i cant find the baseball thread so fuck off!


Dusty Baker finally had enough. When players on the Astros asked him about his daughter dating Corey Patterson, he felt the need to publicly address the issue. Baker has heard the rumor for weeks. There's no truth to it. Natosha is not dating to Patterson.

"She hasn't even been to Cincinnati," Baker said. "This is so far out of line. It's hurtful to my wife and daughter. How can people stoop that low? I don't know who started it. But I've been hearing from fans, players, announcers."

Patterson has been the fans' whipping boy all season. He hasn't hit. His average was .203 going into Wednesday. Wayne Krivsky said after he was fired that CEO Bob Castellini has told him to get the Patterson deal done. The inference being that Baker was behind in the signing. Patterson played for Baker in Chicago.

But Baker asked: "Who am I to get someone a job like that?"

Baker also pointed out that Patterson's playing time is largely due to injuries and trades.

"Who else was I supposed to play the last two or three months? (Adam) Dunn and (Ken) Griffey are gone. Jerry Hairston's been hurt. Chris Dickerson was hurt."

Patterson was sent to Louisville in late May, but he was recalled June 4 when Ryan Freel went on the DL with a hamstring problem.

Patterson heard the rumor, too.

"I addressed it with him briefly," Baker said.

what kind of people get this stuff started in the Cincy blogs?