Originally Posted By: whomod
that is a good point and that is why I initially was for the house Republicans slowing it down a bi. Which they did. They gave us an extra week to look at it and amend it greatly. The problem though is that we don't really have a lot of time to try to avert a collapse of the economy. We've already lost one trillion dollars just in one day. I broke it down above.

This is real money to me, you and everyone else. Especially people older than me right now who are watching their savings disappear before their very eyes.

Listen, I'm a capitalist. I believe that letting business prosper is best for everyone, but I'll admit that I'm not a laissez faire capitalist (by that I mean the 100% hardcore government keeps their hands off philosophy). I'll support regulation, up to a point. I just don't think any one person or body should have that much power, which is why I'm anti-big government and socialized programs. If a business needs to be kicked in the nuts to get it on track, then I say let it be kicked in the nuts. I have no problem with our government coming over with an ice pack afterwards to help the business stop the swelling and pain. I don't think that the government should give the business a cup to prevent it from feeling the swift kick to begin with. The government gave the S&L's a cup in the late 80's and early 90's. That didn't stop the same thing that happened then from happening now. As a matter of fact, it let the problem become even worse. Yes, you had Republicans deregulating and not enforcing the rules; but you also had Democrats pushing institutions to take on higher risk mortgages and loans that's a big part of this problem too. There's enough blame to spread around to people of both parties.

whomod said: I generally don't like it when people decide to play by the rules against people who don't play by the rules.
It tends to put you immediately at a disadvantage and IMO is a sign of true weakness.
This is true both in politics and on the internet."

Our Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man said: "no, the doctor's right. besides, he has seniority."