Originally Posted By: the G-man
It's "funny," but the reporter who originally broke the Missouri story is now backtracking slightly. You'd almost think, oh, I dunno...a "truth squad" got to him.

As for the fact that Obama asked the Department of Justice to investigate other critics, that's been reported in various places, including the Politico:
  • Sen. Barack Obama has launched an all-out effort to block a Republican billionaire’s efforts to tie him to domestic and foreign terrorists in a wave of negative television ads.

    Obama’s campaign has written the Department of Justice demanding a criminal investigation of the “American Issues Project,” the vehicle through which Dallas investor Harold Simmons is financing the advertisements. The Obama campaign — and tens of thousands of supporters — also is pressuring television networks and affiliates to reject the ads. The effort has met with some success: CNN and Fox News are not airing the attacks.

Thanks G-man, the Stalin comparison is still way over-exagerated. Obama is also well within his rights as an American to fight the ad legally. As noted both candidates have similar people on their "truth squads". While I think the ad is garbage politics it does look like it's legal though & Obama probably would have been smarter not trying to fight it via the DOJ. On the other hand Obama supporters also have the freedom to call tv stations airing the ads.

Fair play!