I stand by my earlier comment to you, MEM.

 Originally Posted By: the G-man


In all seriousness, sometimes the level of duplicity you display in blind support of the DNC depresses me.

Just (Wednesday), in response to the news that Obama might not go back to DC for this, you posted the following:

 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man

I think that would be a big mistake on his part if he skips this vote.

Now comes the news that McCain invited him to try and work out a bipartisan deal and, as rex points out, Obama rejected the idea, preferring to remain on the campaign trail.

And, what do you do in response?

You attack McCain and defend Obama in a complete reversal of what you wrote approximately 24 hours ago.

I'm not kidding, MEM. I'm actually, for lack of better term, hurt that you are being so...sorry, but I can't think of a better word...slimey about this.

The more about this that comes out, the more it looks like McCain exactly what you said you expected of Obama, yet you attack McCain for it.

I'm not kidding. This really makes me sad to think you'd sink this low.