Originally Posted By: the G-man
Investor's Business Daily:
  • Conservative-friendly media better get ready. Should Barack Obama win the presidency and the Democrats control Congress, as now seems likely, they will launch a full-scale war to drive critics — especially on political talk radio — right out of legitimate public debate.

    A Democrat-controlled Washington will use sweeping new rules to shush conservative political speech. For starters, expect a real push to bring back the Fairness Doctrine.

    Obama, like congressional Democrats, also wants to regulate the Internet, the only other medium in which the right does well, via its influential bloggers.

    Not coincidentally, hampering the alternative media with new regulations would leave the liberal mainstream press, which still enjoys full First Amendment protections, comparatively empowered.

Who the fuck sourced this? It's long been a matter of conventional wisdom that the right sucks horribly with using the Internet to drive their message and generate funds for their candidates. The left on the other hand has been wildly successful at driving the message ahead of the mainstream media and even making them focus their attention on things they highlight or scoop them on.

Plus you need only look at Obamas fund raising VS McCain's or even MoveOn.Org's efforts at whatever issue they focus on to see how the Democrats have a HUGE advantage as far as generating cash online goes.

The only person from the right that can even compare is Matt Drudge.

Now AM radio, unarguably has been a HUGE success for the right wing. To the detriment of this country and it's political dialouge and yes, IMO to the Republican Party itself.