BEIJING -- After finishing second at the last world championships, Spanish synchronized swimmers Andrea Fuentes and Gemma Mengual had put the spotlight on themselves heading into the Olympics.

Apparently a spotlight wasn't enough.

Fuentes and Mengual wanted to wear swimsuits with embedded waterproof lights while competing in Beijing, but the suits were banned by swimming's world governing body, FNIA.

"It got very sophisticated because obviously the battery doesn't last long and then we had to look at circuits and interrupters, so we have been working on it around two months with a crack team," Fuentes said.

"It looks a bit like Christmas lights," she added.

FNIA cited a rule against accessories to justify their decision. The Spanish synchro swimmers tried to compare the lights to the mass of sequins that currently adorn their outfits, but FNIA didn't budge.

Despite having to change outfit plans, the Spanish duo are still favorites to medal in Beijing. They were second in the technical routine and in the duet free routine preliminaries in the first two days of competition.

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