A women's shelter on Wednesday cut headliner Sandra Bernhard from its annual benefit after she said Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin would be gang-raped if she ever visited New York.

Bernhard's made the remarks last month during her one-woman show in Washington before Palin visited New York to campaign. Bernhard said Palin would be "gang-raped by my big black brothers" during a diatribe in which she also criticized Palin for opposing abortion rights.

Many guests at Rosie's Place, a Boston shelter, have been victims of violence, public relations director Leemarie Mosca said.

"In light of our mission, we don't think violence against women is a laughing matter," she said.

Mosca said the shelter expected to book a replacement before the Oct. 16 luncheon "Funny Women ... Serious Business."

"Right now, our main focus is our event and making sure the event is a success," Mosca said. "And for us, that means not including Sandra Bernhard at this time."

A representative for Bernhard had no immediate comment on the cancellation.
It really must pain her that she is so fugly that she had to turn gay. But really lashing out at Palin isn't the answer for her internal pain.