A GOP strategist has just said on CNN that House Republicans are putting party first, to hell with the country

Sam Stein at Huff Post:

"At the end of the day, there's a lot of people thinking about how to rebuild this party," said strategist Ed Rollins on CNN, "and do we want to rebuild it with John McCain, who's always kind of questionable on the basic facts of fiscal control, all the rest of it, immigration. And I think to a certain extent this 110, 115 members of this study group are saying, here's the time to draw the line in the sand."

"That's pretty scary stuff that they're thinking about party right now and not country, is that what you're saying?" responded host Anderson Cooper.

"I think they're, yes, they're thinking about themselves," said Rollins. "I think they don't think that the threat is as great as a lot of other people do."

Listen, I was all for slowing the process down a bit to make sure we weren't getting snookered by Bush with a ill looked at bill like the Patriot act that he was trying to rush thru Congress. I sure as fuck didn't want to see this degenerate into an ideological battle with the true believers of deregulation and free markets. Not when the stakes are almost inconceivably huge.

These fucks ideology caused this disaster and they're going to see it through to it's bitter full fruition apparently. With McCain all the while trying to position himself politically to whatever end he thinks he can gain some traction.

Total. Fucking. disaster.

So I guess I can look forward to Black Friday again tomorrow?