Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts
I meant watch the video I posted. Where he tries to make Ayers out to be a goody, goody, and she makes him eat his words and admit Obama's pal Bill Ayers is a unrepentant terrorist.
jesus, are you dense? i said i WATCHED THE VIDEO, YES, THE ONE YOU POSTED.

who cares if he's an unrepentant "terrorist"? that man said he didn't agree with what ayers did in the 60s. she didn't make him eat any words. she got all indignant and up on her soap box about boohoo someone doesn't like america and thinks govt employees are open targets. guess what? lots of ppl think like ayers, so painting him as a "terrorist" isn't a negative.

he's not bombing anymore, so what the fuck does it matter what his personal views are?

State Is Murder.