it.

Most of them will show up in a couple days under different names. We all know they want to fit in here.

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eventually theyll never leave. it's a proven fact, once you get to hang out with the cool kids you can never turn back....

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I suspect that Iggy and Sikkbones (Black Machismo) will stay and flourish here. Knitwit (who I think is Iggy's chick) will either stay on for a while before leaving, or will actually just stay. Halotard has invested too much to just leave - his ego will keep him here and he'll continue to be this board's punching bag, whether he uses his ID or his alts. Captain Zzap will go back to his depleted Insurgency forum, an impotent king of an empty kingdom. And whomod will cry to another board, they'll "raid" us, and the cycle will continue.

The rest? Well, are there any others?

Uschi said:
I won't rape you, I'll just fuck you 'till it hurts and then not stop and you'll cry.

MisterJLA: RACKS so hard, he called Jim Rome "Chris Everett." In Him, all porn is possible. He is far above mentions in so-called "blogs." RACK him, lest ye be lost!

"I can't even brush my teeth without gagging!" - Tommy Tantillo: Wank & Cry, heckpuppy, and general laughingstock

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There's all the Joe mama loves (insert name here)'s penis guys. But that was probably just you.

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 Originally Posted By: rex
There's all the Joe mama loves (insert name here)'s penis guys. But that was probably just you.

Y'figured me out!!!

I chalked them up to Halotard. Especially "Nowherman." I was half tempted to create an alt of "Halo82's toothbrush" and a Halo82 clone, but kicking his ass as myself was more fun.

Uschi said:
I won't rape you, I'll just fuck you 'till it hurts and then not stop and you'll cry.

MisterJLA: RACKS so hard, he called Jim Rome "Chris Everett." In Him, all porn is possible. He is far above mentions in so-called "blogs." RACK him, lest ye be lost!

"I can't even brush my teeth without gagging!" - Tommy Tantillo: Wank & Cry, heckpuppy, and general laughingstock

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 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
I suspect that Iggy and Sikkbones (Black Machismo) will stay and flourish here.


 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
Knitwit (who I think is Iggy's chick) will either stay on for a while before leaving, or will actually just stay.

I dunno, s/he will likely get bored. Either way, we could use another chick around here.

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It's not too late for the toothbrush alt.

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Meh, can't be arsed. Halo's done. The revelation of his "legal trouble" finished him. Now all that's left is to give him pity whippings when he shows up.

Uschi said:
I won't rape you, I'll just fuck you 'till it hurts and then not stop and you'll cry.

MisterJLA: RACKS so hard, he called Jim Rome "Chris Everett." In Him, all porn is possible. He is far above mentions in so-called "blogs." RACK him, lest ye be lost!

"I can't even brush my teeth without gagging!" - Tommy Tantillo: Wank & Cry, heckpuppy, and general laughingstock

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 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama

The rest? Well, are there any others?

What about ol' ollie north

Wow you guys are getting really pathetic, deleating my sig like that.

"We don't delete threads here. BSAMS and mxy are enough of a deterrent for mods abusing their powers like that." - Joe mama; De Jure[
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 Originally Posted By: rex
One such poster was Dustb05 who became one of the first trolls during the summer of 2005.

Everyone knows the first DCMB troll was FNB! He inspired everyone and everything that came afterwards and before him.

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including herpes!

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i got his email address anyone wanna email him?

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 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: rex
There's all the Joe mama loves (insert name here)'s penis guys. But that was probably just you.

Y'figured me out!!!

I chalked them up to Halotard. Especially "Nowherman." I was half tempted to create an alt of "Halo82's toothbrush" and a Halo82 clone, but kicking his ass as myself was more fun.

even though I've never created an alt ( ), I briefly considered a halo's asshole alt but changed my mind when it occurred to me how played out it was.

and also that the joke was stale.


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i despise repetitive jokes....

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I barely knew her!


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We should also call my cousins Bradshaw and Mussil!


1.21 Jigawatts of Liberal Fun

Rex 5/24/08 "You know how you say Zzap! at the end of every post? Thats hella cool. I'm gonna start doing it."

Wonder Boy the racist pedophile - 5/24/08 - "I wish someone would embed that cute little African AMERICAN mouthing your COCK."

Rex's sexual confusion - May 25, 2008 - "I am a woman. and no, I will not show you any pictures."

First Among Daves homosexual obsession with my hands - May 25, 2008 - "I'm guessing the rest of the fingernails on your soft and supple hands are long, but the nail on that left pinkie is short. Big palms, short fingers, soft skin with no callouses. Perhaps you moisturise so the flesh on your hands stays a little wet."
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 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
I suspect that Iggy and Sikkbones (Black Machismo) will stay and flourish here. Knitwit (who I think is Iggy's chick) will either stay on for a while before leaving, or will actually just stay. Halotard has invested too much to just leave - his ego will keep him here and he'll continue to be this board's punching bag, whether he uses his ID or his alts. Captain Zzap will go back to his depleted Insurgency forum, an impotent king of an empty kingdom. And whomod will cry to another board, they'll "raid" us, and the cycle will continue.

The rest? Well, are there any others?

The KnitWit that posted here wasn't the actual KnitWit. So, I'm pretty sure that one was another alt. Who it was, however, I have no idea.

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even their damn origin is unoriginal! lame ass amateurs.

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what are ass amateurs, walter?


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The Renegade Forum was nothing special until I showed up. I had them all panting over me within a week!

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but did you have the distorted avatar?


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No. I did post many pix of myself, however.

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yeah, that's pretty much all it takes on the intarnetz.


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 Originally Posted By: SydB JenG
No. I did post many pix of myself, however.

You should start doing it here, see if it works on us like it did on them....

Knutreturns said: Spoken like the true Greatest RDCW Champ!

All hail King Snarf!

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Wow - that shriveled grape has been busy.

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 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
I suspect that Iggy and Sikkbones (Black Machismo) will stay and flourish here. Knitwit (who I think is Iggy's chick) will either stay on for a while before leaving, or will actually just stay. Halotard has invested too much to just leave - his ego will keep him here and he'll continue to be this board's punching bag, whether he uses his ID or his alts. Captain Zzap will go back to his depleted Insurgency forum, an impotent king of an empty kingdom. And whomod will cry to another board, they'll "raid" us, and the cycle will continue.

The rest? Well, are there any others?

Joe, just how far up my ass have you crawled? I can feel you in the colon, maybe even in the sub cockle area... i don't know.
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