Originally Posted By: PJP
I don't disagree with much of what you wrote comrade. I just don't like the messenger you guys have. There are too many unknowns about him and if for some reason he does lose this election which I doubt he will but if he does it will be because his character can be questionable, his judgement is horrible and too many people are scared of him and no it's not because he is black.

No. It's also because the conservatives are trying to imply he's a terrorist or just hangs out with them, that he's a secret Muslim (why that is scary and needs to be "secret" when we already have Muslims in Congress is beyond me), that he hates America (so much so that he's served in public office his whole life) etc. etc.

It's an attempt to sow doubts. Which is OK, campaigns do that. But they're trying to sow doubts of him being dangerous and him being against this country based on specious evidence or thru "associations" and that's frankly bullshit.