yep. The fact of the matter is that the GOP is trying to make this abut the trooper when it was about Palin firing the guy in charge of trooper Wooten. The trooper is not the issue. Especially since he was cleared after an investigation.

As far as the taser issue, it was bad judgement but it was done at the behest of the kid in order to impress his cousin, the young unwed Palin girl.

But as I said, that is all a side distraction that the GOP as always want to use to distract and obfuscate like they always do. The trooper was investigated. He was reprimanded and kept his job . End of the trooper story. The issue then becomes Sarah Palin firing the public safety commissioner, Walter Monegan because he wouldn't do what she demanded, fire the brother in law. The more you read about this, the more it seems like a busybody woman trying to get even with a brother in law and using the power of her authority to exact petty revenge.