Yeah, PJP, you guys run with Lawrence Eagleburger and Henry Kissinger! you do that! \:lol\:

It's amazing how frothing at the mouth and base racist a lot of people on the right have gotten over Powell fucking you guys. \:lol\: I thought you guys would vote for him for President! What happened to his stellar bona fides from you all? \:lol\:

 Originally Posted By: the G-man of Zur-En-Arrh
It won't be Powell because you already have on moderate with National Security/military credibility on the ticket, namely, McCain.

 Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts
I would love to have Colin Powell as President.

That sounds like you think he has what it takes to lead and make good descisions, eh? \:lol\:

 Originally Posted By: PJP
I have long noticed Obama's black rage. It is more evident in his scum cunt wife Michelle but he has shown it too. I suspect if McCain kicks his ass tonight at the debate we will be seeing it more.

I know whomod likes to say it is a race thing and we are fearful of a black president but I can assure you if this was J C Watts running or Michael Steele or Colin Powell I and everyone else would not be saying these things.

Oh and just in case you didn't know this already whomod. Blacks hate hispanics.

1) It sounds like you think Colin Powell has good judgement and leadership qualities. Except of course if he picks a Democrat, eh?

and 2) the gOp is all about divide and conquer. Division is in your parties lifeblood. Figures you'd beleive that blacks and hispanics are at each others throats. Pretty much everyone black and hispanic I talk two recognize that this is just a ploy to divide us.

 Originally Posted By: Pariah

I sincerely doubt that any of us would be this scared of Alan Keyes or Colin Powell making it into Presidency.

Feel the Powell Love-In!! I guess you're only scared if Powell picks a Democrat with his great judgement that 4 Administrations have relied upon. Then suddenly he's just another black man.

 Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts
Also to give Jason a little lesson in the Presidency, the President chooses the advisers, cabinet. So if inexperinced Obama say picks Bill Ayers as secretary of Defense, he will be Biden's Sec if something happens to Barack. But if John McCain picks Colin Powell he would be Palin's sec of defense. Now the names are examples but the picks will be based on the judgments of the President not the VP.

Or Obamas! \:lol\:

 Originally Posted By: PJP
I'm not a Romney fan. I rather see a moderate conservative than a hard line conservative. He is going to get my vote no matter what but I just hope it isn't Romney. I'd love to see Powell.

And you saw Powell! \:lol\: Endorse obama and give a blistering critique of todays Republican Party and the McCain campaign! Hows them apples?He sounded almost um.. what's the word? ... "whomodian"! \:lol\: \:lol\:

 Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts
This would all have been over by now had they listened to people like Powell and McCain.

yeah you stupid fuck. Why aern't you listening to Powell??

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
If it were Colin Powell or J.C. Watts, I'd be cheering a black candidate, qwho is aligned with the rest of America, not harboring clear resentment for it.

\:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\:
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the only ones not aligned with America, it is now painfully apparent are you fringe loony right wingers that make up almost 100% of todays gOP.

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

I have a problem with THAT African American being elected.

I would gladly welcome Colin Powell, J.C. Watts or some other highly qualified black/African American nominee who doesn't have the evasive voting record and double-talk of Obama, have the 20-year history with Rev. Wright that Obama has, doesn't have the closeted muslim past and liberal-rooted anti-Americanism that Obama has, doesn't have the weakness and naivete in foreign diplomacy that Obama has.

But of course, any logical argument against Obama's candidacy is, of course, "racism", right?

But of course the 1st place the radical right mouthpieces went after the Powell endorsment was towards race. You don't have a problem with Powell because he's not a racist? But isn't that what the right is now accusing him of, despite his detailed reasoning given?

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

The only thing is, as I've said many times, Colin Powell was selected by a majority of Americans as the candidate they would have chosen over anyone else in 1992, 1996, and 2000. And there are any number of other highly successful black politicians. The notion that the American public would allow these other black office-holders to rise as far as they have, and then deny the presidency to a guy based on skin-color, is just wild conspiracy.

It's a clever spin by Obama to appeal to black racists, who want to perpetuate race politics, perpetual victimhood, and racial quotas forever. And these liberal policies are, in truth, the most condescending racism of all, despite cloaking this mindset in handouts given under the name of "social justice".

Vindictive prejudicial stereotyping of whites for objectively criticizing Obama.
Slapping false racist labels on non-supporters, to hide the Obama campaign's own racism and blaxploitation. It is truly Whomodian.

[quote=Wonder Boy]

Regarding Powell "praising" Obama, he praised Obama's tactics in a particular instance, not Obama's overall candidacy. Pat Buchanan (in your Olbermann Youtube clips, and pretty much weekly on other programs) has praised aspects of Obama as well, I wouldn't call that an endorsement either. It's just political commentary on aspects of the candidates.

Powell in the same above clip also praised Hillary and McCain, and the wide range of diametrically opposed political beliefs expressed in this election, in what Powell praised as the astonishingly peaceful election process we have, when opinions are so divergent, as compared to the volatile process in other nations.
Most of all, Powell praised our uniquely open election process in which all three candidates were a part of, rather than praising or "endorsing" Obama or anyone else.

Like virtually everything else you link here, you spun that clip as something it was not.

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Um.. FAIL! How am I spinning Powell not endorsing Obama now? Well to be fair, Wonder Boy has suggested that Powell is a traitor, in the past.

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

You insinuate some racist mindset for my resistance of Obama, while ignoring that I many times have praised widespread support of Colin Powell as a potential candidate, and have often quoted polls that show Powell would have nationally beaten any other candidate in 1992, 1996 and 2000, if he had chosen to run for president. Powell is a black man who is highly qualified and experienced for the job of President.

It's not about race, as you slanderously attempt to make it at every turn. It's about whether the candidate in question is a pandering liberal who will give amnesty to illegals (because they're reliable Democrat voters) and in other ways will raise taxes and expand the welfare state, in the testing of their pet liberal theories.
At the expense of U.S. sovereignty and taxpaying citizens.

Well again, the only people now trying to make it abut race are Limbaugh, George Will, PJP, and a great many other right wingers out there. They can't fathom the idea that perhaps Powell meant what he said in his interview on Sunday as to why he endorsed Obama.