Originally Posted By: Franta
kudos for you saying that

I can understand how you feel that way and YEAH IVE seen that

but this election I see him being more laid back and not firing with the nonsense many are spewing.....thats a guy I can respect...he understands BOT sides mudslinges and he sees beyond that....I can have a debate with him.......hell I wish my wife would come online and she would give him a run

Well, I think at this point in the game, the stakes are realy great and dire. Which is why I was dissapointed to see the likes of sammitch and Rex reply with the usual crap. Invoking Rev. Wright when the stakes are actually as high as you can get them, just sounds .. I dunoo.. foolish? Small?

What we saw for the past week was Bush, to his credit, wake up and realize the country was sinking fast. Now granted, fool me once and all that, the fact that the Democrats insisted on actual negotiation and compromise was a good step. I even welcomed the House Republicans the other day giving Cheney a time out. Frankly no one trusts a vaguely worded 3 page proposal from George W. Bush that gives unlimited power to his Treasury secretary. Rightly so. But then yesterday McCain pulls out yet another stunt in a campaign that has been built on stunts and trying to change the subject and move them towards the trivial. Did we really need a week discussing lipstick on a pig on the eve of financial ruin? Is that what is important to the future of America? Which I showed [suspending the campaign] was an absolute lie. His campaign didn't stop. Hell, in some cases they were even unaware he claimed such a thing. It was a talking point to be repeated and not verified.

Franta, I also have to disagree about Letterman. That also was a lie. Perhaps his greatest blunder this week. Y'know I follow this stuff, read countless papers, magazines and blogs, pro and amateur alike. I like reading frankly and I like being informed. That's not MOST people though. So a lot of the stuff I bring up about McCain being factually inconsistent really doesn't percolate to 'middle America'. It's boring to them. This though unfortunately for McCain showed in the starkest detail, that McCain flat out lied about urgently rushing to save the economy. With live feed of McCain still in New York even. It struck to the core of his integrity of late. And it resonated. Letterman coming off like a whiny bitch frankly was not as bad as how the guy running for office appeared.

Then today the talks get scuttled after he arrives just as they are reaching consensus, for a photo op essentially. Doesn't commit one way or another his position and then emboldened House Republicans decide to scuttle the whole thing. He embodied the very thing Obama warned about the previous day. politicizing this thing that frankly is too important to politicize.

You can agree, disagree but frankly "Kill Whitey" or "says the fucknut" is nothing but an indicator that this person has nothing to counter or offer as a counter argument. And is an indicator to me that these people are in the same partisan foxhole the House Republicans find themselves in. Happier to see the country fall into Depression than for Obama to win and McCain not getting some false credit for 'saving the day'.

Yeah i'm partisan as well. That is obvious. I get criticized for YouTubes and cutting and pasting. But there is a method to the madness IMO. It's called sourcing your material. That way you have something besides my word that what i'm saying is so. You can read it yourself. You can see it on video. Because like today, unless I PROVE it, bsams will go on and on about McCain putting country first and suspending his campaign because that is what he heard or was told. And me simply telling him it was not so I think wouldn't be enough to convince him. The fact that he attacks, dismisses, laughs, etc. etc. frankly doesn't concern me. I'm satisfied that I proved my point with actual information from actual news releases. If he still wants to do his shtick of Obama is a Muslim, then that's when I ignore and/or do my shtick of "AIIEE!!! Laura Bush is a Muslim!!" too.

Right now frankly I'm dreading tomorrow. As an American. Not as a Democrat or a liberal or anything. Just for the future of this country. It'is undoubtedly going to be brutal. And that doesn't just hurt me, it hurts all of us together. Honestly, I think McCain committed political hari kari this week and over these past 3 weeks. I think today it was to the detriment of us all.