I've gone through COlin Baker's run and seen most of it. I ended up deleting a lot because of space before I actually realized i enjoyed them. I liked his first year. the 45 minute episodes, his performance, and the lovely Peri made it fun for me.
I have tons of Tom Baker left to watch. I think I've gone through a little more than half, not really sure. It takes about a day to download the 8 GB season packs. I'm enjoying his stuff.
I'm interested in downloading Mccoy but can't find him on bittorrent. I saw a 12GB torrent last year but couldn't get it because I had an older computer.

Are Davison, Pertwee, Troughton, and Hartnell any good? Davison just looks like such a putz, but I know he's Tennant's favorite and Tennant and some of his performance is based on Davison. And since Tennant is my favorite, that gives me pause.

And let me just add that Peri is hot. She makes Rose look like a pile of dog shit. I know it's sexist and all, but I love her skimpy outfits and that she would let Colin get a few feet ahead so she'd have to run/bounce to catch up.

Bow ties are coool.