in her first big policy speech regarding special needs children. She tossed out a line about money being spent on fruit fly research.

This is a matter of how we prioritize the money that we spend. We've got a three trillion dollar budget, and Congress spends some 18 billion dollars a year on earmarks for political pet projects. That's more than the shortfall to fully fund the IDEA. And where does a lot of that earmark money end up? It goes to projects having little or nothing to do with the public good -- things like fruit fly research in Paris, France...

To quote Richard Wolfe of Newsweek:

"This is the most mindless, ignorant, uninformed comment that we have seen from Governor Palin so far, and there's been a lot of competition for that prize." - Richard Wolfe, Newsweek

Seeing as how fruit fly research is the cornerstone of almost everything we know about genetics, why would this woman say that and still want to be taken seriously?

Oh yeah, I get it. Because her "Joe Sixpack" supporters are just as ignorant as she is. She's playing to "the base" and 'the base' are as dumb as a doorhandle.