I won't dispute you that much regarding Giuliani cleaning up Manhattan. Still, this is a case of whether you believe in order vs disorder.

The two extremes can end up being fascism vs lawlessness. And order taken to it's extreme can be a loss of freedom. anarchy in and of itself is pure freedom. So while I applaud him for at least cleaning up the city, I really disagree with his grander ambitions and ideas on the national stage. Such as his ideas on wiretapping, torture, etc.

Here in L.A. we have a downtown that for decades was the dumping ground for the nations vagrants and drug addicts. Now that the city is becoming increasingly gentrified, I'm still amazed that there are people who wish to preserve it as a haven for the homeless and drug addicted despite the drop in crime and new housing and business (and growing nightlife). So that is obviously one extreme position by homeless activists that I vehemently disagree with.

Same with the self styled advocates for "bus riders". Yes, we have those too. These people are ALWAYS trying to stymie any other type of public transportation ideas that would not only improve traffic congestion in one of the most congested cities in the world but would also be more aesthetically pleasing, more efficient, faster, better connected to actual places you'd want to go to and cleaner. So yeah, i really roll my eyes and dismiss these activists as well. Counter productive is what they are.

so you see, I myself don't mind a bit of order every now and then. I'm even for eminent domain if it means the removal of eyesores for something that is actually going to improve the community. Like say the crackhead infested liquor on the corner of Central and Compton Blvd. store that is going to be torn down by the city of Compton to make way for a new retail center.