Originally Posted By: Pariah
 Originally Posted By: THE Bastard
Is it over exageration to say that before last Friday Gov. Palin was unknown to a majority of Americans?

Prolly not.

Is it whomodian to note that her closet contains several skeletons that might not be particularly helpful in the next few months before the election?


My so-called analysis of Gov. Palin amounts to posting facts about her that have been widely reported.

THIS is analysis of the Palin pick. You may not agree with it but, it is a distinct possibility.

And before you get it twisted, make note: I just posted it and allowed for the possibility. Once again, I think Obama will win regardless.

Your "facts" are, in reality, an examination of controversies that allege certain things about Palin. And this examination is complemented by deceitful terms like "skeletons" and "baggage" that serve as figurative intensifiers which end up inflating the citations.

Without going over every point of your article of choice, it's easy enough for me to point out that it's a congealment of half-assed predictions based on what you and the author feel qualifies as "baggage."

The only real concrete development the author and you grab onto is the teen-pregnancy. And certainly it won't be helpful for Palin or McCain, but the way you're trying to manipulate the situation, it's being made out to be a major impediment rather than a minor nuisance. The most that its scrutiny by the leftist blog-o-sphere does is make the democrats look bad--Which is why Obama told them to shut their mouths.

There are any number of reasons why McCain would pick an unknown. They could be just as easily positive as they are negative. In which case, I can easily see the choice of Palin being used to combat Obama's attempt to maintain a monopoly on ticket variety. But I also see that she is more conservative than McCain and that directly addresses right-wing concerns that the ticket is too left of center.

Pariah, I know that you a dim-witted, sycophantic lackey-in-training whose head is so far up bsams pucker that he only shits hentai but still...do try to keep up.

Is it a fact that Palins daughter is pregnant?


Is it a fact that she supported the bridge to nowhere while running for govenor?


Is it a fact that she hired a lobbyist to bring government projects...known as earmarks...to her little town when she was mayor.


Is it a fact that she is involved in a scandal alleging that she improperly fired a guy for not firing another guy after members of her staff pressured him to do so?


No need for quotations around the word when all of the above statements are true and verifiable on any number of websites, left or right.

There is no analysis on my part. My use of the terms "skeleton in her closet" and "baggage" are real world colloqualisms. Nothing deceitful about them and you'd know that if you had any interactions in the real world other than whoever supplies you with additions to your world class collection of hermaphroditic manga tranvestite porn.

As far as the article I posted, I used it simply to get your nipples in a twist. I knew you wouldn't be able to resist a cogent, well-thought out list of thoughts that you don't agree with...especially one posted on a liberal blog. You are very predictable and easily manipulated. No wonder you can't get laid.

It's funny how you try to lump me with the author as if I was looking over his should while he typed it and corrected his grammar.
The reality is this: He posted an article. I read it. I can see his point and allow for the possibility of Palin withdrawing from the ticket (or at least some conservative voices calling for her to withdraw) if more previously unknown facts come to light.

Say what you want about the Palin news. Some things are important, some aren't. Taken together, they would lead any thinking person to question her place on the ticket...even if they have nothing to do with her actual ability to do the job.

Just think what would have happened had Obama picked John Edwards to be on the ticket before the whole affair/possible baby daddy scandal had come out. You so-called conservatives/moderates/independants/psuedo-neocons would be shatting all over yourselves in your zeal to eviscerate Obama for his poor choice.

Speaking of Obama, he takes the high road in most of these debates but it doesn't stop the McCain sympathizers from constantly refering to all the falsehoods spread about him. The difference with the Palin stuff is simple: IT'S ALL TRUE!!! But of course, he tells his people not to go there with it. and you know what....he's right. Her daughter's pregnancy doesn't have any place as campaign fodder. Luckily he's not a Republican or else there would be an attack ad tomorrow featuring Bristol and a voiceover of her mother extolling the virtues of abstinence.

All the rest of the facts that I posted are fair game and more than enough to make people on both sides question her pick.

As for why he picked her, it's simple: He needed to figure out some kind of way to generate excitement in his campaign. Even people that are voting for him aren't excited about it. He needs to pander to the evangelicals and her hardline stance on abortion worked for that. He's trying to pander to the Hillary women by chooosing a split tail. He's trying to prove to conservatives that he's with them by choosing a running mate that is so arch conservative she makes Newt Gingrich look like Ted Kennedy.

AND the fact that she's a smoking hawt MILF is icing on the cake.

Problem is, the McCain campaign took her at face value and apparently didn't bother to dig below the surface. You can spin it all you want but, all of the revelations about Palin cannot be helping McCain.

You won't understand this analogy but someone who's had sex with a real live human will:

It's like being at the club and gaming on the hottest bitch there. She lets you take her home and do all the nasty shit you've only ever dreamed about to her. The next day, you wake up to find that she's gone out, bought groceries and cooked you a gourmet breakfast in bed, she's washed your clothes, walked the dog and bought you the complete box set every season of House and the Shield.

Then, two days later, you find out that she's batshit crazy when she catches you smiling at the counter girl at Starbucks. She keys your car, shits on your stoop, calls you cell all hours of the night and 6 weeks later, tells you she's pregnant and wants to know what you wanna name the kid.

Palin is the hot girl and McCain is the poor dumb fuck who thought a girl that looked like that could really be interested in him without being shitbag nuts.

Either that or I just had a Sammitch/Mocha flashback...

Oderint, dum metuant.

You are a god damned idiot, you know that? You ought to be smacked upside your dumb-fuck head, even after all these years. Shame on you!
-USCHI showin' some love