Bill Ayers stepping on a US flag in 2001
  • Bill Ayers stepping on a US flag in 2001.

    I believe it's from Chicago Magazine, and it accompanied an article in which Ayers was peddling his terrorist memoir, Fugitive Days.

    At the time this photograph was taken, Obama and Ayers were serving together on the board of the Woods Fund. It was in 2001 when Ayers donated $200 to Obama's State Senate campaign fund.

    "Guilty as sin, free as a bird, it's a great country" is one of the Ayers quotes in the top clipping.

I thought Ayers' anti-American acts all occurred back when Obama was eight years old?

Granted this isn't as bad as domestic terrorism, but it tends to show: (a) Ayers was openly unrepentant about his past even after becoming Obama's pal; (b) Obama likes to pal around with people who hate America.

Oh, and whomod, et al: since this is from a blog, feel free to pretend the picture doesn't exist. I'm sure it won't be on, say, CNN shortly.