\:lol\: Yeah, I know you're a Tennant fan. I don't know. I guess the reason I like Eccles so much is because he was so utterly far from what I pictures in the role of The Doctor. The thing is, it worked (at least for me). He was the incarnation racked with survivor's guilt, sorrow, and a burning intensity. It was because of Eccles's ability to bring the intensity across that I actually understood when someone feared the Doctor in this form. Eccles proved for me that you can do a "dark" Doctor, and make it soar.

I love Tennant fine, as I would any and every incarnation of the character. However, he just lacks the ability to convince me of any heavy emotion. While Eccleston was The Doctor, Tennant comes off to me as an actor playing The Doctor. But, that's just me. There's a bazillion Who fans out there that believe Tennant is the second-coming of Tom Baker. And they could be right. But, not for me...