..But then these are the type of people that you Republicans like. The ones that flat out look into a camera and try to lie with a straight face.

Here's a brutal editorial from the Anchorage Daily News. I've been loving the ADN this year. The members of the paper's editorial board read the Troopergate report -- and, given Sarah Palin's response to the report, they don't think she really did read it herself:

Sarah Palin's reaction to the Legislature's Troopergate report is an embarrassment to Alaskans and the nation.

She claims the report "vindicates" her. She said that the investigation found "no unlawful or unethical activity on my part."

Her response is either astoundingly ignorant or downright Orwellian.

Page 8, Finding Number One of the report says: "I find that Governor Sarah Palin abused her power by violating Alaska Statute 39.52.110(a) of the Alaska Executive Branch Ethics Act."

In plain English, she did something "unlawful." She broke the state ethics law.

Perhaps Gov. Palin has been too busy to actually read the Troopergate report. Perhaps she is relying on briefings from McCain campaign spinmeisters.

That's the charitable interpretation.

Because if she had actually read it, she couldn't claim "vindication" with a straight face.

LIAR. Why do you guys enjoy being lied to? This bitch thinks people are fucking stupid. And given the fact that you all still support this loathsome liar, I guess some of you are.